The End of Private Car Ownership

“The dirty truth about the “clean” car market is that it consists of traditional car companies and Tesla frantically trying to unload a limited share of luxury electric cars on wealthy customers to cash in on the emissions credits mandated by states like California.” 

(Daniel Greenfield – Frontpage Mag) The term “pedestrian” has a derogatory meaning because peasants walked while nobles were “equestrians” and rode horses. The industrial revolution eliminated this class difference, as it did so many others, by making car ownership available to the masses until eventually Herbert Hoover was able to boast that “Republican prosperity has reduced and increased earning capacity” to “put the proverbial ‘chicken in every pot’ and a car in every backyard to boot.” Continue reading

Dear Businesses: Stop Being Political

(Brian Mark Weber – The Patriot Post) It’s hard to get away from politics these days.

Across the country, large businesses and corporations continue to publicize their (usually left-wing) positions on issues such as LGBTQ rights, abortion, and gun control. In most cases, it’s in response to pressure from outside groups, not their customers. Sure, it’s a free country, but do we really need businesses pronouncing on abortion or plastering their windows with rainbow stickers? Continue reading

Pride Will Bring Him Low – Proverbs 29:23

One’s pride will bring him low, but he who is lowly in spirit will obtain honor. Proverbs 29:23

We only need to survey the culture around us to find evidence that the first half of this proverb is true.  Secularized individuals (I say this instead of secularists simply because many people would certainly not call themselves secularists yet have nonetheless been thoroughly secularized, which is what has happened to liberal Christianity) are certainly those most supportive of celebrating pride as though it were a virtue. This is the same demographic that evidently faces the sharpest battle against  despair. These two facts are related by causation not mere correlation. Continue reading

Identity Politics for People Without Identities

“Victimhood identity politics is debilitating for minorities, but even more so for white wokes who rely on them for moral validation, playing saviors and oppressors, exoticising minorities to achieve a secondhand sense of meaning and purpose through them, rather than with them.”

(Daniel Greenfield – Frontpage Mag} There’s no one quite so woke as a white twenty-something with no identity of his, her or xer own, only peer tastes and consumer products. The corporate fusion of consumerism and identity politics in which everyday brands and retailers from Dove to Walmart champion black nationalism or celebrate ‘pride’ happened because they have the same target demographic. Continue reading

Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling on drop boxes undercuts Democrats’ clean election claim

“WEC’s authorization of ballot drop boxes was unlawful,” the Wisconsin Supreme Court said in its ruling.

(John Solomon – Just the News) The Wisconsin Supreme Court ruling striking down the use of ballot drop boxes is the latest evidence that a widely used mechanism for the 2020 election was illegal, undercutting Democratic claims that any irregularities in the contest were insufficient to sway outcomes. Continue reading

Secretary Austin Demands a Fully Vaccinated Military – Could Fire 60K

“There is no medical reason to demand these vaccinations. They don’t stop the spread and they don’t keep anyone from catching the illness. The illness has so many variants that the vaccine doesn’t even address the current variants. The vaccines can’t keep up with the variants.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) The U.S. Army on Friday said that roughly 40,000 National Guardsmen and 22,000 Reservists who have refused to get vaccinated against the coronavirus will be barred from their duties, cutting their pay and benefits. The Biden military demands soldiers loyal to their commands even when it comes to a vaccine that doesn’t work as claimed. Continue reading

Bethel Church Selling a ‘Declaration Clicker’ to Tabulate Your ‘Declarations’ and ‘Increase Your Faith’

“The declarations clicker “is a powerful and practical tool to help believers renew their minds with truth by helping them tabulate the number of times they speak biblically based declarations.”

[The Dissenter) If you’re familiar with the cult of Bethel Redding, you’re aware that they’re known for their gimmicks such as practicing grave sucking (or grave soaking) whereby people lay on the graves of dead people to “soak” the anointing from them. Continue reading

CDC allegedly failed to perform promised ‘routine surveillance’ of Covid-19 vaccine adverse events

(Sharyl Attkisson) Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) is questioning Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Director Rochelle Walensky about whether her agency actually performed the necessary surveillance of Covid-19 vaccine adverse events, as outlined in the agency’s operating procedures.

A recent article noted that CDC did not compile all of the data on vaccine adverse events as it said they would.  Continue reading

Sick! Abortion Activists Pour Blood All Over Themselves and Protest on Steps of LA City Hall

Watch the video of these left-wing activist nincompoops.

(The Dissenter) There is little more stupidity in the world than what can be found in the general population of liberal California. True, there is quite a bit in other leftist strongholds, but the mass psychosis stupidity found in the deepest darkest corners of California progressivism leaves little doubt that it is among the most cursed of all people groups in the world. Continue reading

Biden Admin Flies Illegal Alien Minors out of Texas for Abortions

(John Nolte – Breitbart) Per the far-left Reuters, the pure evil that is the Biden Administration has “been flying or driving minors from Texas shelters to other states for abortions.”




“For abortions.” Continue reading

Hunter Biden’s laptop had contacts for Google execs, US officials for China policy

“Among the names and personal cell phone numbers of the dozens of government officials and federal employees found in the infamous laptop Hunter Biden abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop in April 2019: John Kerry and Max Baucus, who served as Secretary of State and U.S. Ambassador to China, respectively, during the Biden vice presidency.”

(Jon Levine – New York Post) Hunter Biden’s hard drive contained an enviable lineup of contacts for top US officials tasked with overseeing the US-China relationship, and at least 10 senior Google executives — raising new questions about the extent to which Joe Biden’s well-connected son could have leveraged his connections for personal profit, The Post has learned. Continue reading

Our Greatest Enemy Bought 192,000 Acres of US Farmland

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Globalist Bill Gates bought 2,100 acres of farmland to add to his 270,000 acres for some sustainable reason. China bought another 300 acres of farmland that they are adding to the 192,000 acres of US land they already own.

No decent country does this. Why are our leaders allowing this? The Maoist Chinese shouldn’t own any US land. Continue reading

Three False Gospels That May Be Masquerading in Your Church

(The Dissenter) The visible church today is undoubtedly full of false gospels. There are, of course, the cults like Mormonism and the Watchtower Society. There is the Roman Catholic Church, which distorts the gospel into a form of works righteousness coupled with idolatry. We have the Prosperity Gospel, the Word of Faith movement, the New Apostolic Reformation, Charismania, Arminianism, easy-believism, and so on. Satan’s attack on the Church is relentless and unforgiving. Continue reading

The Disappearing American?

“The real gender crisis in America are these listless and stalled 20-something men. Too many are still living at home, not fully employed, often in debt, hooked on social media, video games, or satisfying their appetites — and with scant interest in marrying, much less raising children.”

(Victor Davis Hanson – PJ Media) “Help wanted” and “Now hiring” signs are everywhere. Flights, construction projects, and healthcare services are delayed – or unavailable – due to labor shortages. Continue reading

Biden’s New DOE Staffer Defended Gay ‘Escort’ Website That Allegedly Allowed Human Trafficking and Child Prostitution

Get a load of the photos posted in the article.

(Debra Hein – American Greatness) Joe Biden’s new deputy assistant secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition at the The Department of Energy (DOE) defended a criminal gay prostitution website seven years ago after it was raided and shut down by NYPD and DHS investigators.

Transvestite and “pup fetishist” Sam Brinton began his service at the DOE on June 19. Continue reading

Every Farm Unites Against the WEF-Controlled Dutch Government

“Dutch flags are hung upside down on every farm in the country. Every farm is united against this globalist government.”

The Klaus Schwab-World Economic Forum Mark Rutte government of The Netherlands has put an insane nitrogen policy in at the suggestion of Klaus Schwab. It requires the cutting of nitrogen emissions in half by 2030. Every farm in the nation has united against the government’s draconian measures. Continue reading

Illinois Shooter’s Mom an Occultist who Sells ‘Cultural & Religious Programming’ Services

(The Dissenter) Following the Illinois July 4 massacre that took place at the hands of a troubled young man, Bobby Crimo, many have been looking into this kid’s homelife. Several have already jumped to conclusions and immediately began blaming “white supremacy” and “Trump” for the massacre. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

A simple perusal of this kid’s upbringing answers many questions, but also raises more…. Continue reading

Murdoch Wedding: A Tribute to the Left’s Destruction of Western Culture

“Oh, they had a fitting church, the Anglican St. Mary’s in Burford, whose chancel dates back to medieval times. But the affair itself was a bit more like the bar scene in Star Wars….”

(Selwyn Duke – The New American) “We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks,” goes a saying attributed to communist Willi Muzenberg. If old Willi really did thus vow, he might have been looking down (or up?) and smiling this weekend beholding the wedding of one of billionaire media tycoon Rupert Murdoch’s granddaughters. No, the event wasn’t Drag Queen Story Hour or a prurient “Pride” parade, but perhaps that’s the point… Continue reading

Roe, Dobbs, and God’s Judgment

“I agree with the movement to designate June as Pro-Life Month.  We should turn June 24, 2022 into a remembrance for the abortion holocaust.  I do not think it should involve fireworks, but it should share a sense of God’s mercy.  We should take June back from its status as Pride Month and drown out the six-stripe rainbow flags with emblems of our reverence for the sanctity of life.  But to honor such a Month of Life, we have to reflect on the following points….”

(Robert Oscar Lopez – The American Thinker) The news came down from Washington, D.C.: Roe v. Wade has been overturned!

There was some rioting, of course — there was bound to be.  But a lot of America rejoiced. Continue reading

Joy in the Midst of Suffering

My soul longed and even yearned for the courts of the LORD; My heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God. Psalms 84:2 (NASB) 

I am in the process of rereading John Bunyan’s Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners. I need the perspective change at times so that I quit listening to the wrangling nature of my flesh and, instead, crucify it, take up my own cross and follow my Lord. That means, I follow His example (1 Peter 2:18-23) instead. Also, this past Sunday, our pastor, Brian Mills, in his sermon, spent some time on the Summer Camp that our Church sends our youth to every Summer here in Oklahoma, which is called Falls Creek. He said something I will will never forget about the importance of the camp experience in the Spiritual growth of these youth…. Continue reading

Biden Sent 5 Million Barrels of Emergency Oil Reserves to Europe and Asia

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) According to Reuters, more than 5 million barrels of oil that were part of a historic U.S. emergency oil reserves release aimed at lowering domestic fuel prices were exported to Europe and Asia last month.

This took place even as U.S. gasoline and diesel prices touched record highs.

The export of crude and fuel is blunting the impact of the moves by U.S. President Joe Biden designed to lower record pump prices. Continue reading

Pope Francis Explains Why He Gave Communion to Pro-Abortion Nancy Pelosi

(Protestia) Last month, in a rare showing that the Roman Catholic Church, led by the insufferably heretical Pope Francis, is not just a bloated corpse of Mariology and malaise, American Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, who leads the archdiocese of San Francisco where Pelosi attends mass, announced that she would be subsequently barred from taking the eucharist on account of her rabidly pro-abortion ways, which are considered known mortal sins within the Roman Catholic faith. Continue reading

The Gospel Coalition Says Abortion is Morally Acceptable in ‘Rare Exceptions’

(The Dissenter) In the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the world has no shortage of opinions coming from practically every mouthpiece in the nation, especially from the talking heads of the professing Church. It’s not unexpected that the liberal wing of modern Evangelicalism spouts off their pro-abortion nonsense. One pastor said that celebrating the Roe decision is demonstrative of America “going to hell” while another outright said that God is pro-choice—and even tried to contort Scripture into supporting that idiotic assertion. And yet, another said that if you celebrate the decision, you’re worthy of hellfire. Continue reading

The Unstoppable Force of Liberty

“All honor to Jefferson—to the man who, in the concrete pressure of a struggle for national independence by a single people, had the coolness, forecast, and capacity to introduce into a merely revolutionary document, an abstract truth, applicable to all men and all times, and so to embalm it there, that today, and in all coming days, it shall be a rebuke and a stumbling-block to…reappearing tyranny and oppression.”

(Jonathan W. Emord – PJ Media) Everyone yearns to be free. Freedom of choice — free agency — is a divine gift we each receive at birth. It is part of our human nature and it is our ever-present desire. As Thomas Jefferson put it, “the God who gave us life, gave us liberty at the same time.”… Continue reading