About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

Victoria Newland: Ukraine Has ‘Biological Research Facilities,’ Worried Russia May Seize Them

(Glenn Greenwald) Self-anointed “fact-checkers” in the U.S. corporate press have spent two weeks mocking as  disinformation  and a false conspiracy theory the claim that Ukraine has biological weapons labs, either alone or with U.S. support. They never presented any evidence for their ruling — how could they possibly know? and how could they prove the negative? — but nonetheless they invoked their characteristically authoritative, above-it-all tone of self-assurance and self-arrogated right to decree the truth, definitively labelling such claims false. Continue reading

KinderCare LGBTQ Curriculum Teaches Infants and Toddlers How to Explore Sexuality, Gender Identity, and Other Sexual Perversions

“Teachers are then instructed to turn these children into LGBTQ activists by making rainbow flags and other propaganda pieces designed to show support for sexual perversion.”

(Reformation Charlotte) If you haven’t noticed, the left wants your children. And they are hell-bent on getting them however they can. If it isn’t through drag queen story hour at your local public library, elementary school, or even something that calls itself a “church,” then they’re going to get to your infant through 4-year-olds through your preschool program. Continue reading

UKRAINE WAR: An (Almost) Complete Collection of Everything We’re Doing Wrong

(Stephen Green – PJ Media) The Ukraine War isn’t going well for anybody, but it seems like the country making the biggest mistakes is the biggest country not even fighting there.

Yeah, that’s the United States, led, as it were, by Presidentish Joe Biden.

There’s also an undercurrent of progressives hellbent on starting World War III, but we’ll get to them shortly.

Before even the start of the Ukraine War, Biden was pinned down (willingly) on his left flank by his party’s “green” interests. Continue reading

Is the Pope Marxist?

(Robert Spencer – Frontpage Magazine) Is the pope Catholic?

It used to be the epitome of a question for which the answer was obvious, but in the days of Pope Francis, it’s hard to tell anymore. The present occupant of the Chair of St. Peter has given many people cause to wonder if a more revealing question would be, “Is the Pope Marxist?” Recently, Pope Francis issued a curious warning against the dangers of hybrid Marxist Catholic theology…. Continue reading

The People’s Convoy Makes Its Mark Despite Media Blackout

(Rick Moran – PJ Media) More than a thousand big-rig trucks, pick-ups, SUVs, passenger cars, and motorcycles circled the 64-mile Capital Beltway on Monday to demonstrate their opposition to vaccine mandates and the government’s pandemic policies.

There were no traffic jams. The convoy was orderly, almost precision-like in its discipline. The protesters gave the right of way to other vehicles using the highway, staying in the right-hand lane for the entire circuit. It was peaceful. Continue reading

In Leaked Audio Former NIH Director/New Biden Science Adviser Laughs Over Threatening Unemployment to Force Vaccines, Blames Trump For Covid Deaths

“When one of the students asked Collins about the NIH funding experiments such as University of Pittsburgh studies that involved harvesting body parts from full term babies and grafting infant scalps onto lab rats, Collins did not deny knowing about or greenlighting such projects. He also did not say that he opposes abortion. Instead, he said that he is “troubled” by abortion and made a case for the morality and efficacy of research based on aborted tissue.”

(Megan Basham – Daily Wire) Former head of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Francis Collins, appointed as President Biden’s new science adviser on February 17, has consistently maintained that he plays a nonpartisan role in the federal government. Collins told NPR, for example, that he and his former employee, Anthony Fauci, are “not political figures,” and expressed frustration over criticism directed toward them as being driven by “a very strong political overtone.”… Continue reading

Major Group of Conservatives to Split from United Methodist Church on May 1

(Reformation Charlotte) In 2019, the United Methodists narrowly voted in favor of holding to a biblical sexual ethic and disallowed LGBTQ clergy in the denomination after years of deliberation and battling. Believing that the denomination was headed for an inevitable split due to large amounts of UMC delegates who were in favor of LGBTQ inclusion, the denomination surprised many as a majority of the African denominational leadership staved off the total apostasy by voting against it. Continue reading

‘Global Food Crisis’ Ukraine War Will Have ‘Catastrophic’ Effect on Global Food Supply

(Peter Caddle – Breitbart) The world is heading into a global food crisis thanks to the war in Ukraine, according to the head of one major Agri organisation.

Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine is going to have a ‘catastrophic’ effect on the world’s supply of food, the head of one of the world’s leading fertiliser companies.

Both Russia and Ukraine account for a significant portion of the global grain supply, with both nations also having significant roles within the supply of fertiliser, as well as its raw materials. Continue reading

Defeating Putin

“To break Putin, more sanctions are needed, and so is a ramp-up in western and Saudi oil production, so nobody buys fuel from Russia. The climate warriors will howl, but I say this: you really want to see Global Warming? Just wait til Putin drops a thermal on Brussels!”

(Bill O’Reilly) So, Vlad the dictator is evil. When you order your army to attack civilians with deadly weapons, you are evil. You may be shrewd, short, balding, and beady-eyed, but the evilness kind of overshadows all that. Continue reading

Pizza Hut Teaches Kids America is Built on Slavery and Genocide

“Forget MLK, the stale pizza franchise chain wants your kids to believe that they’re defined by their skin color, not the content of their character.”

(Daniel Greenfield – Frontpage Magazine) Pizza Hut, unsatisfied with making kids fat, also wants to make them racist.

The stale franchise chain has supplemented its menu of lightly charred cardboard covered in tasteless glops of something that a blind hobo might mistake for cheese with racism. Continue reading

Why Doesn’t Barack Obama Get More Blame for Putin’s Ukraine Invasion?

“It’s curious that the president who stood by in 2014 and watched Putin swallow Crimea without doing anything except imposing milquetoast sanctions on Russia isn’t mentioned as one of the primary reasons Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine 10 days ago.”

(Rick Moran – PJ Media) For more than a decade, American presidents stood by while Russian strongman Vladimir Putin had his way with Ukraine. Continue reading

Wisconsin School District: Parents ‘Not Entitled’ to Know Kids’ Gender Identity

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) The war on parental rights is everywhere, and it seems that last year’s gubernatorial election in Virginia wasn’t a strong enough warning to the radical left to stop undermining the rights of parents.

The latest outrage comes out of the Eau Claire School District in Wisconsin, where a slide shared during a staff development training session instructed teachers that parents are “not entitled” to know their kids’ gender identity. Continue reading

Pfizer Reluctantly Releases Data Under Court Order

(Cathy Hubbell – NotTV) Pfizer documents the FDA wanted sealed until 2097, were released March 1.

“This is a bombshell,” said Children’s Health Defense (CHD) president and general counsel Mary Holland. “At least now we know why the FDA and Pfizer wanted to keep this data under wraps for 75 years. These findings should put an immediate end to the Pfizer COVID vaccines. The potential for serious harm is very clear, and those injured by the vaccines are prohibited from suing Pfizer for damages.” Continue reading

What’s in Your Mind, Believer?

“So what is the place of the Law in the life of the Christian? Simply this…” 

(Sinclair Ferguson – Ligonier Ministries) Since the time of the Reformation in the sixteenth century, the question has been asked endlessly: “What is the role of the law of God in light of the gospel?” The Apostle Paul found himself asking it (for example, Gal. 3:19: “What purpose then does the law serve?” NKJV). He had a profound sense of the place of the Law in the history of redemption and in the covenant purposes of God…. Continue reading

Durham says Clinton lawyer engaged in a ‘political deceit’ when giving Trump dirt to FBI

Special prosecutor urges court to reject Michael Sussmann’s request for dismissal, says alleged lie to FBI was material to Russia probe.

(John Solomon – Just the News) Former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann engaged in “political deceit” during his contacts with the FBI and deprived agents of critical information that could have influenced the course of the Russia probe, Special Counsel John Durham declared in a new filing asking a court not to dismiss his criminal case. Continue reading

‘We’re Getting Creamed’ – NYC Small Business Owners Struggle To Confront Surge In Shoplifting

(Tyler Durden – Zero Hedge) New York City’s struggling small businesses are dealing with one of the worst spikes in retail theft rates in recent memory. And owners aren’t sure whether Mayor Eric Adams’ decision to roll back certain COVID restrictions will improve the situation, or make it worse.

The owner of a couple of downtown boutiques said she has never felt “more exhausted” trying to protect her businesses from emboldened shoplifters and criminal crews working small retail businesses. Continue reading

The Most Solemn Mandate

I don’t know how many times I’ve heard parents who are members of churches say to me:

I intentionally never discuss theology or religion with my children, because I want them to believe whatever they come to believe honestly and not because they’ve been indoctrinated by us in the home. I don’t want them to be slaves to a parental tradition. I want them to experience reality on its own terms and come to whatever conclusion they are drawn from the evidence.

Such sentiments mystify me because they are at such odds with the teaching of Scripture. Just consider Deuteronomy 6:4–9: Continue reading

World Economic Forum and Soros Rally Behind Ukraine: Delete Connection to Putin

In February 2020, a few months before the Great Reset meeting, Ukrainian President Zelensky called on “Western investors” during a speech at the World Economic Forum to become “the stakeholders, shareholders of the success of a new Ukraine.” He also said Ukraine was “a place where miracles come true.”

(Amy Mec – RAIR Foundation) Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, and George Soros, the Hungarian-born billionaire behind the globalist open borders Open Society Foundations, support Ukraine and their President, Volodymyr Zelensky. Both controversial Globalists are promising to do everything to help the country in the fight against Vladimir Putin and ‘Russian aggression.” 

Continue reading

After Merging With SIX Other Groups, ‘The People’s Convoy’ is Over 10,000 Vehicles Strong, 70 Miles Long

“All seven groups of truckers converged at Ted Everett Farm Equipment in Monrovia, Indiana for an overnight stay on Wednesday night, and they were greeted by a massive ‘Shifting Gears Rally’ that thousands attended to show their support for the group’s protest.”

(Julian Conradson – Gateway Pundit) American truckers are gearing up for a massive protest this weekend in Washington DC to oppose Biden’s tyrannical COVID mandates. Thousands of protesters are expected to arrive for the demonstration, with several groups departing from across the country daily. Continue reading

Canada’s Trudeau Faces Fallout After Trucker Protest

“Mr. Trudeau now faces a polarized country, says John Wright, executive vice president of Maru Public Opinion, who said his surveys indicate a level of sharp anger in Canada he hasn’t seen in more than three decades of polling.”

(Paul Vieira – MSN)The protests that rocked Canada are over, but they have undermined Canadians’ faith in their government and hurt the image of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, new polling shows. Continue reading

Woke Ed Litton will not seek reelection as SBC President

“Ed Litton was going to face a challenge in Anaheim from concerned Southern Baptists. The Conservative Baptist Network (CBN) has said as much. It was clear the organization planned to offer a slate of candidates as a conservative alternative to the Woke and plagiarist faction. Litton’s withdrawal changes the tone of the campaign.”

(Capstone Report) Sermongate tainted Ed Litton retreats in disgrace. Will preside at Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting in Anaheim but not seek reelection as SBC President. Continue reading

The West’s Green Energy Delusions Empowered Putin

“It was the West’s focus on healing the planet with “soft energy” renewables, and moving away from natural gas and nuclear, that allowed Putin to gain a stranglehold over Europe’s energy supply.” 

(Michael Shellenberger) How has Vladimir Putin—a man ruling a country with an economy smaller than that of Texas, with an average life expectancy 10 years lower than that of France—managed to launch an unprovoked full-scale assault on Ukraine?

There is a deep psychological, political and almost civilizational answer to that question: He wants Ukraine to be part of Russia more than the West wants it to be free…. Continue reading

$7 Gas Is Coming and a Poll Shows That Americans Blame Joe Biden for It

(Victoria Taft – PJ Media) Gas prices have been going up since Joe Biden began cutting off energy sources in the name of global warming Leftism on his first day of office. Now, a year later, Bidenflation has taken hold, Russia has attacked Ukraine, and the price of a barrel of oil on Wednesday stood at a gasp-inducing $112/barrel. We’re looking at gas prices close to $7.00/gallon.

Just four months ago, Don Lemon the rest of his CNN buddies waxed rhapsodic over Joe Biden for an eight-cent drop in gas prices. Now, as prices skyrocket, Joe Biden’s getting the blame, too. Continue reading

As Russia Wages War, US Army Trains Officers on Gender Identity

Photo courtesy US Defense Watch (usdefensewatch.com)

“All Army personnel, from soldiers to commanders and supervisors, are required to participate in the training by Sept. 30, 2022, according to the spokesman.”

(Adam Kredo – Washington Free Beacon) While Russia wages a full-scale invasion of Ukraine, the U.S. Army is putting its soldiers through training on gender pronouns and coaching officers on when to offer soldiers gender transition surgery, according to an official military presentation on the subject obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. Continue reading