Perseverance Through Suffering

3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 to obtain an inheritance incorruptible and undefiled and unfading, having been kept in heaven for you, 5 who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time. 6 In this you greatly rejoice, even though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, 7 so that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. 1 Peter 1:3-7 (LSB) 

When God saves a person, he or she is changed forever because they are new creations. However, they are not at the spiritual maturity level that God desires for His people. Therefore, from that point until they go home to be with their Lord, all genuine Christians will go through a series of tests and trials that put pressure on their faith…. Continue reading

The Ten Commandments Should Be Taught In Classrooms, Not Just Hung On The Wall

“The key thing is getting over this idea that we must preserve at all costs an outdated and fundamentally flawed notion of neutrality in our public institutions, that public schools, for example, must be silent about religion and morality even as they indoctrinate students in what amounts to a new religion of leftist political activism, bombarding them with lessons derived from critical race theory and LGBT ideology.”

(John Daniel Davidson – The Federalist) Louisiana made news this week for passing a law that mandates the Ten Commandments be displayed on the walls of every public school classroom, including elementary schools, middle and high schools, and all public college classrooms. Continue reading

If Southern Baptists Failed to Take a Stand on Women in the Pulpit, Just Imagine What’s Next

“This wasn’t a radical innovation—it was a reaffirmation of what the Baptist Faith & Message 2000 already says. But, in typical fashion, the SBC chose to pass up the opportunity to make a clear, unequivocal stand.” 

(The Dissenter) In a move that should surprise no one who’s been paying attention, the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) has once again proven that when faced with a choice between standing firm on biblical principles or caving to cultural pressure, they’ll take the path of least resistance. The recent failure to pass the Mike Law Amendment is a glaring testament to the theological decay festering within this ostensible “fortress” of conservative Christianity. Continue reading

Here’s How Long It Takes for Instagram to Show Adult Content to Children Who Join

“Curiously, Snapchat and TikTok were also tested, but didn’t produce the same results.”

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) Well, it shouldn’t shock anyone to learn that Instagram, the popular social media platform owned by Meta, is g*o*ming children.

Studies from The Wall Street Journal and Northeastern University computer science professor Laura Edelson found that the platform recommends sexualized content to young teens soon after they start using a new account. Continue reading

The Chosen: Isn’t the Biblical Account ‘Good’ Enough?

We don’t expect The Chosen to be a biblically accurate show. Dallas Jenkins has been clear that 95% of what is in the script is made up, so it isn’t a surprise that he would add a mythical tale of the NBN to the story to make it a more exciting and compelling mythical episode of The Chosen, and leave the viewer saying, “I didn’t know that.” The viewer should not feel bad, as Luke did not know it either!

(Don & Joy Veinot – Midwestern Christian Outreach) A favorite pastime for some popular teachers today is to find new and exciting biblical “insights” to share with others. These “new discoveries” can quickly take on a life of their own and grow unchecked and unchallenged. We think if something has been unknown or especially “secret” down through the ages, that would be a very good reason to be skeptical about it, but instead, it appears to draw people in. The “Old Stuff” is OLD, after all…. Continue reading

Strange fire and the royal Priesthood

1 Then Nadab and Abihu, the sons of Aaron, took their respective firepans and put fire in them. Then they placed incense on it and offered strange fire before Yahweh, which He had not commanded them. 2 And fire came out from the presence of Yahweh and consumed them, and they died before Yahweh. Leviticus 10:1-2 (LSB) 

Read 1 Peter 2:9-10 on the site.

What is Peter talking about in his second epistle where he describes Christians as a royal Priesthood? Since the elect is this Priesthood then each one of us who are in Christ are priests in Him…. Continue reading

Spiritual Molester ‘Daystar Television Network’ Drops Physical Molester Robert Morris From Lineup

“These men and women have been molesting the scriptures for years, abusing it so they might, in turn, spiritually abuse and molest victims of their prosperity scams and heretical doctrine.”

(Protestia) Daystar Television Network has removed all of disgraced pastor Robert Morris’s programming from their broadcasting network, stating that they ‘unequivocally condemn the actions described in these allegations” and that they “remain committed to upholding Biblical values as outlined in the word of God.” Continue reading

NYC Residents Revolt Over Illegals After Brutal Assault of 13-Year-Old

“During his confession, the rapist inhumanely admitted to cops that he recorded his savagery after he was no longer “nervous” about raping a 13-year-old girl.”

(Kevin Downey JR – PJ Media) Despite living in a huge, deep blue, toilet city, New Yorkers are losing their patience with Democrats, and it’s largely due to Joe Biden’s wave of “diversity” crashing our border and bringing with them a tsunami of crime.

As you may have heard, an animal from Ecuador, here illegally, tied two 13-year-olds together, one boy and one girl. He threatened them with a large knife as he raped the girl. Continue reading

The Gospel Coalition’s Incessant Quest for Cultural Relevance Is What Makes Them Irrelevant to the Church

TGC’s consistent pandering to worldly interests reveals a glaring neglect of their duty to uphold and defend biblical truths. While McCracken and his peers are busy engaging with Hollywood’s latest offerings, the real issues—abortion, sexual immorality, apostasy within the Church—are largely ignored or addressed with a tepid, accommodating tone.”

(The Dissenter) The Gospel Coalition (TGC) is notorious for its center-left-leaning views on everything from spiritual to cultural to political issues while masquerading its social agenda as “gospel issues” to maintain a veneer of spiritual authority. In its relentless quest for relevance, TGC consistently promotes worldliness over the inconvenient truths of Scripture. Continue reading

‘1 in 1B’ Chance COVID Came From Nature, Warnings of ‘Catastrophe’

“The Wuhan Institute of Virology is testing a NEPA virus in a synthetic clone. This is a U.S. CDC bioterrorism agent that kills three out of four people. A lab leak with an airborne NEPA virus would quickly within weeks disrupt food and energy distribution, fire and police services, and medical care.”

(Mary Dowling) Prominent scientist Dr. Steven Quay explains six reasons why there is only a one in a billion chance that Coronavirus came from nature, specifically an infected animal. Consider that if Dr. Quay knows this, so do all the liars at CDC and FDA. Continue reading

Democrat Fixer Marc Elias’ Firm Steps In To Stop ‘Disastrous Election System’ Fix

(M.D. Kittle – The Federalist) Bogus Russian dossier peddler and Democrat Party problem fixer Marc Elias has again injected himself into a key election integrity case to “defend the broken status quo.”

Swing-state Nevada’s dirty voter rolls include hundreds of suspect addresses, at bars, strip clubs, empty parking lots, and other commercial addresses, according to an investigation by the Public Interest Legal Foundation. Doing so is clearly against the law. Continue reading

Fuller Theological Seminary Ponders Lifting Prohibitions on Same-Sex Activity + Be More LGBTQ Friendly

“Perhaps the most notable institutional example of the drift from affirming the inerrancy of Scripture to affirming the infallibility of Scripture was Fuller Theological Seminary. Its original statement of faith (written several years after its founding in 1947) contained the following article on Scripture: “The books which form the canon of the Old and New Testaments as originally given are plenarily [fully] inspired and free from all error in the whole and in the part.” – Ken Silva

(Protestia) Fuller Theological Seminary is an interdenominational evangelical seminary nestled in the heart of Pasadena, California. Founded in 1947 with over 2300 students from 110 denominations, they have a pretty standard statement of faith that allows a range of thought and beliefs as they try to navigate between neo-orthodoxy and theological liberalism, seeking to find a middle ground.  Continue reading

Robert Morris Resigns Form Gateway Church As Elders Attempt To Save Face

“The elders claim to not have known that Robert Morris was molesting a 12-year-old. However, there were clear signs that they, in fact, knew the “young lady” was a minor. Consider their initial leaked memo…”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Last week, America’s largest megachurch, Gateway Church in Texas, was rocked by scandal when the public learned that Robert Morris molested a 12-year-old girl in 1982 and continued over the course of four and a half years. Now, Robert Morris has resigned, and the elders of Gateway have released a new statement with numerous discrepancies. Continue reading

Two gates, two ways, two destinations

13 Go in through the narrow gate; because wide is the gate and broad is the way leading to destruction and many are those going in through it. 14 How narrow the gate and how hard is the way that leads to life and few are the ones finding it! Matthew 7:13-14 (translated from NA28 the Greek text to English)

It has been said that no prophet preached about Hell as much as our Lord Jesus Christ. It is also true that His preaching would be considered “divisive” and “offensive” in today’s politically correct culture. However, I seriously doubt that if preaching the truth or hurting someone’s feelings or offending someone’s “sensibilities” were the issue with our Lord nor would it would make any difference…. Continue reading

Another Mysterious Monolith Appears, This Time North of Las Vegas Valley

“I come up here most days and I’ve never seen this before, It almost looks like a UFO.” 

(Rick Moran – PJ Media) In November 2020, a helicopter from the Utah Dept. of Public Safety Aero Bureau was conducting a routine headcount of bighorn sheep in the Red Rock area. A biologist with the team could barely believe his eyes when the copter flew over a metal monolith sticking out of the ground, right in the middle of nowhere.

A few days later, the monolith was removed by four “Moab-based recreationists Andy Lewis, Sylvan Christensen, Homer Manson, and an anonymous companion.” It’s unknown if the four men had a hand in putting the monolith there. Continue reading

When the Desire to be Accepted Sets in

“In Christ, there is nothing that we could ever do for our Father to disown us. The acceptance that we receive from the Creator and Sustainer of the universe should overshadow the acceptance that we try to achieve from other people whose opinion does not truly matter….” 

(Justin Myko Agpangan – By Grace Alone) We long to be accepted. Sadly, we look for acceptance in the wrong places. Usually, we look for acceptance from our families, our workmates, and our friends…. Continue reading

20,000 unsubstantiated ballots in GA’s 2020 original results from tabulators that do not exist…

“No wonder the Secretary of State’s office didn’t release their investigation’s findings to the public. It’s all bogus.”

(Revolver) Atlanta is now rivaling Chicago in the crooked politicians and election-cheating game. What unfolded in the Peach State during the 2020 election was downright shameful. If we were a serious country, genuinely concerned about our Republic, it would have been rigorously investigated by bipartisan officials from top to bottom. Of course, that never happened. Instead, we were told to shut up, stop being “election deniers,” and cease spreading “conspiracy theories,” even though the election resembled a third-world circus…. Continue reading

Push to Promote Transgender Ideology is Backfiring

“Seven years ago, just over half of those surveyed said sex is determined at birth. Now, that number is nearly two-thirds. After all the White House proclamations, all the media talk, all the change in language to “gender neutral” pronouns — after it all, the number of Americans rejecting the foundation of transgenderism has increased.”

(Byron York – Front Page) President Joe Biden has done more to promote transgender ideology than any president, ever. A scroll through the White House archives shows statement after statement, proclamation after proclamation, speech after speech, in which the president praises what he calls the “extraordinary courage and contributions” of transgender Americans. Continue reading

Why we need the story of David and Goliath

“Why are we so afraid? Like the men of Israel, why are we fleeing from the fight? The Lord does not promise that we will win every battle, but he does promise that we will win the war. The end has already been determined: a small shepherd boy understood this, and so should we.”

(Luke Pierson – The Sentinel)  We all know the story of David and Goliath. Even unbelievers know the story. How many times have you heard of a matchup in professional sports labeled as a “David versus Goliath” contest? Continue reading

ISIS Terrorists Crossed Our Southern Border. Rand Paul and Lindsey Graham Are Demanding Answers.

“U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) recently arrested multiple individuals with suspected ties to ISIS on immigration violations in various cities across the country, including New York, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles, following their entry into the United States through the southwest land border.” 

(Katie Pavlich – Townhall) Republican Senators Rand Paul and Lindsey Graham are demanding additional information from Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas after a number of ISIS terrorists illegally crossed the U.S. southern border with Mexico and were arrested in a number of major cities last week…. Continue reading

As a Woman, I Deeply Resent Being Put at Risk From the Democrats’ Imported Monster

When Democrats purposely engineer a surge of migrants to overwhelm the border, it becomes impossible to screen everyone properly. They know that criminals, thieves, terrorists, lunatics, and assorted monsters are coming into the country along with the merely opportunistic, and they don’t care. It’s unconscionable and reprehensible. In a sane country, they would be thrown out of power for at least a generation.”

(Athena Thorne – PJ Media) Yes, women have always been at risk from men. In general, when a woman is murdered, it’s a romantic partner to blame. But the Democrats’ imported monsters have been responsible for nightmare scenarios as well: snatching random women who are going about their business off the street, dragging them out of sight, and brutalizing and killing them. Continue reading

Dallas Jenkins Defends ‘The Chosen’ Season 4 Shocking Plot Twist

(Protestia) The Chosen Director Dallas Jenkins has defended a plot twist in season four of his hit Jesus show, featuring the Savior choosing not to heal the Apostle Thomas’s fiancée after a Roman official straight up murders her in front of them. According to Crosswalk Headlines:

The plot twist occurs at the end of Season 4, Episode 3, when a Roman official, Quintus, grows irate at his inability to capture Jesus in a large crowd and begins swinging a sword. In his anger, Quintus stabs Ramah, the fiancée of the apostle Thomas in the series. Quintus the fleas the scene. Continue reading

Megachurch Pastor Robert Morris of Gateway Church Responds to Accusations of Child Sexual Abuse

“According to Cindy, she was not a “young lady” but rather a CHILD, and the alleged child sexual abuse lasted 4.5 years. This is a not just an instantly and eternally disqualifying sin, but this is a CRIME, and cursed is anyone who helped cover it up.”

(Protestia) Robert Morris is the senior pastor of Gateway Church, the largest church in America, which has more than 100,000 people spread across several campuses. He has been accused of years-long child sexual abuse with a twelve year old girl, according to an article from Wartburg Watch, which has spoken to the alleged victim. Continue reading