Weekly Headlines – March 8-12, 2021


Obama’s Wingmen Set to Take Over Justice Department Again

“Biden’s Justice Department is shaping up to be as hyperpartisan, relentless, and destructive as Barack Obama’s, perhaps more so since no one has been held responsible for perpetuating the Russian collusion hoax on the American people for more than three … Continue reading 

The SPLC’s Horrifying Plan for Your Children’s Schools

(Tyler O’Neil – PJ Media)  The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), notorious for branding mainstream conservative and Christian nonprofits “hate groups” and including them on a list with the Ku Klux Klan while ignoring the destructive and deadly antifa riots, … Continue reading 

Todd Bentley Is Back! Reveals New 25-Year Ministry Mandate After Being Visited By Angels

Todd Bentley is a liar and a con-man. He is no more a Christian than Joe Biden is a Roman Catholic. He does not hear from angels — probably demons, though. Does he have a direct pipeline to God as … Continue reading 

GOP Election Fraud Deniers Face Reckoning

“If signed into law, the bill would end the prospect of electing another Republican president ever again. Ditto for most governorships and Senate seats. Free and fair elections, to the extent any shadow of this core constitutional right still exists, … Continue reading 

A staggering partial list of Democrats’ flagrant corruption in the 2020 election

“In state after state, Democrats put the lie to the claim that America had a “free and fair” election last year. Accordingly, for the first time in at least modern history, three-quarters of the opposition party remains convinced that the … Continue reading 

Let the Senate’s Show Trial Begin

“Despite more than 200,000 tips, the most wide-ranging investigation in Justice Department history, according to the acting attorney general, has yet to find any evidence of an orchestrated insurrection—just a lot of random troublemakers.”  (Julie Kelly – American Greatness)  So … Continue reading 

Evangelical Leaders Rejoice in Communist Takeover of America

“The ceremony, the poetry, the pageantry, the prayer, and the peace came from some of the most God-hating people in the world — including the disgusting and filthy, foul-mouthed musician, Lady Gaga.” (Jeff Maples – Reformation Charlotte)  January 20, 2021 … Continue reading 

Anti-Trump Reprisals

“Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.), likely the incoming chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, wants to weaponize the IRS against nonprofit groups that organized the “Save America” pep rally that took place January 6. It was only a few years ago, … Continue reading 

‘In the Strong Name of Our Collective Faith’? Closing of Inauguration Benediction Refuted by Pastor

(Heather Clark – Christian News)  “In the strong name of our collective faith, amen” was how Silvester Beaman of the Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Delaware ended his benediction on Wednesday during the Biden-Harris inauguration. His avoidance of using … Continue reading 

Inauguration Day: Anti-Facists Burn Flags & Vandalize in Portland, Seattle & Denver

BAD LANGUAGE ALERT …some rioters carried a banner declaring, “We don’t want Biden – we want revenge! For police murders, imperialist wars, and fascist massacres.” (Jessica McBride – Heavy)  Anti-facist and other far-left groups rioted in multiple American cities on … Continue reading 

‘The Savior’: Did George Bush Reveal Who Is Ultimately Responsible for Trump’s Defeat?

(Tyler O’Neil – PJ Media)  On Wednesday, former President George W. Bush — very much an opponent of former President Donald Trump — reportedly identified “the savior” who may have been ultimately responsible for Trump’s defeat: House Majority Whip James … Continue reading 

Election Lawsuits Move Forward Despite Silencing Crusade

“It’s anyone’s guess as to what the Supreme Court will do over the next several weeks. If the past is prologue, the majority will again shirk their constitutional duties by seeking some procedural excuse rather than consider the overwhelming evidence … Continue reading 

Trump Vows ‘Orderly Transition’ on Jan. 20

(Newsmax)  President Donald Trump, minutes after Congress certified Democrat Joe Biden’s Electoral College Victory and hours after demonstrators broke into the Capitol, pledged “an orderly transition” to the incoming administration. “Even though I totally disagree with the outcome of the election, … Continue reading 

Will This Texas Lawsuit Overturn the 2020 Election?

The suit asks the court to declare that the four states “administered the 2020 presidential election in violation of the Electors Clause and the Fourteenth Amendment” and essentially nullify any presidential electors appointed in those states. (Julie Kelly – American … Continue reading 

China Engaged in ‘an Act of War’ by Enflaming Antifa Riots in the U.S.

“He also mentioned something far more sinister, something he described as “an act of war.” According to the U.S. Department of Justice, the Chinese military, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), based an intelligence unit in the then-open Houston consulate, helping … Continue reading 

Data expert: Vote tabulation feeds in PA, GA show ‘anomalies’ suggesting Trump missing votes

(Carrie Sheffield – Just the News)  Vote tabulation data in various battleground states contain “anomalies” with massive swings toward Joe Biden that suggest missing ballots for President Trump, according to data expert Justin Hart, who helped raise millions of dollars … Continue reading 

The ‘smartest man in the room’ has joined Sidney Powell’s team

His qualifications include a B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. in various areas of electrical and computer engineering.  In addition, “I have advanced trained from the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), DHS office of Intelligence & … Continue reading