Now They Tell Us: New Report Reveals ‘Critical Vulnerabilities’ in Dominion Voting Machines

“The overarching question now is whether these vulnerabilities can and will be fixed in time for the next presidential election, or whether the Dominion voting machines will once again present a golden opportunity for all those who want to “enhance” our next presidential contest the way they did the last one.”

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) As we all know, the 2020 presidential election was the most honest, above-board exercise of popular suffrage in the recorded history of mankind, and anyone who suggests otherwise is a racist, bigoted redneck yahoo who wants to install Donald Trump as dictator-for-life of this once-proud republic…. Continue reading

For by Grace you have been saved through Faith

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; 9 not of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9 (LSB) 

What is it that causes God to justify believers? What is justification? I heard a definition a long time ago where the preacher said something like this, “Justification is what happens when we are born again, it is ‘Just as if I had never sinned’” Of course, those of us who are Reformed in our Theology believe that our regeneration, our quickening, our New Birth takes place prior to belief because that is what enables ungodly, spiritually dead people to repent and believe. Justification follows that. Let’s look at an example. Continue reading

Celebrate Good Times, Come On! Patriotic Boycotts Cost Woke Corporations $28 BILLION In Market Value

“All the news, however, is not good. Axios explains that Kohl’s stock “slumped by over 20% in the wake of the furor, but has since rebounded.” Rebounded? Not a good sign. These corporations have to be made to feel the heat in an ongoing manner, or they’ll just resume with their woke propaganda, secure in the knowledge that patriotic anger will blow over.” 

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) Grab a Yuengling and join me in a toast to the patriots who have let Target, Anheuser-Busch, and Kohl’s know that “Go woke, go broke” is not just a slogan. The three corporate giants all famously kowtowed to the Leftist agenda over the last few months, and now they’re feeling the pain for having done so: they’ve lost a collective $28.7 billion in market value since the beginning of April, when Bud Light ads featuring the obnoxious fake woman and publicity hound Dylan Mulvaney first appeared. Continue reading

The historical revisionism of the leftist mind

“Even more problematic is the opportunity that history professors have to indoctrinate students with the activist playbook so common amongst progressive people: Oversimplify history by creating villains and heroes based on their identity markers. Impute racist or sexist motives to every historical figure who does not pass progressive muster. Wax eloquent about class struggle in every historical era. Discuss traditional social norms as though they are unenlightened and backwards….”

(Grant Haun – The Sentinel) Knowledge of history is an endangered specimen.

In a recent survey by the Institute for Citizens and Scholars, a sample of Americans were asked ten questions about our nation’s founding taken from the U.S. Citizenship Test. Only one in three respondents passed this quiz, and the age gap in passing rate revealed a disturbing trend: 74% of respondents aged 65 years or older passed, followed by 51% of respondents aged between 45 and 64 years, and only 19% of those under 45…. Continue reading

Top Canadian politician apologizes to unvaccinated, ‘we were wrong…’ she makes unprecedented promise…

(Revolver News) Danielle Smith, the current premier of Alberta in Canada, has done something remarkable. She took the bold and unprecedented step of apologizing to unvaccinated Canadians who’ve faced unfair treatment from the government throughout the “pandemic.” But Ms. Smith actually went beyond just issuing an apology, Danielle actually made a promise: anyone who was terminated from their job due to their refusal of the COVID-19 vaccine will be reinstated. Continue reading

Help, Lord!

Help, LORD; for the godly man ceaseth; Psalm 12:1 (KJV)

THE prayer itself is remarkable, for it is short, but seasonable, sententious, and suggestive. David mourned the fewness of faithful men, and therefore lifted up his heart in supplication—when the creature failed, he flew to the Creator. He evidently felt his own weakness, or he would not have cried for help; but at the same time he intended honestly to exert himself for the cause of truth, for the word “help” is inapplicable where we ourselves do nothing…. Continue reading

The Cultural Consequences of Fatherless Homes

“When recalling my early trials with my father, I’m reminded of a great quote attributed to that sagacious humorist, Samuel Langhorne Clemens (a.k.a. Mark Twain): “When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.” Like Twain, it took me a few years to figure out that my old man was a good father and a good mentor to boot.”

(Mark Alexander – Patriot Post) Most who have observed the urban protests and riots in recent years, ostensibly in response to the manufactured assertion of “systemic racism,” see masses of discontented young people who are emotionally moved by their feelings about what they are told is “injustice.”… Continue reading

Tucker Carlson Lawyer Harmeet Dhillon Stops Appearing on FOX News, Urges Republican Lawmakers to do the Same

“Conservative commentator Matt Walsh recently commented on Twitter that this could be the downfall of FOX”

(Mike LaChance – The Gateway Pundit) Harmeet Dhillon used to be a regular guest on multiple FOX News shows, but no more.

She is representing Tucker Carlson and will no longer appear on the network. She is now urging Republicans in Congress to stop appearing on FOX News as well.

This situation is going to get worse for FOX before it gets better. Continue reading

Secular in the Daytime, Prosperity Gospel at Night; How Religious Non-Profit Network INSP Became a TV Ratings Phenomenon

“Trinity Foundation examines hundreds of 990s each year and has not found a single American religious leader compensated more than David Cerullo….From 2008 to 2021, David Cerullo received over $50 million in compensation from The Inspirational Network, Inc. and related organizations.”

(Barry Bowen and Pete Evans – Trinity Foundation) After many years of investigating The Inspirational Network and its CEO David Cerullo, reviewing 21 years of the non-profit’s Form 990 filings with the IRS, conducting numerous corporation searches for related entities, watching INSP cable TV programming, and monitoring private jets used by the Cerullo family, we still have more questions than answers. Continue reading

‘Save Our Children!’: Thousands Block the Entrance to Dodger Stadium to Protest ‘Pride Night’ Celebration

“A full apology and explanation was given to us by the Dodgers staff which we accept,” the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence said in a statement. “We believe the apology is sincere because the Dodgers have worked for 10 years with our community and as well they have asked us to continue an ongoing relationship with them.”

(Jordan Dixon-Hamilton – Breitbart) Thousands of Catholic demonstrated gathered outside Dodger Stadium on Friday to protest the team’s “Pride Night” celebration, where they plan to honor the anti-Catholic group, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. Continue reading

Professional counselor summit features session on benefits of ‘puppy play’

“Puppy play kink recently made headlines when the Biden administration hired Sam Brinton, a puppy play fetishist, to be an official in the Department of Energy. Brinton was later fired and jailed on charges of stealing women’s luggage and clothing from airports.” 

(Sam Haun – The Sentinel) The Tennessee Licensed Professional Counselors Association hosted a session on “puppy play” and other fetishes at the organization’s annual summit last weekend. Continue reading

Destroying the Family

“The attack on the family is not simply an expression of godless secularism. Marx and Engels argued that the nuclear family performs ideological functions for Capitalism and teaches passive acceptance of hierarchy. The family is also the institution through which the wealthy pass private property to their children, thus reproducing class inequality. According to Engels, the monogamous nuclear family only emerged with Capitalism and so must be destroyed.”

(Peter Jones – truthXchange) A few years ago, a beautiful young woman named Yeonmi Park, escaped into China from North Korea, where people are arrested for religious crimes and face detention, forced labor, torture, sexual violence, and death. Eventually, she came to the United States, where she enrolled as a graduate student at Columbia University. Here are her thoughts about her graduate experience: Continue reading

SBC23: A Mitigated Disaster

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) The annual Southern Baptist Convention was the 3rd convention in which conservative Baptists were mobilized against the liberal drift in the denomination. In this convention, the conservatives would see both continued setbacks and substantial gains, unseen in the previous conventions. In 2021, the conservatives lost the presidential race winning only a minor office of first vice president and overriding the resolutions committee on a real pro-life resolution. In 2022, conservatives got blown out having no accomplishments at the convention. Conservatives speculated that New Orleans, being located in Louisiana, would be favorable to their cause whereas Anaheim was not. Continue reading

FBI Source: Bidens ‘Coerced’ Burisma Exec to Pay $10 Million in Bribes

“Zlochevsky allegedly told the CHS he was dismayed by Trump’s victory, fearing an investigation would reveal his payments to the Biden family, which included a $5 million payment to Hunter Biden and a $5 million payment to Joe Biden.” 

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) Despite the White House’s best efforts to laugh off the ongoing investigation of the Biden Crime Family and the most recent revelations of bribery to the tune of $10 million ($5 million for Joe and $5 million for Hunter), they’re not going away. Continue reading

‘This Is Evil!’- Wisconsin County Poised to Pass Four-Part Resolution to Become Nation’s First Sex Reassignment Sanctuary for ‘Trans and Non-Binary’ Children So They Can be Transitioned without Parental Consent

(Cullen Linebarger – Gateway Pundit) The mask has completely dropped: leftists in government are now openly inviting adults from across America to allow the mutilation of innocent children without parental consent and have them exposed to X-rated material.

Fox News reported Monday that a liberal county in Wisconsin is considering a resolution that will declare sanctuary status for so-called “transgender and nonbinary individuals.” Continue reading

No More Pastrixes! SBC Messengers Vote to Amend the BFAM 2000, Crushing the Dreams of Bitter Egalitarians

(Protestia) In a historic win for conservative Southern Baptists that echoes the conservative resurgence 40 years earlier, messengers at the 2023 Annual Meeting approved a motion to amend Article 6 of the Baptist Faith and Message 2000, clarifying the roles of women and clearly and unambiguously barring them from holding any pastoral roles- whether it be senior pastor, associate pastor, youth pastor, or children’s pastor.

Introduced by Mike Law of Virginia’s Arlington Baptist Church, a man made busy sounding the clarion call over the presence of thousands of women pastrixes that have snuck into the denomination, the amendment was approved with around 80% of the vote. It now reads: Continue reading

‘USA Are My Pronouns:’ Middle Schoolers Rebel Against Pride Month Indoctrination

“Students chanted, “USA are my pronouns” in the hallways, and wore red, white, and blue clothing and face paint instead of the suggested rainbow-colored attire….

(Breitbart) Adults in a Burlington, Massachusetts, community are calling for “action” in response to middle school children tearing down Pride banners and chanting “U.S.A. are my pronouns.” The principal of the school reacted to the students’ choice of rebelling against pride month by saying, “When one individual or group of individuals’ beliefs and actions result in the demeaning of another individual or group, it is completely unacceptable.” Continue reading

Discerning evil powers, their pagan world order, and hold over the souls of modern men and women

“In our own time, evil Powers dominate the minds of Luciferian Western and American Globalists and wicked government leaders on the national level through the modern pagan world order that controls their hearts and actions.”

(Linda Kimball – RenewAmerica) “They who are called devils (demons; fallen powers) attempt…to seduce men from God who made them, and from Christ His first-begotten.” Justin Martyr, 2nd century A.D., Apology 58. (Crucial Questions About Spiritual Warfare, Clinton E. Arnold, p. 40) Continue reading

Breaking! Rick Warren Loses Vote. Saddleback Church Is Officially Disfellowshipped from the SBC

(Protestia) It’s official. Despite Rick Warren making a 3-minute appeal to the convention before the final votes were cast- a nasty and tragically problematic speech that resulted in him getting cut off when he went over his time, nearly 12,000 messengers spoke and voted to uphold the decision to disfellowship Saddleback Church.

Warren has been insufferable this last week on social media, first issuing an “apology” to women on his behalf for not allowing them to be pastors, and then insulting complementarian Southern Baptists as a bunch of angry fundamentalists for also not allowing women to be pastors…. Continue reading

SBC ministers spar over women pastors, attendees select next president

Albert Mohler, the president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, remarked in one of two rebuttal speeches delivered on behalf of the Executive Committee that the issue is “a matter of biblical commitment.”

(Ben Zeisloft – The Sentinel) Messengers at the Southern Baptist Convention annual meeting heard debate on Tuesday over the issue of female pastors in the nation’s largest association of Protestant churches.

The Southern Baptist Convention Executive Committee determined earlier this year that Saddleback Church in Lake Forest, California, and Fern Creek Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky, are no longer in “friendly cooperation” with the denomination because of their decisions to install female pastors…. Continue reading

Tucker Carlson Weighs in on Trump Indictment

“This, Tucker notes, is the  “destruction of our democracy,” and it should trouble everyone, regardless of whether they support Trump or hate him.”

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) Last week, Tucker Carlson debuted his new show, Tucker on Twitter. That premiere episode has accumulated an impressive 116 million views. Despite receiving a cease-and-desist order from Fox News, he’s continued to produce his new show. In the latest episode, posted on Tuesday evening, Carlson discussed the federal indictment of President Trump and the implications it has on our country. Continue reading

New study shows that a large percentage of people who identify as LGBT end up switching to heterosexual in just a few years time

“Good thing we aren’t letting little kids pick their gender and get life-changing surgeries and hormone treatments, right? Right?”

(Harris Rigby – Not the Bee) Well, here’s an interesting new tidbit of info to arm yourself with during pride month.

A new study published by Duke University shows that a large number of individuals who identify as LGBT actually end up “switching back” to heterosexual in just a few years’ time. Continue reading

‘Degenerate’ Transgender Activists Strip at White House Pride Event With Kids Present

“Which group is more degenerate: the transvestite strippers or the White House staff that invited them?” The video shows Biden posing with the one activist who later goes half-nude.

(Catherine Selgado – PJ Media) Do you ever feel as if Americans are practically daring God to try the Sodom and Gomorrah fire-and-brimstone treatment on us? Monday was one of those days for me, as it was revealed transgender activists proudly stripped their tops off on the White House lawn during a weekend Pride event Joe Biden and handlers were hosting. Continue reading

Bill Gothard and the Unpaid Bills of the Church

“If one does not fully understand Bill Gothard’s core foundational teaching one won’t understand why it has had such a negative impact on his followers [the Duggar family are followers]. His foundational teaching, which informs everything else, is his “umbrella of authority” doctrine. The “umbrella” icon featured prominently in the series, but its origins or how it wields its power over his followers is not addressed.”

(Don & Jan Veinot – Midwest Christian Outreach) There is a cost, very often a high cost, exacted by false teachers in the lives of their followers. Lives can be crushed. Often people are badly damaged spiritually and almost always emotionally devastated by authoritarian leaders in whom they have put their faith…. Continue reading