About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

Diesel Fuel Shortage Will Hit Right After the Election

“These low distillate inventories are why diesel prices are above $5.00 a gallon nationwide, even though the nationwide average price for gasoline has dropped below $4.00 a gallon.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) As of Friday, October 14, the U.S. had 25.4 days of diesel supply left in storage. That was according to data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA). That means the shortage will hit immediately after the election. We have already seen some rationing in the northeast. Continue reading

What is the Doctrine of Original Sin and Why is it Important?

“Both Roman Catholics and Protestants historically hold to the doctrine of original sin. One of the first major historic figures to oppose this doctrine was Pelagius, a fifth-century heretic who taught that man is essentially good and that through their free moral agency, man chooses to rebel against God.” 

(The Dissenter) There is a growing movement within Evangelical churches to reject the doctrine of original sin. The doctrine of original sin teaches that through Adam, all people are born with an inherent nature inclined toward sin and are in need of the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit to remove the sin nature and replace it with a new nature inclined toward God…. Continue reading

‘Save Our Democracy’ is the new ‘Russia Collusion.’

A large swath of the left has become so reliant on infantile fearmongering, that they seem incapable of debating any issues or dealing with the reality of an opposition party. When they’re not slandering political opponents as (semi-) fascists or racists or misogynists or homophobes or transphobes or death cultists, they’re engaging in cloistered pseudointellectual debate-club discussions on “saving democracy.”

(David Harsanyi – The Federalist) At this point, it would save everyone time if Democrats could simply point to a policy agenda item that isn’t going to save democracy — if such a thing exists.

If Republicans vote, they are killing democracy. If they don’t vote, they are killing democracy…. Continue reading

The Gender-Obsessed Left Will Have to Pry My Children From My Cold, Dead Hands

(Tyler O’Neil – Daily Signal) As a father, it is my responsibility to watch out for my children and to protect them from demonic lies and from medical interventions that would leave them scarred, stunted, and infertile.

Yet a growing chorus of activists and legislators seem intent on taking children away from parents like me, not because we would harm our children but because we would protect them from harm. Continue reading

Biden is a ‘do-nothing’ president with no managerial capability

“The most vital shortages are in food and energy. It’s hard to convince Americans that their number one issue should be the 20-year impact of Climate Change when the shelves at the local grocery are emptying or the cost of gasoline to fill up the car is half a day’s wages.”

(David Reavill’) November of 1948 was the almost perfect analogy to today. Like today, the country was slipping into Recession. President Harry Truman was running in an uphill reelection battle. His opponent, Thomas Dewey, was the odds-on favorite to win the Presidency. Continue reading

SBTS Prof, Denny Burk Calls on Southern Baptists to Disfellowship Saddleback But Misses the Bigger Issue

Rick Warren looks on as Saddleback ordains woman to the pastorate.

“Many have been sounding the alarm against the massive influx of Southern Baptist churches that are ordaining women to the pastorate and many are calling for the disfellowship of these churches. One such person is Denny Burk…”

(The Dissenter) Denny Burk, a professor at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, called on Southern Baptists to “make a choice” between caving to Saddleback Church’s demands that cooperating churches be allowed to ordain women to the pastorate or to disfellowship from Saddleback. Continue reading

America’s Woke Military Has Never Been This Weak

Photo credit US Defense Watch

Only the Marine Corps is rated as strong. Even our nuclear  capabilities are slipping with “Russia and China are aggressively expanding the types and quantities of nuclear weapons in their inventories. Nearly all components of the nuclear enterprise are at a tipping point with respect to replacement or modernization and have no margin left for delays in schedule.”

(Daniel Greenfield – Front Page Mag) For the first time the Heritage Foundation’s index of American military strength has ranked us as ‘weak’. The index warns that the Army “remains ‘weak’ in capacity with only 62 percent of the force it should have”. And even the Army has admitted that it has missed its recruiting target by 10,000 personnel which is expected to climb to over 20,000 by the end of the next fiscal year. Continue reading

Election integrity storm brewing in PA: Over 250k ballots sent to voters with unverified ID

(Natalia Mittelstadt – Just the News) More than 250,000 ballots have been mailed to Pennsylvania voters without their identities being verified, according to state data collected by election integrity group Verity Vote.

On Tuesday, 15 Pennsylvania state legislators sent a letter to acting Secretary of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Leigh Chapman regarding unverified ballots sent to voters. As of Thursday, state data show that more than 250,000 ballots have been mailed to voters without verifying their identification. Continue reading

Another Jesus: The ‘Jesus’ that is being bandied about has become a poor substitute for the true and glorious Son of God

“If the contemporary church is going to abandon all its theological territory and take a final stand for Jesus Christ, it better be for the real Christ. Be done with this palatable and tamed jesus and introduce the world to the real Lord Jesus Christ: the eternal Son of God sent into the world to save and rule the world, crucified, dead, and buried, but risen and exalted; the One who receives sinners and makes them saints. The Christ who created and sustains all things and will return once again to judge his enemies and make all things new. Any Christ less than this is not worth knowing.”

(Andrew W.G. Matthews – Caldron Pool) “For if someone comes and proclaims another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough!” 2 Corinthians 11:4

As the evangelical Christian church has been pummeled by secular critics for being hateful for her biblical views on ethics, many church leaders have responded by shifting the focus from ethics to “Jesus.” They say that the main thing is “To know Jesus and make him known,” and not get broiled down in controversial ethical issues…. Continue reading

Why the Pro-Life Movement is Compromised, and Why Abortion Abolition is the Only Path Forward

(Protestia) Do you call yourself “Pro-life?” Understand, there is a significant and growing internal conflict among the self-described #Prolife. It is not going away. Some know this and have begun to try to confront it. There are at least three groups within the current Pro-life Movement.

Let’s briefly consider each Pro-life group. This is so important because this modern holocaust 10x that of Hitler’s is ours to steward and legally abolish. Where do you stand? (1) ESTABLISHMENT or BIG PRO-LIFE; (2) CONFLICTED-CONSISTENT; & (3) BLURRY MIDDLE. Continue reading

New Study: New Boosters Don’t Work Any Better

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel} Despite overwhelming data from Pfizer’s Bivalent COVID-19 Booster results of eight dead mice, boosters are mandated in some quarters. A new study is out, and it says the boosters don’t work any better than the original. It complements another study with the same or similar results.

Researchers at Columbia and Harvard University state Bivalent Booster shots failed to raise levels of neutralizing antibodies against the dominant omicron strain any more than the original COVID-19 vaccine…. Continue reading

The Legend of Sleepy Joe

“Happy Halloween, Joe Biden. In the years to come, scary stories will be told about your administration. Young children will tremble in fear upon hearing details of this very strange time.”

(Bill O’Reilly) It is late October, and a seasonal change is in the air; darkness falls earlier, and spirits awaken in anticipation of All Hallows Eve. Children look forward to the spooky time when they go door to door asking for “treats.” If none are forthcoming, the specter of “tricks” may arise. Continue reading

Is Voting Democrat Compatible With Faithfulness to God?

(The Dissenter) After watching parts of the debate last night between Pennsylvania candidates John Fetterman and Mehmet Oz, it has become abundantly clear that the Democrat party’s commitment to abortion, LGBTQ, and all of the other items on the progressive agenda far outweigh the desire to be seen as reasonable or live in a functioning society. For the Democrat party, it’s all or nothing. Fetterman, who had a stroke and can hardly put together a coherent statement, had an extremely difficult time making any sense at all during his debate with Oz. But, for Democrats, it’s a ‘Hail Mary” with Fetterman. Continue reading

Mark Driscoll Claims Mars Hills Elders Tried to Oust Him From Church Using False Allegations of Adultery

(Protestia) During his recent Sunday sermon, ‘pastor’ Mark Driscoll released a bombshell, claiming that the reason he resigned from the pastorate at Mars Hill after previously saying he wasn’t going anywhere and would submit to a period of church discipline, is that the Holy Spirit revealed to him a secret plot by the church elders to get him to step down by falsely accusing him of adultery, freeing him to leave.

Driscoll’s Mars Hill Ministry imploded in 2014 after his elders accused him of being arrogant, crude, bullying, harsh, and overbearing…. Continue reading

Google Caught With Its Algorithms Down in Displaying Search Results for GOP Senate Candidates

“For its part, Google looked right into the camera and solemnly swore — no fingers crossed, no fibbing — that they don’t know what happened but it’s impossible for their non-partisan, completely innocent algorithms to be biased against those evil — er, those Republican candidates.”

(Rick Moran – PJ Media) The Media Research Center is calling on Google to “stop its war on democracy” and “provide algorithmic transparency” after the watchdog organization demonstrated manipulated search results for Republican Senatorial campaign websites. Continue reading

The ‘F’ Word: The Revival of Fundamentalism

“It’s a smear campaign used as a power-grab agenda in order to control the narrative and retain power in specific circles of evangelicalism. To be clear, such a narrative will never win the day. Truth will prevail.”

(Josh Buice – Delivered by Grace) The way in which we use words matters. For instance, when we look at the way words morph in the sense of cultural usage, such etymology is indicative of the difficulty to anchor word meaning and word usage. That’s why it’s essential to study words when studying the Bible to understand how those words were being employed in the specific era and context of that biblical text. Continue reading

NYS Must Rehire All Fired Employees With Backpay

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) The New York State Supreme Court has ordered all employees fired for being unvaccinated to be rehired with back pay. This is by order of the New York State Supreme Court, predominantly Democrat.

There is an appeals process.

The Supreme Court found that being vaccinated “does not” stop the spread of COVID-19. Continue reading

Climate Lunatics Throw Mashed Potatoes on Monet Masterpiece, and It’s Going to Get Worse

“The climate activists wouldn’t be engaging in stunts of this kind if they were rational thinkers who could critically evaluate what they were told and reject the climate propaganda that has been irresponsibly pounded into them since they were toddlers.”

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) Just nine days after climate doom fanatics threw tomato soup onto Vincent Van Gogh’s famed Sunflowers painting in the National Gallery in London, the apocalyptically named Last Generation group has struck in a similar way, hurling mashed potatoes at Claude Monet’s Haystacks, which recently sold for $110 million, in the Museum Barberini in Potsdam, Germany, before they glued their hands to the wall and settled in for a long day of climate hectoring, mythology, propaganda, and sloganeering. Continue reading

The main COVID symptoms have changed, research shows

“…the symptoms most commonly reported among the three groups, ranked in order of how often they are reported.”

(Addy Bink – The Hill) Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, patients have reported dozens of different symptoms, ranging from cold and flu-like symptoms to more unique ones, including “COVID tongue.”

But like all viruses, the primary symptoms associated with COVID have changed and can vary based on your vaccination status, according to a new list released last week. Continue reading

Biden’s Diesel Fuel Supply Crisis Could Soon Cripple America in Ways Never Before Seen

“The Biden administration has remained strangely silent, probably hoping that the dismal news doesn’t hit the mainstream because it’s a total political timebomb waiting to go off, especially as the midterm elections are so close.”

(Ryan Ledendecker – PJ Media) Oil prices and President Joe Biden’s continued draining of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) have dominated the headlines over the past few weeks, but analysts say a more impactful and serious crisis on the energy front looms: a diesel fuel shortage. Continue reading

Ulta Beauty uses two confused adult males to talk about ‘girlhood’ — and receives resounding backlash

Ulta had two men, who know nothing about being a girl, mansplain girlhood on its podcast.

“Ulta is the latest company to try to cash in on the transgender craze that is tearing our young people to shreds (sometimes literally). Transgenderism is big business. Target has a clothing line that offers chest binders and padded underwear…”

(Emmy Griffin – The Patriot Post) Ulta Beauty, a company that sells beauty products, is facing backlash from angry women customers for an episode of its company podcast, “The Beauty of…” In the now infamous episode, Ulta features host David Lopez — who is wearing a long blond wig and also has a full beard and says he has been gender fluid for two years— and the interviewee, TikTok star and transgender activist Dylan Mulvaney. Mulvaney identifies as a girl but is a biological adult male. Continue reading