Perry Noble’s New Church Reaches Megachurch Status, Announces a Second Church Franchise in Greenville

“He was also widely known for several minor scandals, such as playing AC/DC’s ‘Highway to Hell’ for their Easter service, being rebuked by his denomination for bad theology when he called the 10 commandments “10 promises,” and to a lesser … Continue reading 

And Perry Noble Is A Pastor To Pastors

Apprising Ministries with another look at the developing new ecumenical evangelical magisterium (EEM); and in addition, through an exclusive video clip of EEM member Perry Noble’s sermon yesterday, you’ll get a peek at the base direction in which they’re headed.

Perry Noble Takes On Adam & Eve

Apprising Ministries takes a look at the attractional megachurch pastor’s latest video concerning his upcoming sermon series, which you’ll see looks more like a marriage counseling seminar.

Bethel Church Hires Lindsay Lohan Crisis Manager Over Dead Baby Controversy

“Last weekend, Bethel Worship leader, Jenn Johnson, sparked controversy for asking that God raise a dead female child back to life. Thousands upon thousands of Bethel followers began to decree and declare her resurrection through the power of positive confession. … Continue reading 

Tullian Tchividjian is Planting a New Church

“You can’t “restore” yourself, people. Podcasts, blogs, and…churches with no moral standards can’t restore Tullian. The only ones who can restore Tchividjian are those who removed his credentials from ministry for his sins and subsequent lack of repentance. And they’re … Continue reading