Andy Stanley, Referring to Himself as ‘Theologically Conservative,’ Defends Rick Warren Against the SBC

“Trying to make it sound like the only reason Rick Warren ordained women to the pastorate was for “tax benefits,” he then goes on to start his diatribe against Southern Baptists and defense of Warren…” (The Dissenter) As we’ve reported … Continue reading 

Prominent Pastor Who Vocally Opposes Andy Stanley for LGBTQ Views Proudly Platforms Pro-LGBTQ TPUSA

“Being that Visconti is so vocally opposed to Stanley and his false teachings, to the point that he has completely written him off as a wolf in sheep’s clothing (and he is absolutely right about this), this is what makes … Continue reading 

Rosaria Butterfield Blasts Andy Stanley’s ‘God-Forsaken Conference,’ LGBTQ Teaching

“The Trans child is our modern, evil age totem. You know like the boar’s head you see on a stick and everybody marches behind it, and that’s what Andy Stanley and his church and all those people look like to … Continue reading 

Unconditional Conference: Andy Stanley Says Attending a Gay Wedding is ‘Good Theology’+ Disses Rosaria Butterfield

(Protestia) Andy Stanley told attendees at the Unconditional conference that it’s “good theology” to attend the same-sex marriages of your loved ones, while also criticizing notable critics of same-sex acceptance within the church. Andy Stanley made the comments to Debbie … Continue reading 

Andy Stanley Tells ‘Unconditional Conference’ Attendees He REFUSES to Say ‘Homosexuality is a Sin’

Stanley says that sort of response- ‘homosexuality is a sin’- works fine until your child comes out to you and “suddenly it’s irrelevant. And before long you realize this sentence doesn’t even make sense.” (Protestia) Andy Stanley joined Debbie Causey for … Continue reading 

Andy Stanley Isn’t the Problem, He’s Only a Massive Symptom

“From Bill Hybels to Steven Furtick to Craig Groeschel, the list goes on of celebrity pastors who have pursued growth and popularity over truth. They have given in to the zeitgeist, promoting homosexuality, gender confusion, Critical Race Theory, and other … Continue reading 

‘Gay Married’ Speaker Strikes Back at Al Mohler for Criticizing Andy Stanley’s Queer Conference

(The Dissenter) Al Mohler, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and arguably one of the most influential theologians in the Southern Baptist Convention has been repeatedly criticized for his failure to lead in a timely manner by conservative Christians. As … Continue reading 

Andy Stanley Says His Father’s Dying Words to Him Were ‘I Couldn’t Be Prouder of You’

Watch the shocking video (The Dissenter) Andy Stanley, a clearly-defined and well-exposed false teacher, has faced a well-deserved backlash from conservative Christians for his unorthodox and aberrant teachings on such things as biblical interpretation, theology, and the role of the … Continue reading 

Ken Ham Rebukes Andy Stanley for His Affirmation of Evolution

(The Dissenter) The following rebuke was written by Ken Ham in a post on Twitter: Watch the short video clip attached of Andy Stanley. He is a teacher with a large flock in Georgia. How should we respond to what … Continue reading 

Why John MacArthur Called Out Tim Keller And Andy Stanley At ShepCon

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) John MacArthur made some waves over the weekend at Shepherd’s Conference, more commonly known as ShepCon when he was not only able to appear but name dropped Tim Keller and Andy Stanley. But the … Continue reading 

John MacArthur Criticizes Tim Keller and Andy Stanley During ShepCon Q & A

Watch John MacArthur’s response to Keller and Stanley’s cultural Christianity. (Protestia) Pastor John MacArthur took some time during his Shepherds Conference Q &A to answer questions about the role of the pastor, centering in on the need to feed the … Continue reading 

Andy Stanley’s Church Celebrates Coming Out of Transgender Intern Who Worked at Student Camps

“We’ve discovered at least one “transgender” person who came out on their Instagram page giving himself self-praise for taking thousands of pills, having surgeries, and more to deceive himself and others into believing that he is a female. Here are … Continue reading 

Christian Media Runs Cover For Andy Stanley

“None of this compromise is new. And while its great that Stanley’s longstanding compromise is getting the coverage it needs, aside from online discernment ministries, it’s not getting the coverage it deserves. Andy Stanley is a false teacher, and Christian … Continue reading 

Exclusive! Andy Stanley’s Children’s Ministry Led by Pro-LBGTQ+ Activists

(Protestia) Not only did Andy Stanley participate in a private, shocking Q&A where he offered some heretical hot takes on homosexuality, but for years one of his children’s ministries has been promoting and partnering with pro-LBGTQ+ organizations. Debbie Causey is … Continue reading 

Two Pastors Drop Major Bombshell Allegations Against Andy Stanley After Attending Private Q&A

“Earlier today, Andy Stanely and his PR team deleted the sermon from their website, after getting heat for saying gays have more faith than straight Christians and for criticizing so-called “clobber” verses.” (Protestia) Therefore whatever you have said in the … Continue reading 

Andy Stanley Denies Hebrews 4:12, “Don’t Say ‘The Bible Says’”

(Protestia) North Point Community Church ‘impastor’ Andy Stanley continued his wretched job of unhitching the church from all the scriptures by claiming that appealing to pagans who want to “restart their faith” with the authority of scripture is not a … Continue reading 

Andy Stanley Says There’s No ‘Clear Divine Standard’ of God Revealed to Mankind

“The fact that Jesus didn’t believe that good people go to heaven, that doesn’t necessarily make it true. That’s just what He taught. And that’s what he said, and clearly, it’s what he believed.” (Protestia) North Point Community Church ‘impastor’ … Continue reading 

Once Again, I Ask Andy Stanley to Resign

“It is one thing for an ignorant Christian who is not in a position of teaching authority to hold these views. It is an entirely different one for a pastor to hold these views. Pastors are entrusted with the oracles … Continue reading 

Andy Stanley’s New Tirade Against the Church Proves He’s a Demonic Three-Fold Son of Hell

“We can only hope by then that while Northpoint remains closed, most of the congregants come under the conviction of the Holy Spirit and leave to find biblical churches led by pastors who don’t have their smarminess dialed to 10 … Continue reading