About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

Why Young Americans Are Not Taught About Evil

“This is why young people know almost nothing about evil. The Left doesn’t want them to know about it. Because knowledge of evil inevitably leads directly to rejection of the Left.”

(Dennis Prager – Real Clear Politics) Most of our schools teach almost nothing of importance, and nothing is more important than the study of good and evil. In the United States today, nearly all schools, from elementary through graduate, concentrate on teaching about racism, sexism, preferred pronouns, homophobia, transphobia, LGBTQIA+, climate change, diversity, equity, inclusiveness and white guilt. In other words, most of our educational institutions, including the most prestigious, do not educate.

Here are a few proofs. Continue reading

National Archives Has About 5,400 Emails, Records Linked to Joe Biden’s Email Aliases

(Wendell Husebo – Breitbart) The National Archives (NARA) possesses about 5,400 emails and records linked to President Joe Biden’s email aliases, the House Oversight Committee revealed Monday evening.

The email aliases — “Robert Peters,” “Robin Ware,” and “JRB Ware” — were used to share government information and discuss business with Hunter Biden and associates, according to the Southeastern Legal Foundation, which filed a lawsuit to compel the agency to turn over the emails. Continue reading

Surrender childish ways

“I am saying that there should be a hierarchy of priorities that come before we rest. If placed on a scale, our work should far outweigh our play. God, work, and our families should all take precedence over play. If at any point childish ways replace any of these, you have a problem.”

(Luke Pierson – The Sentinel) What does it mean to speak, think, and reason like a child?

Children live in the present. They are selfish and impulsive, and they act without considering future ramifications. They have no concept of the burden of obligation, nor responsibility, nor making sacrifices for those they love. Continue reading

This video proves Walt Disney is rolling over in his grave…

(Revolver) If you’ve been paying even the slightest attention, you’ll notice that Disney has undergone a dramatic transformation in a relatively short span. We’ve transitioned from classics like Beauty and the Beast to modern interpretations like Snow Brown and the Seven Diverse People at breakneck speed. What we’re seeing today is a far cry from Walt Disney’s original vision and values. He’d likely be turning in his grave if he knew what was happening. While the debate rages on about why Disney has changed, be it the influence of “Karen” feminists in HR and marketing departments or pressure from global agendas like the WEF’s equity program, what often goes overlooked is the fact that Disney’s shift reflects a larger societal issue: American kids just aren’t being kids anymore. Continue reading

Biden Suggests He Will Mandate a COVID Booster for All Americans This Fall

The Democratic Party is again fear-mongering Americans into thinking the virus is a threat. … Hollywood studio, Lionsgate, and several universities have already announced their plans to mandate masks for all. 

(Sarah Arnold – Townhall) Here we go again— the Biden Administration has plans to roll out a new COVID-19 vaccine this fall, requiring Americans to get another jab. 

Despite declaring earlier this year that COVID is no longer a threat, President Joe Biden said his administration will “likely” recommend that all Americans receive the updated booster, including children.  Continue reading

Biggest Cover Up Going on Now In Maui, Hawaii

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) There are weird special foreign police showing up in Maui to keep people from seeing what is going on. They have black fences up to block all visibility. You can’t stop your car. There are National Guard, Police, and Special Police who will immediately order you back into your car.

A native of Maui has been taking videos to get information out to people, but the government has sealed off the area. [see the video below] Continue reading

Russell Moore Says John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress ‘Leaves Me Cold’

(Protestia) On a recent episode of his podcast, former ERLC president and current Editor-in-Chief of Christianity Today Russell Moore offered up the smarmy, self-satisfied confession that he doesn’t like John Bunyan or his famous book Pilgrim’s Progress, saying it leaves him “cold” for its emphasis on encouraging believers to test themselves to see if they are in the faith.

Following several links…

“The Pilgrim’s Progress” is a religious allegory by John Bunyan, the renowned 17th Century Reformed Baptist and English preacher, and perhaps the most influential Christian literature after the Bible…. Continue reading

Is ‘Climate Fear’ to Blame for Maui Wildfires?

(Catherine Salgado – PJ Media) Climate experts hosted a media call Wednesday to discuss the tragedy of the devastating Maui fire—and how government’s negligence and obsession with the “climate change” hoax created a situation ripe for disaster.

The call featured Gregory Wrightstone of the CO2 Coalition, H. Sterling Burnett of the Heartland Institute’s Arthur B. Robinson Center on Climate and Environmental Policy , and Trump transition team member Steve Milloy of  JunkScience. They discussed dishonest media, government negligence, climate change obsessions, and the Lahaina fire. Despite 50 years of failed predictions, climate alarmists are more blinded than ever…. Continue reading

The Biden Clan’s Con Is Coming to an End

“In his laptop communications, Hunter whined that no one in the family appreciated his hard work at family grifting. He sounded petulant that his father forced him to fork over half his income to the Joe and Jill Biden household.”

(Victor Davis Hanson – Real Clear Politics) Despite years of Biden family and media disinformation, we are finally learning that President Joe Biden really did fire Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin for looking into state corruption involving the oil company Burisma and Hunter Biden — and ultimately Joe Biden himself. Continue reading

Russell Moore’s Church-Teaching Partner Says New Age Breathing Techniques Originate in Jesus

(The Dissenter) A few months ago, I published a video on Twitter of a man named Curtis Chang who made the asinine argument that getting the COVID vaXX was just like Jesus saving people—the vaccine “redeemed an abortion” the same way Jesus redeems sinners. That was literally his argument. Chang, a contributor at the pro-evolution BioLogos organization and the author of several books, including The Anxiety Opportunity: How Worry Is the Doorway to Your Best Self, has joined forces with former SBC ERLC head, Russell Moore, and progressive grifter, David French, to create a curriculum for churches to teach congregants about politics. Continue reading

Did Trump’s Interview With Tucker Carlson Really Get Huge Numbers?

“What is clear after the dust settles: none of the other candidates looked ready to take on Crooked Joe Biden…”

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) I still say it was a pretty lousy move of Donald Trump to not only skip the GOP primary debate but to schedule an interview with Tucker Carlson for the same time. But Trump is Trump, and he will do what he wants to do because he feels entitled to the Republican nomination in 2024, and he wants to steal the thunder of his rivals. Continue reading

Free Speech Suffers Massive Blow in Canada With This Ruling in Jordan Peterson Case

If you think that you have a right to free speech in Canada you’re delusional. I will make every aspect of this public. And we will see what happens when utter transparency is the rule. Bring it on.”

(Leah Barkoukis – Townhall) A Canadian court ruled against psychologist and best-selling author Jordan Peterson, upholding a regulatory body’s order that he needs to undergo social media re-education or face losing his license to practice. Continue reading

Fox News Fumbles First Republican Debate

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) The RNC Primary debate was the second major campaign event, following the Family Leadership Summit in Iowa last month. Like the first event, Donald Trump was not to show. Nevertheless, it was the biggest draw to Fox News in quite some time, and Fox News proved to be unprofessional and downright amateurish with the task of moderating the debate. Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum were tasked with moderating the debate, and they showcased the lack of talent that Fox News is left with in a post Tucker Carlson world. Continue reading

Mainstream media FINALLY admits people were barricaded in by incompetent Maui government….

(Revolver) What is unfolding in Maui stands as one of the most shameless, horrific displays of government ineptitude and cruelty we’ve seen. From the highest levels, including Biden, down to the lowest local officials, the good people of Maui have been met with disrespect and callousness. Tragically, many have died or suffered tremendously more at the hands of these government blunders.

Recently Revolver told you about a situation in Maui where residents revealed they had basically been “barricaded” in, unable to leave, as the fire tore through Lahaina, thanks to inept local officials. Continue reading

Are Lockdowns Coming Back? These Fauci Comments Are Fueling Suspicions

“If you have a vaccine available, you might want to lock down temporarily so you can get everybody vaccinated.”

(Leah Barkoukis – Townhall) Anthony Fauci’s recent comments during a Wayne State University event have some concerned that a lockdown 2.0 could be on the horizon, despite the social, emotional, financial, and educational toll it took on children, adults, and society at large. Continue reading

You Get What You Pay For

(Bill O’Reilly) Women are being “erased” in Afghanistan. So says a recent article on the Daily Chatter website, our foreign news partner.

The Taliban retook the country two years ago this week after the botched U.S. withdrawal by the Biden administration. Today, Afghan women cannot be seen in public without a male escort, are denied education, and have absolutely no rights whatsoever.

That’s terrible, of course, but the blame lies with the Afghan people themselves, who flat-out refused to fight for their own freedom…. Continue reading

Victor Davis Hanson: California’s Headed for ‘Oblivion’

“This is what the Progressives want for all of us. It is what they are doing in every city and now suburban and rural areas.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) During an interview with California Insider, Victor Davis Hanson was asked where California was headed. Without hesitation, he said, it is “headed to oblivion.” He explained that people are leaving California to go to hell-hot Texas or desert Nevada, that have become paradises in their minds. We took paradise and turned it into hell, so they’re leaving. Continue reading

Apostasy of the Modern Church and the Immutable Righteousness of God

“The Bible does not explicitly state how or when God will judge the American Church, but it’s clear from Scripture that nothing is off the table. The shadows are lengthening, and the warnings continue to resonate through the pages of Scripture.”

(The Dissenter) In an era marked by uncertainty and a drift away from biblical truth, the warnings and judgments found in the pages of Scripture serve as grave reminders to us. These historical accounts are not merely tales of a bygone era but resounding calls to fidelity and obedience. They beckon us to recognize the danger of departing from the foundational teachings of the faith…. Continue reading

Goal in 14 US Cities: Ban Meat, Dairy, Private Cars by 2030

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) While the Left claims they support the middle class, they are destroying it. The wealthy will survive. There will be just enough of everything for them. There is no better proof than that provided by the C40. The video by Mr. Vobes gives a great summary of what it is.

“By 2030, the average impact of urban consumption in C40 cities must decrease by 50%,” says the C40 report. Continue reading

Biden Administration to Urge All Americans: Get a Coronavirus Booster Shot Now

(Simon Kent – Breitbart) All Americans will be urged by the Biden administration to get a coronavirus booster shot this autumn ahead of what it claims is a new wave of infections, a White House official said Sunday.

Reuters reports the official said while the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports an increase in infections and hospital admissions from the virus, overall levels remain low, however caution is urged. Continue reading

Christians Have A Choice To Make: Paul Of Tarsus Or Taurus The Bull. Which Will It Be?

By Marsha West

Profanity, pornography, programs laced with filth in movies and on cable assail us non-stop. Most people are offended by Hollywood’s obsession with polluting the culture. It is no secret that beginning with the tumultuous 1960s, Americans have become little more than trash receptacles for Hollywood’s filth.

While Hollywood goes about corrupting the culture through films, another more subtle force has infiltrated society and successfully corrupted young and old alike. You’ve probably guessed that I’m referring to “spirituality.” I’m not talking about organized religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Islam or Eastern religions.

I’m not even talking about bygone days when ancients like me referred to spirituality as New Age, New Age mysticism, or New Thought, “unifying mind-body-spirit.” Today, for many sojourners, spirituality is the quest for meaning and wholeness, a connection to a higher power, what some deem a “universal mind” or consciousness we can tap into.

For decades this Eastern-influenced moral relativistic metaphysical thought system has spread worldwide like gangrene. I think it’s safe to say that pretty much everyone has been influenced by Eastern mysticism in one way or another.

For more than 50 years now the New Age movement has reared its ugly head in the visible Church in ways you may find surprising. Inside many churches, shepherds have the sheep partaking in what Scripture deems sorcery, i.e. the magic arts, even though Scripture clearly teaches that God hates the ways of pagan cultures. In the Old Testament those who dabbled in practices that were expressly forbidden by The Creator were often destroyed by Him — every man woman and child. Gulp.

If you’re thinking “My God wouldn’t do that,” you’d be wrong. Think: The worldwide flood where God destroyed all living things that’s found in the book of Genesis. Continue reading