Durham evidence creates timeline of relentless Democrat effort to sell Russia collusion hoax

“In his latest court filings, Durham repeatedly called Sussmann’s comments a “lie” that had consequences, concealing from the FBI that the origins of the Trump dirt came from his rival’s campaign, Hillary Clinton.”

(John Solomon – Just the News) As the trial for former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann draws closer, Special Counsel John Durham is painting a picture of a relentless effort by Democrat operatives to sell the Russia collusion narrative across the U.S. government from the FBI to the State Department. Continue reading

The Left Is the Culture War Aggressor

(Ben Shapiro – PJ Media) Last week, reporter Christopher Rufo released footage of top Disney employees vowing to inject their radical LGBTQ agenda into children’s programming. Disney producer Latoya Raveneau told an all-hands meeting that her team works to push a “not-at-all-secret gay agenda” in programming aimed at kids and sought to add “queerness” to such content. Disney corporate president Karey Burke announced that she was the mother of “one transgender child and one pansexual child” and that she would try to achieve a quota system whereby half of all Disney characters would be LGBTQ or people of color. Disney diversity and inclusion manager Vivian Ware stated that Disney’s beloved theme parks would be eliminating any mention of “ladies and gentlemen” or “boys and girls.” Continue reading

Former Hillsong pastors say they were threatened by Brian Houston to hand over their church and assets

“Brian Houston warns that Vera and Zhenya Kasevich “have a lot to fear” and that his general manager has “a lot of useful information for the US embassy” about the former Hillsong Kyiv pastors.”

(ABC News) Two former European pastors have accused Hillsong co-founder Brian Houston and the church’s general manager of sending threatening emails during a dispute over the transfer of their church, cash, and assets to Hillsong Australia. Continue reading

No One Can Come To Me Unless The Father Who Sent Me Draws Him (Reprise)

41 Therefore the Jews were grumbling about Him, because He said, “I am the bread that came down out of heaven.” 42 They were saying, “Is not this Jesus, the son of Joseph, whose father and mother we know? How does He now say, ‘I have come down out of heaven’?” 43 Jesus answered and said to them, “Do not grumble among yourselves. 44 No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day. John 6:41-44 (NASB) 

(Mike Ratliff – Possessing the Treasure) One of the aspects of our Christian faith that we lose sight of sometimes, and it gets us in trouble when we do, is how vital it is that we remain totally amazed that we ever got saved at all. We make a huge error when we forget this because that path leads to self-righteousness, self-absorption, and an ungrateful heart towards God. Even though we may not be fully aware that we are in that place of self-focus, we cannot be Spirit-led when we are full of self. Continue reading

Bethel Church’s Bill Johnson Shills ‘Healing School’ Heresy While Wife Dying of Cancer

“This incongruence between heretical wishful thinking and reality is best seen in a new post by Johnson, who is inviting people to come to a “healing school” where they can pay $165 to train in both becoming a healer, and also being healed.”

(Protestia) Beni Johnson is married to one of the most famous faith healers in the world, and yet she is dying of cancer. This is an inescapable fact. Diagnosed in 2017, the wife of Bill Johnson had CT scans recently that revealed her body is full of tumors, and a few weeks ago she took a turn for the worse, prompting the church to set up a 24/7 prayer chain for her…. Continue reading

The Criminal Investigation Into Hunter Biden Is Heating Up: Here’s What You Need To Know

(Cabot Phillips – Daily Wire) The federal government’s criminal investigation into Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, is reportedly gaining steam. As prosecutors begin seeking key grand jury testimony, new information appears to indicate the president himself may be linked to his son’s scheme.


In 2018, the Department of Justice launched a criminal investigation into Hunter Biden that centered on potential money laundering, tax fraud, the violation of foreign lobbying laws and more. Continue reading

Americans Sour on Disney’s LGBTQ Agenda

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) Disney’s boasting about indoctrinating kids with LGBTQ propaganda isn’t sitting well with the American public, according to a new Rasmussen Reports survey released Tuesday. According to the poll, only 28% of American adults believe the emphasis on “inclusion” and “diversity” makes children’s entertainment better.

However, a plurality — 45% — thinks it will make children’s entertainment worse, while only 18% say it won’t make a difference. Continue reading

The CDC is bringing in a team of specialists to polish its disgraced image after two long years of utter and embarrassing failures

(Harambe – Not the Bee) If there were any justice in the world—or at least the executive branch—then the headquarters of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention would be evacuated in an orderly fashion, then razed to the ground with dynamite, then paved over with 9-inch thick cement.

But we don’t live in that world. We live in a world where the CDC gets to drop a bunch of taxpayer change hiring outside consultants to try and restore its own shameful visage: Continue reading

Could Elevation Church Replace the Scandal-Plagued Hillsong on the World Stage?

Steven Furtick is a charismatic Word of Faith pastor who has aligned himself with many of the giants in the prosperity gospel, including Word of Faith Oneness pastor, T.D. Jakes, and has been praised by former Hillsong NYC [disgraced] pastor, Carl Lentz who stated, “your church and your life are such good examples of what happens when you mix unadulterated focus on JESUS, ferocious faith and availability with the grace of God…absolutely anything is possible.”

(Reformation Charlotte) As Hillsong Church has been plagued by multiple scandals over the last several years including its latest scandal involving its top leader, Brian Houston, the international organization now appears to be crumbling before our eyes opening the doors for another corporate conglomerate to fill its shoes. Continue reading

What Convinced James His Brother Was God?

The Rock! His work is perfect, For all His ways are just; A God of faithfulness and without injustice, Righteous and upright is He.  Deuteronomy 32:4

By Robby Lashua

My brother isn’t God. It’s pretty obvious (we grew up together, after all), and nothing he could do or say could convince me of his divinity. I’m not God, either, and nothing I could do or say would convince him otherwise, too.

Yet somehow, Jesus convinced his brother he was God. And James was so confident, he was willing to die for his belief. How did Jesus do it? What convinced his own brother to acknowledge Jesus was God and worship him? Continue reading

Durham releases former Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann’s text message, says he put ‘lie in writing’

“Clinton, in the tweet, also shared a statement from her campaign’s senior policy advisor Jake Sullivan, who now serves as President Biden’s White House National Security advisor.”

(Fox News) Special Counsel John Durham, in a filing late Monday, released what may prove to be a crucial piece of evidence in the case against former Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann—a text message he sent to the former FBI general counsel the eve of their September 2016 meeting stating “the same lie in writing” that the information he would share would be “not on behalf of a client or company.” Continue reading

Happiness is the Truth

“Your humble correspondent believes America is a noble nation, but significant corruption is affecting our collective happiness. There are too many fanatics among us, and their actions can lead to oppression and suppression. Those things badly damage the happy pursuit.”

(Bill O’Reilly) Putting aside all the unhappiness over politics and social disagreements, all Americans should understand the concept that divides us. It is “the pursuit of happiness.”

But what’s that? Well, it’s in the Declaration of Independence right after “life, liberty.” Those concepts are self-evident, the Founders wrote. But the pursuit of happiness deal is a bit trickier. Continue reading

TrueAnon: It’s not a conspiracy theory if there really is a conspiracy.

“It all starts to sound very quickly like grooming on a mass scale, glossed over with a sinister veneer of tolerance and fun. In other words, a hyper-powerful cabal of monied predators.” 

(Spencer Klavan – The American Mind) Conspiracy theories aren’t dangerous when they get things wrong: they’re dangerous when they get things right.

QAnon—the online game of interdimensional chess in which Donald Trump does covert battle with a hyper-powerful cabal of monied pedophiles—is factually false in almost every particular. Justin Bieber is not sending a coded message about being sex trafficked because he touched his hat on Instagram. Donald Trump was not reinstated as president on August 13…. Continue reading

Perry Stone under investigation by Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, report claims

(Anugrah Kumar – Christian Post) Two years after being accused of sexual misconduct by several women, televangelist and Bible teacher Perry Stone is under investigation by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation, according to a report.

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) has a list of at least nine alleged victims and has interviewed at least five people, the Chattanooga Times Free Press reports. Continue reading

Are You Asking the Right Questions?

But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But he must ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. For that man ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways. James 1:5-8

Sometimes it is less important to have the right answers than to have the right questions. A man named Saul thought he did not need to ask any questions. He had all the answers. The most important question, according to Saul, was “How can I be good enough for God?” He thought he had that answer down cold. Continue reading

Ex-Lesbian Featured in Anti-Prosperity ‘American Gospel’ Film Goes Full Prosperity Gospel

“God primarily deals with me in dreams. I’ve been enlightened, warned, and led to intercede for others through them. But lately, I’ve had an increase of “inner unctions” by the Spirit, that arise in prayer, about people I know and don’t know. It’s deep.”

(Reformation Charlotte) The prosperity gospel, also known as Word of Faith, is a movement inextricably linked with the charismatic dreams and visions movements including various streams of Pentecostalism as well the New Apostolic Reformation…. Continue reading

Former Trans Person Slams Biden for Promoting ‘Institutionalized Child Abuse’

(Emily Robertson – CNSNews) The Biden Administration is engaging in “institutionalized child abuse” by encouraging children to transition genders, Walt Heyer, who was formerly transgender, argued to Fox News host Laura Ingraham Thursday.

Ingraham invited Heyer, who was born a biological male, transitioned to female at the age of 17, and then detransitioned some years later, on The Ingraham Angle to share his regret of transitioning along with addressing the consequences of parents and the government encouraging children to transition. Continue reading

TikTok Pastor Declares ‘Jesus isn’t the only way to salvation’

Robertson’s tutelage as a self-styled “public theologian” seems light years from evangelical Christianity: Jesus isn’t the only way to salvation. Hell doesn’t exist. He doesn’t know “what happened after the crucifixion”. 

(Jeffrey Walton – Juicy Ecumenism) Jesus isn’t the only way to salvation, insists TikTok pastor Brandan Robertson, whose progressive preaching on the Chinese-owned and video-focused social networking service has reached millions. Continue reading

Do our prayers change God’s mind?

Does prayer make any difference? Does it really change anything? Someone once asked me that question, only in a slightly different manner: “Does prayer change God’s mind?” My answer brought storms of protest. I said simply, “No.” Now, if the person had asked me, “Does prayer change things?” I would have answered, “Of course!”

The Bible says there are certain things God has decreed from all eternity. Those things will inevitably come to pass. If you were to pray individually or if you and I were to join forces in prayer or if all the Christians of the world were to pray collectively, it “would not change what God, in His hidden counsel, has determined to do. If we decided to pray for Jesus not to return, He still would return…. Continue reading

Twisting Scripture

Martin Luther’s ministry as a reformer was in the early 16th Century. However, even back then people were trying to force their own man-made doctrines on the Bible. Nothing has changed. People still do this. The use of the Bible this way is always eisegetical. That is, it is reading into the text that which is not there. This does violence to the authority of scripture and its inerrancy. Every heresy started this way. Also, much of the rebellion against traditional churches these days is born within those who believe that established denominations are guilty of doing the same thing…. Continue reading

Biden Wants to Replace Border Detention Centers with ‘House Arrest’ and Provide Illegals with Taxpayer-Funded Attorneys

(Penny Starr – Breitbart) Joe Biden continues to import illegals into the United States and wants funds to put migrant border crossers under “house arrest” and provide them with taxpayer-funded attorneys to fight deportation.

The move will make the numbers at detention centers decrease while the illegal population will continue to grow inside the U.S. and will provide a road map for relatives and others who are trying to get into the U.S. Continue reading

Does God Love Everybody?

“It’s better to follow the approach of the apostles and early church in the book of Acts.  They simply preached the gospel along with the call for people to repent and believe in Jesus Christ.  The word “love” isn’t used at all in the book of Acts, and we certainly don’t hear the apostles telling unbelievers that God loves them.”

(Wes Bredenhof) A parishioner asked me whether God loves everyone. She was discussing this with a friend. The friend insisted that God doesn’t love everyone — he only loves believers. My parishioner’s gut reaction was to disagree. This was my response: Continue reading

Alert! The WHO’s Planning a Global Treaty for a Great Reset

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) The globalists are keeping the pandemic going even though it is clearly over as a pandemic. There is a reason for that. The WHO is attempting to push through a treaty that would give them global control over health that answers some of the goals of the WEF’s Great Reset.

We better hope the Senate rejects this treaty and doesn’t go along with a deal like they did with the Paris Accords. Continue reading