Catastrophic Failure of July 13 Is Even Worse Than We Knew

“A Wall Street Journal report notes that the killer had a drone that he used to survey the property. Meanwhile, the Secret Service did not have a drone.”

(Mary Dowling) If you think this catastrophic Secret Service failure can’t get worse, think again. This is what happens when you put Jill Biden’s sociologist friend Kim Cheatle in charge of the Secret Service. Cheatle also protected Dick Cheney who hates the former president. Continue reading

The religion of works-righteousness

24 “Strive to enter through the narrow door, for many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able. 25 Once the head of the house gets up and shuts the door, and you begin to stand outside and knock on the door, saying, ‘Lord, open up to us!’ then He will answer and say to you, ‘I do not know where you are from.’ 26 Then you will begin to say, ‘We ate and drank in Your presence, and You taught in our streets.’ 27 And He will say, ‘I tell you, I do not know where you are from; DEPART FROM ME, ALL YOU WORKERS OF UNRIGHTEOUSNESS.’ Luke 13:24-30 (LSB) Read verses 28-30 on the site.

Many who believe they are Christians are not. They have a form of righteousness, but it is not the righteousness born from above. It is self-righteousness. One group that contended with John the Baptist, our Lord Jesus Christ and His disciples, was the Pharisees…. Continue reading

LGBT Republican group praises new watered down Republican platform

“Conservatives previously criticized the new platform for removing almost all language opposed to abortion, as well as adding language in favor of access to all forms of birth control and IVF….” 

(Ben Zeisloft – The Sentinel) Log Cabin Republicans, a coalition of Republicans in favor of homosexuality and transgenderism, celebrated the adoption of a new Republican Party platform on Monday which removes most references to marriage and all policy recommendations to defend the institution. Continue reading

Can Christianity Survive Democracy?

“The “no creed but the Bible” slogan may have its roots in the Stone-Campbellite movement, but its influence certainly did not remain there. American culture quite tangibly venerates the autonomous human will, the idol our culture has chosen to worship with a fiercely affectionate fidelity. But should such voluntarism and self-rule find its home within the church?”

(Josh Howard – Clear Truth Media) The term “democracy” is often liberally thrown about and can serve as a shorthand for the people’s will in action. At its best, democracy amplifies individual voices, but at its worst it can turn the individual into God, and in our secular age, it often looks like the latter. When God is removed as the transcendent reference point of the system, the system does not end up with no god, but with a new one: people seeking individual self-gratification as its ideal. Though Christianity may endure democracy, how could democracy hope to survive without Christianity? Continue reading

Trump’s Triumph At The RNC Suggests Something Bigger Than Politics Is Unfolding In America

(John Daniel Davidson – The Federalist) It’s difficult to describe historical moments as they’re unfolding, but let me hazard a few initial observations about former President Donald Trump’s speech at the Republican National Convention on Thursday night.

Watching a presidential candidate (and former president) describe his near-assassination less than a week after a bullet came within millimeters of ending his life is quite simply the most captivating, awe-inspiring thing that has ever happened at a political convention in this country.

“I will tell you exactly what happened, and you’ll never hear it from me a second time because it’s actually too painful to tell,” Trump said. Continue reading

Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling

19 But during the night an angel of the Lord opened the doors of the prison, and taking them out, he said, 20 “Go, stand and speak to the people in the temple the whole message of this Life.” Acts 5:19-20 (LSB) 

6 Therefore, being always of good courage, and knowing that while we are at home in the body we are absent from the Lord— 7 for we walk by faith, not by sight— 8 we are of good courage and prefer rather to be absent from the body and to be at home with the Lord. 2 Corinthians 5:6-8 (LSB) 

Learning, knowing, and then responding according to God’s will to His truth is NEVER done subjectively. No, we are told that those who are truly in Christ walk by faith not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:6). To do this we must know God’s truth and respond by faith and this is not done through mysticism or feelings…. Continue reading

JD Vance And The Death Of The Proposition Nation

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) JD Vance being called to serve as Trump’s running mate is not without detractors. The main detractors are the Groypers and the Classical Liberals/Neocons. With that said, the messaging of JD Vance has been consistent, in that he is intended to resonate with the forgotten American who has a high view of America as a homeland. Regardless of Vance’s flaws, where he seems most effective for the long term, is his ability to destroy the Proposition Nation. Continue reading

Top Dems Say Biden Will Drop Out, Maybe by Weekend

“Former Presidents Barack Obama and Bill Clinton have remained silent, as has former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, but their former aides have been speaking out, slamming Biden publicly.”

(Sandy Fitzgerald – Newsmax) Top Democrats are saying that the growing pressure from congressional leaders and close friends will convince President Joe Biden to drop his reelection bid, potentially as soon as this weekend. Biden has continued to insist publicly that he’s staying in the race, but it’s a different story in private, Axios’ Jim Vanderhei and Mike Allen reported Thursday. Continue reading

Shocking New Timeline: Failure to Protect a Former President

Sen. Marsha Blackburn says she was “appalled to learn the Secret Service knew about a threat prior to President Trump walking on stage. I have no confidence in the leadership of Director Cheatle and believe it is in the best interest of our nation if she steps down from her position.”

(Mary Dowling) The failures at the Saturday rally are getting worse. The new timeline is as bad as it could be. ABC News confirmed that the assassin was on the roof for twenty minutes before the sniper shot him, and only after the assassin shot first. Why wasn’t the sniper able to shoot? Continue reading

This Is Probably Why We Can’t Hear the Robert Hur Interview

While you read this piece and watch the video clips below, keep in mind that the president of the United States is considered to be the leader of the free world.

(Mary Dowling) In an article at Puck News, Julia Ioffe wrote that she listened in on part of a Zoom call with the White House. During the call, they discussed their concern that Biden can’t win and will take them all down.

This is why we can’t hear the audio of the Robert Hur interview:… Continue reading

Jesus Christ Is Donald Trump’s Security Detail

(Joy Pullmann – The Federalist) It’s clear by now that the U.S. Secret Service is not a very elite security detail. Random, weaponless rallygoers paid more serious attention to the would-be assassin before he fired than the allegedly professional team assigned to Donald Trump on Saturday. Trump’s security detail did not secure him. Someone else did.

The Person who saved Trump’s life — and our nation from dangerous social unrest — is Jesus Christ. It is not random that wind gusts were present in just the right amount to have shifted the bullet’s course from fatal to flesh wound. It is not accidental that Trump turned his head at precisely the right second to avoid sudden death. Continue reading

Jill vs. Kamala: Grudges and Power Struggle Edition

“Democrats have a problem called Jill Biden. The trappings of the presidency will be taken from her cold, dead fingers. ‘Joe isn’t just the right person for the job,’ she hollered after the [Trump/Biden] debate. ‘He’s the only person for the job.’ What a knife in the back of Kamala Harris.”

(Emmy Griffith – The Patriot Post) Word on the street is that the only reason President Joe Biden isn’t backing down from the presidential race is because of a grudge held by his wife, Jill. Apparently, Dr. Jill™ is adamantly against Vice President Kamala Harris becoming the next Democrat nominee. Continue reading

Those Who Practice Homosexuality Will Not Inherit The Kingdom of God

26 For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions; for their females exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27 and in the same way also the males abandoned the natural function of the female and burned in their desire toward one another, males with males committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. Romans 1:26-27 (LSB) 

My friend the late Ken Silva told me back in 2010 that the Postmodern paradigm sees, “… affirming gays as liberating them from their oppressors…” This postmodern mindset is deeply engrained in what is known as Emergence Christianity. This is why its leaders nearly all line up and stand with their “gay friends” in support and do not attempt to get them to repent of their sin because they actually believe that a person can be a practicing homosexual and a good Christian at the same time…. Continue reading

Providence and presidents

“Language matters, and while both sides are quite capable (and often guilty) of using overheated and violent language, the political left in the United States has demonized Donald Trump and has fueled the atmosphere of violent language and imagery. Biden’s language of putting a “bullseye” on Trump is perhaps the clearest example. That language has not aged well, to say the least.”

(Albert Mohler) The attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump represents one of those rare historical moments when fundamental truths are clarified. Yesterday’s attack at President Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania shocked the nation and the watching world, and it instantly revealed so many essential truths. Continue reading

For Democrats, every failure is actually a success, which means there is never accountability

“They always hide behind the poor saps who have to carry out their insane, disastrous policies. No one doubts the courage of individual soldiers in Afghanistan or Border Patrol agents along the Rio Grande or the Secret Service agents who rushed the stage in Pennsylvania. What we doubt is the ability of the people in charge even to recognize the difference between success and failure.”

(John Daniel Davidson – The Federalist) No failure, regardless of how monumental or catastrophic, is ever so bad that President Joe Biden and his lieutenants won’t try to spin it into some kind of success. Because no Democrat will ever admit failure, there’s never any accountability when things go unimaginably bad. Continue reading

A Tale as Old as Joe

“There is no disagreement about President Biden’s status among powerful Dems: he is in danger of losing to Donald Trump. Thus, he must quit the race as soon as possible.  Barack Obama despises Trump and will not allow a MAGA victory.”

(Bill O’Reilly) Anonymous sources are bad. They allow journalists to report agenda-driven stories and individuals to attack others while hiding under a dark cloak. The media makes millions of dollars peddling shadowy, unverifiable negative stories and it’s not about to stop doing it. Continue reading

BREAKING! Trump Announces VP Pick

(Spencer Brown – Townhall) U.S. Senator J.D. Vance (R-OH) was revealed as former President Donald Trump’s running mate on Monday afternoon as the Republican National Convention got underway in Milwaukee, bringing the 2024 veepstakes to a close and finalizing the GOP ticket ahead of November’s election.

Trump announced the pick in a post on Truth Social:

After lengthy deliberation and thought, and considering the tremendous talents of many others, I have decided that the person best suited to assume the position of Vice President of the United States is Senator J.D. Vance of the Great State of Ohio…. Continue reading

No, This ‘Prophet’ Did NOT Prophesy the Trump Assassination Attempt

Biggs makes it sound like the bullet will bust his eardrum because it misses his head. Instead, we see the bullet actually hit him, with no indication that his eardrum is burst. Biggs claims that in this moment, Trump fell to his knees and was “worshiping the lord” and was “radically born again.”

(Protestia) There is a video going around of a man ‘prophesying in great detail’ about the assassination attempt on Trump’s life, but this is not something we should marvel at.

Instead, this whole video is nonsense. Continue reading

Peace and Unity With the Left is Not an Option for Christians

“This isn’t merely about Trump or politics—it’s about worldview. Conservatives share absolutely nothing with those who support the systematic murder of innocent unborn children. Absolutely nothing with those who want to push harmful transgender ideologies on children. And nothing with those who believe the state is a higher authority than God, and who want everyone to bow to this secular deity.”

(The Dissenter) In the aftermath of the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump, it may seem prudent to seek common ground with our enemies. It may be easy to fall prey to the superficial and hollow calls to “unity” from political leaders—whether it be Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, or Gretchen Whitmer—condemning the violence. Continue reading

Judge Tosses Documents Case Against Trump; Jack Smith Appointment Unconstitutional

(Joel Pollak – Breitbart) A federal judge in Florida threw out the prosecution of former President Donald Trump on Monday in the “documents” case because she ruled that Special Counsel Jack Smith had not been appointed in a constitutional or lawful manner.

Judge Aileen Cannon granted a defense motion after ruling that Smith, who was not confirmed by the U.S. Senate and was not a U.S. Attorney when appointed, could not lawfully bring the indictment against Trump in federal court. Continue reading

Love What God Loves But Hate What God Hates

9 For You are Yahweh Most High over all the earth; You are exalted far above all gods. 10 Hate evil, you who love Yahweh, Who keeps the souls of His holy ones; He delivers them from the hand of the wicked. 11 Light is sown for the righteous And gladness for the upright in heart. 12 Be glad in Yahweh, you righteous ones, And give thanks for the remembrance of His holy name. Psalms 97:9-12 (LSB) 

I saw a bumper sticker on a SUV the other day. I had seen this particular bumper sticker before so I was not surprised by it. However, for some reason it caused me to focus on the message it was attempting to convey. The bumper sticker read, “Hate is not a family value.” Now, I know, and I am sure most of you know that that statement is meant to cause those who stand firm for family values and parental rights pertaining to the exposing of their children to the Homosexual Agenda in school or any other public institution to become intimidated…. Continue reading

BREAKING: The Secret Service Has an Update After Donald Trump Was Shot

(Townhall) On Saturday night, former and potentially future President Donald Trump was shot during his rally in Butler County, Pennsylvania [the bullet grazed his ear]. Not long after, the Secret Service released a statement about his condition and provided an update.

Anthony Guglielmi, a spokesperson for the Secret Service, posted on X that the “Secret Service has implemented protective measures and the former President is safe.” He also revealed that what he described as an “incident” is “now an active Secret Service investigation.” Continue reading

Biden Will Wipe Out All Medical Debts, Won’t Pay Companies

“Democrats wouldn’t listen. They covered it up, lied, maligned anyone who told the truth.”

(Mary Dowling) Biden said this week that he is going to wipe out everyone’s medical debts. “I’m going to end medical debt. We’ve already made sure medical debt can’t be put on your credit report. We can wipe out medical debt for pennies on the dollar.”

The only way to do this is to tell companies they won’t get paid. Does he realize he will bankrupt the companies? If people think the system is problematic now, just wait.

Watch the video on the site Continue reading

‘Women Don’t Care About Doctrine …’

“Thomas Nelson did not openly correct the theology but tried to conceal the occultic origins and channeling practices from the reader. Why is there a need to omit, for example, her claim that the book God Calling was the major inspiration for her book?”

(Don & Joy Veinot – Midwest Christian Outreach) In August 2000, we began receiving phone calls and emails from people looking for information on a popular “Bible-based” weight loss program, Weigh Down Workshop, and its leader, Gwen Shamblin. Shamblin’s Weigh Down Workshop was in over 30,000 churches across 60 denominations, with over a million Christians enrolled. In addition, she had a bestseller published by Thomas Nelson Publishers titled Rise Above, which sold about 300,000 copies…. Continue reading

What does the Bible tell us about God’s righteous judgment?

18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, 19 because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, both His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. Romans 1:18-20 (LSB) 

It seems that the default theology of Man is “Justification by Death.” Justification is a legal term where a person is declared “not guilty” by a judge. No one seems to have a problem with the concept of all people being sinners. However, our culture says that all people will be sent to Heaven when they die regardless of how they lived their lives…. Continue reading