Dr. Michael Brown Gives Cover to Todd White’s Fake ‘Leg Lengthening’ Miracles, Then Deletes Video

“Either Brown is the most gullible dupe in all of Christian history or he is intentionally participating in White’s deceptions.” (Protestia) Todd White is perhaps best known for his dreadlocks and debunked leg-lengthening scam, which is pure, calculated, and intentional … Continue reading 

Dr. Michael Brown Joining Famed ‘Leg Lengthening’ Huckster Todd White For Joint Ministry Event

“Leading figures in Christian discernment, like Justin Peters and Chris Rosebrough, have suggested that Todd White is demon-possessed. We absolutely concur and believe strongly that the extent of demonic possession over this man is more profound and apparent than most.” … Continue reading 

Why Todd White is the Most Dangerous Kind of False Teacher

“When we really dissect his statements, it becomes clear that he’s mixing truth and error in such a way to lead people into even greater deception unnoticed.” (The Dissenter) Todd White is a charismatic preacher who is known for his … Continue reading 

Fraud Faith-Healer, Todd White, on Three Month Bedrest for Serious Heart Condition

“White’s understanding of spiritual things is infantile at best. But in reality, the things he preaches are sometimes so outlandish that nobody should take them seriously. Last week, we reported that Todd White blasphemed Jesus by misrepresenting the doctrine of … Continue reading 

Why Todd White is the Most Dangerous Kind of False Teacher

“On occasion, he says things that would make someone who isn’t paying attention, or who isn’t very discerning, think that he’s moving closer to orthodoxy and that, perhaps, the Holy Spirit is truly leading him to the truth. Yet, when … Continue reading 

Todd White Responds to Claims He’s Been Preaching the Wrong Gospel–and He’s not Happy

“Many thought that the change to Todd was due to newly being exposed to Whitfield, Spurgeon, and Comfort, but it turns out that he’s been reading them for years, and yet has still engaged in his shenanigans. He also mentions … Continue reading 

NAR Heretic, Todd White, Experiences Genuine Move of the Holy Spirit?

He goes on to praise well-respected gospel preachers — old and new — and speaks of how reading them has now helped him understand the gospel better than he ever has before. (Jeff Maples – Reformation Charlotte)  You may know … Continue reading 

Todd White Given Copy of ‘American Gospel’ Movie: Calls it ‘Demonically Inspired’

“And to no one’s surprise, the enigmatic enabler Dr. Michael Brown himself lauds heaps of praise on Todd White, taking a photo with him and marveling that he has “a wonderful heart for the Lord” despite ALL EVIDENCE TO THE … Continue reading 

Why Aren’t ‘Faith Healers’ Like Francis Chan, Todd White, and Todd Bentley in China Fighting the Coronavirus?

“The reason Chan, White, and Bentley — and anyone else who claims to be able to heal people — won’t go to China to heal people of the COVID-19 coronavirus is simple: they can’t. They have no power to heal … Continue reading 

We’re Looking for the Harrisburg, PA, Pastor Born With Polio That Todd White Healed!

“According to Todd White’s own story, it had to have happened from mid-2009 forward, when White was still working as an ice delivery man and he also had his dreadlock hairstyle.” (Steven Kozar – Messed Up Church)  Todd White has … Continue reading 

Defecting from Todd White & ‘lifestyle’ Christianity

There’s an important documentary we highly recommend that warns Christians about the Word of Faith movement. Todd White, who’s featured in the documentary, is a leader in the New Order of the Latter Rain and New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) heresy. … Continue reading 

Copeland affirms ‘little gods’ doctrine: Todd White claiming he is a ‘god’ (New Breed) in human flesh

(Churchwatch Central) This is the New Order of the Latter Rain and New Apostolic Reformation heresy that teaches when people are spiritually baptized by this demonic ‘spirit’, they become Sons of God, little Gods or Kings Kids (like Jesus). Copeland Ministries uploaded … Continue reading 

How are we to regard Michael Brown, Todd White and other NAR leaders?

From Berean Research: A few day ago we posted Michael Brown has been WHITE-washed and urged our visitors to share Churchwatch Central’s (CWC) piece. CWC continues their exposé on NAR charismatic apologist Dr. Michael Brown. In their latest blog post they give an explanation of the false Kenotic … Continue reading 

Francis Chan and Todd White Headline Upcoming IHOP Festival of False Teaching

From Berean Research: Museum of Idolatry (MoI) includes a video trailer that promotes International House of Prayer’s (IHOP) annual convention, Onething 2017.  In the video we see IHOP- KC founder Mike Bickle shouting to the crowd: “God is raising up a … Continue reading 

Steve Deace Show Cohost Calls James White A False Teacher

“The attack on James White was rightly seen as an anathematizing of all Protestants. And so many Evangelicals, even those who have had disagreements with White on key issues, have circled the wagons in his defense.” (Ray Fava – Evangelical … Continue reading 

About the Non-Binary Drag Queen Biden Invited to the White House…

“Cummings, a Drag Queen Story Hour performer, once performed in full drag dancing in a skimpy outfit and singing “Baby Shark” on a bar counter to a small toddler-aged child…” (Mia Cathell – Townhall) A day following the departure of … Continue reading 

When liars defend liars: Dr Michael Brown whitewashes the heresies of Bill Johnson.

According to Churchwatch Central: Bill Johnson is the notorious NAR cult leader at Bethel in Redding, CA. He was recently featured by Dr. Michael Brown (promoter of demonic doctrines, and New Apostolic Reformation teachings and their Apostles, in Brownsville). Brown … Continue reading 

Heresy: Kenoticism

“While not traditionally mainstream, the doctrine of Kenoticism has been promoted by the charismatic New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement including people like Bill Johnson of Bethel Church and well-known charlatan, Todd White.” (The Dissenter) Kenoticism, also known as Kenosis Theory, … Continue reading