Bethel Church Buries ‘Prophetic Time Capsule’ Under $97M ‘Apostolic Training Center’

“Bethel [has] a ‘Lab’ where they apply ‘scientific methods’ to the prophetic, and where you or your business can get a custom prophetic report for only $2750. They offer courses on interpreting dreams for $150, and they offer ‘acting classes’ for $26,700 and a … Continue reading 

Bethel Church Teams Up With Roman Catholics to ‘Bring the Gospel’ to Every Person

“These same hyper-charismatic false apostles, like Johnson, already have a false gospel, and for them to team up with Roman Catholics to “evangelize” the world can only add more confusion to the mix. Who is the author of confusion? That … Continue reading 

Irony Alert! Bethel Church Reopens HEALING SCHOOLS After Being Shut Down 2 Years

“This is a wonderful season to see break through come to the body of Christ. Join us in this school as we invite you into activation and impartation into the freedom and joy and beauty of healing. We want to … Continue reading 

Bethel Church Selling a ‘Declaration Clicker’ to Tabulate Your ‘Declarations’ and ‘Increase Your Faith’

“The declarations clicker “is a powerful and practical tool to help believers renew their minds with truth by helping them tabulate the number of times they speak biblically based declarations.” [The Dissenter) If you’re familiar with the cult of Bethel … Continue reading 

Bethel Church Preaches ‘Tunnel of Youth’ Heresy That You Can Reverse Your Age

“In one of the latest videos [on the site] to surface, Bethel Church is preaching a “tunnel of youth” heresy. Similar to Bethel’s “tunnel of fire” nonsense affirmed by Michael Brown as an act of the Holy Spirit…” (Reformation Charlotte)  … Continue reading 

Bethel Church Does Damage Control over ‘Grave Sucking’- Fails Miserably

“Talk about spin and playing down what was actually said.” (Protestia) As Bill Johnson and the apologists of Bethel Church continue to directly confront controversies in YouTube Web series titled “Rediscover Bethel,” courtesy of in-depth Q&A that addresses some of … Continue reading 

Bethel Church Promo Shows Bill Johnson Thinks People are Stupid

“Bill Johnson wants you to forget that the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry was shut down for much of last year, along with their church services and their healing houses because of that very virus. The school and church where they teach … Continue reading 

Bethel Church Casts out Demon of Racism with Wizard Staff and Incantations

This is how many in the charismatic NAR movement deal with racism. Rather than going through the scriptures and employing confession and repentance to combat the sin of racism, these purveyors of the dark arts are out there seeing visions … Continue reading 

Michael Brown Practices Cult-Like “Fire Tunnel” Similar to Bethel Church (Republished with the correct link)

“When pressed, he will never criticize those who practice these wicked things. Why? Because he does them himself.” (Jeff Maples – Reformation Charlotte)  Do you ever wonder why Michael Brown evades criticizing those “fringe” charismatics like Bill Johnson of Bethel … Continue reading 

Bethel Church Hires Lindsay Lohan Crisis Manager Over Dead Baby Controversy

“Last weekend, Bethel Worship leader, Jenn Johnson, sparked controversy for asking that God raise a dead female child back to life. Thousands upon thousands of Bethel followers began to decree and declare her resurrection through the power of positive confession. … Continue reading 

‘Olive hasn’t been raised’: Bethel Church ceasing attempts to resurrect 2-year-old

“A lot of influential Bethel people spent a lot of energy declaring that this little girl, Olive, should come back to life. And she did not. Bill Johnson, Kris Vallotton and all of the gigantic Bethel staff could not help her, … Continue reading 

Bethel Church Responds to Criticism Over Pro-Gay Post, Refuses to Clarify Position on Homosexuality

Bethel Church was widely criticized for doing anti-Gospel work with the LGBT, as perceived in their Facebook post. Many people have asked Bethel to clarify whether or not they view homosexuality as a sin. (Pulpit & Pen)  After two weeks of … Continue reading 

Bethel Church Suggests ‘LGBTQ+’ People ‘Who Feel Fulfilled and Happy As You Are’ Don’t Need to Change or Repent

“Various photos online also show members of Bethel visiting cemeteries to try to soak up the anointing of the deceased, including the graces of John G. Lake, Smith Wigglesworth and others. While Johnson has stated that he does not endorse … Continue reading 

Benny Hinn’s Nephew Calls Bethel Church Leader Kris Vallotton ‘False Prophet’ Who ‘Deceives People’

(Leah MarieAnn Klett – Christian Post) “In a recent interview with Justin Peters, Hinn further opened up about the extreme lifestyle his uncle kept while traveling the world to preach his prosperity gospel.” Costi Hinn, the nephew of Benny Hinn who frequently speaks … Continue reading 

Weird Alert! Bethel Pastor Invites Church to Perform ‘Prophetic Act’ and ‘Wallow’ Like A Pig

(Protestia) Chuck Parry is the Director of Healing Ministries at Bethel Church in Redding, California, and one of the primary teacher of the schools. According to his bio, his life is “marked by both faith and the miraculous” and he’s … Continue reading 

Drag Queen Christmas Event to be Held in Bethel Church’s Redding Convention Center

“It turns out that this civic center, which is overseen by Bethel pastor, Kris Vallotton, along with other Bethel Church leaders, is hosting a Christmas event on December 10th featuring drag queens.” (The Dissenter) Last December, according to a report at … Continue reading 

YouTube Apologist, Mike Winger, Says He Would Absolutely Fellowship With False Churches Like Bethel

“Bethel Redding, like all cults, is filled with aberrant, unbiblical teachings and doctrines of demons, including false manifestations of the Holy Spirit, grave sucking, and the Prosperity Gospel.” (The Dissenter) Mike Winger, a pastor and a popular Christian apologist has … Continue reading 

Bethel Church’s Bill Johnson Shills ‘Healing School’ Heresy While Wife Dying of Cancer

“This incongruence between heretical wishful thinking and reality is best seen in a new post by Johnson, who is inviting people to come to a “healing school” where they can pay $165 to train in both becoming a healer, and also … Continue reading 

Bethel Church’s new megabucks megastructure will model ‘on earth as it is in heaven’

(Marsha West – Christian Research Network)  I have groundbreaking news to report.  Bethel Church in Redding CA (BCR) has plans to construct an Apostolic Training Center. According to Bill Johnson, who holds the title “Super-Apostle” (which is comparable to holding … Continue reading 

Bethel Church’s Bill Johnson: ‘Not Voting Makes you a Contributor to Evil – Voting Releases Power of God into the Atmosphere’

Refusing to vote for a candidate in either a local, statewide or national election of whatever stripe, political or otherwise, because one’s conscience binds them and prevents them from doing so does not make someone a “contributor to evil.” (Protestia)  … Continue reading 

Tim Keller, Lecrae Team Up With Bethel Redding and Francis Chan For Social Justice Church Conference

According to the website, “Each participant hears every presentation and is exposed to numerous ideas from unexpected points of view that sharpen their understanding, deepen their cultural awareness, and motivate their action.” (Jeff Maples – Reformation Charlotte)  It’s one thing … Continue reading