The Suicide of a January 6 Defendant: ‘They Broke Him’

“They broke him, they mentally broke him. He had run out of hope. I know he couldn’t take it any more.”

(Julie Kelly – American Greatness) Matthew Perna did nothing wrong on January 6, 2021.

The Pennsylvania man walked through an open door on the Senate side of the building shortly before 3 p.m. that afternoon. Capitol police, shown in surveillance video, stood by as hundreds of Americans entered the Capitol. Wearing a “Make America Great Again” sweatshirt, Perna, 37, left after about 20 minutes. Continue reading

Million Dollar Homes Become Status Symbols of Televangelists and Pastors

(Barry Bowen and Pete Evans, Trinity Foundation) Donors, where is the money going?

When a televangelist’s ministry or pastor’s church owns a private jet, you can almost be certain the leader lives in a mansion. That is one of the lessons Trinity Foundation has learned from investigating religious fraud and excess for more than 30 years.

In April 2021 the Houston Chronicle’s Jay Root asked Trinity Foundation for assistance on an article series about church parsonages in Texas…. Continue reading

Suffer the Little Children

“A fair bit of sudden-onset diabetes and DKA”

(Alex Berenson – Unreported Truths) VAERS – the federal side effects reporting system – has received more than 500 reports of life-threatening events, permanent disability,or deaths following mRNA shots in kids and adolescents.

In the light of today’s report that the jabs actually increase the risk of Covid infection in kids under 12 – and do little or nothing to reduce hospitalizations… Continue reading

Pour Your Sins on Christ

Since I am one of those Christians who struggle very much with despair and self-loathing because of sin, this devotion by Martin Luther really struck me right in the heart. I never considered this before as part of our Mortification of Sin. I pray God will use this in your heart as well for your edification.

by Martin Luther

21 He made Him who knew no sin to be sin on our behalf, so that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. 2 Corinthians 5:21 (NASB) 

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Conservative Southern Baptist churches are using your tithes & offerings to enrich radical Leftists lawyers.

Pastor Tom Buck posed questions about the recent hiring. Buck asked, “1) Could we not find a law firm that didn’t financially support the wicked LGBT agenda? 2) Is this the law firm we want representing us if and when we are sued by LGBT radicals?”

(Capstone Report) Radical Leftists within the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) drove out the longtime conservative and Christian lawyers who represented the SBC since 1966 and replaced the conservatives with a law firm approved by radical LGBTQ Leftists. Continue reading

The Crowded Road to Kyiv

To retain our deterrence abroad, we must tighten our belts at home, pump oil and gas, start to balance our budget, junk wokeism as a nihilist indulgence, and recalibrate our military. 

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) One of the oddest commentaries about the Russian invasion of Ukraine is the boilerplate reaction that “borders can’t change in modern Europe” or “this does not happen in the 21st century.”

But why in the world should the 21st century be exempt from the pathologies of the past 20 centuries? Are we smarter than the Romans? More innovative than Florentines? Do we have more savvy leaders than Lincoln or Churchill? Are they more mellifluous than Demosthenes? Does anyone now remember that some 130,000 were slaughtered just 30 years ago in the former Yugoslavia, as NATO planes bombed Belgrade and nuclear America and Russia almost squared off?… Continue reading

A Warning about Bible Verses

(Greg Koukl – Stand to Reason) Let me offer you a warning that will vastly improve your ability to understand Scripture—if you heed it. It’s an insight for every person who has ever asked, “How does this verse apply to my life?” Here it is: There are no verses in the Bible. Nope. Not one. At least, not in the original, and that’s the Bible that matters.

Let’s start with a definition. A “verse” is a passage of Scripture distinguished from other passages of Scripture by a numerical address (e.g., John 3:16, famously)…. Continue reading

The Government From Hell

“The fact is that the government from hell is working to transform a democratic nation into a police state and normalize totalitarian rule without having to mobilize the military and scramble its jet fighters. It moves subtly, insidiously, through legislation, decree, deception, legal subterfuge, financial penalties, and targeted defamation.” 

(David Solway – PJ Media) The trucker convoy has come and gone. The bouncy castles have been put away, the hot tubs dismantled, the 18-wheelers towed, the party atmosphere vanished into air, into thin air. They are such stuff as dreams are made of. Continue reading

A Glorious Body

7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, so that the surpassing greatness of the power will be of God and not from ourselves; 8 we are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not despairing; 9 persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; 10 always carrying about in the body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus also may be manifested in our body. 2 Corinthians 4:7-15 (NASB) Read verses 11-15 on the site.

All of our Christian Theology is worth nothing if our Lord was not resurrected. If He was not resurrected then His sacrifice for our sins was not accepted by God the Father. That means that we are still in our sins and will experience the wrath of God…. Continue reading

How C.H. Spurgeon Came to Christ

If you have followed this blog for very long at all then you know that I am a proponent of Sola Scriptura in the teaching and preaching of God’s Word as the ONLY way to be doctrinally correct which is vital for the health of the church and for the making of disciples who are genuine rather than what is culturally correct in our day which is what many call “Easy Believism.” I prefer to call those disingenuous professing Christians “Cultural Christians.” Now, with that said, we must come to understand two things. How does God save us and what is our part in it? With that out there we must then come to understand what our part in evangelism should be. Right?… Continue reading

Trudeau’s Tyranny and the War on Civil Society

“The majority of citizens in the “free world” have more or less behaved like frightened, docile cattle throughout the pandemic. The cowardice of Western “man” is what made the bravery of the Canadian truckers so startling, so surprising. Unlike the BLM rioters of 2020, who were bailed out by liberal oligarchs and the state, they have incurred heavy costs for their courageous actions. They have shown that there are still noble souls out there who love freedom enough to demand it at any price. And for that the Trudeau regime is going to make them pay.” 

(Matthew Boose – American Greatness) Since March 2020, global elites throughout the West have been on a power trip. In the name of “science” and public health, they have suspended democratic rule and replaced it with bureaucratic tyranny. Certainly, there have been moments of pushback, but nothing as organized or effective as what truckers in Canada have done in the last few weeks. Continue reading

A Reminder, No Charismatic Prophets Prophecied Russia Invading Ukraine in February

(Protestia) Hopefully it does not need to be said but this is just a friendly reminder that like the COVID-19 virus two years prior, there was not a single charismatic prophet who prophesied last year that Russia would be Invading Ukraine in February of 2022, thus sparking one of the most catalytic and meaningful events of the last 70 years.

Not a one. You can pick your poison and choose any big-name prophet you want. Go through the NAR Rolodex and choose anybody and check their prophecies they all gave about the year- none of them called it. No one. Continue reading

Forget Crack Pipes, a CDC Provider is Promoting ‘Safe’ Fentanyl Use

“Faced with a sharp increase in overdose deaths, Rahul Gupta, the Biden admin’s choice to head the Office of National Drug Control Policy, which is no longer in the business of controlling drugs, proposed more free needles and offering fentanyl test strips to allow addicts to test if their drug of choice has been cut with Communist China’s drug of choice.”

(Daniel Greenfield – Frontpage Magazine) We live in the golden age of the junkie. Not even in the darkest days of the counterculture were addicts able to swarm major cities and sit on the street getting high while knowing that all of their needs and wants would be taken care of…. Continue reading

CDC Updates Mask Guidance

“Under the new standards, only about 28 percent of people live in high-level areas, 42 percent in medium areas and 30 percent in low areas. About 98 million Americans are now in the ‘low’ community level,”

(Charlotte Pence Bond – Daily Wire) On Friday, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) updated its guidance on mask-wearing.

The Wall Street Journal reported, “The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday changed the metrics it uses to assess Covid-19 risk by county across the U.S…. Continue reading

Redemption in Christ

28 And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. 29 For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; 30 and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified. Romans 8:28-30 (NASB)

The unregenerate cannot conceive of a religion unless it is fully entwined with the exercise of free will as an expression of devotion or belief. Genuine Christianity is not a religion if that is how religion is defined. Authentic Christianity consists of God’s work in the hearts of those whom He gave and drew to Christ…. Continue reading

Biden and EU Refuse to Do This One Thing That Would Nearly Destroy the Russian Economy

(Rick Moran – PJ Media) The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication (SWIFT) is a global network for payments between banks. International trade and finance would be next to impossible without it.

Indeed, cutting off a country from the SWIFT system would be a death sentence for its economy. There just isn’t a good alternative that a nation could use.

So why doesn’t Biden lower the boom on Putin and really make invading Ukraine not worth it? Continue reading

New 80-Page Report! Ravi Zacharias and RZIM Spent $1,000,000 Suing Abuse Victim

They also recount that there were allegations in 2008-2011 about Ravi being seen holding hands of a woman who was not his wife, as well as a suggestion that he acted inappropriately with a massage therapist. The report further reveals that RZIM, for all their claims of transparency and willingness to be open, has not been particularly helpful or forthcoming in providing them with information.”

(Protestia) After it was revealed that esteemed apologist Ravi Zacharias was a sexual predator and that his organization RZIM, run by his family and an anonymous board helped cover it up, the board commissioned a report to investigate and detail how they as an organization failed to properly handle the allegations…. Continue reading

This Is the Current Situation in Ukraine and Beyond in Videos

“To all Russian citizens who come out to protest, I want to say: we see you. It means that you heard us. It means that you have started to believe us. Fight for us. Fight against war.” Ukraine President  Volodymyr Zelensky

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) President Zelensky is calling for tougher sanctions. Most believe that President Biden’s package was weak and ineffective, particularly in withholding the two most consequential elements of targeting the oil and gas industry and blocking SWIFT.

Biden plans to revisit it in THIRTY DAYS. Continue reading

Gender-Fluid School Bathroom Rapist Takes Third Victim, Court Proceedings Allege

“This has invited speculation that cover-ups and retaliation by school district officials in the other two cases have persuaded the victim to remain silent.”

(Frankie Stokes – National File) New revelations from court proceedings in the Loudoun County, Virginia school bathroom rape case show that the convicted rapist, a biological male who claimed to be gender-fluid and donned a skirt before preying on a female student, is alleged to have a third victim. Continue reading

You shall be holy for I am holy

44 For I am the LORD your God. Consecrate yourselves therefore, and be holy, for I am holy. And you shall not make yourselves unclean with any of the swarming things that swarm on the earth. 45 For I am the LORD who brought you up from the land of Egypt to be your God; thus you shall be holy, for I am holy.’” Leviticus 11:44-45 (NASB) 

Much of the writing and exposing that we do in this battle against the growing apostasy in the Church is, unfortunately, simply about symptoms of a much deeper problem. Several years ago I had lunch with a pastor of a church that my wife and I had been visiting for several Sundays. We talked about many things as we ate our pizza…. Continue reading

Hundreds of U.S. Truckers Kick Off ‘People’s Convoy’ in California Demanding an End to the COVID National Emergency

So we’re looking for restoration of our liberty and freedoms…our civil liberties, our freedoms as Americans as part of this and then ultimately it’s ending that emergency powers authorization that is in there…If we get that state of emergency ended, then the mandates can go with it. And so that’s what we’re trying.”

(Debra Heine – American Greatness) Inspired by the “Freedom Convoy” in Canada, American truckers have organized their own nationwide “Convoy to DC” in protest of the Biden regime’s authoritarian COVID policies. Continue reading

Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin Approves Up to 700 National Guard Troops for Trucker Convoy

(Kristina Wong – Breitbart) Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has authorized an order to mobilize as many as 700 National Guard members ahead of an upcoming trucker convoy to the nation’s capital.

The National Guard said in a press statement that Austin approved requests from the D.C. Metropolitan Police Department and the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) for National Guard assistance with traffic control during “First Amendment demonstrations expected in the city in the coming days.” Continue reading

Biden’s moment of infamy: hollow pledges on the eve of Russia’s attack on Ukraine

(John Solomon – Just the News) Each American president is judged by his command in moments of crisis. For Lincoln, it was  the address at Gettysburg. Roosevelt made his mark after Pearl Harbor. Kennedy endured the Cuban missile crisis. And George W. Bush rallied a stunned nation from a smoldering pile at Ground Zero.

While much history remains to be written for Joe Biden’s presidency, the start of Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine may be defined years from now by extraordinary moments of infamy…. Continue reading

Trudeau Revokes Emergencies Act

(Chris Queen – PJ Media) Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has revoked his use of the Emergencies Act, the quirk in Canadian law that allowed his cabinet to have the power to freeze the bank accounts of Freedom Convoy protesters and use tyrannical police power to break up the vaccine freedom protest.

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said that the unfreezing of bank accounts has already begun.

The move came ahead of the upcoming Senate vote on extending the power of the Emergencies Act for 30 days (or longer). Continue reading