Ruslan KD Defends Preston Sprinkle’s Side B Theology

“I point out a distinction between associations and alliances. Ruslan speaking at Preston Sprinkle’s conference is an association. It doesn’t make him a false teacher but it’s a glaring red flag. However, Immanuel Church has Gavin Ortlund, Sam Allberry, and … Continue reading 

Preston Sprinkle Promotes Heresies That Lead People Away From True Repentance and Faith, and Straight to Hell

“The Scriptures speak directly to sexual behaviors and desires, consistently identifying them as sin when they fall outside the God-ordained bounds of marriage between a man and a woman (Genesis 2:24; Matthew 19:4-6, ESV). To suggest that the Bible accommodates an … Continue reading 

Preston Sprinkle Hosts Webinar on Why We Need More Homosexual and Queer ‘Christian Leaders’

“Before you jump to conclusions and try to argue that he’s simply trying to promote a biblical sexual ethic among people who “struggle” with this temptation, let’s…pause for a moment and apply that logic to other situations. What if we … Continue reading 

Proof That Preston Sprinkle is a Lying, Deceptive Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing

(The Dissenter) Preston Sprinkle, the host of the podcast “Theology in the Raw,” an odd enough title for a podcast, I must say, recently hosted Dr. Jared Moore, pastor and author of the book, The Lusts of the Flesh. Moore’s book … Continue reading 

Rosaria Butterfield Names Preston Sprinkle, Revoice, and CRU as Teaching Heresy on LGBTQ

(The Dissenter) Last Friday, author and speaker Rosaria Butterfield spoke at the convocation for Liberty University. Rosaria Butterfield is a former tenured professor of English and women’s studies at Syracuse University who became a Christian in 1999. Her conversion story, … Continue reading 

Preston Sprinkle Tells Tim Keller That Jesus Didn’t Use Theology, He Just ‘Loved’ Homosexuals Into the Kingdom

(The Dissenter) Everybody knows the theological argument that homosexuals and their allies use to justify their sinful behaviors and to rebuke those who believe that homosexuality is incompatible with Christianity. Essentially, the argument goes like this: Jesus ate with sinners. … Continue reading 

Preston Sprinkle LGBTQ Parenting Video is Explicit: Your Child Will Be Gay Forever

“This statement is blasphemous, and it robs the struggling Christians of the hope of having their sexuality redeemed by Christ, to be counted among the “and such were some of you, but you were washed….” in 1 Corinthians 6:9.”  (Protestia) … Continue reading 

Beth Moore and Gay Activist Preston Sprinkle Defend Francis Chan

Echoing John Piper’s famous “Farewell Rob Bell” tweet, one author even wrote an article titled “Farewell Francis,” expressing the long-overdue need to write Chan off. In a half-hearted attempt to save face, however, after much criticism from broader Evangelicalism, Chan responds to his critics … Continue reading 

LGBT-CRU: Leaked Cru Training Materials Prove CRU is Teaching ‘Gay Christianity’

…the training materials feature “Side B” mainstays like SSA lesbian Rebecca McLaughlin, Gospel Coalition contributor and reparations hustler Justin Giboney telling trainees to somehow “affirm [the] human dignity and flourishing [of LGBTQ folks]”… (David Morrill) CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) … Continue reading 

SBC Women’s Conference Speaker Appears in Promo Video With Transgenders Promoting LGBTQ Ideology in the Church

“This represents the usual attempt to downplay the sinfulness of same-sex marriage by redefining it as a Christian ordinance rather than a Creation ordinance. It suggests that God’s teachings on marriage are only applicable within the realm of Christianity.” (The … Continue reading 

Side B Theology Exposed: The Push For More Homosexual Pastors

“The Revoice organization is working behind the scenes in more ways than it appears…” (Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Side B Theology is one of the most pressing compromises in Evangelicalism today. It asserts that homosexual desires and identity … Continue reading 

Unreal: SBC Megachurch’s Multi-Million Dollar Man-Pleasing Aesthetics Upgrade

“The Bible calls us to a different standard. It speaks of sound teaching, equipping the saints for ministry, evangelism, and faithful Christian living. The Church’s role is not to conform to the world but to transform it through the power … Continue reading 

The Push to Normalize Weird Sexuality in the Church is Increasing at an Alarming Rate

“The goal for Sprinkle is to transform the Church’s attitude toward the LGBTQ movement and cause the Church to see LGBTQ people as people who have been mistreated by churches and society rather than as people who are committing a … Continue reading 

Beth Moore Rants Over Women Not Being Allowed To Preach In The SBC On The Podcast Of An Advocate for ‘Gay Christianity’

(The Dissenter) Preston Sprinkle is the founder of the Center for Faith, Sexuality, & Gender, a ministry dedicated to advocating and promoting “Side B” “gay Christianity.” Similar to Revoice, of which he is also an original advisory board member, Sprinkles’ ministry promotes … Continue reading 

Matt Chandler to Join Revoice ‘Gay Christianity’ Founder for Conference

“America has completely embraced a revolutionary sexual ethic that far surpasses even the worst descriptions of sexual anarchy in the Bible. Yet, every time I think humanity couldn’t sink any deeper into the muck and mire of its own depravity, … Continue reading 

Exposing Revoice: Scott Sauls, The Tim Keller of Nashville

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Last week, Woke Preacher Clips posted a video of PCA pastor Scott Sauls asking Christians to compare their marriages to homosexual relationships. On a podcast with Jeff Norris, a pastor at Perimeter Church, Scott … Continue reading 

Revoice Leader and SBC Seminary Grad Calls on Christians to Repent for Signing Statement on Biblical Sexual Ethics

Professing Christian Nate Collins is an interesting fellow. He once described himself as a “gay man in a mixed-orientation marriage” and bragged that he enjoys “gay art.” Collins did his dissertation on “Gender Identities” at conservative Southern Baptist Theological Seminary … Continue reading 

Revoice Founder Now Promotes Heretical View of Hell as an ‘Orthodox’ View Held by ‘Bible Believing Christians’

(The Dissenter) Last November, The Dissenter reported that popular speaker, author, and pastor, David Platt of McLean Bible Church, would be joining Revoice “gay Christianity” leader, Preston Sprinkle for Sprinkle’s Theology in the Raw Conference. Thankfully, Platt bailed on that conference … Continue reading 

Does the Church Need LGBTQ People?

(Protestia) Co-founder of pro-LGBTQ Revoice conference, author, and false teacher Preston Sprinkle wants you to know that your church needs the advice of the world. By world, he specifically means individuals who are unregenerate and given over to a debased … Continue reading