About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

Pope Francis: Jesus and the Buddha Were Both ‘Promotors of Nonviolence’

(Thomas D. Williams – Breitbart) Pope Francis told a Buddhist delegation from Mongolia Saturday that Jesus and Buddha shared a common commitment to peace and nonviolence.

“Jesus and the Buddha were peacemakers and promotors of nonviolence,” the pontiff told the delegation of Mongolian Buddhists during a private audience in the Vatican, while also urging an end to violence against the environment. Continue reading

Woke Team Biden Is Willfully Obliterating the Middle Class

“The team – the cabal – is reducing the middle class to poverty and deprivation willfully. The USA is in serious danger.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Biden’s team is obliterating the middle class in this country and it’s deliberate while his administration and the media lie to us about what is happening.

Inflation is running rampant. The Producer Price Index, the most useful measure of general inflation, is up a whopping 16.3% from April 2021, per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, The NY Post reports. Continue reading

Banning COVID Mandates Is the Pro-Liberty Position

“These mandates must fall. One such effort is the proposed Texas COVID Vaccine Freedom Act. The proposal is based on the common law rule that informed consent does not exist when a patient is coerced or compelled to receive a medical procedure.” 

(Rep. Brian Harrison & James R. Lawrence, III – Revolver) On May 5, citing the risk “of rare and potentially life-threatening blood clots,” FDA announced it was trimming back authorization of Johnson & Johnson’s COVID-19 vaccine. For millions of Americans coerced by their employers into taking that particular shot against their will, the agency’s action is too little, too late. Continue reading

Hey Look! Proof Former Obama Admin Officials Committed Treason Under Trump

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) It’s impossible to say that I’m shocked by the latest bombshell courtesy of the American Center for Law & Justice (ACLJ).

According to a memo obtained by ACLJ via a FOIA lawsuit, several Obama administration officials held secret meetings with Iran during Trump’s presidency.

Former Obama Secretary of State John Kerry’s efforts to undermine Trump by negotiating with Iran as Trump was working towards pulling out of the nuclear deal have been known for years…. Continue reading

Moderna Throwing Away 30 Million Doses of COVID Vaccine Because ‘Nobody Wants Them’

Bancel called out the ugly Americans. “In the U.S., people don’t want vaccines. Around the world, we have a lot of people who don’t want the vaccine,” Bancel mourned, before reiterating that the problem was not a “capacity limit.”

(Athena Thorne – PJ Media) Our betters in the World Economic Forum (WEF) gathered in Davos this week to decide what’s best for the planet and everyone on it (especially themselves). But Stéphane Bancel, CEO of Moderna, was sad. He was disappointed that the plebs don’t want his company’s revered COVID-19 vaccines. Continue reading

Extremely Disturbing

“So what is Archbishop Cordileone supposed to do in the face of abortion zealotry? Nothing? Many Catholic clerics are afraid to advocate on behalf of the unborn. They know they will be attacked in vile ways if they do. They understand the media will viciously demonize them.”

(Bill O’Reilly) The most powerful cleric in Northern California is a marked man. Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone is not backing down from denying Nancy Pelosi the Catholic sacrament of Holy Communion. And not only that, the Archbishop has publicly said that Mrs. Pelosi is in danger of “losing her soul,” which is what eternal damnation is. Continue reading

Texas school shooting: Obama clobbered for linking Uvalde massacre to two-year mark of George Floyd’s murder

“Critics railed against Obama for suggesting a comparison between Tuesday’s massacre and the police brutality Floyd faced.” 

(Joseph A. Wulfsohn – Fox News) Former President Barack Obama raised eyebrows on Wednesday for attempting to link this week’s mass shooting in Uvalde, Texas, to the anniversary of George Floyd’s murder.

Nineteen children and two teachers of Robb Elementary School were murdered by an 18-year-old gunman, who was killed during a gunfire exchange with authorities. Tuesday’s tragedy is now among the worst mass shootings in U.S. history. Continue reading

High Gas and Home Fuel Prices to Soar Indefinitely

“It is looking increasingly likely that the only cure for these high prices would be a recession, a devastating cure.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Residential electricity rates have been surging for months and are poised to climb even higher this summer on a combination of tight supplies of natural gas and coal [thanks to Biden], an unrelenting drought in the Western US, and a nationwide forecast for extreme heat, according to Bloomberg. Continue reading

A Cabinency of Dunces

“The common denominator to these Biden appointees is ideological rigidity, nonchalance, and sheer incompetence.”  

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) As the nation sinks inexplicably into self-created crisis after crisis, debate rages whether Joe Biden is incompetent, mean-spirited, or an ideologue who feels the country’s mess is his success.

A second national discussion revolves around who actually is overseeing the current national catastrophe, given Joe Biden’s frequent bewilderment and cognitive challenges. Continue reading

The Elitists Who Want to Rule the World

“Brilliant businessmen and ambitious politicians, striving bureaucrats and myopic experts — will cure the world of its ills, so long as we grant them power. Or, more likely, so long as they seize power in the name of “stakeholders” to whom they are never answerable.”

(Ben Shapiro – PJ Media) Klaus Schwab is the head of the World Economic Forum; he founded the organization in 1971. Each year, the WEF hosts a massive conference in Davos, Switzerland, with thousands of world leaders, diplomats and experts on various topics gathering to trade ideas about how best to cooperatively run the world…. Continue reading

WHO withdraws 12 Biden ‘sovereignty’ amendments amid fierce opposition

(WND) Amid charges of ceding U.S. sovereignty to the World Health Organization, 12 of the 13 amendments submitted by the Biden administration for a vote in the World Health Assembly this week in Geneva have been removed from consideration.

The amendments were publicized only last month, and it was the advocacy of independent researcher James Roguski that alerted the public to the implications for U.S. sovereignty, prompting a groundswell of popular opposition, largely in the past week. Continue reading

Judge Rules Donors to RZIM Can Sue Over Ravi Zacharia’s Sexual Misconduct

“The donors zero in on the discretionary RZIM fund ‘Touch of Hope’ which was used as the primary source for Zacharias to funnel his illicit expenditures.”

(Protestia) RZIM is about to experience a world of hurt after a federal judge ruled that a class-action lawsuit against Ravi Zacharias International Ministries can move forward, the result of past donors suing the organization for using their funds over the last 17 years to pay off victims of the late world-famous apologist. Continue reading

Biden Turns Texas Horror Into a Partisan Screed Full of Bad Jokes

(Katie Pavlich – Townhall) Speaking from the Roosevelt Room of the White House Tuesday night, President Joe Biden addressed the horrific shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. An 18-year-old man stormed the school, killing 19 children and three adults [including the shooter].

During his remarks, Biden didn’t use the time to honor the victims and their families. Instead, he rehashed old jokes about deer wearing kevlar and ranted while reading the teleprompter. Continue reading

Deep State? What About Deep Church?

“Unfortunately the world and worldly practices as—opposed to biblical practices and principles—have entered the Church, and there appears to be a “deep church” as well as a “deep state.”  Are we willing to acknowledge and recognize how much the world has been allowed into the Church?  Are we even willing to address the issues biblically?” 

(Helen Louise Herndon – The Aquila Report) The term “deep state” is ubiquitous in today’s parlance and used by many to signify political control and power in the United States.  While driving my car just a while ago listening to the program, Issues, Etc., on the Lutheran Missouri Synod radio station KFUO, reference to the “deep state” occurred several times…. Continue reading

Fanatic Cult Leader Klaus Schwab: ‘The Future Is Being Built By Us’

“Panels included: investing in China, averting a global food crisis (partnered with CNN for this), staying the course for climate change, equitable responses to the pandemic (partnering with Politico and focusing on Moderna’s CEO), equitable economic outlook for the US (partnering with the NYT), shaping the future on investing (partnering with Reuters), defining the US (WSJ on stakeholder capitalism).”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) On Day 1 of the World Economic Forum, attendees – the global elites – unabashedly flew in on their private gas-guzzling jets to discuss climate change. Continue reading

Yale Prof: Telling Gay Men to Stop Having Sex With Strangers to Halt Monkeypox Spread is Untenable

(Chris Menahan – InformationLiberation) Remember how Fauci said go ahead and use Grindr for hookups during the start of the covid pandemic?

“If you want to go a little bit more intimate, well, then that’s your choice regarding a risk,” Fauci said.

Amazing. They told us to lock down and stop living our lives for years to avoid COVID but now they say it would be stigmatizing and unfair to tell gay men to stop having random sex with strangers to avoid monkeypox. These are our “public health experts,” folks. — Matt Walsh Continue reading

Jory Micah Arrested for Biting Cop’s Hand, Faces 19 Charges and 10 Years in Prison

“According to reports, Micah is “charged by state police with aggravated assault, simple assault, resisting arrest, and possession of drug paraphernalia.” 

(Protestia) Jory Micah continues prancing into apostasy without a care in the world, giving the world a living, breathing emblem of what it means to be wholly without the mind of Christ, despite her frequently-touted Master of Arts in Christian Doctrine and History. Continue reading

WOKE Army Looks at Transfers If Soldiers Don’t Agree with State/Local Laws

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) The WOKE army, which might go to war with China or Russia, is considering a policy called a “compassionate reassignment” permitting soldiers to request a transfer to a different area if they feel state or local laws discriminate against them because of their gender.

In addition to gender, the service member could cite sex, religion, race, or pregnancy as a reason to move. Continue reading

White House Scrambles to Cancel Biden’s Promise to React ‘Militarily’ to Chinese Aggression

“Maybe someone in the West Wing should establish an Office for Explaining What the President Really Meant to Say. Obviously, it would be a full-time, high-pressure job, presumably with a high turnover.”

(Stephen Green – PJ Media) Presidentish Joe Biden said in Tokyo on Monday that the United States would “get involved militarily to defend Taiwan,” but now the White House is scrambling to clarify what Biden really meant.

There he goes again. Continue reading

Former SBC President Accused of Sexually Assaulting Woman 20 Years Younger Than Him According to Task Force

(The Dissenter) The Dissenter has been covering the story of the Southern Baptist Convention’s (SBC) political hit job perpetrated by Russell Moore, an ex-employee of the SBC’s Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission. After he departed the denomination to join the staff at the apostate “Christian” publication, Christianity Today, to continue his liberal agenda, Moore leaked a letter to the press claiming he had knowledge of sex abuse involving women and children dating back nearly two years and alleged that SBC leaders pressured him to cover up these abuses. Continue reading

Famous Seeker-Sensitive Megachurch Cuts Staff Budget by $6.5 Million, Laying off 30% of Staff

(Protestia) Willow Creek Community Church, once a multi-campus 25,000 member church founded by Bill Hybels that pioneered the church growth and seeker-sensitive movement – the demonic practice of gearing everything about a church service to be as comfortable and friendly to non-believing “seekers” as possible, is crashing and burning.

The church announced that they were cutting their staff budget by $6.5 million dollars and axing 30% of the employees, the result of losing over 10,000 congregants in the last 3 years: Continue reading

Monkey Pox: Truth versus Fearporn

“Is the biothreat real? Is is imminent? Does it justify the global media hype? As I was waiting in an airport lounge to travel from USA to the UK two days ago, I saw a newsreel from CNN which was breathlessly reporting on this “threat” while displaying historic images of patients suffering from Smallpox disease. This provides a classical example of public health fearporn, in my opinion…”

(Robert W. Malone) I keep getting asked the same question again and again; is this outbreak of monkey pox a real threat, or is this another case of overstated and weaponized public health messaging? I am going to save my answer to this question for the end of this article and instead focus on what monkey pox is, the nature and characteristics of the associated disease, what we know and don’t know. Continue reading