Paul’s Warnings to the Galatians Still Speak to Us

For Paul, the only way for sinful men and women to stand before the Holy God in the judgment yet to come is to possess the merits of Jesus through faith. So, it would figure that this would be the place where Satan would direct his attacks—rarely in frontal assaults, more often in subtle re-definition. For the gospel as taught by Paul is “all of Christ.” But Satan will find a way to make it “some of Christ and some of me.” Yet a gospel that is “some of Christ and some of me,” is a different gospel from that which Paul proclaimed, and tragically, is no gospel at all. Continue reading

See to it that no one misleads you

1 Jesus came out from the temple and was going away when His disciples came up to point out the temple buildings to Him. 2 And He said to them, “Do you not see all these things? Truly I say to you, not one stone here will be left upon another, which will not be torn down.” 3 As He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, “Tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age?”4 And Jesus answered and said to them, “See to it that no one misleads you. Matthew 24:1-4 (NASB) 

My brethren, stop, take a deep breath and take an honest look at what is going on all around us and what has been going on for last couple of years. My dear brethren, in 2019 I was in fantastic physical condition. I and a friend were all prepared to spend two weeks hiking and climbing mountains in Colorado that June. I spent over a year conditioning myself to be physically ready for it. I had all my gear ready…. Continue reading

Buckgate: SEBTS and Friends Keep Digging

Photo credit: Protestia

(David Morrill – Protestia) Pastor Tom Buck released a statement in response to Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary exonerating themselves for the leak of Jennifer Buck’s rough draft and subsequent attempt to blackmail Buck into silence. The statement was released on Buck’s behalf by journalist Janet Mefferd, and offered corrections that included the following:

    • Contrary to SEBTS’s claim, they did not conduct a “careful investigation,” and SEBTS President Danny Akin told Tom Buck he was going back on his agreement to allow a third-party investigation.

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CDC Survey Shows About 5% of Young Adults Identify as Transgender or ‘Non-Binary’

“It’s no accident that only 0.5% of adults over the age of 25 identify as trans — ten times less than the percentage of kids. There is so much more pressure on kids to “conform” by being different. “Coming out” as gay or bi in many teen social groups makes a kid a celebrity.”

(Rick Moran – PJ Media) According to two CDC health surveys of young adults from 2017 to 2020, about 5% of youths aged 17-24 believe they are transgender or “non-binary.” Continue reading

Watch: MTG Interviews Journalist With Hours of Compelling Video Evidence Who Is Being Ignored by Jan 6 Committee

Capitol Police allowing peaceful protestors to enter the building on January 6.

(Revolver News) Marjorie Taylor Greene is on a mission to get the truth out about what really happened on January 6th at the US Capitol.

Right now, the American people are being subjected to some of the most highly politicized propaganda we’ve ever seen in this country.

Over one year later, the left and many establishment politicians on the right and their media cohorts are twisting the events of January 6th in an effort to hurt President Trump and his supporters, and provide cover for Joe Biden’s domestic and international failures.

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FNC’s Carlson: January 6 Hearings ‘Insulting,’ ‘Deranged’ — ‘They Are Lying’

(Breitbart) Thursday, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson hammered the House January 6 committee for the hearings they were during his broadcast.

Carlson questioned why the hearings had taken precedent over other problems plaguing the country and argued the committee members were not being truthful with their presentation.

Watch the video on the site or read the transcript, which follows: Continue reading

The SBC pitches its tent toward Sodom with Guidepost

From Guidepost Solutions site: “Uncovering facts. Assessing risk. Protecting facilities. Monitoring progress.”

(Capstone Report) Guidepost Solutions supports radical pro-LGBTQ+ ideology.

The Race Marxists are now promoting radical pro-LGBTQ ideology in the Southern Baptist Convention. The Russell Moore fanboys tried to destroy the Southern Baptist Convention with Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Intersectionality…. Continue reading

The Most Dangerous Move Yet By the mRNA Vaccinations

“The Omicron booster works marginally better against Omicron than the original booster – which very quickly doesn’t work at all.”

(Alex Berenson) On Wednesday morning Moderna released supposedly positive data from a trial of its Omicron-specific booster mRNA shot.

Do NOT be fooled by the company’s spin on the data – a claim credulous reporters are gladly abetting. Continue reading

Abortion Radicals Send a Disturbing Message to Justice’s Wife and Children

“These people are now going after children. They’re despicable.”

(Mary Dowling Independent Sentinel) A radical leftist pro-abortion group known as Ruth Sent Us, sent a very disturbing, bizarre message on Wednesday to the family of Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

That was the same day a heavily-armed Nicholas Roske was arrested outside Justice Kavanaugh’s home at 2 am, threatening to kill the Justice. Continue reading

Justice Department Colludes with Congress to Bolster the ‘Insurrection’ Narrative

(Julie Kelly – American Greatness) This week produced yet another example of the shameless collaboration between the U.S. Department of Justice, the Democratic Party, and the national news media to destroy Donald Trump and everyone around him. The ink was barely dry on the not guilty verdict for Michael Sussmann, just one of many figures who acted as a pass-through between Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the FBI to manufacture the Russia collusion hoax, before the same players were up to their old tricks. Continue reading

The Subordinate Citizen

“Americans feel that ordinary citizens like themselves who follow the rules are treated more harshly by their own government than are both noncitizens and our own progressive elites.”

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) I recently led a group of about 100 citizens to tour Israel for nearly two weeks. Before returning to the United States, all participants had to indicate their vaccination status and take a COVID-19 test for reentry.

Anxieties swept the group as Israeli testers swabbed them. Continue reading

SEBTS Says ‘Anonymous Couple’ was Source of Tom Buck Letter Leak, Shuts Down Further Inquiry

(Protestia) How convenient. In a STATEMENTS FROM SOUTHEASTERN ON MATTERS SURROUNDING THE BUCK ESSAY, Danny Akin has shared with the world that his seminary has “concluded a careful investigation into the involvement of any SEBTS faculty and staff (Karen Swallow Prior and Ken Whitfield), in the sharing of an essay written by Jennifer Buck, and with the intention of blackmailing her husband, Tom Buck” and that they surmised that “nothing was discovered to indicate that any staff at SEBTS were involved in the sharing of the essay or in any attempt to blackmail Dr. Buck.” Continue reading

Why the AR-15 Is Misunderstood — and Loved

“Far from devastating, the AR-15’s standard round is small caliber (similar to a .22’s diameter) and has the second least stopping power of the 58 cartridges found on this Rifle Cartridge Killing Power List page.”

(Selwyn Duke – The New American) On Tuesday, CNN published a video segment titled “Why gun owners say they love AR-15 style rifles.” Some may wonder, “How could you love such a thing?!” Perhaps to the surprise of many, CNN did provide a glimpse into the answer. But the outlet also interviewed one of its military analysts, a retired Army officer, who appeared a voice of reason but whose statements were without reason. Continue reading

Jesus is the Way the Truth and the Life

6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way and the truth and life; no one come to the Father except through Me.” (John 14:6 translated from the NA28 Greek text)

We continue with the time our Lord spent with His disciples in preparation for His separation for them as He was arrested, tried, crucified, died, and laid in a tomb. In John 13 He has told them that He is about to be betrayed by one of their number and that Peter this very night will deny that he ever knew the Lord at all. All of these are extreme jolts and tests of their faith therefore our Lord encourages them greatly. In this post we will look how He begins this by exegeting John 14:1-14. Continue reading

Dems Rejected SCOTUS Security Bill And Now Someone Tried to Kill a Justice

Sen. Schumer & Speaker Pelosi

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell Tuesday slammed House Democrats for not passing a Supreme Court security bill. It’s especially more noticeable after a man went armed to Justice Kavanaugh’s home, threatening to kill him today.

They wouldn’t approve it after encouraging radical Antifa and BLM protesters to continue protesting outside conservative Justices homes.

Democrats are upset that Roe could be overturned. Continue reading

University investigations suggest right-wing words more dangerous than left-wing force

Georgetown Law took no action in response to faculty who called for “mass murder and castration based on race and gender,” urged colleagues to reject student applications to clerk for Trump-appointed judges, invalidated the legitimacy of the Republican Party, and justified protests of Supreme Court justices’ homes when “the mob is right.”

(Greg Piper – Just the News) Incidents at Penn State, Georgetown Law reinforce yearslong trend where faculty who attack students escape punishment, while those challenging orthodoxy find themselves under repeated investigation. Continue reading

Establishment’s Navarro Message: ‘We Can Get You Anytime. You Can’t Touch Even a Single One of Ours’

“Many of this dark radicalism’s cheerleaders will learn, as the plight of liberals Robert F. Kennedy Jr., J.K. Rowling, and Martina Navratilova evidence, that this iron muzzle will leave no dissenting voice untouched…”

(Selwyn Duke – The New American) It’s a tale of two standards. One is represented by Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann walking out of a D.C. federal court, freed by a jury that included three Clinton campaign donors. Weathermen terrorist Bill Ayers’s post-acquittal line “Guilty as sin, free as a bird” could come to mind. Continue reading

Karma Will Not Be Kind to the J6 Kangaroo Court Commies

“I still like to believe in a world with consequences and hope the people who are actively trying to destroy this great nation will eventually receive some comeuppance, hopefully in the form of being politically marginalized for a very long time.”

(Stephen Kruiser – PJ Media) With a generous assist from two turncoat Republicans whose reputations have been swirling in the toilet for a long time, the House Soviet Select Committee on Daddy Issues is taking its kangaroo court to television this week. Continue reading

Abortion Activists Firebomb Pro-Life Pregnancy Center, Third Bombing in Weeks

(Steve Erlelt – LifeNews) Radical abortion activists who firebombed the office of a pro-life groups in Wisconsin and Oregon and who have vandalized over a dozen churches and pregnancy centers have struck again.

Early this morning police and fire departments in Buffalo, New York responded to smoke and fire at CompassCare, a pro-life medical office and pregnancy center that helps women and children. The building was firebombed and the windows in the reception room and nurses’ office were broken and fires lit. Continue reading

Abortion Activists Crash Joel Osteen’s Sunday Service, Strip Down to Their Underwear


Profanity Alert

[Protestia] 16,000 goatlings attending Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church got more than they bargained for after three abortion activists crashed the church service just as the sermon pep talk was starting, stripping down to their underwear and screaming “It’s my body, my [profanity] choice.” Continue reading

Southern Baptist Sex Abuse Investigation Firm Comes Out in Full Support of Homosexuality and Sexual Immorality

(The Dissenter) The Southern Baptist Convention has been embroiled in scandal after scandal over the past year since Ed Litton, the current Southern Baptist Convention president took office at the convention last year. Embroiled in his own plagiarism scandal, Litton was elected to implement and oversee an investigation into an alleged mass cover-up scheme of sex abuse within the Southern Baptist Convention. Continue reading