Unbelief begets deception

53 Now it happened that when Jesus had finished these parables, He departed from there. 54 And He came to His hometown and began teaching them in their synagogue, so that they were astonished, and said, “Where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers? 55 Is not this the carpenter’s son? Is not His mother called Mary, and His brothers, James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? 56 And His sisters, are they not all with us? Where then did this man get all these things?” 57 And they were taking offense at Him. But Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his hometown and in his own household.” 58 And He did not do many miracles there because of their unbelief. Matthew 13:53-58 (LSB)

As we continue to look at the evidence of God sending out a strong delusion upon professing Christians who appear to be running headlong into apostasy in ever increasing numbers let us look at what it is in these people that has brought this about. Why have they fallen into darkness and we have not?… Continue reading

Tucker Carlson Makes Grave Prediction for 2024… And He’s Probably Right

“You’ve got two people running for president — one of them is literally senile,” Carlson said before noting that he doesn’t actually believe Biden is in charge of anything, “yet he’s standing for reelection at the age of 80.” 

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) The 2016 presidential election was particularly bad, as the Hillary campaign colluded with the Obama administration to frame Trump with colluding with Russia to steal the election. Four years later, Democrats exploited the COVID pandemic to unilaterally change election laws for nefarious purposes. Continue reading

Ex-CIA Director Michael Hayden Smears Patriotic American Christians: ‘No Different’ from Hamas Terrorists

(David Ng) Former NSA and CIA chief Michael Hayden, who has fashioned a post-government career attacking and censoring conservatives, is spending his Thanksgiving week smearing patriotic American Christians who own firearms, claiming they are “no different” from Hamas terrorists.

On Wednesday, Michael Hayden responded to a post on X that juxtaposed two photos: one of a woman holding an American flag, Bible, and handgun; the other of Palestinian terrorist Reem Riyashi, who killed herself along with four Israelis in a 2004 suicide bombing that was claimed by Hamas and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade. Continue reading

What Is Thanksgiving Day?

“Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift” (2 Cor. 9:15).

Thanksgiving is an American holiday that stretches all the way back to a time long before America became a nation. The Pilgrims landed in 1620. They faced brutal conditions and were woefully unprepared. Roughly half of them died in that first year. Then they had a successful harvest of corn. In November of 1621 they decided to celebrate a feast of thanksgiving.

Edward Winslow was among those who ate that first thanksgiving meal in 1621. He noted: Continue reading

Kenneth Copeland Mixes His Own ‘Blood’ With Jesus’ and Drinks It During Communion?

(Protestia) When arch-heretic Kenneth Copeland is not giving false prophecies about COVID being destroyedthrowing someone in a wheelchair to the floor, casting away bald spots in Jesus name, or even running his own bizzaro Bible college, the world’s richest prosperity preacher in America can be frequently found making up stuff about Jesus and justifying his personal theological idiosyncrasies in order to increase his net worth, this time with a viral video going around showing him drinking his own blood in some bizarre communion rite. Continue reading

Watch ‘The Fall of Minneapolis’ – What Really Happened to George Floyd

“One revelation in the film that is astonishing is that the restraint he used, holding Floyd down with his knee was an accepted practice the police were trained in. Everyone lied about that.”

(Mary Dowling) The film, The Fall of Minneapolis shows footage that was kept from the public for nearly 2 1/2 months. [Watch the full movie at the end] It’s something that never happened before in a major case. In the body camera footage, you clearly hear and see George Floyd talking about how we can’t breathe long before Derek Chauvin arrives on the scene. Continue reading

BREAKING: Israel, Hamas Strike a Hostage Deal — Here are the Details

(Katie Pavlich – Townhall) After more than eight hours of deliberations, the Israeli government officially agreed to a ceasefire with Hamas Tuesday night in exchange for 50 hostages who were kidnapped by the terrorist organization and taken to the Gaza Strip on October 7. The rest of the 186 hostages held by Hamas and other Islamic terrorist groups will not be released. The public now has the option to appeal the government decision to the Israeli Supreme Court. Ten Americans are among the hostages. It is unclear if they will be released in this deal.

A statement from the Israeli government: Continue reading

Good News Study on Global Warming the Media Buries

“Trees are getting bigger because of carbon dioxide in the air, which will also help reduce global warming. Trees in the US are growing 1% bigger every year, partly due to fertilizer which the Left wants to ban.”

(Mary Dowling) A new study, an actual scientific study, found that plants will absorb 20 percent more carbon dioxide than predicted by the end of the century. This strongly suggests climate models are overestimating how fast the planet will warm. Continue reading

Can We Save our Universities?

“Since when did such student guests in the United States feel empowered to shut down bridges during commute hours, tear down American flags on Veterans Day, and scout out and hunt-down Jewish-Americans on campus?”

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) It took the widely reported, repellent, and exempt wave of anti-Semitism and violent pro-Hamas protestors harassing Jews, finally to convince Americans that their own hallmark universities are illiberal centers of mediocrity and intolerance—and increasingly unsafe. Continue reading

Harvard Med School Course Allows Students to Help with Trans Procedures

(Katherine Hamilton – Breitbart) Harvard Medical School students are allowed to participate in transgender procedures in a course available in the fall of 2023 and spring of 2024, The College Fix reported.

The four-week elective course is called “Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.” The course description states that the “heavy-case load” [sic] at BIDMC (Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center) gives students the “opportunity to participate in procedures that span the entire specialty including hand surgery, breast reconstruction, microsurgery, craniofacial surgery, lymphatic surgery, orthoplastic surgery, gender affirming surgery, and cosmetic surgery.” [emphasis added] Continue reading

Bible Inspiration

16 All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be equipped, having been thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (LSB) 

I receive numerous comments on the posts on this blog that never see the light of day because those who post them either do not bother to follow the rules clearly posted, which are assiduously enforced, or they have failed to read them. Their error is that they attack what is posted here from Sacred Scripture as truth, in context, clearly exposited and exegeted with innuendo, human philosophy, but never, I repeat, never do they go to God’s Word and make any attempt to show me where I have erred in my exegesis of the text…. Continue reading

His Kindness Leads Us to Repentance

“Every one of us ought to read the woes against the pharisees and tremble as we recognize that the judgment pronounced on them we also ought to face.”

(Josh Rieger) The Great Sequoias are one of the most majestic things on earth. They grow to enormous sizes. They live for millennia. But as amazing as they are, they require fire to reproduce. Apart from forest fires their cones won’t open and release the seedlings, the ground won’t be clear from underbrush and leaves for the seeds to germinate in the soil, and light and water will not be able to reach the forest floor to give them the proper conditions to grow. Continue reading

Argentina’s New President Is Trump…on Steroids

(Matt Vespa – PJ Media) Is populism dead? It depends on who you ask. In Argentina, right-wing populism thrives after nearly two decades of left-wing Peronism, leading to two lost economic decades. A whopping forty percent of the population now lives in poverty, the peso has collapsed, and inflation is sky-high. Does this sound familiar? In a country dominated by the Kirchners, it’s quite a slap in the face to the nation’s political class that Javier Milei is the new president. It’s much like Trump’s 2016 win, a rejection of eight years under Obama. Continue reading

The J6 Daddy-Issues Fascists Are Terrified They’re About to Be Exposed

The two execrable Republicans who were integral to the charade — “Adam Kinzinger and Liz Cheney — are no longer members of Congress, but they’re still skittish about being found out. Sen. Mike Lee from Utah is interested in officially exploring the committee’s selective editing…”

(Stephen Kruiser – PJ Media) Well, they’re back in the news, and they’re as irritating as ever.

The House Soviet Select Committee on Daddy Issues, also known as the J6 Committee, has come under some long-overdue scrutiny, courtesy of Speaker of the House Mike Johnson…. Continue reading

Who is it That Has Fellowship With Christ?

14 Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers; for what partnership have righteousness and lawlessness, or what fellowship has light with darkness? 15 Or what harmony has Christ with Belial, or what has a believer in common with an unbeliever? 2 Corinthians 6:14-15 (LSB) 

Contrary to what most believe about Christianity, what one’s own framework is of their conception of salvation and having fellowship with Jesus Christ is irrelevant. Unless this ‘understanding’ is totally submitted to the Word of God and the authority of God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit then it will be according to the counsel of the individual’s own conscience. This counsel is according to the value system of the individual not according to what God has revealed. It creates its own image of God and holds that image accountable to the individual’s value system. Continue reading

Unrepentant sin leads to spiritual blindness

1 O Yahweh, the God of my salvation, I have cried out by day and throughout the night before You. 2 Let my prayer come before You; Incline Your ear to my cry of lamentation! 3 For my soul has been saturated with calamities, And my life has reached Sheol. 4 I am counted among those who go down to the pit; I am like a man without strength, 5 Released among the dead, Like the slain who lie in the grave, Whom You remember no more, And they are cut off from Your hand. Psalms 88:1-8 (LSB) Read verses 6-8 on the site.

Despite what many so-called Christian leaders are teaching in our day about the necessity of repentance in the life of the believer, the Word of God teaches us something entirely different. In it, we learn that the life, vigor, and comfort of our spiritual life depends much on our actively and deliberately mortifying the sin that clings so closely, which results in genuine repentance…. Continue reading

Tennessee Town that Banned ‘Public Displays of Gayness’ Walk it Back After Lawsuit

(Protestia) In late June of this year, residents of Murfreesboro in Tennessee passed an ordinance that critics say banned all public displays of homosexuality. At the time city officials were particularly concerned about banning Pride parades after last year’s festivities saw marchers in various stages of undress, and a “family-friendly” drag show saw the performer twerking and acting out sexually in front of children- something LGBTQ love seeing, but normal folks despise.

The city of 157,000 banned “indecent behavior” and “that (which) may be judged as … harmful to minors,” which includes “indecent exposure, public indecency, lewd behavior, nudity or sexual conduct.”… Continue reading

BREAKING: Speaker Johnson Releases J6 Footage, and the Left Is Gonna Flip Out

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) Moments ago, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) publicly released footage from the events of Jan. 6, 2021.

“To restore America’s trust and faith in their Government we must have transparency,” Johnson said in a post on Twitter. “This is another step towards keeping the promises I made when I was elected to be your Speaker.”

Johnson provided a link that will be continuously updated “with thousands of hours of footage.” Continue reading

The Day of the Lord Will Come

10 But the day of the Lord will come like a thief, in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be found out. 11 Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, 12 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens burning will be destroyed, and the elements will melt with intense heat! 2 Peter 3:10-12 (LSB) 

Our home Internet has been up and down for about a month. A couple of days ago it died. I called our provider and they sent out a technician today. He told me that a month ago the substation that supports our neighborhood took a hit and went down and ever since he had been having to come to homes in our area to service them. He could not get our Internet service back up. He said that our connection at the substation needed to be completely reinstalled and then equipment in our home would have to be upgraded…. Continue reading

What the Media Aren’t Telling You About a Trans Mayor’s Suicide

Graphic language warning toward the end

“Aside from wearing plus-sized women’s clothes and undergarments, the mayor authored violent erotica fantasizing about murdering a female constituent—a real-life resident living in Copeland’s community—and assuming the victim’s identity.”

(Mia Cathell – Townhall) “Transgender rights” activists and the LGBTQ-allied mainstream media are mourning the horrific death of a crossdressing Alabama mayor who committed suicide with a handgun after a conservative news site “involuntarily outed” the transsexual politician.

Fred L. “Bubba” Copeland, the Republican mayor of small-town Smiths Station, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound during a welfare check that reportedly turned into a slow-chase police pursuit. Copeland killed himself on November 3, two days after the publication of an exposé by 1819 News, the brainchild of right-wing think tank Alabama Policy Institute, that unmasked the middle-aged mayor’s double life he secretly lived as a closeted “transgender curvy girl” in the midst of “transitioning.” Continue reading

The Shocking Truth About Climate Change

(Mary Dowling) We came to the point where we think that we’re going to prevent bad weather by eliminating fossil fuels. It’s just about the most nonsensical, illogical thing that I can imagine, and the whole world is caught up in this nonsense. ~ Climatologist, Judith Curry

In the interview below with John Stossel, climatologist Judith Curry explores the origins and problems with Climate Change as it exists today.

She notes that the IPCC’s role in climate change goes back to the 1980s, and the UN environmental program had this big environmental, anti-capitalism agenda. They hated the oil companies and seized on the climate change issue as one to move their policies along. Continue reading

Timothy Keller: Human Reason vs. Biblical Authority

“God’s true children must rely upon Biblical authority in their presentations of the gospel of Christ. They must reject the popular methodologies recommended by popular leaders like Timothy Keller. The sinfulness of sinners prevents their response to mere humanistic attempts of reason and marketing of benefits. Sinners stand separated from God by their sin, spiritually dead, and condemned under God’s judgment, the real reason they need Christ. He alone saves sinners and reconciles them to God.”

(Tom Horn) “We live in a post-modern world, and postmodernism is about relativism. My truth is your falsehood, and your falsehood is my truth. But there is such a thing as the plain truth.” (Barukh Binah)

Barukh Binah captured succinctly one of the pillars of postmodernism, the suspicion of truth. Current culture proclaims the death of objective truth in accord with postmodernism. Thus, no one can refer to an external source for truth nor claim that (s)he possesses it. It does not exist. Continue reading