A Response to JD Greear’s Response to Megan Basham: ‘Whispering About Homosexuality’

“Greear’s entire sermon was constructed to soften the perception of homosexuality by lumping it together with other, less shocking sins. Sure, homosexuality is sin, Greear concedes, but so is greed, so is pride, so is lying—so why not stop making … Continue reading 

Meet Rick Warren’s Replacement—He Sounds Like JD Greear and Ed Litton on Homosexuality

“Rick Warren is a complete and total apostate false teacher with absolutely no qualifications to teach or preach the Scriptures.” (The Dissenter) In 2019 and in 2020, both former Southern Baptist Convention presidents, Ed Litton and JD Greear made headlines … Continue reading 

JD Greear Admits to Purchasing Sermon Material to Make Himself ‘Look Good’

“[The] pastors who use this service don’t actually spend time exegeting the text and letting the text shape their own theology–rather, they have presuppositions to the text, and this research group will prepare sermons for them based on their own … Continue reading 

JD Greear Defends Staff Member Who Had Gay Hookups Online and Looked at Gay Pornography

“While Greear doesn’t go as far as to affirm homosexuality, Greear has insisted that the Scriptures only “whisper” about homosexuality while addresses other sins–such as greed or boasting–in a much greater way. He’s also called on Christians to stand up for LGBTQ … Continue reading 

Reformed Apologist Calls on SBC leaders, Danny Akin, JD Greear, to “Man Up!”

“If that’s all you can do, don’t waste the key strokes…Where’s the sermon from JD Greear, because, remember, he’s the one that says “God whispers about sexual sin — where is his sermon identifying the Equality Act as an abomination … Continue reading 

John MacArthur Says JD Greear Doesn’t Know What A Church Is, Doesn’t Know How To Shepherd His People

“MacArthur released a video statement last night explaining his strong stance for continuing to keep his church open…” (Jeff Maples – Reformation Charlotte)  John MacArthur has been one of the few glimmers of light as a biblical shepherd during the … Continue reading 

Matt Chandler and Other Southern Baptist Leaders Have Enabled and Empowered Islamic Radicals

“The article from Matt Chandler’s church promotes an approach towards Muslims that, while claiming to be grounded in Christian love and openness, is nothing more than an act of submission to radical Islam. It stresses entering into relationships with Muslims … Continue reading 

Why Are So Many Worship Pastors Theologically and Morally Compromised?

“More often than not, these people don’t meet the biblical criteria for leadership but are given a platform—and immense influence—due to their musical prowess and stage presence.” (The Dissenter) Welcome to a discussion that dives deep behind the fog machines, … Continue reading 

Is God Using Sexual Immorality to Separate the Sheep from the Goats?

“If you attend a church where people can openly support what the Bible calls an abomination and the church refuses to do anything about it, respectfully speak to the pastor or elders….” (The Doctrinal Watchdog) The time has come to … Continue reading 

Why the Coming Split in the Southern Baptist Convention Is Inevitable

“Here’s the bottom line that the SBC’s “woke” leaders better wake up to (no pun intended): Most of the 14 million Southern Baptists in the denomination’s churches will not sit and be propagandized with CRT or any other false gospel … Continue reading 

SBC Downgrade

15 “Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. 16 You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? 17 … Continue reading 

David French Joins Southern Baptist Leaders in Praising Joe Biden for ‘Character’

“French, who claims to be a Christian…demands we set aside our policy differences with Joe Biden because he has endured “terrible grief” in his life. Never mind that Joe Biden wants to kill babies, force the LGBTQ agenda down your … Continue reading 

More leftist ‘code words’ infiltrating a drifting denomination

“I can say unequivocally that the messaging and the posturing and the PC pandering of J.D. Greear doesn’t represent the viewpoints and convictions of the majority of Southern Baptist clergy or laity.” (OneNewsNow) Southern Baptist Convention president J.D. Greear is … Continue reading