EXCLUSIVE: FOIAs Reveal Progressive Money Fueling FBI, DOJ, Leftist Activist and Election Official Coordination

(J. Christian Adams – PJ Media) A strange constellation has emerged through public records requests of coordination between progressive funders, federal authorities, corporations, state election officials, and leftist organizations.

Freedom of information requests have uncovered oddball and opaque relationships between some state election officials, federal officials, corporations, progressive activists, and those trying to influence the conduct of those same election officials. These relationships extend to junkets that include baseball games, travel, and even data exchanges between state officials and outside progressive groups. Continue reading

The Plot to Kill Jesus…and Lazarus

9 Therefore, when the great crowd of Jews knew that Jesus was there, they came not because of Him only, but also because of Lazarus that they may see whom He raised from the dead. 10 But the Chief Priests took counsel that they might kill Lazarus also 11 because of him, many were going away and believing in Jesus. John 12:9-11 (translated from the NA28 Greek text)

The hard heart that is in the darkness of unbelief simply will not believe even when given irrefutable evidence. That is what the earthly ministry of our Lord was. He fulfilled those prophecies exactly of the Messiah that were given by those Old Testament prophets that the fathers of these very men also persecuted and killed. John made it clear in the dialogues and the examples of miracles by our Lord in the face of the opposition by these men that they were without excuse…. Continue reading

The Cry-Baby Leftist Mind

In the left-wing mind, the buffoonish Capitol riot on January 6 was an “insurrection.” Yet the much larger May 31, 2020, riot that sought to storm the White House grounds and sent the president into a bunker was the sort of mob violence that “was not going to stop” in the words of now Vice President Kamala Harris. 

(Victor Davis Hanson – PJ Media) As the border crisis rages, the Supreme Court clears the way for Biden to end the Remain in Mexico policy, The Washington Post reports.

The policy requires some asylum seekers who enter the country illegally, mainly from Central and South America, to return to Mexico while they await a hearing. Continue reading

BREAKING: SCOTUS Reins in the Power of the EPA

(Stacey Lennox – PJ Media) On Thursday the Supreme Court handed down a ruling that will significantly curtail the power of executive agencies to control entire sectors of the economy through promulgating rules.

While some commentators view this decision narrowly as a determination of the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) ability to promulgate regulations to address climate change, in practice, it sets a precedent that will limit the ability of all executive agencies to make regulations that shift entire industries without specific congressional authority to do so. Continue reading

Street Preacher Arrested at Gay Pride Parade For Preaching, Bible Ripped and Thrown in Porta-Potty

(Protestia) Street preacher Matthew Meinecke was arrested by Seattle police on Sunday and charged with obstruction because he failed to stop reading his Bible at a public park at the Seattle Gay Pride parade, causing multiple complaints and leading to his arrest.

Meinecke, who goes by ‘The Seattle Preacher’, said that he was peacefully reading from the book of Matthew, causing activist to harass him and scream and bark in his face. Eventually around ten police officers surrounded him and arrested him, with officers telling him: Continue reading

Persecution is the natural result of teaching or preaching God’s Word without compromise

14 You are My friends if you do what I command you. 15 No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you. 16 You did not choose Me but I chose you, and appointed you that you would go and bear fruit, and that your fruit would remain, so that whatever you ask of the Father in My name He may give to you. (John 15:14-19 NASB)  Read verses 17-19 on the site

A study of the book of Acts reveals that as Christianity spread as the Apostles obediently made disciples wherever they went, it was always accompanied by persecution. The hotter the persecution the more encouraged the brethren became. While that is not logical to the fallen mind, that is exactly how God grew His church. In the early 2nd century, the bishop of Smyrna, Polycarp who was a disciple of the Apostle John, was brought to the Roman authorities and ordered to confess that Caesar is lord.,,, Continue reading

Does the Progressive Socialist Left Read the Constitution?

“The courts are supposed to interpret the law, not make law, nor create individual rights. Sadly, this is all lost on our rather misguided leftist friends. They believe that courts should make law rather than issue decisions. Roe is not and has never been the “law of the land” because it cannot be found anywhere in the Constitution and the legislative branch has never passed it and submitted it to the executive branch to become law.”

(Allen West – Townhall) This is a very tumultuous and critical time in the life cycle of our Constitutional Republic. It was just a few weeks ago that I penned a missive titled “Constitutional Rights vs Ideological Rights” for this conservative platform. Who would have ever thought how quickly that writing would come to fruition?… Continue reading

2022 Is Lit: Army Private Sent Sensitive Military Info to White Supremacist Group to Facilitate Jihad Attack

The group didn’t just admire bin Laden; it wanted to emulate him. Melzer, the DOJ explains, “planned a jihadist attack on his U.S. Army unit in the days leading up to a deployment to Turkey and sent sensitive details about the unit” to O9A. Underscoring the seriousness of this plot is the fact that this information included details of his unit’s “location, movements, and security.” 

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) The official propaganda line that the regime would have us believe, solemnly repeated by Old Joe Biden, Gestapo chief Merrick Garland, and others is that “white supremacists” constitute the greatest terror threat the nation faces today…. Continue reading

Military misses recruiting goals amid vaxx mandate and anti-white training

“While the public framing was vague, the training wasn’t: It ran in a single direction. Servicemembers reporting on their “extremism” training to members of Congress described sessions in which the military warned them against white nationalism and the dangers of far-right sentiment, but didn’t mention Antifa…hammering the January 6 narrative but deflecting questions about riots and arson in the summer of 2020….” 

(Chris Bray) The American military is running a social trust test for the larger society, and the results are remarkably clear.

Remember that the Biden administration opened with an ideological assault on the armed forces, ordering a training stand-down to harangue servicemembers about politics. Continue reading

The Real Danger to America

“There is no question that the Democrats are using guns and abortion to advance party politics. Instead of respecting citizens who believe that killing the unborn is wrong, Nancy Pelosi and her acolytes demean and defame them.”

(Bill O’Reilly) Once again, we’ve become the United States of Hysteria. The two Supreme Court rulings last week will not affect society much (as I will explain), but the outcry from the left-wing cadres is instructive and very important for alert Americans to understand. Continue reading

Atlanta suburb pushes to secede from city due to surging crime: ‘This is a war zone’

(Fox News) An Atlanta suburb is aiming to secede from the Peach State’s capital as violent crime plagues the city’s streets. 

Buckhead City Committee CEO Bill White joined “Fox & Friends First” to discuss how crime has dismantled city streets and the impact of the ‘defund the police’ movement on public safety.

“We are really feeling like this is a war zone, and I don’t say that lightly, especially given what you experienced in a war zone,” White told co-host Joey Jones. “This is murder and mayhem… We are dealing with a mayor who voted to defund the police. Continue reading

The Sad Descent of Disney

“It’s satisfying to see that Disney’s creepy propagandizing is causing it financial pain at the box office, here and overseas.”

(Michael Reagan – Patriot Post) I cry to see what’s happened to Disney.

When I was growing up — and until not that long ago — you knew you could trust Disney to make entertaining movies you could take your entire family to see.

The Walt Disney Company became rich and powerful by being Hollywood’s most family-friendly corporation. Continue reading

Sinning With A High Hand

Children, it is the last hour, and as you have heard that antichrist is coming, so now many antichrists have come. Therefore we know that it is the last hour. They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out, that it might become plain that they all are not of us. (1 John 2:18-19 ESV)

Under the Old Covenant, sinners would confess what they had done against the Lord. They would then bring a guilt offering to the Lord to atone for their sin. This guilt offering was variable not on the extent of the guilt of the offender but upon the amount that the person could afford to sacrifice, making it affordable for everyone to be able to make sacrifice for their sin…. Continue reading

PRIDE in Seattle – Warning, GRAPHIC, Naked Men Flashing Children

Sodom and Gomorrah.

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) The perverted LGBTQIA+PRIDE parades have turned into marches and performances of bizarre exhibitionism at family ‘fun’ events. Little children are forced to look on as they are sexualized by the radicals. This is sheer decadence and a distortion of the family and family fun events.

What is PRIDE proud of, anyway? Exhibitionism? Sexualizing young children? What? Continue reading

The GOP and the Log Cabin Republicans

“Once again, the Texas GOP made its stand refreshingly unambiguous and clear. While it may not be the popular position with many moderates and obviously with the woke Left, the party is not backing down from the battle.” 

(The Patriot Post) Over the past weekend, Texas Republicans held their convention in Houston, where the party formally adopted its platform. Prior to the convention, controversy was stirred up after the party refused to grant a booth to the homosexual lobbying group known as the Log Cabin Republicans…. Continue reading

Colleges Are Ethnically Cleansing America’s White Kulaks

“More Asians are being admitted, and there’s pressure for more blacks, Hispanics, and American Indians to be admitted too. But if those groups are going to grow, another group has to take the hit. Fortunately for America’s admissions gatekeepers, the decision is easy: just crush the kulaks.”

(Revolver) In the days and weeks after George Floyd’s fentanyl overdose, America’s universities proudly proclaimed an imminent “racial reckoning” on campus. “Diversity,” understood in a very specific way, became the top objective. Harvard’s university press published books on how to eliminate schools that were “too white.” Activists demanded the abolition of “white supremacist” standardized tests, and dozens of schools swiftly complied. Continue reading

BREAKING: Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Football Coach Who Prayed With His Players After Games

“Kennedy prayed with his players for years before anyone complained, but in 2015 the school system placed him on administrative leave following a warning that his prayers violated district policy.”

(Chris Queen – PJ Media) The Supreme Court has ruled in Kennedy v. Bremerton School District, the case of Coach Joe Kennedy of Bremerton High School in Bremerton, Wash., whom the school district fired in 2015 because he prayed with players at the 50-yard-line following football games. Continue reading

The carnality of Christians and genuine repentance

7 What shall we say then? Is the Law sin? May it never be! On the contrary, I would not have come to know sin except through the Law; for I would not have known about coveting if the Law had not said, “You shall not covet.” 8 But sin, taking opportunity through the commandment, produced in me coveting of every kind; for apart from the Law sin is dead.  (Romans 7:9-24 NASB) Read verses 9-24 on the site.

If we are honest, each of us would have to confess that there are sins that have an incredible hold on us. It seems that no matter how devoted we become in our walk before our Lord, there will be some sins that trip us up, making us stumble and fall to our deep chagrin. Our self-loathing resulting from this can be quite severe…. Continue reading

Blessed is the One

1 How blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, Whose sin is covered!  2 How blessed is the man to whom the LORD does not impute iniquity, And in whose spirit there is no deceit! Psalms 32:1-2 (NASB) 

I debated with myself for a while about the title of this post. There is a part of me that still wants the name of it to be “What a Saviour!” My brethren, there is mischief afoot caused by a misunderstanding fostered by the deceit of the enemy of our souls. That mischief is to convince Christians that there is no need to hear the Gospel anymore now that they are safe in the arms of their Saviour. What rubbish! My times of struggling with my flesh and with overcoming the world always coincide when I am overwhelmed with discernment work or some other business that keeps me from simply expositing Sacred Scripture that points me to the Cross of the Christ. Also, proper worship should also do that very thing. Continue reading

Last Night in America: Democrat Brownshirts

Protestors burning American flag.

“They’re everywhere. These people are part of subversive communist Brownshirts and our DOJ and FBI have little to no interest in that fact.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Riots and disruptive protests took place in major cities throughout the nation last night after numerous Democrats urged radical abortionists to take to the streets.

Rioters attempted to breach the Arizona capitol building in Phoenix while the Arizona Senate was in session. Continue reading

DHS Tells Catholic Churches to Prepare for ‘Extreme Violence’

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) Roe v. Wade has at long last been overturned, and the Left’s response has been predictable: Leftists are pounding the walls and gnashing their teeth with rage and hatred. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-Make Mine a Double) has shouted that the decision is “illegitimate” and led pro-abortion activists in chants of “into the streets.” Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Unhinged) has proclaimed, “The hell with the Supreme Court. We will defy them!” But no one expects the supporters of Antifa and Black Lives Matter to confine their rage to words alone: even Old Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security paused from hunting for “white supremacists” on Friday to warn Catholic churches to prepare for a “night of rage.” Continue reading