International House of Prayer Gives Update on Mike Bickle Investigation, Warns It Will Take Time.

(Protestia) The embattled International House of Prayer in Kansas City has given a brief update on where they stand after expelling leader and founder Mike Bickle from their midsts following sexual misconduct allegations. Kurt Fuller, a retired major general who took over Executive Director responsibilities of the church following a round of resignations, told the church yesterday:

“I’ve heard enough and seen enough to know that there are some issues here that need to be addressed and some of them urgently….(my job is to) “get to the bottom of all these allegations, not just those about Mike Bickle, but also those that are now directed to the organization as a whole.” Continue reading

Sanctification – Dead to Sin Alive to God

21 For to this you have been called, since Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example that you should follow in His steps, 22 WHO DID NO SIN, NOR WAS ANY DECEIT FOUND IN HIS MOUTH; 23 who being reviled, was not reviling in return; while suffering, He was uttering no threats, but kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges righteously. 24 Who Himself bore our sins in His body on the tree, so that having died to sin, we might live to righteousness; by His WOUNDS YOU WERE HEALED. 25 For you were continually straying like sheep, but now you have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer of your souls. 1 Peter 2:21-25 (LSB) 

The Lord gave the Church a wonderful gift when He knocked Saul of Tarsus off his horse and effectually called Him to be His Apostle. His Epistle to the Romans is a huge piece of the doctrinal foundation of the Church. In Romans 3:20-5:21 he covered the doctrine of justification. Continue reading

Move Over Joel Osteen, Joyce Meyer Introduces ‘JoyceCube’

(Protetia) Three years after Joel Osteen introduced the “Joel Osteen Inspiration Cube,” an electronic device that played daily affirmation, inspirations, and brief sermon clips from the Prince of Pablum and Positivity for the tidy sum of $39.99, Joyce Meyer has gotten in on the action, introducing the Joyce Meyer Daily Encouragement Audio Cube, or JoyceCube.

80-year-old Joyce Meyers is long thought to be one of the ‘Big three’ heretics, along with Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn…. Continue reading

Artificial intelligence psychotherapy becomes increasingly popular

(Grant Huan – The Sentinel) An artificial intelligence psychologist has become one of the most sought-after artificial intelligence personas on, a popular chatbot hosting site.

The bot, named “Psychologist,” has received over 79 million interactions since its creation, more than the Beyoncé, Napoleon Bonaparte, Harry Potter, and Queen Elizabeth II chatbots combined. Some 18 million of those interactions have occurred in only the last two months. Continue reading

Elon Musk blares the siren on America’s ‘competency crisis’… equity trumps safety… is this our demise?

(Revolver) When you tune into the news, chat with neighbors, or even overhear conversations in a diner, it’s impossible to ignore the constant buzz about the laundry list of disasters unfolding across the US. It feels like every time you turn around, there’s another train derailment, a plane incident, or a military crisis. It’s one calamity after another. One individual who’s keenly aware of what’s going on is Elon Musk. He’s taken such a strong interest in these so-called random “calamities” that he recently shared a thought-provoking article on the topic that’s sure to stir up quite a bit of controversy. Continue reading

Hunter Biden Agrees to Sit for Deposition

“Hunter Biden’s willful refusal to comply with the committees’ subpoenas is a criminal act” that “constitutes contempt of Congress and warrants referral to the appropriate United States Attorney’s Office for prosecution as prescribed by law.”

(Solange Reyner – Newsmax) Hunter Biden has agreed to sit for a deposition before the U.S. House committees investigating his foreign business deals.

“You have not explained why you are not interested in transparency and having the American people witness the full and complete testimony of Mr. Biden at a public hearing…. Continue reading

USA Is A Massive Trafficker of Children for Sex and Labor

“We have illegals in our airports, our schools, our parks, on the streets, and African migrants collect cans to stay alive. Ther is nothing humane about that….”

(Mary Dowling) James O’Keefe interviewed a border agent, and the information is horrifying. There is no better word to describe it. What brought the agent to tears is the trafficking of children.

He said the most troubling thing for him, and it’s more than troubling – it’s evil – is the trafficking of women and children. The agent further added that every agent knows what’s going on…. Continue reading

About That ‘1946’ Film: A Damnable Theological Heresy

“To argue that ‘arsenokoitai’ does not refer to homosexuality is to engage in linguistic gymnastics, twisting the text to fit a modern agenda. The early church fathers, well-versed in Greek, understood this term to condemn homosexual acts.” 

(The Dissenter) The film “1946” has ruffled more than a few feathers with its bold assertion that the term ‘homosexuality’ was erroneously introduced into the Bible only in the mid-20th century. This claim, while sensational, crumbles under the weight of historical, biblical, and exegetical scrutiny. Let’s dissect and dismantle this absurd argument piece by piece. Continue reading

Are Most Children With Gender Dysphoria Gay, and Not Transgender Candidates?

“What is the Left’s underlying motivation for relentlessly pushing transgenderism? Why do they revel in seeing so many confused young children? It is not for reasons of caring or concern for such individuals — much like their selective concern for shooting victims.”

(Jeff Davidson – Townhall) The issue of whether or not someone ought to change their sex is monumental. No longitudinal studies exist that reveal the satisfaction levels of those who have undergone radical surgeries and radical changes. Injecting children with hormones, hormone blockers, and other substances that the body did not generate poses great risks. The issue should not be left to anyone aged six to 16 years old. Continue reading

The Dinosaurs That We Deserve

(Lee Duigon – News With Views) Does each generation get the dinosaurs that it deserves?

Consider Tyrannosaurus rex, possibly the most famous dinosaur of them all. In the 1940s we had Rudolph Zallinger’s epic dinosaur mural at the Peabody Museum. His T. rex was a hulking brute with a colossal beer-belly. So when Marx Toys came out with plastic dinosaurs in the 1950s, their T. rex was patterned after Zallinger’s, belly and all.

Meanwhile, the American Museum of Natural History mounted a more or less complete T. rex skeleton…. Continue reading

Who is it that overcomes the world?

18 “If the world hates you, know that it has hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you. John 15:18-19 (LSB) 

Over that last several post I have attempted to teach from God’s Word the lessons geared toward drawing Christians to self-examination and repentance. Why? The Church, the truth Church, is not organizations or buildings, but is, instead, a group of people whom God has called out of this world. True Christians are called to love not this world. Instead, they are to love the Lord their God even more than our own lives…. Continue reading

Border-Jumpers Are Pushing American Kids Out Of School All Across The Country

“Buses are now pulling up to @JMHSBklyn and dropping off illegals. School is closed tomorrow because illegals will be sleeping in the school’s gym. This is disgraceful! NYC is prioritizing illegals over Americans.”

(Joy Pullmann – The Federalist) Democrats’ open border is turning the entire United States into a refugee camp. The record-breaking numbers of foreigners allowed to break U.S. border laws are most heavily affecting large and sanctuary cities like New York City, but the numbers are so high they can’t help but affect cities across America as well. Continue reading

The Obamas Throw Biden Under the Bus

The 81-year-old Biden is going to “finish the job,” so what could she possibly be worried about?

(Nate Jackson – The Patriot Post) Michelle Obama, who recently earned $750,000 for delivering one speech, is worried about the next election. “Terrified,” in fact. Well, aren’t we all?

The news is that the former first lady just threw Joe Biden under the bus.

During a podcast interview, Obama was asked, “What is the thing that keeps you up at night now?” Continue reading

A Culture in Collapse

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) In the last six months, we have borne witness to many iconic moments evidencing the collapse of American culture.

The signs are everywhere and cover the gamut of politics, the economy, education, social life, popular culture, foreign policy, and the military. These symptoms of decay share common themes.

Our descent is self-induced; it is not a symptom of a foreign attack or subterfuge. Our erosion is not the result of poverty and want, but of leisure and excess. We are not suffering from existential crises of famine, plague, or the collapse of our grid and fuel sources. Prior, far poorer, and war-torn generations now seem far better off than what we are becoming. Continue reading

Pride, self-deception, and humility

3 The arrogance of your heart has deceived you, You who dwell in the clefts of the cliff, In the height of your habitation, Who says in his heart, ‘Who will bring me down to earth?’ Obadiah 1:3 (LSB) 

Adapted from a sermon by Charles Spurgeon titled “Self-Deceived

Human pride is incredibly deceitful. It can so deceive its host that he or she may well believe they are the truly humble. It is true of all proud people, for pride is self-deceit. Some reading this may be proud. In fact, it is those who believe they have no pride who are most likely the proudest of all. Those who are proud of their humility are proud indeed. Continue reading

Fauci Treated COVID Like a ‘Science Fair Project’

Fauci seems to still have the “science fair” attitude that he carried through the pandemic, not something where you realize, like what you’re saying has the impact literally on whether people live and die.”

(Sandy Fitzgerald – Newsmax)  Millions of people died during the COVID pandemic, but it “all seems like a very interesting science fair project” to Dr. Anthony Fauci, Rep. Michael Cloud, a member of a House committee questioning the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, told Newsmax on Tuesday. Continue reading

Debunking Leftist Myths About Jesus: Jesus Was Married to Mary Magdalene

“Historically, the claim of Jesus’ marriage to Mary Magdalene is as dry as the desert when it comes to credible evidence. It’s a narrative that first reared its bizarre head centuries after Jesus’ time, popping up in Gnostic writings.” 

(The Dissenter) In the ever-turning gears of leftist propaganda, a particularly raunchy and perverse narrative has been force-fed to the public—the claim that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene. This assertion, plucked more from the realms of sensational fiction than any historical or scriptural reality, is played out like clockwork in various media and “scholarly” circles. It’s essentially a hack job on the gospel, a poison seeping into the foundational truths of Christianity. Continue reading

A world-renowned biologist just dropped a game-changing nuke on the COVID jab…

(Revolver) Dr. Bret Weinstein, a popular podcaster, successful author, and former distinguished professor of evolutionary biology at Evergreen State College, has delivered a startling assessment of COVID-19 and the vaccine that could have monumental implications—we’re talking “game changer” type stuff.

According to an analysis, the global death toll from the COVID vaccine should now stand at over 17 million people. This horrific revelation came during his recent conversation with Tucker Carlson. Continue reading

The Wisdom From Above

Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change. (James 1:16-17 ESV)

With the late Brian McLaren and his followers showing their true colors by proclaiming that they are working to recreate the Church, to bring in a new form of Christianity, we must go back to the root of the matter. We must show what truth is and what it is not. Yes, we are in a post-modern culture that is relativistic, but that does not mean that we have to succumb to that fatal disease…. Continue reading

The Lloyd Austin ICU Hospitalization Cover-Up Is Shocking and Scandalous

“This is not how the US government should operate.  Making matters even more stunning, the woman tasked with taking over Austin’s duties as Acting Secretary in the event of his incapacitation was also not aware that he was in that state.  This could represent a serious military readiness and responsiveness issue, on top of the grave violations of basic transparency and good governance:”

(Guy Benson – Townhall) Right out of the gate, let’s extend our best wishes to Sec. Austin.  A stay in a hospital’s Intensive Care Unit, for any reason, at any age, is a serious and scary situation.  May he recover fully.  That being said, the manner in which the public, Congress, and even top echelons of the executive branch found out about his health status amounts to an unacceptable scandal…. Continue reading

Here Comes the Mud

“Yes, it will be nasty. Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams went after each other pretty hard. But those guys were muppets compared to the 2024 combatants.”

(Bill O’Reilly) It will be the dirtiest presidential campaign in history, the one we are already experiencing. Pigs won’t fly, but they will be ecstatic with the mud flow. Already Adolf Hitler aka Donald Trump has a featured role, as does “Demented Joe,” the incumbent.

It wasn’t that long ago that President Bush the Younger personally welcomed Barack Obama to the White House with a warm personal chat and a nice beverage. Continue reading

Regenerated to a living hope

3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy having regenerated us to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 to an inheritance that is imperishable and undefiled and unfading, having been kept in heaven for you, 5 who are protected by the power of God being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. 1 Peter 1:3-5 (translated from the NA28 Greek text)

The first chapter of 1 Peter is extremely pastoral. If there is anything the sheep in our time desperately need in great measure it is spirit-led shepherds (pastors) who are bound to the Word of God who obey Him in the pastoring of their flocks as our Lord commands. It is tragic that so many of those the world sees in our time that claim to be Christian leaders do not in any way shape or form meet that criteria…. Continue reading

What is genuine humility?

1 Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion, 2 fulfill my joy, that you think the same way, by maintaining the same love, being united in spirit, thinking on one purpose, 3 doing nothing from selfish ambition or vain glory, but with humility of mind regarding one another as more important than yourselves, 4 not merely looking out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Philippians 2:1-4 (LSB)

Our pride is insidious. When we are convicted of our prideful behaviour or thoughts it takes cover and transforms itself into false humility. We take pride in our humility or our service or our devotion. Pride is idolatry of self. When we are not humble our pride actually displaces God with self as our center. Christians are not immune from it. Continue reading