CCP Balloon Had Tools to Collect Communication Signals

“The US wouldn’t shoot it down, and now Biden’s only reaction is it won’t hurt our relations with them???”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) According to the State Department, China’s spycraft, which targeted US communications, flew over more than 40 countries and is directed by the Chinese military.

The NY Times reports:

The United States used high-resolution imagery from U-2 flybys to determine the balloon’s capabilities, the department said in a written announcement, adding that the balloon’s equipment “was clearly for intelligence surveillance and inconsistent with the equipment onboard weather balloons.” Continue reading

FBI whistleblower raises fresh concerns about bank record mining, undercover agents in J6 probe

“Veteran FBI intelligence analyst’s testimony raises civil liberty concerns about acquisition of bank records, possible undercovers at U.S. Capitol.”

(John Solomon – Just the News) A recently retired FBI supervisory intelligence analyst told Congress in a whistleblower disclosure that agents in Boston were improperly pressured by Washington to open criminal cases on 140 people who had simply taken a bus ride to the Jan. 6 rally in Washington. The agents refused because there was no evidence the attendees engaged in any criminality, the whistleblower said. Continue reading

All believers are called to be faithful witnesses

10 Do not fear the things you are about to suffer. Behold, the devil is about to cast some of you into prison that you may be tested and you will have affliction ten days. Be faithful unto death and I will give you the Crown of Life. Revelation 2:10 (translated from the NA28 Greek text) 

Πιστὸς (pistos) is the Greek adjective translated in Revelation 2:10 (above) as “faithful.” Πιστὸς is defined as “faithful, trustworthy, reliable, dependable.” In the context of Revelation 2:10, 13, which are our Lord’s own words, to be “faithful” is to refuse to compromise the Christian faith, even in the face of persecution and martyrdom…. Continue reading

The Rise of Statism in the Evangelical Church

“Then he will say to those on his left [goats], ‘Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels.” Mat 25:41

“Tim Keller’s recent comparison of Francis Collins, the former head of the NIH who was responsible for much of the government’s COVID policy, to the prophet Daniel is particularly disturbing. Collins is known for his pro-abortion and pro-LGBTQ views, and Keller’s suggestion that Christians should blindly follow government mandates, even when they conflict with their religious beliefs and values, represents a fundamental departure from the Church’s traditional stance on religious freedom and conscience.”

(The Dissenter) The growing threat of statism within the Church is a matter of immense concern in today’s society. This dangerous political ideology holds the state as the supreme authority, promoting state-sponsored secularism that allows religious practices but forbids any influence on state policies…. Continue reading

Sarah Huckabee Sanders Delivers the GOP Response to SOTU: ‘The Choice Is Between Normal and Crazy’

“We are ready to begin a new chapter in the story of America — to be written by a new generation of leaders ready to defend our freedom against the radical left and expand access to quality education, jobs, and opportunity for all.”

(Chris Queen – PJ Media) Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders (R-Ark.) delivered the Republican response to the State of the Union address.

According to The Hill, Sanders “finds herself at her highest position yet in a GOP that is at an intersection between Trumpism and potential new leaders” with her appearance…. Continue reading

Mob of Trans Insurrectionists Storm the OK Capitol

“No insurrectionists were arrested for storming the Capitol and stopping the order of business.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) A mob of trans insurrectionists stormed the Oklahoma Capitol to demand mutilation surgeries and puberty blockers for children. The militants call the mutilation of minors “healthcare.” There might be some rare cases where it makes sense, but not in the overwhelming majority of cases. It’s ideology, not healthcare. Continue reading

Several ‘Christian’ Bands Perform Alongside Satanic Ritual at Grammys

The Grammy Awards presentation is sponsored by Pfizer.

“…contemporary worship artists…shared the stage with this strange fire as groups like Maverick City Music, Kirk Franklin, and Elevation Worship were there for a purpose—to receive their own recognition and have their own moments of fame. They were certainly not there to glorify God.”

(The Dissenter) Jesus told Christians to be set apart from the world. Yet, somehow in modern times, what passes as “Christianity” is virtually indistinguishable from the paganized culture and is often designed that way on purpose. Continue reading

American Gospel: Spirit and Fire

The New Apostolic Reformation. … It is like Grape Nuts – it’s not grapes and it’s not nuts. It’s like Christian Science – it’s not Christian and it’s not scientific. Well, the New Apostolic Reformation isn’t new, it isn’t apostolic, and it isn’t a reformation. But it is a rapidly expanding movement being generated by some of the same old troubling false teachers and false leaders that have been around in charismania for decades, always dishonoring the Holy Spirit, always dishonoring Scripture, always claiming miracle signs, wonders, visions, dreams.” – John MacArthur Continue reading

Ukrainian Paradoxes

But be clear: there is far more demonstrable evidence that the Biden family was corrupt and leveraging the Ukrainian and Chinese governments than there is of Donald Trump pilfering “nuclear codes” and “nuclear secrets.” 

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) One of the strangest things about the American response to Ukraine has been the willingness of the Left and the establishment Right to discount completely that the war is heading toward a rendezvous with ever-deadlier weapons and staggering fatalities—even as we witness increasing nuclear threats from a weakened and adrift Vladimir Putin…. Continue reading

Cultural Revolution Comes to a Disney + Cartoon

“The cartoon promotes reparations and other extremist ideas. It makes blacks into victims and whites into hateful oppressors. Everything is determined by skin color. This isn’t the first cartoon like this or the last.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Disney+ is teaching CRT through cartoons, including the insane conspiracy theory that Lincoln did not free the slaves. Continue reading

Carnal Christianity: A Doctrine Designed to Provoke God to Anger

“It is all too common to see people call themselves Christians yet continue in sin, continue fulfilling the lusts and desires of the flesh, because they have elevated their sinful desires over their professed love for their savior. In fact, many so-called churches exist for the sole purpose of affirming the sinner in a state of unrepentance, leading them to believe that they are right with God without a change in their heart.”

(The Dissenter) The “carnal Christian” heresy, also referred to as antinomianism, has been a persistent and recurring false teaching throughout the history of the Christian Church. This heresy asserts that a person can have faith in Jesus Christ and still engage in sinful behavior with no relation to their salvation…. Continue reading

Church of England: Gay Sex OK if Part of a ‘Stable, Loving, Committed Relationship

“The role of the Archbishop of York is to lead in explaining God’s beautiful pattern for human life and relationships, not to preside over a convoluted process of compromise. Sadly, it has been a failure of leadership from the start by the Archbishop of Canterbury and York. For this they will answer to God, and we must pray for them….”

(James Murphy – The New American) Under pressure from LGBTQ activists to publicly endorse homosexual marriage, the Church of England’s (CofE) Archbishop of York, Stephen Cottrell, recently said that, although the church will not officiate at homosexual weddings, the behavior itself, when in the context of a “stable, loving, committed” relationship, is not necessarily sinful. Continue reading

Another One?!! Saddleback Church Promotes and Partners with Pro-LGBTQ+ Ministry ‘Embracing the Journey’

Once they’re in Embracing the Journey, the trajectory and messaging are clear; there is no such thing as “and such were some of you, but you were washed…” 

(Protestia) With the revelation that Andy Stanley’s North Point Community Church has gay-affirming pastors and ministries and is putting on a conference where almost all the speakers are pro-LGBTQ+, another megachurch has emerged with a similar story. Continue reading

Mike Winger Goes Full Ben Shapiro On Bill Johnson, Bethel Redding

“Winger will mention the various New Age practices that Bethel has indulged in over the years, including the counterfeit miracles, false prophecies, tarot cards, and fabricated visits to heaven throughout the video [which] begs the question why he defended Bill Johnson in 2022 when all of these things were documented at the time.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) In the same month that Bill Johnson permitted Kenneth Copeland to preach at Bethel Church, we imparted to transform the circumstance into a discussion on low hanging fruit while begging the question of whether internet pastor Mike Winger of BibleThinker would finally call out Bill Johnson as a false teacher. Continue reading

Nearly 600,000 Illegal Aliens Have Been Released Into the U.S. Interior Since March 2021 With No Court Date

“We’re seeing a massive clusterfark from incompetent government officials led by a senile president that has put 600,000 illegal aliens — unvetted for criminal activity or terrorist connections — into the interior of the United States.”

(Rick Moran – PJ Media) The administration of Joe Biden has no interest in tracking the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens who have crossed the border in the last two years, nor does the administration care whether their asylum cases are ever heard in court. Continue reading

Scientists Fear the Bird Flu Will Spill Over to Humans

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) One of the world’s largest outbreaks of bird flu is spilling over into mammals. The 1918 Spanish Flu was likely a bird virus that spilled over to humans.

Scientists are worried about this flu spilling over to humans.

That’s a major shift, after only sporadic cases among humans and other mammals over the last decade, according to Michelle Wille, a researcher at the University of Sydney who focuses on the dynamics of wild bird viruses. Continue reading

The Calves of Jeroboam and Depression

1Therefore, if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. 3 For you died and your life has been hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is our life, is manifested, then you also will be manifested with Him in glory. Colossians 3:1-7 (LSB) Read verses 5-6 on the site.

We are born from our mothers’ wombs depraved and separated from God because we are sinners. Unless God intervenes in our lives we will be self-absorbed and temporally focused in every part of our lives. We are “depraved” because we desperately seek fulfillment from our only avenue open to us for any circumstance which will tell us we are special or deserving of a positive “feeling” of contentment or fulfillment…. Continue reading

Disgraced Pastor Greg Locke’s New Film Gets a Poster and Release Date+ Will be in ‘Thousands’ of Theaters

“This fiery film documents the beginnings of their journey. “Come Out In Jesus Name” will be followed by a live simulcast event where Pastor Locke and his fellow demon slayers will lead a supernatural mass deliverance… in Jesus name.”

(Protestia) Disgraced pastor Greg Locke’s upcoming movie has gotten a new poster and a release date of March 3, 2023 in select theaters. Continue reading

AZ Senate Rocked By New Claims Of Election Violations, Private Meeting Held as Lake’s Appeal Heats Up

“This is becoming all too common in politics — another attempt to weaponize the justice system with a phony allegation against a Republican. Adrian Fontes selectively quotes the statute in an attempt to distort the law and smear Kari Lake in the process.

(Collin Rugg – Trending Politics) On Wednesday, the Arizona Court of Appeals held a private meeting regarding Arizona Republican Kari Lake’s election challenge as they prepare to hear damning allegations of election failures, specifically in Maricopa County. Continue reading

Pfizer Director of mRNA Research Raises Fertility Worries Over COVID-19 Vaccine

(Greg Byrnes – PJ Media) A Pfizer director of mRNA research and development, Jordon Trishton Walker, has been caught on tape saying what many women of childbearing age have most feared. He, too, worries about the longterm effect of the COVID-19 vaccine on the female hormonal balance, a key to fertility.

In an undercover video released by Project Veritas, he discusses the possibility that hitherto unknown aspects of mRNA technology in the COVID-19 vaccine could affect women’s hormonal and menstrual cycles. Continue reading

Saddleback Church Has Pro-LGBTQ Ministry Encouraging Parents to Affirm Their LGBTQ Children

“So who is Cortland Russell, you ask? Russell is an openly gay, practicing homosexual who was baptized at one of Andy Stanley’s Northpoint Church campuses a few years ago and proudly proclaimed being a homosexual “Christian” in his baptism video…”

(The Dissenter) Earlier today, we broke the story that Saddleback Church, formerly led by Rick Warren and now pastored by Andy Wood, had a pastor on staff who would be participating in a pro-LGBTQ conference at North Point Church along with Andy Stanley and others who promote homosexual sex…. Continue reading