How Did the Church Become So Complacent, Celebrating Drag Queens in the Pulpit?

In light of these biblical truths, it is clear that the professing Church stands on the precipice of God’s righteous judgment. The falling away we witness is not merely a deviation from tradition—it is a wholesale abandonment of the faith … Continue reading 

PCA Invites David French, Supporter of Child Castration, ‘Gay Marriage’ and ‘Drag Queen Story Hour,’ To Speak at General Assembly

“French wants to speak on “How to Be Supportive of Your Pastor and Church Leaders in a Polarized Political Year,” yet he has engaged in unbridled Trump Derangement Syndrome, repeatedly calling the former President a threat to “our democracy,” urging … Continue reading 

Multiple ‘Drag Queens’ in the News This Week For Appalling Sex Crimes Against Children

(Debra Heine – American Greatness) The left’s favorite expression of gay pride has been in the news this week for all the wrong reasons. Multiple “Drag queens” and “transgender stars” have been arrested for appalling sex crimes against children. The … Continue reading 

Drag Queen Church Puts on Mock Courtroom Performance Deliberating Anti-Homosexual Passages

(The Dissenter) In an era where the Scriptures are regularly co-opted and twisted by progressives as a battering ram against conservatism, particularly concerning LGBTQ issues, it’s crucial to confront the misleading exegesis propagated by certain progressive movements. A “church,” (a … Continue reading 

Drag Queen Stands in Pulpit at Washington National Cathedral to ‘Pray’ to ‘Know Our Bodies’

(The Dissenter) Weird stuff. It just keeps getting weirder. Yesterday, we reported that drag queens were holding a “drag nativity” event depicting both Mary and the infant Jesus in drag. We also reported how a church was decking its halls in kinky drag … Continue reading 

Drag Queen Christmas Event to be Held in Bethel Church’s Redding Convention Center

“It turns out that this civic center, which is overseen by Bethel pastor, Kris Vallotton, along with other Bethel Church leaders, is hosting a Christmas event on December 10th featuring drag queens.” (The Dissenter) Last December, according to a report at … Continue reading 

Disney+ Subscriptions Plummet by 4 Million as Studio Keeps Pushing Transgender, Drag Queen Content

Disney+’s Marvel series Loki recently revealed that its title character is “gender fluid.” The  animated Disney+series Baymax features a transgender “man” who menstruates and gives advice on which maxi pad to buy — “the one with wings.” (David Ng – Breitbart) Disney+ subscriptions … Continue reading 

Tucker Carlson Calls Out Beth Moore, David French, And Tim Keller for Not Opposing Drag Queen Story Hour

Tucker describes a scene in Canada “where a no-name pastor was violently thrown out of a public library where men dressed as hyper-sexualized caricatures of women danced around with little children…” (The Dissenter) I may not agree with everything Tucker … Continue reading 

About the Non-Binary Drag Queen Biden Invited to the White House…

“Cummings, a Drag Queen Story Hour performer, once performed in full drag dancing in a skimpy outfit and singing “Baby Shark” on a bar counter to a small toddler-aged child…” (Mia Cathell – Townhall) A day following the departure of … Continue reading 

Here’s What Happened When a Concerned Mom Dressed Like Drag Queen at a School Board Meeting

“I will do whatever measures I have to, to make sure events like this are addressed and resolved,” she added. “Even if that means wearing the exact same outfit as the 21-year-old drag queen performer to prove my point.” (Matt … Continue reading 

DC’s Iconic Lutheran Church of the Reformation Hosts Drag Queen Story Hour During Sunday Worship

(The Dissenter) Drag Queen Story Hour has been a perversion plaguing public libraries and schools around the nation for several years but what about Drag Queen prayer time for children during Sunday morning worship at church? In a recent spate of … Continue reading 

Drag Queen Comes Clean: Keep Kids AWAY From Drag Shows, He Says

(Selwyn Duke – The New American) Boy, does this drag queen have a story — and not an hour, either. Billy, who goes by the name Kitty Demure when performing and is a self-professed “conservative drag queen,” has a warning … Continue reading 

Congresswoman Doubles Down on Promoting Drag Queen Story Hour in Cringeworthy Tweets

“Replies from the so-called “bigots” included taking issue with Rep. Maloney openly advocating for the grooming of children, as well as expressing concern with the priorities at play here.” (Rebecca Downs – Townhall) As Townhall has been covering extensively, those … Continue reading 

Parents Willingly Hand Children to Sexual Deviants at ‘Church’ for Drag Queen Dance Party

(Reformation Charlotte) A few weeks ago, Reformation Charlotte reported that an institution masquerading as a “church” allowed a drag queen to take the pulpit to indoctrinate children and then hold a “prayer time” with them. As the man dressed in … Continue reading 

Everything Is Sexualized: LEGO Now Features an LGBTQ+ Set With a Drag Queen

“This effort by LEGO, which is alleged to make them appear more “inclusive,” alienates customers like me, who don’t need to be constantly exposed to corporate virtue signaling.” (Matt Margolis – PJ Media)  Want to know what’s more painful than … Continue reading