ERLC Author Claims He’s Immune to the Influence of Porn-Filled Movies, Claims They Motivate Him to ‘Spread the Gospel’

“Despite being a prominent figure at The Gospel Coalition, McCracken’s annual “Best Movies” lists are often filled with content that blatantly contradicts biblical teachings on sexuality and reverence for God. His writings, rather than steering Christians towards edifying content, plunge … Continue reading 

How Evangelical Leaders Have Co-opted ‘Loving Your Neighbor’ to Distort the Gospel

“Biblical love doesn’t avoid uncomfortable truths but instead, confronts them with grace, always seeking to lead individuals towards repentance and salvation.” (The Dissenter) The biblical commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself” is a cornerstone of biblical Christian ethics and … Continue reading 

Russell Moore Speaker at ‘The Gospel For Enneagram Summit’ + Joined By Some Legit Heretics

“Moore is joined by a slew of enneagram teachers, but one person we wanted to highlight is Suzanne Stabile, another keynote speaker. Can she faithfully teach on the intersection of the gospel and the enneagram?” (Protestia) A year after Russell … Continue reading 

New TGC Podcast is a Masterclass in Gospel Distortion

“The gospel is not simply the term used to reference the good news of what Christ has done and the biblical truths that surround this magnificent, saving work. Instead, the “gospel” is a separate, malleable, conceptual entity that does things on its … Continue reading 

TGC Editor Who Regularly Watches Soft Porn to Lead 8-Week Course in ‘Faithfully Viewing Films’

“McCracken’s list of favorite television shows originally included White Lotus, as you can see from the Wayback Machine archives. He has since removed that show from his list after we exposed him for publishing it. White Lotus is an HBO television series … Continue reading 

Church leaders: If you think you’re neutral, you’re drifting left

“Yes, American Evangelicalism does have a few Leftist snakes in the grass. They’re passive-aggressive, they gaslight, they sneer, they deflect. Everything they do is designed to give them plausible deniability. They can do this because that’s all they need to … Continue reading 

LGBT-CRU: Leaked Cru Training Materials Prove CRU is Teaching ‘Gay Christianity’

…the training materials feature “Side B” mainstays like SSA lesbian Rebecca McLaughlin, Gospel Coalition contributor and reparations hustler Justin Giboney telling trainees to somehow “affirm [the] human dignity and flourishing [of LGBTQ folks]”… (David Morrill) CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) … Continue reading 

TGC Podcaster Says ‘I think Christianity Makes a Case that to be Human is to Have (Gender) Dysphoria’

“Ferguson’s approach embraces the world’s attitude toward this sin, waters it down with language like “brokenness” and “dysphoria,” in an effort to downplay the seriousness of this sin. Instead of being something that we should be turning from and being … Continue reading 

Anne Voskamp To Be Speaker at Upcoming TGC Conference

“We last wrote about Voskamp after she claimed the cross symbolizes ‘hospitality’ because Jesus has ‘his arms open wide’”  (Protestia) In a few months, The Gospel Coalition is putting on their TGCW24 conference and will include speakers such as Jen Wilkin, … Continue reading