About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

Blame Mexico

“It really was infuriating to watch the three amigos standing side-by-side playing their cynical game. Nothing will get better on the border or with drug interdiction until Washington holds Obrador and his crew accountable….” 

(Bill O’Reilly} As the South Park wise guys surely understand, the three amigos exposition in Mexico City last week was a total farce. I hope Biden, Trudeau, and Obrador got some good meals out of it, at least. I mean, all this working together for the good of the people stuff is a cruel lie…. Continue reading

Beth Moore Chastises Christians Who Publicly Humiliate Heretics

“Writing articles or sharing pictures or memes of why Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copeland, or some false teacher who says he’s the second coming of Christ, is a virtue, not a vice, and is a work of the spirit. The fact that she’s mad about it is very, very telling.”

(Protestia) Days after Beth Moore took exception to Jonathan Edwards’s sermon ‘Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God’ for very BethMoorish reasons, she took to Twitter to chastise those who would publicly humiliate heretics and share pictures and memes about why they are so bad. Continue reading

Voddie Baucham Exposes Gay Attack on Churches, Rips Pastors Who Fall For It

(The Dissenter) “What do you call a person who’s in a fight and doesn’t know it? The Loser.” That was what Voddie Baucham said during a recent interview with Tom Ascol on the Founders podcast referring to the fight that the Church is in against the cultural invasion of sexual immorality.

Voddie Baucham and Tom Ascol discussed the attempt by the homosexual community to infiltrate and influence churches. Voddie explained how some churches are being deceived by the idea of “democracy” and are giving in to the demands of the queer political left. Continue reading

Combating False Teaching: The Essential Duty of Pastors in Defending the Church

“It is a two-fold duty for every pastor to study the Scriptures: not only to properly shepherd the flock of Christ but also to defend against wolves in sheep’s clothing, false teachers who seek to lead the faithful astray. This is an important duty and one that should not be neglected.”

(The Dissenter) As a faithful steward of the gospel, it is the sacred duty of every pastor to combat the proliferation of false doctrine within the church. This is the urgent exhortation the Apostle Paul gave to his young protégé Timothy in the opening verses of the first epistle bearing his name…. Continue reading

Who planted the Biden documents?

“Depending on his mental state, Joe knows a lot about Democratic Party operations. He can’t be completely ruled out as a political survivor. Will he turn the tables on his former boss? And what would happen then?”

(Cliff Kincaid – Renew America) Georgia Congressman Hank Johnson, a Democrat, is suspicious, and so am I. He told Fox News’ Hillary Vaughn Thursday, after a second batch of documents was found in Biden’s garage in Wilmington, Delaware, next to his Corvette: Continue reading

Alec Baldwin charged with involuntary manslaughter in fatal ‘Rust’ shooting

“Never in a million years did Hannah think that live rounds could have been in the ‘dummy’ round box.  Who put those in there and why is the central question.”

(Lauryn Overhultz – Fox News) New Mexico First Judicial District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies announced charges in the death of Halyna Hutchins.

Alec Baldwin was charged with two counts of involuntary manslaughter, according to the district attorney…. Continue reading

Pfizer, Fauci staffers sign off on research finding mRNA COVID vaccines produce worse antibodies

“The findings call into question the government’s promotion of bivalent boosting even while regulators admit that newer COVID variants are evading vaccines.”

(Greg Piper – Just the News) Less than a month after the CDC marked the two-year anniversary of the first administered COVID-19 vaccine by telling Americans to get a bivalent booster, two peer-reviewed German studies have found that mRNA vaccines — the vast majority of the U.S. market — induce worse antibodies compared to traditional adenovirus vaccines. Continue reading

Amy Grant Defends Hosting Same Sex Marriage ‘I Love Those Brides’

“This demonstrates that Grant has created a false god in her own image, one who approves of sin and sexual immorality and does not require repentance and faith. This is the false god that Amy Grant worships and is the false god that she writes music and sings about. Remember that next time you listen to one of her songs.” – The Dissenter

(Protestia) Contemporary Christian Music icon Amy Grant is the poster child for the worst excesses of the shallow, vapid, mindlessly stupid and self-centered approximation of the Christian faith that has enthralled much of Christendom today. Her hatred for God is exemplified in an interview with People Magazine and The Washington Post regarding hosting her niece’s same-sex wedding. Continue reading

Rick Warren Suggests He Did Better Than Jesus, Brags He Baptized 57 Thousand People

(The Dissenter) Upon perusing a recent discourse with the “highly-esteemed” former pastor of Saddleback Church, Rick Warren, I was struck with a sense of familiarity, as if I were listening to none other than the notorious and boastful Donald Trump himself. Though the latter is notorious for his grandiose and self-aggrandizing rhetoric, I dare say that he may have met his match in Warren, who, when queried about his tenure as a minister, launched into an excessive and prolix oration of self-praise, declaring with great bombast that “I am the only pastor that my congregation has ever known…. Continue reading

Oops: Joe Biden Just Torpedoed the Left’s Entire Jan. 6 ‘Insurrection’ Narrative

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) As Rick Moran noted on Tuesday, Old Joe Biden just boasted again about how powerless patriots are against his all-powerful and increasingly authoritarian federal behemoth. Biden practically thumped his chest as he declared: “I love my right-wing friends who talk about” – and here he mockingly imitated their dramatic tones – “‘the tree of liberty is water of the blood of patriots.’ If you need to work about taking on the federal government, you need some F-15s. You don’t need an R– AR-15.” Continue reading

The Potentially Dangerous Red Pope

“I am Catholic, attended Catholic school from PK-college, and have never criticized a Pope until now.” – Mary Dowling

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) According to The New Daily Compass, Pope Francis shocked seminarians by tossing aside the Vatican’s prepared speech as boring. Instead, he ad-libbed and threw around vulgarities. He is also preaching some seemingly heretical doctrine. The reason I bring this up is he just defrocked a priest, Fr. Pavone, for using the words “God Damn” and possibly for his rabid anti-abortion efforts. Francis allegedly found it blasphemous. Continue reading

Will Mike Winger Finally Call Bill Johnson a False Teacher?

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Finally—it happened. Internet pastor Mike Winger called Bill Johnson a heretic for the crime of having Kenneth Copeland speak at Bethel Church. His eyes were opened that Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton would proudly associate with this blatant heretic whose promise of faith healing could not sustain his own heart from requiring a pacemaker. This endorsement undermines the complete, in tact gospel he once thought they held.

This is the article we should be writing and hope to eventually write one day. It should not be surprising that hyper-charismatic Bethel Church, which monetizes healing and prophecy with new age practices through carnality and a school of ministry, would partner with Kenneth Copeland, who also peddles miracle healings with his own “bible school” while he flies around on a private jet…. Continue reading

Joe Biden Quietly Removed Tax Returns From His Website, and We Have Questions

AP Photo/Charles Dharapak

“[W]hile it appears that his tax returns are still posted to the website for public viewing, most of the files previously made available to the public have been removed. Instead, when you click on most of the links, the website immediately redirects the user to a donation page.”

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) In the wake of accusations that Joe Biden may have failed to report thousands of dollars in rental income on his taxes, Joe Biden’s campaign has surreptitiously removed some of his tax returns from its website. Continue reading

Forensic Justification and the Doctrine of Imputation: Where We Divide From Works-Based Religions

“This doctrine is an essential aspect of the Christian faith, as it teaches how an individual can be considered righteous before a holy and just God through faith in Jesus Christ.} 

(The Dissenter) The doctrine of forensic justification holds a critical place in the Christian faith, as it explains how an individual can be considered righteous before a holy and just God. At its core, the doctrine teaches that through faith in Jesus Christ, God not only imputes the believer’s sin to Christ and carries out His wrath on Christ, but also imputes the righteousness of Christ to the believer, and thus they are justified or declared to be in a state of right standing with God. It is a legal or judicial transaction, hence the term forensic. Continue reading

Andy Stanley Denies Hebrews 4:12, “Don’t Say ‘The Bible Says’”

(Protestia) North Point Community Church ‘impastor’ Andy Stanley continued his wretched job of unhitching the church from all the scriptures by claiming that appealing to pagans who want to “restart their faith” with the authority of scripture is not a good tactic, and that saying “the Bible says” is “not an adequate starting point or returning point for many adults.”

You’ll recall that Stanley previously said that it doesn’t matter if the bible is true, so long as it’s ‘mostly reliable, and that the “foundation of our faith is not the whole bible…. Continue reading

Doug Wilson Doubles Down On Errant Side B Theology

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Last week we were sent Doug Wilson’s response to the ongoing controversy over his support of Side B theology. This effort was led by Jared Moore and his appearance on the Conversations That Matter podcast jumpstarted a conversation of Doug Wilson’s views that Doug Wilson has finally responded to. Doug Wilson would write over 4000 words addressing the issue, but rather than coming to an agreement, Doug Wilson appears to double down on his errors in dramatic and academic fashion.

Much of this controversy arose after it went viral that Doug Wilson said he had homosexual Christians in good standing in his church and also had a clip in which he stated that homosexual desires were not sinful, in and of themselves…. Continue reading

Dallas legislators attend ‘all-ages’ Drag Show while armed Antifa stand guard outside

Graphic language warning

“At these subversive and sexually inappropriate events where kids are subjected to filth and vulgarity, TFP is working night and day both legislatively and on the front lines to combat this evil.” – Texas Family Project

(The Post Millennial) An “all-ages” drag show at BuzzBrews in Dallas, Texas on Saturday drew parents, kids, and local city councilmembers who came out to endorse the show and the practice of family drag shows…. Continue reading

Beth Moore Attacks Jonathan Edwards for Being Direct About God’s Indignation Toward Sinners

“Well, here’s the thing, and here’s why Jonathan Edwards does appeal to true followers of Christ; because true believers understand the magnitude of God’s mercy and grace only by understanding the gravity of their offense against Him.”

(The Dissenter) The entire purpose of the gospel is to glorify God in saving sinners from His wrath, to demonstrate His mercy and kindness juxtaposed against a backdrop of what would righteously be eternal damnation of all of our souls….

But in God’s wisdom, kindness, and grace, He decided to save those who would turn to His son Jesus, in faith, and trust in the saving work of His substitutionary atonement on the cross.

In other words, Jesus took the punishment that sinners deserved and in exchange, clothed us in His righteousness so that we could be seen as sinless in the eyes of the Father who sees His son in us. This way, we escape death. View article →


This is why I love Twitter “The other day Beth Moore tweeted something stupid in a Twitter thread.” By Elizabeth Prata

CRN’s homepage contains a list of professing Christians to keep an eye on. Scroll down to WARNING. The list contains those to mark and avoid (Rom 16:17-18) such as Beth Moore


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Damar Hamlin: When Prayer Descends to Abhorrent Theater

“And when you pray, you are not to be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and on the street corners so that they will be seen by people. Truly I say to you, they have their reward in full. But as for you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door, and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you.” Matthew 6:5-6

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) It was Monday Night Football, a national spotlight shined on the game of the week between two premier Superbowl contenders. On a seemingly routine play, Buffalo Bills Safety Damar Hamlin tackled Tee Higgins, rose to his feet and immediately collapsed on the field, suffering cardiac arrest. It was a sight that shocked the world—a player being admitted CPR on the field on national TV. Continue reading

Pentagon Mulls Granting Back Pay to Troops Discharged for Refusing to Get Vaccinated

(Rick Moran – PJ Media) More than 8,400 U.S. servicemen and women were discharged from the military for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine. But on Tuesday, the federal government formally lifted the vaccine mandate, leaving open the question of giving justice to the troops who refused the jab.

In a memo from Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, the secretary opened the door for reinstating troops who were discharged but left it up to individual commanders how or whether to deploy troops who are not vaccinated. Continue reading

NY State Vax Mandate for Healthcare Workers Overturned

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) In a groundbreaking decision filed today, NY State (NYS) Supreme Court Judge Gerard Neri held that the COVID-19 vaccine mandate for healthcare workers is now “null, void, and of no effect.” The lawsuit was filed and funded by The Children’s Health Defense (CHD), the Robert Kennedy organization.

The court held that the NYS Dept. of Health lacked the authority to impose such a mandate as this power is reserved to the state legislature…. Continue reading

Is the Deep State Coming After Joe Biden?

“The timing of the leak from various federal law enforcement actors now, just as Biden is beginning the second half of his term, suggests there is real internal turmoil over at the Democratic National Committee. Perhaps someone at the DNC instructed deep state spooks that now would be a particularly propitious time to leak sordid details to the media.”

(Josh Hammer – The Patriot Post) The second half of Joe Biden’s presidential term has officially gotten off to an ignominious start.

Earlier in the week, CBS News first broke the story that Biden had been storing classified documents, taken from his previous stint as vice president to Barack Obama, at the Chinese-funded Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement “think tank.”… Continue reading

Twisted Scripture: The Growing Trend of Re-interpreting the Scriptures to Justify Our Own Passions

“How can we claim to know the objective and truthful Creator of all things if we are free to subjectively interpret His word according to the whims of culture, politics, and social climate?”

(The Dissenter) The twisting of Scripture for personal gain is nothing new, but I have observed a rapidly growing and disturbing trend among politicians who claim to be Christians and religious leaders who support them, who attempt to reason that certain passages of Scripture hold different meanings for them than they do for others…. Continue reading

Here’s Why the CDC Just Launched ‘Additional Investigation’ of COVID Vaccine Safety

(Spencer Brown – Townhall) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced on Friday afternoon — in something of a pre-weekend news dump — that the agency’s Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) has “met the statistical criteria to prompt additional investigation into whether there was a safety concern for ischemic stroke in people ages 65 and older who received the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, Bivalent.”

It’s worth noting that the CDC’s VSD is different from its Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). Continue reading