About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

Why Did so Many Fall for the Covid Narrative?

“…governments worldwide….have joined with international bodies and large financial interests to produce harmonized propaganda through a wide variety of media outlets, including Big Tech, social media, and mainstream media. We have entered a new era of total thought control exerted on a global scale, often referred to as psychological operations, or psy-ops.”

(Robert Malone – The New American) Propagandists, governments, and the World Economic Forum (WEF) are using mass-formation psychology to sway large groups of people to act for the benefit of the propagandists’ objectives. Although a major crisis — war, hyperinflation, or a public-health emergency, for example — can be extremely useful to a propagandist, these psychological tactics can be applied even without strong evidence of a crisis; the leader just has to be compelling enough. Continue reading

The Gospel Coalition Author Implies Jesus Knows What It’s Like to Be a Homosexual

“The lengths these people go to to try to justify their homosexuality are simply astonishing at times. This isn’t to say that a homosexual can’t come to Christ and still struggle with their desires. However, teaching that Jesus understands because He too struggled with similar desires is quite blasphemous.”

(Reformation Charlotte) You’ve probably heard of the “gay Christian” ministry called Living Out. Living Out has been in partnership with the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC) as well as The Gospel Coalition (TGC) and the late [disgraced] Ravi Zacharias’ International Ministry (RZIM)…. Continue reading

Shut Up, Mickey: Disney Vows to Fight DeSantis in Court While a Fourth-Grade Teacher Is Arrested for Attempted Child Rape

(Lincoln Brown – PJ Media) We interrupt the wall-to-wall national coverage of the outbreak of violence at this week’s Annual Narcissists’ Convention to bring you other entertainment news. According to The Mix, the Walt Disney Company announced this week that it would do everything it can to have Florida’s HB 1557 either repealed or struck down in court. Darth Mickey issued the threat via Twitter:

“Florida’s HB 1557, also known as the ‘Don’t Say Gay Bill’ should never have passed and should never have been signed into law. Our goal as a company is for this law to be repealed by the legislature or struck down in the courts, and we remain committed to supporting the national and state organizations working to achieve that. We are dedicated to standing up for the rights and safety of LGBTQ+ members of the Disney Family as well as the LGBTQ+ community in Florida and across the country.” Continue reading

Ron DeSantis Slams Leftists Lying About the Parental Rights Bill: ‘They Support Sexualizing Kids in Kindergarten’

“I don’t care what corporate media outlets say. I don’t care what Hollywood says. I don’t care what big corporations say. Here I stand. I’m not backing down.” 

(Hannah Bleau – Breitbart) Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Monday made it clear many leftists and activists are lying and “sloganeering” on the Parental Rights in Education act because they “don’t want to admit that they support a lot of the things we’re providing protections against.” Continue reading

Media Blackout: It Has Been 259 Days Since Network Newscasts Have Mentioned The Words ‘Hunter Biden’

“As Ron Johnson argues, the network news programs are simply propaganda wings of the Democratic Party.”

(Harris Rigby – Not the Bee) In the last month, the not-so-shocking verification that Hunter Biden’s laptop is real has come to light thanks to The New York Times, but if you’re one of the millions of Americans that gets your news from an evening newscast, you would never know this was a story. Continue reading

TV’s ‘The Chosen’ Director Dallas Jenkins Doubles Down on Controversial Mormon Comments, Straight up Lies

“Even if he wasn’t explicitly referring to the LDS community, which he was, unless his Mormon friends repudiate everything they believe about Jesus, then he is still wrong that his Mormon friends and partners believe in the same Jesus.” 

(Protestia) Dallas Jenkins, son of “Left Behind” author Jerry Jenkins, and Director of the smash-hit TV show The Chosen continued to double down on controversial comments he made last year about Mormons (Latter Day Saints, ie LDS) and Jesus loving the same Jesus, appearing on Ruslan KD’s channel and again insisting that some of his Mormon friends indeed love the same Jesus as he does, while engaging in a bit of revisionist history over what he actually did say. Continue reading

6 Justices Give Biden Absolute Vax Power Over Religious Navy SEALs

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Justices Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett, and Chief Justice Roberts sided with the far-left Justices to fire unvaccinated Navy SEALs who filed religious exemptions. The military hadn’t exempted one person at the time the lawsuit was filed. This is despite the fact that the vaccines don’t protect anyone from getting COV or spreading it. Also, at the present time, Omicron is a cold.

So glad we fought for him so he could vote with the people who orchestrated attacks against him. Continue reading

The Sheer Madness of Today’s Left

“These contradictions that lead to insanity enrage Americans. They believe the fiascos of 2021-2022 were almost a case study how to destroy a great nation economically, materially, culturally, socially, politically, and militarily in just 14 months.”

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) “Madness! Madness . . . madness!” — The Bridge on the River Kwai

With that exclamation, director David Lean ended his epic film about a dutiful but vainglorious British officer who sought to display to his Japanese captors superior British discipline and morale in a prisoner of war camp. As proof of British engineering superiority, he pursues his agendas by ordering his POWs to build for their Japanese captors a strategic bridge that otherwise they could not have built—only to try to destroy the efforts of fellow Allied soldiers sent to blow-up his masterpiece. For the delusional ideologue, reality must never intrude. Continue reading

More Details on the Pastor Hillsong Promoted After He Was Caught in Adulterous Sex Scandal

“Senior leadership at Hillsong knew and did not care, and that is why it is an inevitability that more stories will come to light about similar behavior. They spent a decade covering them up, which means more will only come into the light.”

(Protestia) Hillsong is a mess in part because they don’t view most sex scandals as particularly bothersome- a perspective shared by many within the pentecostal and charismatic movement who have historically demonstrated high levels of tolerance for sinful and scummy behavior…. Continue reading

Lesbians and Homosexuals to Train Leaders at AWANA ‘Child Discipleship’ Conference

“It is clear the direction the ministry is moving—the same direction that the rest of mainstream Evangelicalism is going. Ultimately, this is going to have an effect from the top down and it will make its way into your church if it is not stopped.”

(Reformation Charlotte) AWANA is a program used by many Evangelical churches as a tool to train children in various areas of discipleship, primarily, Scripture memorization. While churches use the program in varying degrees—ranging from nothing more than practicing and reciting Scripture to using the full curriculum—it should be noted that the direction the ministry is going is troubling, to say the least. Continue reading

House GOP pushes Wray for transparency on FBI misconduct in probing politicians, religious groups, journalists

“The audit says officials violated FBI policies in failing to receive approval from supervisors and attorneys before opening a sensitive investigation and also did not notify the appropriate United States Attorney’s Office in writing within a month of starting the probes, as required.”  

(Fred Lucas – Fox News) Rep. Andy Biggs, R-Ariz., contends Democrats have a stake in digging for more details about the FBI breaking its own rules to probe elected officials, political candidates, religious organizations and the news media. Continue reading

Yes, Gender Clinics Are Performing Sex-Change Operations on Minor Children. We Have the Receipts.

(Megan Fox – PJ Media) Alix Aharon is the owner of the Gender Mapping Project, which seeks to abolish the highly lucrative gender industry that is preying on vulnerable children and their families. The website offers a strong mission statement and many resources.

The Global Gender Mapping Project is an educational resource for anyone who has been affected by the gender industry, we offer no apologies for our dedication to abolishing the gender industry. We are dedicated to delivering the truth about what is happening to children and youth by documenting the hard numbers on how many gender clinics, how many surgical clinics, and recording evidence where necessary…. Continue reading

John MacArthur Rebukes Church Hosting Ligonier National Conference

“…why didn’t Ligonier take a stand against FBO as well? While MacArthur withdrew, for whatever reasons those were, many prominent speakers remain such as Steven Lawson, Sinclair Ferguson, Robert Godfrey, Stephen Nichols, Burk Parsons, Derek Thomas, and Michael Reeves, amongst others. These men are wonderful brothers in the faith, many having decades long faithful ministries that have benefited an untold amount of believers.”

(Brad Schoolfield) Recently, news broke that Ligonier Ministries scheduled their 2022 National Conference at First Baptist Orlando, which concludes this weekend. This was alarming due to the recently exposed heretical teachings espoused by First Baptist…. Continue reading

Klaus Schwab Sees Everyone Microchipped in Next 10 Years

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) When Klaus Schwab, the leader of the World Economic Forum and The Great Reset, talks about fusing the physical, digital, and biological world, he is also talking about microchipping everyone. First, microchips will be implanted in our clothes and eventually, our brains or skin.

Certainly, in the next ten years, everyone will be implanted with chips, he says. It will enable direct communication between our brain and the digital world. Continue reading

University Caught Storing Bags of Aborted Babies and Aborted Baby Parts

“The American people must be made aware of the mass dehumanization of these unborn children who are violently killed and thrown into a freezer, whose body parts are then portioned out to researchers in pursuit of federal funding.”

(Micaiah Bilger – LifeNews) Pro-life advocates made a disturbing discovery earlier this month in a lab at the University of Washington Department of Pediatrics: a freezer full of rows and rows of aborted babies’ body parts. Continue reading

Gay CRU Leader, Turned Catholic, Explains How Tim Keller Helped Him Shape His Pro-LGBTQ Views

“Tim Keller’s views are toxic and spiritually poisonous and have only served to muddy the waters on cultural issues in the Church.”

(Reformation Charlotte) In 2019, Reformation Charlotte broke the story that a Campus Crusade (CRU) leader — who identifies as “LGBTQ” was teaching students that the Scriptures do not teach that homosexuality is sinful. Quoting a lesbian TGC author, Rachel Gilson, Grant Hartley tweeted the following: Continue reading

Hunter Biden’s Firm and DoD Funded Ukraine BioLabs

“RSTP also includes Metabiota in its portfolio. Hunter sits on the board and it’s tied to Anthony Fauci of NIAID and the notorious Wuhan laboratory.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Okay, so Russia sees secrecy surrounding Ukrainian BioLabs tied to the Defense Department and Biden’s and Kerry’s son and stepson respectively. The labs experiment on dangerous pathogens which could be used as bioweapons. Continue reading

U.S. Army surgeon in tears: Top brass ordered silence on vaccine injuries

“Up to 80% of military personnel have contracted COVID-19 despite having had two shots. However, he said, among the unvaccinated, the infection rate was 15%.”

(Art Moore – WND) An Army flight surgeon testified in federal court that she was ordered by high-level command not to discuss the controversy over Department of Defense data indicating a massive spike in serious injuries and illnesses among military personnel when the vaccines were rolled out in 2021. Continue reading

John MacArthur Explains on Laura Ingraham What’s Behind the Teen Crime Explosion

(Reformation Charlotte) Despite the relentless attacks from lost causes like Julie Roys and the feminist blowhards whose entire lives revolve around defaming a God-fearing church leader, John MacArthur is demonstrating his resolve and faith and it appears that he is going to “finish well.”

John MacArthur’s timeless teachings and unwavering faith in the times of various trials have served to benefit the Bride of Christ in immeasurable ways—and we only have God to thank for that gift…. Continue reading

Trump Sues Hillary Clinton, Her Campaign, and the DNC

“There’s a surprising amount of information that can be pulled from public sources — especially the national media as they became eager and willing allies to Clinton’s schemes.”

(Rick Moran – PJ Media) Donald Trump filed a lawsuit in federal court on Thursday accusing Hillary Clinton, her campaign, various aides, and the Democratic National Committee of trying to frame him for colluding with the Russian government to win the 2016 presidential contest. Continue reading

Roys vs MacArthur: Anatomy of a Smear

(David Morrill) If Grace Community Church did everything they were supposed to do biblically, and if David Gray is actually innocent of what he was convicted of in 2005, Julie Roys’ articles technically wouldn’t need to change at all. This should shake all of us to our core.

When we last left this story (see part one here), I had untwisted the timeline of events presented in Roys’ first article, revealed the not-so-conservative source of her financial support, and scratched the surface of the deceptive techniques she uses to disguise her activism as journalism – techniques that have fooled some of our favorite internet personalities into carrying water for her…. Continue reading

Christianity’s ‘Trip’ to the East

“[M]any of the leading voices in the spiritual formation movement stress the need for more intuitive interpretations of spirituality. They encourage believers to incorporate a wide variety of extrabiblical spiritual practices, such as contemplative prayer, silence, meditation, creative expression, and Yoga. In fact, some of the most popular methods of spiritual formation have been lifted from Catholicism, new age mysticism, or other religions and rebranded with biblical-sounding terminology.”

(Don and Joy Veinot – Midwestern Christian Outreach) The 1960s and ’70s was a time of great transition for Western culture – and in our opinion, not in a good way. Sadly in our view, America led the way down that slippery slope. Social mores and long-held religious tenets were challenged and often discarded by young people, which raised the eyebrows of former generations and truly frightened many parents…. Continue reading

Biden’s Supreme Court Justice Nominee Challenged On CRT, Basic Biology

“Ketanji Brown Jackson, Biden’s nominee to the Supreme Court, sits on a school board that has a curriculum that brazenly promotes Critical Race Theory.”

(OAN) Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson said she cannot define the word “woman.” On the second day of her confirmation hearing, Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.) asked Jackson a series of questions about gender.

Blackburn probed the judge about hot-button issues, including efforts to ban biological male students from playing on female teams. However, when Jackson was asked to define the word “woman,” the judge said she was not a “biologist.” Continue reading

Hillsong Music is for the Spiritually Shallow

“If your church is still using Hillsong music, you need to urge them to stop. You should point out that this isn’t actual worship of God, it is in many ways a form of idolatry.”  

If you’ve paid any attention to the news lately, you’re probably aware of Hillsong’s latest sex scandal, this time, involving its founder and CEO, Brian Houston. In 2020, the pastor of Hillsong’s New York City branch, Carl Lentz, was fired after revelations of an affair he had with a Muslim woman…. Continue reading