CRN articles about Evolution
- Pew Research Poll: Faithful Christians Still Don’t Believe in Evolution
- The universe is younger and expanding faster than we thought, a new study found — and we may need new physics as a result
- Discovery of Giant Synapsid Fossil in Poland ‘Throws a Wrench’ in Evolutionary Expectations for Triassic Layers
- Hillsong Worship Pastor’s Evolution Comments Spark Fierce Debate Among Christians
- Biologist Acknowledges: ‘Rising Number of Publications’ Calling for ‘Major Revision’ of ‘Standard Theory of Evolution’
- Democratic Rep. Files Resolution to Recognize ‘Darwin Day’ on Feb. 12
- Scientists Discover Musical Complexity in Birds That ‘Utterly Defies Evolutionary Predictions’
- Evidence of a Young Moon? Study Forces Scientists to Rethink Lunar Dating Techniques
- “Increasingly Aggressive” Atheists Target Children in New Evolution-Promoting Book
- “The Darwinian View is False”: Ph.D. Biologist Dismantles Evolution in New Book
- “Nobody Understands”: Chemist Debunks Evolutionary Viewpoint on Life’s Origins
- Comb Jelly Footage Surprises Scientists, Upends Evolutionary Expectations
- Scientific Journal Retracts Paper Referencing Human Hand’s “Design by Creator”
- Newsweek calls those who believe in divine creation “evangelical extremists”
- A Headache for Evolutionists? Scientists Discover “Unimaginable Complexity” in DNA
- Evolutionists Startled by “Exceptionally Preserved” Embryos in Ancient Fossils
- Confirmed Dinosaur Blood on Ancient Fossil Astonishes Evolutionists
- “Get ’Em Young”: Evolutionists Praise New Book Teaching Children About Their “Grandmother Fish”
- “The Heavens Declare:” Discovery of “Baffling” Features on Pluto’s Surface Defies Evolutionary Models
- “It Forces Us to Rethink All These Models”: Discovery Shatters Secular Scientists’ Expectations
- Darwin letter reveals, “I do not believe in the Bible”
- Eight-Armed Enigma? Octopus Research Reveals Problems for Evolutionary Theory
- Natural Selection, “Engine of Evolution,” May Actually Inhibit Evolution, Scientists Find
- U.S. Government Drops Remaining Charges Against Evolutionary Foe Kent Hovind
- Atheists Seek Investigation Into Christian’s “Presence” in Debate Class to Speak on Critical Thinking
- New Museum to Present ‘Overwhelming Evidence for Creation’
- Big bang blunder: scientists retract alleged proof of universe origin
- ‘Even if I am going to hell’: Bill Nye ‘the Science Guy’ defends evolutionary beliefs
- Camp teaches kids how to defend evolution against creation ‘bullying’
- Bad news for the big bang: secular scientists claim universe shouldn’t exist
- Evolutionists Criticize Proposed Bill Allowing Students to Explore ‘Scientific Controversies’
- Discovery of Ancient Spear Tips Confounds Evolutionists, ‘Raises Questions on Evolution’
- Evolutionists Claim Clay Caused Life to Spontaneously Emerge from Non-Life
- Unprecedented Blood-Filled Mosquito Fossil Raises Questions Over Evolutionary Dating Methods
- USC Professor Claims Ray Comfort’s ‘Evolution vs. God’ Documentary Is ‘Biblical Porn’
- Creation Evangelist Mounts America’s First Atheist Monument at Unveiling, Preaches Gospel
- Richard Dawkins Claims Religion Now 'Irrelevant' in UK
- The How and Why Questions
- The enemies of God, reality, truth, Western civilization, and our souls
- 4 Biblical Reasons I Rejected Evolution
- Francis Collins’ and Tim Keller’s BioLogos Says God Did Not Require Jesus to Die to Forgive Sins
- Timothy Keller: Turning Believers Into Unbelievers?
- Tim Keller: Darwinian Evolutionist
- Redeemed Zoomer Goes Full Darwinist
- The Dilemma of Morals
- Ken Ham Rebukes Andy Stanley for His Affirmation of Evolution
- Seven Reasons Why We Should Not Accept Millions of Years
- Evolutionists Are Mentally Unstable if They Believe Nothing Created Everything!
- The Big Bang is in Big Trouble: It Never Happened
- Southern Baptist Leaders Join Leftists Signing Pro-Vax Statement Calling Francis Collins a Faith Healing Minister
- Timothy Keller: Turning Believers Into Unbelievers?
- A Pandemic In Christendom: Calling Out Evangelical Compromise In The Church
- Timothy Keller: Evolutionist?
- Preparing Your Children for the Next Sexual Revolution
- Politically Correct Lies – the Big Bang Theory, Evolution, and There is NO God
- The Crisis Of Faith We Are Seeing In Today’s Christians
- Famed Yale computer science professor quits believing Darwin’s theories
- ‘There Was a Beginning’: Famous Geophysicist Explains Why Christian Creation Theory Makes Sense
- Are Creationists Trying to Stop ‘Sound Science Education’?
- Ken Ham Pushes Back After Conservative Commentator Matt Walsh Argues Against a Young Earth
- Hillsong United, Lyrics, and Evolution
- ‘Doubting Evolution Is like Believing the Earth Is Flat’
- Jesus Devastates an Old Earth
- Swimming bacteria defy Darwin
- Scientific atheism: a frivolous exercise in intellectual contempt
- Rewriting Earth’s Creation Story
- Are We Brainwashing Our Children?
- Bill Nye’s Reasonable Man – The Central Worldview Clash of the Ham-Nye Debate
- Evolution and the Secular Worldview – The Fury of the Elites on Display
- Alvin Plantinga on Science and Religion: Reflection and Analysis
- Misrepresented by Leading Pastor – Ken Ham Responds to Tim Keller