CRN Headline News 10/18-10/23

Need to read articles you may have missed this week… MONDAY – 10/18 Why Todd White is the Most Dangerous Kind of False Teacher Is America Becoming Rome Versus Byzantium? Amazon copied products and rigged search results to promote its … Continue reading 

Charismatic Conference Sees 4-Year-Old Kids Taught to Speak in Tongues, Prophecy, and Get ‘Slain in the Spirit’

(Protestia)  A worship session during a charismatic children’s conference had kids as young as four years old being encouraged to speak in tongues, prophecy, and get slain in the spirit, with rejoicing testimony that these young ones were “falling out … Continue reading 

Bethel Church’s Bill Johnson: ‘Not Voting Makes you a Contributor to Evil – Voting Releases Power of God into the Atmosphere’

Refusing to vote for a candidate in either a local, statewide or national election of whatever stripe, political or otherwise, because one’s conscience binds them and prevents them from doing so does not make someone a “contributor to evil.” (Protestia)  … Continue reading 

Michael Brown Says a Witch ‘Sincerely Desires’ to See People Saved, He’s More Concerned About Discerning Christians

“Let’s be clear — Jen Hodge is not a Christian. She is no more “Christian” than a mambo out of Haiti who practices voodoo.”  (Jeff Maples – Reformation Charlotte)  Michael Brown is the world’s premier apologist for the ancient heresy of … Continue reading 

Idaho State Capitol to Hear Arguments in Favor of Stopping Charismatic ‘Faith-Healers’ From Harming Children

“A panel of experts and advocates is set to discuss whether to limit a faith-healing religious exemption in Idaho, one of few states that shields practicing adherents from civil or criminal prosecution when their child dies or sustains disabling injuries … Continue reading 

Francis Chan Announces He’s to Stop Bashing Biblical Christianity in the US, Moving to Asia to Poison the Fish There

“Chan also regularly partners with charismatic New Apostolic false prophets and false teachers like Todd White, calling them “great men of God” despite the fact that they’ve led so many people astray. All in all, it’s a good rule of … Continue reading 

Michael Brown Defends the Worst of the Worst Blasphemer and Idolater

“The problem with men like this is that they want to speak orthodox language. They want to give a facade of orthodoxy, giving lip-service to the gospel and to the Bible, but they twist it just enough to make it … Continue reading 

Beth Moore and Gay Activist Preston Sprinkle Defend Francis Chan

Echoing John Piper’s famous “Farewell Rob Bell” tweet, one author even wrote an article titled “Farewell Francis,” expressing the long-overdue need to write Chan off. In a half-hearted attempt to save face, however, after much criticism from broader Evangelicalism, Chan responds to his critics … Continue reading 

‘I AM Science, Says the Sun King’: Tucker Carlson, Megyn Kelly, Others Scorch Fauci Claim

“Apparently, this has been an ongoing theme for Fauci during media appearances of late. Except that science is a process, not a person, and no one individual, even the esteemed Dr. Anthony Fauci, has a monopoly on the truth. If … Continue reading