
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 (NASB) 

It is very common in the visible church in our time to hear preachers and teachers and people within local bodies of believers to boast about all sorts of things pertaining to their salvation or walk. They boast about their confirmation, baptism, church membership, Holy Communion, keeping the Ten Commandments, living the Sermon on the Mount, giving to charity, and living a moral life. It is not uncommon to hear some even boast about their faith, but all boasting is rooted in good works, not grace. Continue reading

Mainstream media FINALLY admits people were barricaded in by incompetent Maui government….

(Revolver) What is unfolding in Maui stands as one of the most shameless, horrific displays of government ineptitude and cruelty we’ve seen. From the highest levels, including Biden, down to the lowest local officials, the good people of Maui have been met with disrespect and callousness. Tragically, many have died or suffered tremendously more at the hands of these government blunders.

Recently Revolver told you about a situation in Maui where residents revealed they had basically been “barricaded” in, unable to leave, as the fire tore through Lahaina, thanks to inept local officials. Continue reading

Are Lockdowns Coming Back? These Fauci Comments Are Fueling Suspicions

“If you have a vaccine available, you might want to lock down temporarily so you can get everybody vaccinated.”

(Leah Barkoukis – Townhall) Anthony Fauci’s recent comments during a Wayne State University event have some concerned that a lockdown 2.0 could be on the horizon, despite the social, emotional, financial, and educational toll it took on children, adults, and society at large. Continue reading

You Get What You Pay For

(Bill O’Reilly) Women are being “erased” in Afghanistan. So says a recent article on the Daily Chatter website, our foreign news partner.

The Taliban retook the country two years ago this week after the botched U.S. withdrawal by the Biden administration. Today, Afghan women cannot be seen in public without a male escort, are denied education, and have absolutely no rights whatsoever.

That’s terrible, of course, but the blame lies with the Afghan people themselves, who flat-out refused to fight for their own freedom…. Continue reading

Victor Davis Hanson: California’s Headed for ‘Oblivion’

“This is what the Progressives want for all of us. It is what they are doing in every city and now suburban and rural areas.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) During an interview with California Insider, Victor Davis Hanson was asked where California was headed. Without hesitation, he said, it is “headed to oblivion.” He explained that people are leaving California to go to hell-hot Texas or desert Nevada, that have become paradises in their minds. We took paradise and turned it into hell, so they’re leaving. Continue reading

Apostasy of the Modern Church and the Immutable Righteousness of God

“The Bible does not explicitly state how or when God will judge the American Church, but it’s clear from Scripture that nothing is off the table. The shadows are lengthening, and the warnings continue to resonate through the pages of Scripture.”

(The Dissenter) In an era marked by uncertainty and a drift away from biblical truth, the warnings and judgments found in the pages of Scripture serve as grave reminders to us. These historical accounts are not merely tales of a bygone era but resounding calls to fidelity and obedience. They beckon us to recognize the danger of departing from the foundational teachings of the faith…. Continue reading

What’s wrong with Pragmatism?

1 I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: 2 preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and teaching. 3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires, 4 and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths. 5 But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.2 Timothy 4:1-5 (LSB) 

The proponents of the seeker-sensitive church growth model may very well have had good intentions when through it was spawned the rise of contemporary mega-churches such as Willow Creek and Saddleback Valley Baptist and their clones…. Continue reading

Goal in 14 US Cities: Ban Meat, Dairy, Private Cars by 2030

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) While the Left claims they support the middle class, they are destroying it. The wealthy will survive. There will be just enough of everything for them. There is no better proof than that provided by the C40. The video by Mr. Vobes gives a great summary of what it is.

“By 2030, the average impact of urban consumption in C40 cities must decrease by 50%,” says the C40 report. Continue reading

Biden Administration to Urge All Americans: Get a Coronavirus Booster Shot Now

(Simon Kent – Breitbart) All Americans will be urged by the Biden administration to get a coronavirus booster shot this autumn ahead of what it claims is a new wave of infections, a White House official said Sunday.

Reuters reports the official said while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports an increase in infections and hospital admissions from the virus, overall levels remain low, however caution is urged. Continue reading

Christians Have A Choice To Make: Paul Of Tarsus Or Taurus The Bull. Which Will It Be?

By Marsha West

Profanity, pornography, programs laced with filth in movies and on cable assail us non-stop. Most people are offended by Hollywood’s obsession with polluting the culture. It is no secret that beginning with the tumultuous 1960s, Americans have become little more than trash receptacles for Hollywood’s filth.

While Hollywood goes about corrupting the culture through films, another more subtle force has infiltrated society and successfully corrupted young and old alike. You’ve probably guessed that I’m referring to “spirituality.” I’m not talking about organized religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Islam or Eastern religions.

I’m not even talking about bygone days when ancients like me referred to spirituality as New Age, New Age mysticism, or New Thought, “unifying mind-body-spirit.” Today, for many sojourners, spirituality is the quest for meaning and wholeness, a connection to a higher power, what some deem a “universal mind” or consciousness we can tap into.

For decades this Eastern-influenced moral relativistic metaphysical thought system has spread worldwide like gangrene. I think it’s safe to say that pretty much everyone has been influenced by Eastern mysticism in one way or another.

For more than 50 years now the New Age movement has reared its ugly head in the visible Church in ways you may find surprising. Inside many churches, shepherds have the sheep partaking in what Scripture deems sorcery, i.e. the magic arts, even though Scripture clearly teaches that God hates the ways of pagan cultures. In the Old Testament those who dabbled in practices that were expressly forbidden by The Creator were often destroyed by Him — every man woman and child. Gulp.

If you’re thinking “My God wouldn’t do that,” you’d be wrong. Think: The worldwide flood where God destroyed all living things that’s found in the book of Genesis. Continue reading

Reprove the Works of Darkness

9 I wrote you in my letter not to associate with sexually immoral people; 10 I did not at all mean with the sexually immoral people of this world, or with the greedy and swindlers, or with idolaters, for then you would have to go out of the world. 11 But now I am writing to you not to associate with any so-called brother if he is a sexually immoral person, or greedy, or an idolater, or a reviler, or a drunkard, or a swindler—not even to eat with such a one. 12 For what have I to do with judging outsiders? Are you not to judge those who are within the church? 13 But those who are outside, God will judge. REMOVE THE WICKED MAN FROM AMONG YOURSELVES.1 Corinthians 5:9-13 (LSB) 

It has been put forth that the apologists for the Seeker-Sensitive movement in the visible church insist that they are justified in what they do because God is blessing their ministries with explosive growth and so it is wrong for us to oppose them…. Continue reading

Is a Paraphrase Equivalent to God’s Word?

17 “Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. 18 For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. Matthew 5:17-18 (LSB) 

With the posting of The Man Centered Gospel vs The God Centered Gospel the other day and the ensuing discussion with friends on this topic, it is apparent that God is showing us that the dividing line between genuine Christianity and that which isn’t is that the former is centered on God and His glory while the latter is on man centeredness and sees God in various ways that are incredibly short-sighted, unscriptural, and all rooted in the very lie that Satan used to deceive our parents in the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3)…. Continue reading

The Real King Jesus vs The Modern False Jesus

(The Dissenter) The world today is flooded with distorted depictions and representations of Jesus Christ. In a quest for relevancy and appeal, modern culture, and even most modern churches, have twisted the figure of Jesus into something more palatable, more in line with human desires and ideologies. This false Jesus is worshiped and revered by most of the world, yet he bears little resemblance to the true savior and king, Jesus Christ, revealed to us in the Holy Scriptures.

This false Jesus is a mere shadow, stripped of divine majesty and eternal significance. So who is this real Jesus, son of God and man, that every knee will bow to and every tongue will confess?… Continue reading

Georgia Lawmaker Calls for Emergency Meeting to Impeach Fani Willis

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) A Republican with courage, Georgia State Senator Colton Moore called for an emergency special session to review a proposal to impeach District Attorney Fani Willis. He accuses her of abusing her position to pursue a fraudulent indictment against former President Donald Trump.

Georgia State Sen. Colton Moore, representing District 53, said on Thursday that “an emergency exists” requiring state lawmakers to meet.

“We must strip all funding and, if appropriate, impeach Fani Willis,” Moore stated on X. Continue reading

Disney Legend Defends Splash Mountain and ‘Song of the South’

“…as Imagineers were planning what would become Splash Mountain, then-CEO Michael Eisner rereleased “Song of the South” in theaters to see if it would resonate as well with audiences in the ‘80s as it had 40 years earlier. The film did even better than it had done in any previous theatrical runs.”

(Chris Queen – PJ Media) Many years ago, I wrote about a largely forgotten classic Disney film, “Song of the South.” The 1946 film was innovative in the way the studio combined live action and animation in an effective way, and it won Academy Awards for Best Original Song and an honorary award for star James Baskett — who became the first black man to win an Oscar. Continue reading

Judge Finds Hillsong Founder Brian Houston NOT GUILTY of Concealing Sex Abuse

(Protestia) Former Global Senior Pastor of Hillsong Church, Brian Houston, was found not guilty of covering up sexual abuses committed by his late father over 30 years ago, with Magistrate Gareth Christofi handing down the decision in Sydney’s Downing Centre Local Court early Thursday morning.

Houston, 69, was a child when his pedophile father, Pastor Frank Houston, molested Brett Sengstock in the 1970s…. Continue reading

The New Tower of Babel

“Had we kept our universal language, who knows what further mischief our ruling sinners might have devised? But God knew, and nipped it in the bud.” 

(Lee Duigon – News With Views) CNN—didn’t that use to be a news network?—is going to teach us plebs how to use “neo-pronouns,” avoiding the utterance of such fighting words as “he” or “she”. We have to learn to say “ze” and “zyr” and anything else Our Betters have dreamed up lately.

The pro-choice mob demands we choose to obey. You have to give them credit for being generous with their delusions—they certainly don’t want to keep them to themselves. Continue reading

Biden probe shifts to National Archives with discovery of private emails between Joe and Hunter

“…the Committee questions why the then-Vice President’s son, Hunter Biden—and only Hunter Biden—was copied on this email to then-Vice President Biden.”

(John Solomon – Just the News) In a dramatic shift in the Biden family corruption probe, House investigators on Thursday demanded full access at the National Archives to Joe Biden’s communications as vice president with his son Hunter and his business partners. Continue reading

Conservative Leaders Call on House GOP to Open Impeachment Inquiry

“Joe Biden is guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors, warranting the opening of an impeachment inquiry, which must ultimately result in impeachment by the House and removal by the United States Senate of Joe Biden as President of the United States.”

(Emma-Jo Morris – Breitbart) Conservative leaders are calling on House Republicans to open an impeachment inquiry against the “corrupt occupant of the White House,” President Joe Biden, according to a Conservative Action Project Memo obtained exclusively by Breitbart News. Continue reading

The Man Centered Gospel vs The God Centered Gospel

22so much more Jesus also has become the guarantee of a better covenant. 23 And the former priests, on the one hand, existed in greater numbers because they were prevented by death from continuing, 24 but Jesus, on the other hand, because He continues forever, holds His priesthood permanently. 25 Therefore He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. (Hebrews 7:22–25 Legacy Standard Bible)

Back in 2005-2006 as God was working to root me out of my old church as the leadership there was attempting to convert it to a Purpose Driven/Seeker Sensitive Church, I became involved in the discussion forum at the old Slice of Laodicea Blog…. Continue reading