About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

No Court, Legislature, or President Has a Right to Decide on Perversion—Let Alone Approve it!

(Don Boys) I realize this issue is debatable, delicate, and as dangerous as an attempt to shave a bobcat in a phone booth. Millennials should do their research about phone booths.

Same-sex “marriage” was wrong yesterday, today, and tomorrow regardless of what any court, church, legislative body, or professor declares. If a million experts claim an error, no one is expected to believe it but must call out their mistake, even with a lonely voice. Continue reading

Is the Transgender Cult in Trouble Now?

“Over the past couple of weeks, #LGBTdroptheT has trended on Twitter as members of the gay community are finally speaking out.”

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) The transgender cult has been targeting our children for some time now, and as long as this has been going on, many of us have been wondering why more people in the gay community weren’t speaking out about these dangerous grooming practices. Drag queen readings, transgender closets in schools, graphic sex ed, gender transitions for little children… you don’t have to be heterosexual to see these are dangerous. Continue reading

Want to See What Crazy Self-Appointed NAR ‘Prophets’ Do, Look No Further Than Hank Kunneman’s Latest ‘Revival’

Watch the video.

(The Dissenter) I saw someone on social media post this with the comment “Wow, this one will make you feel like you’re on drugs.” Well, I took the bait and even I was shocked at just how weird and crazy it was. I’ve sat through hours and hours of the nonsense these New Apostolic Reformation “prophets” and “apostles” put out, but the effort put into this production of deception is mind-blowing. Continue reading

The Destroyer of the Republic

“Pelosi and co. insist that it shows that “no one is above the law,” an argument that would have more force if Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Hunter Biden, the FBI’s Russian Collusion hoaxers, and a host of other Leftist lawbreakers were behind bars today. But they aren’t.” 

(Robert Spencer – The Federalist) It strains credulity, but given Old Joe Biden’s deteriorating mental state, it doesn’t really strain credulity all that much: the Biden White House insists that it only found out about the twilight-of-the-republic raid on Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home when the establishment media did, and not a moment before…. Continue reading

New twist in FBI raid: Trump had ‘standing order’ to declassify documents taken to residence

“Officials familiar with national security law said courts generally have held the president’s power to declassify is far-reaching and that the process for how that happens can be more happenstance, something the Bush and Obama executive orders from 2003 and 2009 made clear.”

(John Solomon – Just the News) Donald Trump’s office told Just the News on Friday that the classified materials the FBI seized from his Mar-a-Lago estate were declassified under a “standing order” while he was president that allowed him to take sensitive materials to the White House residence at night to keep working. Continue reading

Judge Roy Moore Vindicated, Wins $8.2 Million Defamation Lawsuit

“Moore’s attorneys argued the ad falsely claimed he solicited sex from young girls at a shopping mall, including another 14-year-old who was working as a Santa’s helper, and that resulted in him being banned from the mall.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) A federal jury awarded Republican Roy Moore $8.2 million in damages Friday after finding that a Democratic super PAC defamed him in an advertisement during the 2017 U.S. Senate race in Alabama. Continue reading

Department of Justice Investigates the Southern Baptist Convention

(Protestia) The United States Department of Justice has formally initiated an investigation into the Southern Baptist Convention’s handling of clergy sexual abuse, with the government likely setting the stage for a prolonged and expansive probe into the inner workings of the denomination.

The general counsel for the Executive Committee has confirmed that they’ve already received subpoenas from the government, but no specific person has been called to testify yet. In response to the news, entity heads have released a statement, saying they will fully comply with any investigations, writing in part: Continue reading

Beth Moore Says Jesus is Trying to Get Her to Have a ‘Crush’ on Him

(Protestia) Beth Moore made stomachs turn on social media by saying what only gay men and newly converted 11-year-old girls who just got their first Message Bible at church camp say about our great God and Savior. Coopting the ‘Jesus is my boyfriend’ culture that characterizes much of squishy and unlearned evangelicalism today, Moore indulged in some romanticized view of the Holy God, saying, “If Jesus is trying to get me to have a crush on him, it’s working.” Continue reading

Boston Children’s Hospital Offering Gender-Affirming Hysterectomies To Kids Who Can’t Even Drink Legally

(Virginia Kruts – Daily Wire) Boston Children’s Hospital (BCH), ranked the number one children’s hospital in the United States, is offering “gender-affirming hysterectomies” to children who aren’t even old enough to legally purchase alcohol.

According to the hospital’s website, BCH offers comprehensive medical care for children from birth to age 21 — and that includes “gender affirming” care for transgender youths as well. Continue reading

Matt Chandler’s Church Settles Sex Abuse Lawsuit

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Before Matt Chandler went woke, he was one of the most influential young pastors in America. However, aside from his decline in prominence in Evangelical Christianity, one such threat to his sprawling megachurch is a sex abuse allegation against one of his former youth pastors. As we have noticed here at Evangelical Dark Web, the words “sex abuse” cause many people to stop critically thinking or hold a biblical standard for justice. This has been weaponized by people like Jennifer Lyell and to a lesser degree, Lori Anne Thompson to achieve an maintain an impenetrable victimhood status and financial gain. Therefore, it is important to ask what happened? Who is responsible? What does the Bible say about that? Continue reading

CDC Ends Differentiation of Unvaccinated Under Coronavirus Guidelines

(Paul Bois – Breitbart) The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its coronavirus guidelines to end the differentiation of the unvaccinated.

Released Thursday, the new guidelines make a variety of changes that would have been unthinkable a year or even six months ago, including a lift on mandatory quarantines for individuals exposed to the virus, an end to screening people with no symptoms, and the elimination of testing recommendations after potential exposure. Contact tracing will also be limited to hospitals and high-risk groups living in nursing homes. Continue reading

DOJ asks court to unseal Mar-a-Lago raid warrant; AG Merrick Garland personally signed off on Trump search

(Brook Singman – Fox News) Attorney General Merrick Garland said he “personally approved” the decision to seek a search warrant for former President Trump’s private residence at Mar-a-Lago, saying the Justice Department has filed a motion to unseal the search warrant and property receipt from the FBI’s raid, amid “substantial public interest” in the matter, while defending the “integrity” of law enforcement officials.

In a rare public statement, days after the FBI’s early morning raid on Trump’s private residence in Palm Beach, Fla. Continue reading

Timothy Keller: Turning Believers Into Unbelievers?

“Keller maligned those who believe in creation and reject evolution. On page one…he labeled their position as “anti-science religion.” Indeed, Keller preferred those who doubt the Bible and cling to evolution OVER against those who believe the Biblical creation accounts of Genesis 1-2. He opted for evolution.”

(Tom Hill – The  Dissenter) “…when the Son (Jesus) cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18.8)

Jesus never accepted unbelief! He challenged His own to believe fully; indeed, He often rebuked His disciples for their unbelief: Continue reading

IRS: Bigger, Nosier, Meaner

Over half of the $80 billion ($45.6 billion) allocated to the IRS is earmarked for tax enforcement. This includes enhanced audits, legal support, criminal investigations, collections, digital asset monitoring, and more. And, of course, the selling point of enhancing the IRS’s enforcement division is hundreds of billions in more revenue for the government.

(Thomas Gallatin – The Patriot Post) With the erroneously titled Inflation Reduction Act on the edge of being passed in the Democrat-controlled House, thanks to Senator Joe Manchin’s about-face on Joe Biden’s spending boondoggle just over a week ago, Americans can expect to see a dramatic increase in the size of the Internal Revenue Service…. Continue reading

In His Own Words, Fauci Says He Symbolizes Truth, Integrity, Caring, Consistency

‘Fauci joked about the origins of COVID. Not only did he lie about the possibility of COVID originating in Wuhan, but he thinks the dangerous gain-of-function research is a joking matter.’

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) In the first clip, megalomaniac Dr. Anthony Fauci talks about the “Fauci Effect,” pretending he’s humble as he boasts about himself. He thinks he symbolizes truth, integrity, caring, and consistency. Continue reading

FBI, R.I.P.?

“Wray took over from disgraced interim FBI Director Andrew McCabe. The latter admitted lying repeatedly to federal investigators and signed off on a fraudulent FBI FISA application. He faced zero legal consequences.” 

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) The FBI is dissolving before our eyes into a rogue security service akin to those in Eastern Europe during the Cold War.

Take the FBI’s deliberately asymmetrical application of the law. This week the bureau surprise-raided the home of former President Donald Trump—an historical first. Continue reading

Heresy: Morman Tritheism

[The Bible] makes no allowance for multiple deities, whether the three of Mormonism or the millions of Hinduism, or any number held forth in pagan religions. 

(Chris Cole – The Dissenter) “Gods” in the Bible and Mormon Tritheism

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, prophets since Joseph Smith have taught clearly that there are three separate members of the Godhead, each of which is God. As Joseph Smith stated, ‘These personages… are called God the first; the Creator, God the second, the Redeemer; and God the third, the Witness or Testator’ (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 190)…. Continue reading

The US Has Crossed the Rubicon – Arrests Are Coming

“If they can do this to a former president of the United States, think of what they can do to you. Frankly, this is about you. It’s about controlling all of you. If you go against the establishment, they want you to know they will do this to you.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Matt Whitaker fears we have crossed the Rubicon with the raid on Donald Trump’s home. There is no turning back. Nothing like this has ever taken place. We are now a nation where politicians in the administration use government agencies against prior politicians in power over disagreements in the policies…. Continue reading

Convention for ‘Christian DragQueens’ Gets New Speakers

“The event is being put on by Bonnie Violet, a queer chaplain whose wild bio you can see below, and our favorite drag clown, whose sermon we recently featured.”

(Protestia) In what is likely a world’s first, a group of progressive Christians (In reality, a collective of pagans and self-deceived God-haters) who announced they were putting on ‘Spiritual DragCon 2022‘ in the fall have added several speakers to the line-up. Continue reading

Trump raid not about classified documents — it’s about Jan. 6

“The Biden Justice Department is under enormous pressure from the Democratic base to indict Trump, and it is straining to deliver. But what it is trying to deliver is a Capitol riot case, not a case of mishandling classified documents.”

(Andrew McCarthy – New York Post) The court-authorized search of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate is another unmistakable signal that the Justice Department is trying to build a criminal case against him arising out of the Capitol riot. Continue reading

Consumer Prices Rose 8.5% in July

(John Carney – Breitbart) Inflation in the United States rose at 8.5 percent in July compared with a year earlier, the Department of Labor said Wednesday.

Compared with a month earlier, the Bureau of Labor Statistics’  Consumer Price Index was flat with the month prior.

Economists had expected CPI to rise at an annual rate of 8.7 percent, down from 9.1 percent in June. They expected a month-over-month increase of 0.2 percent, a sharp decline from the 1.1 percent recorded in June. Continue reading

Republican leaders condemn FBI raid of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago: ‘Weaponization of federal agencies’

Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio questioned how the FBI found time for the raid. “The FBI isn’t doing anything about the groups vandalizing Catholic Churches, firebombing Pro-Life groups or threatening Supreme Court justices But they find time to raid Mar A Lago.”

(John Solomon – Just the News) Republican leaders condemned the FBI’s raid of former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home on Monday evening.

“The raid of MAL is another escalation in the weaponization of federal agencies against the Regime’s political opponents, while people like Hunter Biden get treated with kid gloves,” said Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a potential 2024 presidential candidate. “Now the Regime is getting another 87k IRS agents to wield against its adversaries? Banana Republic.” Continue reading

Watch — The Thunder Rolls: Donald Trump Releases Dramatic Political Video After FBI Raid at Mar-a-Lago

(Charlie Spiering – Breitbart) A defiant President Donald Trump released a new political video early Tuesday morning after the FBI raided his home at Mar-a-Lago.

The video (watch on the site) begins with rolling thunder as the former president lists the failures of President Joe Biden leading a “nation in decline.”

“We are a nation that in many ways has become a joke,” Trump says. Continue reading