OSHA Vaccine Rule Is a Scam and It’s Working

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) The $3.5 trillion ‘human infrastructure’ reconciliation bill contains a provision with fines against companies of up to $70,000 and $700,000 for each incident of an unvaccinated employee. Just the possibility has encouraged mass firings at … Continue reading 

EPIC: 427,000 Parents Respond to National School Board Association Labeling Them ‘Domestic Terrorists’

“It is appalling that [NSBA] would choose to threaten your fellow Americans for having the courage to hold you accountable for your failures. We will not be bullied….” (Grendolyn Sims – PJ Media)  Last week, PJ Media covered the hysterical and … Continue reading 

Concerned Parents Are ‘Immediate Threat’ Says National School Boards Association President—Some Are Even Domestic Terrorists!

“Not only does Garcia, blame parents for “threats and intimidations” instead of her own failed leftist school boards, but she also raises the crazy bar to high by equating upset parents’ attempts to speak at school board meetings as “equivalent … Continue reading 

Companies Stand to Make Billions Off Coronavirus Booster Shots

(Paul Bois – Breitbart)  The advent of coronavirus booster shots could rake in billions of dollars in profits for companies like Pfizer and Moderna, according to the Associated Press (AP). “Billions more in profits are at stake for some vaccine makers … Continue reading 

CRN Headline News 9/13-18

Need to read articles you may have missed this week… MONDAY 9/13  Vaccine Passports in UK Will Be Scrapped as Part of Winter Covid Planning Six Capitol Cops Face Disciplinary Action for, Among Other Things, Taking Selfies With ‘Insurrectionists’ on … Continue reading 

Pope Francis on Pro-Abortion Politicians: Communion Reserved for ‘Community’ of Catholics

(Steve Ertelt – Life News) Pope Francis on Wednesday said that Communion is reserved for those who are “in the community” of the Catholic Church and indicated that pro-abortion politicians like Joe Biden are “outside of the community.” The head … Continue reading 

CRN Headline News 9/6 – 9/11

Need to read articles you may have missed this week… MONDAY 9/6 After decades of propaganda warfare and Stealth Invasion, the idea of a free America is hanging by a thread Woke Author Tells Rick Warren’s Wife: Make ‘Racial Justice’ … Continue reading 

Top Scientist Claims Anthony Fauci ‘Untruthful’ About Chinese Lab Research

(Simon Kent – Breitbart)  The U.S. government contributed funding to controversial gain-of-function research on bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology in China, a report alleged Monday. Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and … Continue reading 

CRN Headline News – 8/30-9/4

Need to read articles you may have missed this week… MONDAY 8/30 Rick Warren Suggests Pastors Who Open Their Churches are Egotistical, Wearing Masks is ‘Loving Your Neighbor’ Large CDC Study Doesn’t Support Mask Mandates in Schools A Deserved ‘Moment … Continue reading 

There’s a Problem in the Upper Reaches of Our Military

“Think of the irony. If Milley considered a politicized resignation to rebuke Trump over the false charge [that Trump had ordered rioters cleared from Lafayette Square for a staged picture], then surely he could consider a real resignation after overseeing … Continue reading 

Rep. McCarthy Leads GOP Roundtable On Afghanistan

(OAN)  GOP members in the House are holding Joe Biden’s feet to the fire regarding his botched withdrawal from Afghanistan. On Monday, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) led a roundtable discussion with a group of Republican lawmakers, many of … Continue reading 

CRN Headline News – 8/23-8/28

Need to read articles you may have missed this week… MONDAY 8/23 Montanism: An old heresy reintroduced by the charismatic movement The CDC Only Tracks a Fraction of Breakthrough COVID-19 Infections, Even as Cases Surge Taliban Threatens Joe Biden: Stay … Continue reading 

Why Aren’t MUSLIM Countries Taking the Afghan Refugees?

“As Americans or Westerners, isn’t it time to recognize that oppressed Muslims really need other Muslims to come to rescue them rather than placing the burden on infidels?” (Selwyn Duke – The New American) As Joe Biden “takes a knee to … Continue reading 

Welcome to the Forever Pandemic

Americans have a choice: either we can choose to live under restrictions forever to prevent a minute risk of post-vaccination hospitalization and death, or we can go back to normal. (Ben Shapiro) This week, as President Joe Biden attempted desperately … Continue reading 

No Jab, No Medicare?

“While the authors made no mention of making individual benefits dependent upon vaccination, their proposal raises that frightening possibility. Since the federal government adopted part of that recommendation, what would prevent those who need Medicare and Medicaid from eventually being … Continue reading 

Bethel ‘Pastor’ Says Michael The Archangel Dresses In ‘Wrestling Tights,’ And He’s ‘Always Grumpy’

(Protestia)  The charismatic ne’er-do-well prophet who faced public humiliation after apologizing to Joe Biden and his supporters for uttering a false prophecy about Trump’s election win, calling it a “major, major mistake” and taking “full responsibility for being wrong” has … Continue reading 

CRN Headline News – August 2-7

Need to read articles you may have missed this week… MONDAY 8/2 Why Are Globalists And Governments So Desperate For 100% Vaccination Rates? MIT Study: Vaccine Hesitancy Is ‘Highly Informed, Scientifically Literate,’ and ‘Sophisticated’ Something Truly Remarkable is Unfolding in … Continue reading 

CRN Headline News July 19-24

Need to read articles you may have missed this week… MONDAY 7/19 Megyn Kelly ROASTS Nikole Hannah-Jones for ‘1619 Project’ Lies In Non-Essentials Liberty? Lifeway DOESN’T Carry Voddie Baucham’s #1 Best-Selling ‘Fault Lines,’ but Has Entire Landing Page for Christine … Continue reading 

The Capitol Cover Up

“Not since the collaborative effort to conceal the identity of Eric Ciaramella, the so-called “whistleblower” who helped launch Trump’s first impeachment trial has the political world worked so hard to keep secret a name everyone in D.C. already knows. Amid … Continue reading 

CRN Headline News July 12-17

Need to read articles you may have missed this week… MONDAY 7/12 – NAR ‘Apostle’ Bill Johnson’s Wife’s Cancer Has Returned Eric Metaxas Has Completely Lost It We’re Coming for Your Children’ Songwriting Team Forced to Cancel Musical Accused of … Continue reading 

Joint Chiefs Chairman Compared Trump to Hitler, MAGA to Nazi ‘Brownshirts’

In the lead-up to a pro-Trump “Million MAGA March” protest in November, Milley compared the protesters to the Nazi “brownshirts,” the militia that fueled Hitler’s rise to power. The Joint Chiefs chairman told staff that he feared the protest “could … Continue reading 

Pentagon Pauses Its Woke Soul-Searching PowerPoints Long Enough to Notice that Afghanistan Is Falling to the Taliban

(Bryan Preston – PJ Media)  With Tucker Carlson sparring with the National Security Agency and critical race theory becoming a hot topic among school boards nationwide, the Pentagon took time out from its own divisive and unit-wrecking extremism lectures long … Continue reading 

New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020 Results

“Mark Davis, who has testified as an expert witness multiple times in disputed election cases, believes Trump might have won a challenge to the Georgia election results had a court actually heard his case.” (Margot Cleveland – The Federalist)  New evidence … Continue reading