Dallas Jenkins Defends ‘The Chosen’ Season 4 Shocking Plot Twist

(Protestia) The Chosen Director Dallas Jenkins has defended a plot twist in season four of his hit Jesus show, featuring the Savior choosing not to heal the Apostle Thomas’s fiancée after a Roman official straight up murders her in front … Continue reading 

The Chosen creator, Dallas Jenkins, ends a business partnership with a Mormon-owned company over broken agreements

(Marsha West – Christian Research Network) If I were a gloater, I’d be gloating over the news that creator/writer/director of The Chosen, Dallas Jenkins, has parted company with Mormon owned Angel Studios. The Angel Studios (AS) team was involved for … Continue reading 

‘The Chosen’ Director Dallas Jenkins Baits Christians by AGAIN Featuring LGBTQ Flag in New Vid

(Protestia) ‘The Chosen’ Director Dallas Jenkins continues to tweak and antagonize Christians purposefully. When he’s not insisting that he loves the same Jesus that his Mormon friends do, demonstrating again and again his false understanding of Jesus and the gospel, … Continue reading 

Dallas Jenkins Lies About Mormons And The Chosen Not Being A Ministry

“Dallas Jenkins begins answering the Mormon question by explaining that The Chosen is no longer working through Angel Studios, a Mormon-owned company, but declines to go into more detail. Allen Parr seems to be aware of the lawsuits surrounding The … Continue reading 

Dallas Jenkins, ‘The Chosen’ Creator, Insists Mormon Friend is a Christian. ‘He loves Jesus…I’d go to war with and for him any day’

(Protestia) ‘The Chosen’ director Dallas Jenkins doesn’t understand the gospel or Christianity, and this is no more apparent than his continued efforts to insist Mormons are Christians who love Jesus. We’ve written about Jenkins in the past, with our post … Continue reading 

Dallas Jenkins Defends The Chosen’s Inaccuracies in Allie Stuckey Interview

“[Jenkins] argues that The Chosen doesn’t replace Scripture but He does claim that God is the one behind it, wanting to use the series to bring people closer to Christ. This same line of reasoning is used by the LDS … Continue reading 

TV’s ‘The Chosen’ Director Dallas Jenkins Doubles Down on Controversial Mormon Comments, Straight up Lies

“Even if he wasn’t explicitly referring to the LDS community, which he was, unless his Mormon friends repudiate everything they believe about Jesus, then he is still wrong that his Mormon friends and partners believe in the same Jesus.”  (Protestia) … Continue reading 

Caution! Some beloved Christian VIPs navigate the sheep down the primrose path that can lead to a life of sin

By Marsha West – Christian Research Network Here I go again reporting on high-profile Christians who have shown a stunning lack of biblical discernment. I’ll begin by defining spiritual discernment and then I’ll name names. According to Got Questions discernment … Continue reading 

The Chosen: Isn’t the Biblical Account ‘Good’ Enough?

We don’t expect The Chosen to be a biblically accurate show. Dallas Jenkins has been clear that 95% of what is in the script is made up, so it isn’t a surprise that he would add a mythical tale of … Continue reading 

Watch out! ‘The Chosen’, New ‘Book of Mormon’ tv series, is in the works

“According to their heretical and plagiarized unholy scriptures that were written by the scoundrel Joseph Smith during the reign of King Zedekiah (approximately 600 BC), Lehi led his family out of Jerusalem after the people rebelled against his message and … Continue reading 

The Chosen Advertises Getting God’s Sovereignty Wrong

“The Chosen portrays Jesus as teaching bad theology unironically as some sort of banger to promote the show’s theatrical release. This is just the latest issue with an otherwise problematic show.” (Ray Fava – Evangelical Darb Web) The Chosen’s fourth … Continue reading 

Inside The Chosen’s Prosperity Gospel Sermons

“The Chosen views itself as something that can be preached from, and it’s clear that The Chosen is meant to placate a seeker-friendly audience rather than adhere to the biblical accounts.” (Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) The Chosen has … Continue reading 

CRN Headline News 9/18-9/22

Need to read articles you may have missed this week. Plus, Most Popular, Past Popular and Quotable Quote. MONDAY 9/18 Congress addresses another victim of COVID pandemic: the doctor-patient relationship America’s Largest Evangelical Magazine Continues to Drift to the Left … Continue reading 

‘The Chosen’ Director Says Jesus Transfiguration Not Important: ‘What Purpose Would it Serve our Story?’

(Protestia) ‘The Chosen’ Director Dallas Jenkins has responded to fans wanting him to include the transfiguration of Jesus in his hit TV show about the life of Jesus, saying he’s confused why fans would think it would be an important … Continue reading 

Should We Ever Assume Mormons are Saved?

(The Dissenter) In an age of information overload and media consumption, the influence of popular culture on our perspectives and beliefs cannot be overstated. It’s not uncommon for prominent figures within the public sphere to shape or even reshape our understanding … Continue reading 

The Chosen Director Responds to Controversy, Suggests PRIDE Attire is ‘Appropriate in a Professional Environment’

“Dallas Jenkins maintains that he is not running a church or a ministry. Yet he actively sells devotional material. Additionally, he claims that he is a for-profit public company, which is also a lie as public company means publicly traded.” … Continue reading 

‘The Chosen’ Supports Homosexuality

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) The Chosen has acquired a cult following among many believers. Millions of Evangelicals, Catholics, and Mormons have funded and watched the series. However, The Chosen is not without glaring issues. Evangelical Dark Web has … Continue reading 

Exposed: The Charismatic Excesses ‘Jesus Revolution’ Conveniently Left Out

By Marsha West Beware of supposing that a teacher is to be trusted because although he holds some unsound views, he yet ‘teaches a great deal of truth.’ Such a teacher is precisely the man to do you harm: poison … Continue reading 

‘The Chosen’ Sets Former DreamWorks Exec Mark Sourian As President Of Production, Will Serve As Foundation For Bible-Based Entertainment Universe

“Right away, I could tell that there was a real emotional connection that Dallas [Jenkins] had to the material. And the more that I got to know Dallas and the more that he talked rather secularly, frankly, about the show, … Continue reading 

The Chosen is Offering a Free Trial to an App That Lets You Pray With Their Cast Members

As I pointed out in an piece I penned last year (link below), a lot of professing Christians don’t realize that practicing Mormons, who have a different Jesus than the Jesus in the Bible, are involved in the production of … Continue reading 

The Chosen’s Third Season Is A Seeker-Sensitive CW Show?

“Characteristics of a CW show are good looking actors, hyper-emotionalism, and bad messaging.” (Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Christian media is full of shills for The Chosen, and the latest media tour of its cast has publications like CBN … Continue reading