Timothy Keller: Turning Believers Into Unbelievers?

“Keller maligned those who believe in creation and reject evolution. On page one…he labeled their position as “anti-science religion.” Indeed, Keller preferred those who doubt the Bible and cling to evolution OVER against those who believe the Biblical creation accounts of Genesis 1-2. He opted for evolution.”

(Tom Hill – The  Dissenter) “…when the Son (Jesus) cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18.8)

Jesus never accepted unbelief! He challenged His own to believe fully; indeed, He often rebuked His disciples for their unbelief: Continue reading

IRS: Bigger, Nosier, Meaner

Over half of the $80 billion ($45.6 billion) allocated to the IRS is earmarked for tax enforcement. This includes enhanced audits, legal support, criminal investigations, collections, digital asset monitoring, and more. And, of course, the selling point of enhancing the IRS’s enforcement division is hundreds of billions in more revenue for the government.

(Thomas Gallatin – The Patriot Post) With the erroneously titled Inflation Reduction Act on the edge of being passed in the Democrat-controlled House, thanks to Senator Joe Manchin’s about-face on Joe Biden’s spending boondoggle just over a week ago, Americans can expect to see a dramatic increase in the size of the Internal Revenue Service…. Continue reading

In His Own Words, Fauci Says He Symbolizes Truth, Integrity, Caring, Consistency

‘Fauci joked about the origins of COVID. Not only did he lie about the possibility of COVID originating in Wuhan, but he thinks the dangerous gain-of-function research is a joking matter.’

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) In the first clip, megalomaniac Dr. Anthony Fauci talks about the “Fauci Effect,” pretending he’s humble as he boasts about himself. He thinks he symbolizes truth, integrity, caring, and consistency. Continue reading

FBI, R.I.P.?

“Wray took over from disgraced interim FBI Director Andrew McCabe. The latter admitted lying repeatedly to federal investigators and signed off on a fraudulent FBI FISA application. He faced zero legal consequences.” 

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) The FBI is dissolving before our eyes into a rogue security service akin to those in Eastern Europe during the Cold War.

Take the FBI’s deliberately asymmetrical application of the law. This week the bureau surprise-raided the home of former President Donald Trump—an historical first. Continue reading

Heresy: Morman Tritheism

[The Bible] makes no allowance for multiple deities, whether the three of Mormonism or the millions of Hinduism, or any number held forth in pagan religions. 

(Chris Cole – The Dissenter) “Gods” in the Bible and Mormon Tritheism

In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, prophets since Joseph Smith have taught clearly that there are three separate members of the Godhead, each of which is God. As Joseph Smith stated, ‘These personages… are called God the first; the Creator, God the second, the Redeemer; and God the third, the Witness or Testator’ (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 190)…. Continue reading

The US Has Crossed the Rubicon – Arrests Are Coming

“If they can do this to a former president of the United States, think of what they can do to you. Frankly, this is about you. It’s about controlling all of you. If you go against the establishment, they want you to know they will do this to you.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Matt Whitaker fears we have crossed the Rubicon with the raid on Donald Trump’s home. There is no turning back. Nothing like this has ever taken place. We are now a nation where politicians in the administration use government agencies against prior politicians in power over disagreements in the policies…. Continue reading

Convention for ‘Christian DragQueens’ Gets New Speakers

“The event is being put on by Bonnie Violet, a queer chaplain whose wild bio you can see below, and our favorite drag clown, whose sermon we recently featured.”

(Protestia) In what is likely a world’s first, a group of progressive Christians (In reality, a collective of pagans and self-deceived God-haters) who announced they were putting on ‘Spiritual DragCon 2022‘ in the fall have added several speakers to the line-up. Continue reading

Trump raid not about classified documents — it’s about Jan. 6

“The Biden Justice Department is under enormous pressure from the Democratic base to indict Trump, and it is straining to deliver. But what it is trying to deliver is a Capitol riot case, not a case of mishandling classified documents.”

(Andrew McCarthy – New York Post) The court-authorized search of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate is another unmistakable signal that the Justice Department is trying to build a criminal case against him arising out of the Capitol riot. Continue reading

Consumer Prices Rose 8.5% in July

(John Carney – Breitbart) Inflation in the United States rose at 8.5 percent in July compared with a year earlier, the Department of Labor said Wednesday.

Compared with a month earlier, the Bureau of Labor Statistics’  Consumer Price Index was flat with the month prior.

Economists had expected CPI to rise at an annual rate of 8.7 percent, down from 9.1 percent in June. They expected a month-over-month increase of 0.2 percent, a sharp decline from the 1.1 percent recorded in June. Continue reading

The Calves of Jeroboam

1 Therefore if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. 3 For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory. Colossians 3:1-7 (NASB) Read verses 5-7 on the site.

We are born from our Mothers’ wombs depraved and separated from God because we are sinners. Unless God intervenes in our lives we will be self-absorbed and temporally focused in every part of our lives. We are “depraved” because we desperately seek fulfillment from our only avenue open to us for any circumstance which will tell us we are special or deserving of a positive “feeling” of contentment or fulfillment…. Continue reading

Republican leaders condemn FBI raid of Trump’s Mar-a-Lago: ‘Weaponization of federal agencies’

Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio questioned how the FBI found time for the raid. “The FBI isn’t doing anything about the groups vandalizing Catholic Churches, firebombing Pro-Life groups or threatening Supreme Court justices But they find time to raid Mar A Lago.”

(John Solomon – Just the News) Republican leaders condemned the FBI’s raid of former President Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home on Monday evening.

“The raid of MAL is another escalation in the weaponization of federal agencies against the Regime’s political opponents, while people like Hunter Biden get treated with kid gloves,” said Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, a potential 2024 presidential candidate. “Now the Regime is getting another 87k IRS agents to wield against its adversaries? Banana Republic.” Continue reading

Watch — The Thunder Rolls: Donald Trump Releases Dramatic Political Video After FBI Raid at Mar-a-Lago

(Charlie Spiering – Breitbart) A defiant President Donald Trump released a new political video early Tuesday morning after the FBI raided his home at Mar-a-Lago.

The video (watch on the site) begins with rolling thunder as the former president lists the failures of President Joe Biden leading a “nation in decline.”

“We are a nation that in many ways has become a joke,” Trump says. Continue reading

What Doctors Are Hearing from Monkeypox-Infected Gay Men Exposes Liberal Health Hypocrisy

“When COVID-19 came along, affecting no specific group but the population as a whole, churches were shut down. Now that monkeypox is here, not only is there little discussion of banning sex parties, it would be considered utter anathema to the progressive religion of sexual identity for anyone to suggest as much.”

(Isa Cox – The Western Journal) A rather stunning bit of data regarding the recent outbreak of monkeypox that has the World Health Organization and the Biden administration panicking sheds new light on how the disease might be spreading while causing quite a few problems for those seeking to downplay indications that sexual promiscuity among gay men is behind it all. Continue reading

Woman, 80, Banned From the City Pool for Refusing to Shower or Change in Front of a Man

(Matt Osborn – The Distance) She was startled by the voice of a man while she was in the shower.

Rinsing off after her usual laps at the Port Townsend, Washington community pool, Julie Jaman, a pillar of her community and mother of two adult daughters, heard a man talking.

Poking her head out of the plastic sheet between herself and the man, she saw him wearing a women’s swimsuit, supervising little girls as they stripped off their own swimsuits to pee. Continue reading

Be Diligent Spotless and Unblemished Found With Him in Peace

14 Wherefore, beloved, these things awaiting, be diligent, spotless and unblemished 15 found with him in peace, consider the longsuffering of our Lord as salvation, as our beloved brother Paul also wrote to you 16 according to the wisdom given to him, as also in all his letters, speaking in them concerning these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which the ignorant and unstable twist as they also do the other Scriptures to their own destruction. 2 Peter 3:14-16 (translated from the NA28 Greek text)

Carefully read the passage I placed at the top of this post my brethren. If you prefer, read 2 Peter 3:14-16 from your own preferred translation. If you do, go ahead and read 2 Peter 3 to keep it in context. What is it? As believers, we are called to remain faithful understanding fully that the Day of the Lord will surely come…. Continue reading

Remembering the Pandemic Insanity

MUST WATCH video at the end of the article. :)

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Sen. Rubio put in an amendment today to limit the federal pregnancy programs to women, and all 50 Senate Democrats voted against it. That’s the insanity we live with in this place and time.

The totalitarians are locking us down, grooming children, writing articles normalizing cannibalism, creating pronouns to manipulate us, starting wars, opening borders, and ending fossil fuels, and they can’t tell men from women. Continue reading

Beth Moore Preaches Sunday Morning at Baptist Megachurch in Houston, Belittles Her Husband

(The Dissenter) Beth Moore’s feud with the Southern Baptist Convention didn’t last long. After last year’s departure from the denomination, because it would not allow women to preach in pulpits, she announced that she was “no longer a Southern Baptist” and canceled her contract with LifeWay.

Apparently, that hasn’t stopped her from preaching in Baptist pulpits. Continue reading

The Law against Theft

“You shall not steal.” Exodus 30:15

Some of the most important aspects of life, including the purchase of property, inheritances, and so forth, involve financial matters. Thus, we are not surprised to find that God’s law deals with such things as poverty, riches, and ownership in many places (e.g., Lev. 25). As is the case with other matters central to human life, the Ten Commandments provide the foundational law upon which other laws related to financial and stewardship issues are based. We are talking about the eighth commandment: “You shall not steal” (Ex. 20:15). Continue reading

Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church Attendance Down 50% Since the Pandemic. Praise God!

(Protestia) Arch-heretics Joel and Victoria Osteen, the impastor and impastorette duo who lead Lakewood Church, the 600,000-square-foot, 16,000-seat behemoth located in the former Compaq Center that has an annual budget of nearly $90,000,000, 368 full-time and part-time staff, and which spends nearly 1.7 million dollars each week on operations, have shared that attendance is down at their synagogue of Satan, running a little more than 50% capacity from their pre-pandemic days. Continue reading

Hidden reality of new jobs report: Americans taking side gigs to make ends meet amid soaring costs

“President Biden touted the jobs report as evidence that his economic policies are working.”

(Aaron Kliegman – Just the News) The Labor Department’s newly released jobs report for July appeared to be good news for the economy — at first glance.

A dig below the surface, however, reveals a different picture: Americans, strapped for cash by inflation, taking on second jobs as families have less money to spend. Continue reading

Rachel Levine Is A Quack Pharma-Backed Group To Normalize Disembodiment

According to the LGBTQ Victory Institute, in November 2020, they and their partners “were working with the transition team to field and identify potential candidates for appointed positions in the Biden-Harris administration,” the group continued, further explaining that their goals included pressing the Biden administration to have an LGBTQ cabinet member, an LGBTQ Supreme Court justice, transgender ambassadors, and that “openly LGBTQ people receive equitable representation among presidential appointees.”

(Jennifer Bilek – Human Events) How does a dangerous man like Dr. Rachel Levine wind up in the White House, spewing potentially deadly information to the public about drugs to treat children distressed about their sexed bodies? He was backed by The Victory Institute, which works to get LGBTQ activists into top levels of power in the US. Continue reading