Home wreckers? All the appliances the Biden administration plans to regulate more aggressively

“Here is a partial list of both recent and soon to be regulated appliances…” (Just the News) The Joe Biden administration continues to use executive authority to regulate popular household appliances at an unprecedented level, with claims that their changes … Continue reading 

Yes, The Biden Impeachment Hearing Presented Evidence Of Corruption — Lots Of It

“This is just a sample, but you get the idea. Hunter was engaged in a patently corrupt scheme that involved selling access to his father, one of the most powerful politicians on the planet.” (John Daniel Davidson – The Federalist) … Continue reading 

Impeachment memo: Biden family collected $15 million in foreign money, DOJ ‘obstructed’ probe

“The President had knowledge of many of his family’s business dealings, and indeed participated in them by having phone calls and attending private dinners—including while he was Vice President…” (John Solomon – Just the News) The three House chairmen leading … Continue reading 

Biden Bombshell: James Biden confirmed to FBI family tried to help Chinese firm buy US energy assets

(John Solomon – Just the News) resident Joe Biden’s brother told the FBI the first family – including Hunter Biden – tried unsuccessfully to help a Chinese company buy U.S. energy assets and did so believing the firm’s leader was … Continue reading 

How Biden Will Circle the Wagons

“The resulting picture that emerges is an out-of-control Hunter—who lost a laptop, a crack pipe, and an illegally registered handgun—now very worried that he will become Joe’s scapegoat. Hunter still believes he is a Samson that can pull down the … Continue reading 

Hunter Biden meeting with associates at VP mansion underscores role father played wooing clients

A 2015 meeting with VP Biden and son Hunter’s client being wooed for Burisma deal involved discussion about influencing UN Secretary General race: One of many meetings that dispel the Democrat narrative of mere ‘illusion of access.” (John Solomon – … Continue reading 

Reporter Gets Destroyed After Claiming ‘No Evidence’ for Biden Impeachment

“The impeachment inquiry doesn’t need to convince the public Joe Biden is corrupt; they know it already. The mainstream media may be pushing the narrative that this is about political revenge, but the evidence of political corruption has been out … Continue reading 

As Biden scandal marches toward impeachment, what Obama knew and when looms large

“None of this could have happened without his active knowledge. It’s just not possible. So what you have is Obama weaponizing the Justice Department, breaking down the rule of law, establishing a defense for any left winger who wants to … Continue reading 

Biden to Send Maui Less than One-Tenth of One Percent of What He Wants to Send Ukraine

(Kristina Wong – Breitbart) President Joe Biden is asking Congress to approve $24 billion more in aid for Ukraine, which would bring the total amount of U.S. taxpayer-funded aid to Ukraine since February 2022 to $135 billion. In contrast, Biden announced Wednesday that … Continue reading 

Biden Suggests He Will Mandate a COVID Booster for All Americans This Fall

The Democratic Party is again fear-mongering Americans into thinking the virus is a threat. … Hollywood studio, Lionsgate, and several universities have already announced their plans to mandate masks for all.  (Sarah Arnold – Townhall) Here we go again— the Biden … Continue reading 

The Biden Clan’s Con Is Coming to an End

“In his laptop communications, Hunter whined that no one in the family appreciated his hard work at family grifting. He sounded petulant that his father forced him to fork over half his income to the Joe and Jill Biden household.” … Continue reading 

Biden Administration to Urge All Americans: Get a Coronavirus Booster Shot Now

(Simon Kent – Breitbart) All Americans will be urged by the Biden administration to get a coronavirus booster shot this autumn ahead of what it claims is a new wave of infections, a White House official said Sunday. Reuters reports the official … Continue reading 

The Biden Family Bank Statements Have Landed

(Katie Pavlich – Townhall) House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer released new information Wednesday morning detailing transactions and deposits from a number of foreign oligarchs into a series of Hunter Biden bank accounts when Joe Biden was vice president. “During … Continue reading 

IRS Whistleblower: Additional Potential Witnesses Against the Bidens Are Being Pressured Into Silence

“When Biden-appointed U.S. attorneys in the District of Columbia and the Central District of California declined the case after only a brief review, and refused to allow Mr. Shapley or me to brief them on our findings, I knew I … Continue reading 

Devon Archer to Tucker Carlson: Biden Brand Is ‘Abuse of Soft Power’

(Breitbart) The Biden brand is an “abuse of soft power,” Devon Archer told Tucker Carlson during an interview released Wednesday on Twitter. Archer was Hunter Biden’s best friend in business. Together they sat on Burisma Holding’s board and co-founded BHR … Continue reading 

Light bulbs, gas stoves, refrigerators: Biden tightens appliance grip despite lackluster support

“Other items like gas furnaces, AC units, washing machines and refrigerators have also come under DOE scrutiny, all in the name of “energy efficiency” and combating climate change.” (Addison Smith – Just the News) President Joe Biden is facing increasing … Continue reading 

Biden’s Corruption Implicates the Entire Political Establishment

(Matthew Boose – American Greatness) The basic contours of the Biden family’s corruption scandal have been known for years, but the details have been suppressed. What the public knows, it knows despite the efforts of the media, the Democrats, and … Continue reading 

Biden has a border terrorism problem as encounters with flagged aliens explode ninefold

“We literally could have the next terrorist sleeper cell in United States planning a terrorist attack, and we would have no idea.” (John Solomon – Just the News) The number of foreigners on the U.S. terrorist screening list who have … Continue reading 

Forbidden questions, denied warrants, witness tipoffs: Agents detail interference in Biden probe

Prosecutors were pressured by the Biden team. Shapley alleged that Hunter Biden attorney Chris Clark threatened prosecutors that if they charged his client, they would be committing “career suicide.” (John Solomon – Just the News) A retired FBI supervisor’s account … Continue reading 

Biden DOJ Deletes Vital Child Sex Trafficking Information From Its Website

“[The] Biden Administration is trying to hide the fact that its open border policies are in direct correlation to the sex trafficking of children.”  (Sarah Arnold – Townhall) President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice quietly removed significant portions regarding child sex … Continue reading