About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

Liz Cheney’s Plan To Divide The Republican Party Has Failed

“The woman sounded completely crazed and unhinged, as if she’d completely lost the plot and needed psychological assistance. It is a reminder, though, that the only issue Cheney has ever cared about is forcing the Republican Party to practice a politically toxic and destabilizing interventionist foreign policy.”

(Mollie Hemmingway – The Federalist) The widespread and coordinated plan to divide the Republican Party has failed, and it’s a major reason why Democrat prospects for the 2022 midterms are so bad. Continue reading

Great Reset: Globalist Rishi Sunak Becomes U.K. PM Unopposed

“The ERG cannot support any candidate because, as I said last week, the globalist coup has succeeded. There is no Conservative party. It is dead.” – Nigel Farage

(Oliver JJ Lane – Breitbart) Britain’s former Chancellor of the Exchequer (finance minister) Rishi Sunak, best known for signing the cheques on the mega-money lockdown policies of the Covid era and pushing the national tax burden to the highest levels in decades, will be the next Prime Minister after the only other serious challenger dropped out at the last minute. Continue reading

Greg Johnson’s Revoice Church To Leave The PCA

“The Christians in the PCA have maintained the pressure to make an apostate church in their midst uncomfortable and the results are paying off.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Greg Johnson is the most controversial figure in the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). In 2018, Memorial Presbyterian Church would be ground zero for the Revoice Movement. Greg Johnson is a homosexual pastor and the PCA has had numerous failed attempts to oust him specifically. The most recent failed attempt was a ruling in his favor. Continue reading

Microsoft goes full rebellion against God’s created order

Microsoft LGBTQIA+ flag, courtesy Protestia.

(Protestia) Microsoft has proudly designed a new flag, and it’s about as gaudy and garish as they come. Created by the LGBTQIA+ people at Microsoft and released as an open source image, the flag represents “40 different individual LGBTQIA+ communities with one powerful graphic that reflects a message of unity, solidarity and intersectionality.”

In a message from the Microsoft design team, they explain that the flag was created to “advance LGBTQIA+ visibility and representation” and continually expand, adding new segments to the flag as new groups emerge. Continue reading

Francis Chan Says That the Holy Spirit is Moving Baptists, Pentecostals, and Catholics to Worship Together

(The Dissenter) Francis Chan, who has been moving decidedly ecumenical in recent years while abandoning the distinctions that differentiate biblical Christianity from other sects including Roman Catholicism, is once again preaching a gospel of superficial unity between various, contradictory denominations that call themselves “Christian.”

Chan, who made our False Teacher of the Day #22, has embedded himself with Roman Catholics, charismatics, and has embraced such spiritual folly as tongues, prophecies, and even faith healings…. Continue reading

Who Denies Election Results?

Who exactly were those “secret” warpers of the 2020 election?…“A well-funded cabal of powerful people, ranging across industries and ideologies, working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information.” 

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) Democratic myth has arisen that Donald Trump’s denial of the accuracy of the 2020 vote was “unprecedented.”

Unfortunately, the history of U.S. elections is often a story of both legitimate and illegitimate election denialism. Continue reading

Jesus Quotes ‘Book of Mormon’ In The Chosen Season 3

Photo courtesy of Protestia

“As the series has gained popularity, its producers and actors have embraced ecumenism, with Jonathan Roumie and Dallas Jenkins visiting the Vatican to promote the series by meeting Pope Francis.” 

(Paul Brown) A recently released trailer from season 3 of The Chosen reveals that the show has gone full Mormon. In the clip published on the show’s Facebook page, Jonathan Roumie, the actor who portrays Jesus in the series, makes the statement, “I am the law of Moses.” Contrary to this misquotation, Jesus never claimed to be the law of Moses, but rather claimed to “fulfill the law” in Matthew 5:17. Continue reading

Six Major Banks Are About to Be Under Investigation. Here’s Why.

“The Net-Zero Banking Alliance is a massive worldwide agreement by major banking institutions, overseen by the U.N., to starve companies engaged in fossil fuel-related activities of credit on national and international markets.”

(Spencer Brown – Townhall) Led by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt, 19 state attorneys general announced an investigation of six major banks on Wednesday, probing their involvement with a U.N. alliance dedicated to advancing the ESG (environmental, social, and governance) agenda. Continue reading

Here’s What the CDC’s Vaccine Advisory Board Did This Week and How It Impacts Your Family

(Stacy Lennox – PJ Media) On Wednesday, the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted unanimously to add the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines to the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program. Addition to the VFC list requires the government to pay for these vaccines if a patient can’t afford them in order to “ensure access.” As an added bonus, the vaccine manufacturers will remain free from liability for vaccine injuries because the product is on the VFC list. The government will still pay for vaccines, and the manufacturers will be held harmless. It would be fair to call this vote the “Pfizer and Moderna continuing profit plan.” Continue reading

Christ’s Garden!

I have come into my garden, my sister, my spouse. – Song of Solomon 5:1

The heart of the believer is Christ’s garden. He bought it with His precious blood, and He enters it and claims it as His own.

A garden implies separation. It is not the open common, it is not a wilderness; it is walled around, or hedged in. Would that we could see the wall of separation between the church and the world made broader and stronger. It makes one sad to hear Christians saying, “Well, there is no harm in this; there is no harm in that,” thus getting as near to the world as possible. Grace is at a low ebb in that soul which can even raise the question of how far it may go in worldly conformity. Continue reading

Disturbing New Report Reveals Depths of Shover in Chief Jill Biden’s Control Over Joe, His Handlers

“Joe Biden is a man who is simply not in control much anymore in any meaningful way, not in what he says nor in the way he behaves around others, all of which again raises the question as to just who or what group of people are actually taking the lead in the absence of his failures to do so?”

(Red State) That Jill Biden frequently plays director and shover in chief for supposed leader of the free world Joe Biden when he appears lost and/or confused during public speaking engagements is not new news. Continue reading

Did Jesus Sow Discord?

“Paul says in Romans 16:17, “I appeal to you, brothers, to watch out for those who cause divisions and create obstacles contrary to the doctrine that you have been taught; avoid them.” Notice, he doesn’t say to avoid the ones correcting the false doctrine, he says to avoid those who bring false doctrine because they cause disunity.” 

(The Dissenter) Read Ezekiel 3:18-21 on the site. I love gracious people. There are some people in my life who I consider very good friends and mentors—people who would stick their necks out in defense of me. These people, I love and appreciate as they have graciously given themselves over to the body of Christ, for the edification of the saints, and the defense of the Gospel. As a believer, I have a God-given duty to extend the same grace to my fellow believers…. Continue reading

Biden’s Housing Market Bomb: Home Sales Plummet in Record September Drop

“In many Democrat-led areas, like Chicago, the market conditions are even worse, especially as more Americans hightail it out and nobody moves in to buy the available homes.” 

(Ryan Ledendecker – PJ Media) Thanks mostly to President Joe Biden’s policies and unprecedented Democrat-backed spending, America continues to suffer through record 40-year-high inflation. To combat what the Biden administration once called a “transitory” problem, the Federal Reserve has hiked interest rates at a breakneck pace, with additional hikes expected before the end of 2022. Continue reading

5 Things You Should Know about Creeds

“It was only heretics like the Socinians (the liberals of the sixteenth century) who rejected the ancient Christian creeds.”

(Keith Mathison – Ligonier Ministries) Most Christians have heard of things like the Nicene Creed or the Apostles’ Creed, but many Christians also have a number of misconceptions about creeds. There is a lot of misunderstanding about the nature, history, and purpose of creeds. Here are five things you should know about creeds. Continue reading

The Democrat Jesus

Democrat Jesus “attempt to recruit Jesus Christ to their cause by some spectacular mangling of the Christian scriptures. They are the living incarnate embodiment of worshiping the creature rather than the creator. They worship themselves and have created a false god and a false Jesus in their own image.”

(The Dissenter) I hear a lot of tripe today from leftists who complain that conservatives believe in a “Republican Jesus” or something insane like that. The argument is that the “Republican Jesus” is xenophobic, sexist, racist, and homophobic—or some combination of these pejoratives depending on one’s devotion to the ideals of the Democratic platform. In reality, leftists are attempting to smear Jesus by tying Republican politics to the theology of conservative Christians. Continue reading

Danchenko Found Not Guilty But the FBI and DOJ Were Not

Read it and weep.

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Igor Danchenko was found not guilty on all counts by a DC jury today. He was used by the FBI to help fabricate a dossier to damage or destroy Donald Trump. They offered former British spy  Christopher Steele one million dollars to verify the fake dossier he put together with information mostly provided by Danchenko. Steele couldn’t confirm any of it, even for a million dollars. Continue reading

Catholic medical school pushes hormone therapy for minors

“Reitman suggests treating children suffering from gender dysphoria by using puberty blocking drugs, which will prevent them from developing “unwanted secondary gender/sex characteristics” —  for example, breast development in females or penile and testicle growth in males.”

(Amber Athey – The Spectator) Georgetown University’s School of Medicine is teaching its students to administer puberty blockers and hormone therapy to minors, an investigation by The Spectator reveals. Continue reading

Exposing Revoice: Grant Hartley Compares Coming Out To Resurrection

“This is coming from a guy who believes that his venture into San Francisco gay bars was a heavenly experience.” 

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) The Revoice Conference took place earlier this month, and while much of their content is hidden behind a paywall, they occasionally put out a webinar for the public. Last week, Revoice published a panel for “Coming Out Day” which featured Art Pereira and Grant Hartley. Continue reading

Would you Pay $2480.30 For Tickets to a Steven Furtick/ Elevation Worship Concert?

“Steven Furtick is the Lead Pastor of Elevation Church. As head of a Southern Baptist-associated, 25,000-member multisite campus with 17 locations, he is known for having the term “narcigesis” (narcissistic exegesis) named after him based on his inability to exegete scripture in a way that doesn’t make every story revolve around him…”

(Protestia) Last year we criticized the expensive prices that tickets to see Steven Furtick and The Elevation Worship band cost, questioning whether or not it made sense from a financial or spiritual perspective. Individual tickets ranged from about $38 for the nosebleeds, up to $195 for front-row access, with most tickets in the 50-110$ range. Continue reading

The Most Telling Chart on Inflation You’ve Ever Seen

“It almost looks as though a switch was flipped the moment Joe Biden took office.”

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) If you listen to the White House, things are going great. Joe Biden said last week that the economy is “strong as hell,” and on Monday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre claimed that Democrats are making things better.

No, really… she did. Continue reading

Culture Transforming the Church

“While studying the ancient world, he realized something. Simply, the ancients were cruel, and their values utterly foreign to him. The Spartans routinely murdered “imperfect” children. The bodies of slaves were treated like outlets for the physical pleasure of those with power. Infanticide was common. The poor and the weak had no rights.” 

(Don and Joy Veinot – Midwest Christian Outreach) The First Century Roman Empire was pluralistic, relativistic, and very spiritual.  The Greeks and Romans shared about 15 or 16 gods and goddesses, worshipped under different names. In addition to their own deities, Rome would incorporate into their belief system the deities worshipped in newly conquered territories. PBS describes this in “The Roman Empire in the First City: Roman Gods”: Continue reading

URGENT: Can we please not freak out about the chimeric Omicron experiment

(Alex Berenson) In the last 48 hours, people have been screaming about the news that Boston University researchers stuck the Omicron spike into the original Sars-Cov-2 virus –



Just stop. Continue reading