About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

Bombshell: COVID Likely Began by May 2019 & Was Weaponized

“This latest scenario makes much more sense than the virus appearing in December. Viruses don’t just suddenly appear. The CCP kept it secret for months if this is true. Additionally, they wouldn’t let their citizens travel within the country but allowed them to travel the world.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) A bombshell report in The Telegraph backs up a story by The Australian in early October 2021. You might not see this in the legacy media since they appear dedicated to fake news. The press activists misuse their power to manipulate, hoping to keep us fat, dumb, and high on pot. Nevertheless, the truth is coming out. Continue reading

Steven Furtick’s Mentor, T.D. Jakes Joins Scientologist for ‘Prosperity Conference’

“To them, God is nothing more than a genie in a bottle.”

(The Dissenter) The prosperity gospel is far more nefarious than just believing that God will grant you health and wealth if you have enough faith. The prosperity gospel is a wholly paganized counterfeit Christianity that is steeped in the idolatry of self and greed. With that comes the notion that even the Scriptures themselves are about you. They are not, they are about God — and the characters in the Scriptures are there to glorify God. Continue reading

Vanderbilt will pause gender transition surgeries for minors

“We are pausing gender affirmation surgeries on patients under 18 while we complete this review.”

(Ben Whedon – Just the News) Vanderbilt University Medical Center (VUMC) will cease performing gender transition surgeries for minors in response to a letter from Tennessee lawmakers demanding it do so.

The Daily Wire’s Matt Walsh, who reporting the lawmakers credited as prompting their demand, on Friday announced the reply from the VUMC in which the hospital acquiesced. Continue reading

Federal appeals court rules DACA is illegal, dealing major blow to liberals

“Congress determined which aliens can receive these benefits, and it did not include DACA recipients among them.”

(John Solomon – Just the News) A federal appeals court declared Wednesday that the Obama-Biden era Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program was illegal, dealing a major blow to a liberal initiative that allowed illegal migrants who came to America as children to escape deportation. Continue reading

Google Labels Conservative Sites ‘Dangerous and Derogatory’

But then comes a powerful and provocative conclusion: “As we noted in this space recently, we’re not sure anymore if it’s just leftists at Google who are making these decisions, or if the company is working in concert with the Biden administration.”

(Chris Queen – PJ Media) Issues & Insights (I&I) is a terrific conservative website whose writers came from the editorial board of Investors Business Daily. I&I writes smart content that goes after the left, often mercilessly — and, hey, it features PJ Media on its list of recommended websites, so you can see how intelligent I&I is. Continue reading

As it stands right now, Joel and Victoria Osteen are not going to Heaven. Here’s proof.

“Joel Osteen affirms Christ-denier, Oprah Winfrey as one of the greatest voices of our generation.” 

(The Dissenter) Joel Osteen, a false teacher and fake pastor, is most definitely a cult leader. The followers of Joel Osteen’s ministry do not follow Christ, they follow the man and they are in it for no other reason than to hear the man tickle their ears with his motivational pep talks and uplifting speeches. Continue reading

You Will Not Believe This Bizarre Explanation by Bethel on Psychics and Why it is Similar to What They Practice

‘”This entire explanation is so bizarre that it doesn’t even warrant commentary. Suffice it to say that it’s all rank heresy.”  Watch the video

(The Dissenter) Bethel School of Prophets is run by Bethel Church in Redding California under the leadership of its two named “Apostles,” Bill Johnson and Kris Vallotton. Bethel, like all cults, is filled with aberrant, unbiblical teachings and doctrines of demons, including false manifestations of the Holy Spirit, grave sucking, and the Prosperity Gospel. Continue reading

Hunter Biden Is Possibly a Traitor Who Assisted CCP’s Global Ambitions

“This is not a Hunter Biden story, this is a Joe Biden story. The house of cards could fall if they keep the pressure on. Think about this. If you follow the evidence to where this is going, Joe Biden is a traitor.” – Jesse Watters

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) The federal government has enough evidence to charge Hunter Biden with tax crimes and lying on a gun application about his drug abuse. Allegedly, he was offered a deal and turned it down. Now the DOJ is trying to decide if they will charge him. If Republicans take over the House, the situation will be far worse for the Bidens. Hunter is accused of helping China with its global ambitions. Continue reading

Discerning Praise and Worship – A Primer

“Soon, the tune catches the ear of the worship pastor or leader (who is no doubt aware that the hipster church down the street is using it) and he follows suit – using the same tune to raise the hands, close the eyes, and bend the emotions of his emotion-addicted congregation.”

(David Morrill) Knowing that I’m a musician, many readers of Protestia and followers/supporters of Protestia Tonight have asked me how I approach the selection of worship music from a biblical perspective. In response, I’d like to humbly offer my rating system for figuring out if a given song belongs in your church service. There are other websites that offer similar analyses, but frankly, I have found them far too tolerant considering churches don’t need any particular song. First, some context. Continue reading

Sean Feucht: Church Hero or Villain

“Aside from his associations, the most flagrant red flag for Feucht is his obsession with the number “222,” which is an occult omen denoting harmony, divine blessing, and opportunities. Deuteronomy 18:10 forbids the use of divination and interpretation of omens. Such obsession over numbers is unbiblical, yet these practices are not unusual within Bethel circles.”

(Ray Fava) Evangelical Dark Web has been one of the foremost discernment ministries calling out what we have called Branch Covidianism in the church. Along these lines, it is unmistakable that Sean Feucht has been a man of action. However, not everyone we agree with is someone we can trust…. Continue reading

Here’s What Happened When a Concerned Mom Dressed Like Drag Queen at a School Board Meeting

Drag queen “Annie Christ”

“I will do whatever measures I have to, to make sure events like this are addressed and resolved,” she added. “Even if that means wearing the exact same outfit as the 21-year-old drag queen performer to prove my point.”

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) For years now, we’ve seen woke schools hiring drag queens to perform for young kids as some sort of exercise about tolerance and diversity. If you spoke out about it, you were a bigot.

Earlier this year, it was reported that New York City schools spent over $200,000 putting drag queen shows on for their students. Continue reading

Gen. Petraeus Admits US & NATO Want War with Russia

Watch the video.

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) General Petraeus (Be-tray-Us) admits the US and NATO want war with Russia. He should say the US and Poland want war with Russia. Other countries don’t. He says there is nothing Russia can do to win at this point, and they are losing on the battlefield. It is clear that the US and NATO want war with Russia.

The US will never agree to peace with Russia. Continue reading

40 Losers vs Doug Wilson: How Not To Do Discernment

“There are 40 anonymous people in this group chat that calls itself a ministry. The anonymity is defended citing unsubstantiated threats. Additionally, the line about mental exhaustion shows how effeminate these people are when it comes to online discernment ministry.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) There are a lot of good Christians doing discernment ministries out there. There are a few good ministries doing news gathering for Spiritual Warfare. However, there are a number of bad actors out there. Examining Doug Wilson or Examining Moscow is one such bad actor in online discernment…. Continue reading

Homosexual ‘Churches’ Protest Outside of Franklin Graham Event and heard a watered-down gospel

“Graham has spent a large portion of his career in ministry attempting to build relationships and bridges with the secular world. Though there have been times that he’s been strong on moral issues, there are times that he’s been extremely weak or has compromised the gospel to build these relationships.”

(The Dissenter) A gaggle of homosexual-affirming “churches” took to the streets to protest outside of Franklin Graham’s “God Loves You” event in Rochester, NY on Sunday. According to reports, hundreds of people stood in Soldiers Field Park as Graham preached a watered-down “Jesus loves everybody” gospel message. Continue reading

5 Years After Las Vegas Concert Shooting, an FBI Whistleblower Reveals Probable Motive

(Victoria Taft – PJ Media) It has been five years since Stephen Paddock stashed an arsenal of weapons in his Las Vegas hotel room and began spraying outdoor concertgoers with more than a thousand rounds of rifle fire, killing 58 people and wounding 869. Since the Oct. 1, 2017, massacre, there’s been neither an official nor satisfactory explanation for why Paddock took his assorted rifles and shot those country music fans. But now, an FBI whistleblower believes he has the motive. Continue reading

‘Top of Mind’: The ghost of prosperity past

“Verbal masking cannot hide the big trouble this country is in. Two years ago, the USA had the most vibrant economy on earth. Today, it’s heading for shambles territory, and Joe Biden has no clue how to reverse things or solve any problem, for that matter. The Dow was down another 500 points on Friday.”

(Bill O’Reilly) Hunter Thompson once wrote: “When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.” And that’s exactly what’s happened in the White House communications office.

Jen Psaki was a spinner extraordinaire. But she dished in a way that was fairly rational. Now, we have her successor, Karine Jean-Pierre, and I have no idea what is taking place. Continue reading

The Thinnest Veneer of Civilization

“We arrogantly are reverting to a new feudalism as the wealthy elite—terrified of what they have wrought—selfishly retreat to their private keeps. But the rest who suffer the consequences of elite flirtations with nihilism cannot even afford food, shelter, and fuel. And they now feel unsafe, both as individuals and as Americans.”

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) Civilization is fragile. It hinges on ensuring the stuff of life. To be able to eat, to move about, to have shelter, to be free from state or tribal coercion, to be secure abroad, and safe at home—only that allows cultures to be freed from the daily drudgery of mere survival. Continue reading

Joe Biden Demonstrates Why a Faithful Christian Could Never Vote Democrat, Clear Divide Between Left and Right

“Roe isn’t the only political issue that the left wants to codify into national policy. They also want to codify queer theory into national policy and indoctrinate your children into LGBTQ ideology in schools. They want to strip you of your religious freedom forcing you to celebrate these new ideologies. And practically the entire Democrat party platform reads like the antithesis to the Ten Commandments.”

(The Dissenter) I’ve repeatedly argued that those who would immerse themselves into any worldview that allows them to vote for the Democrat party are living and acting completely contrary to a biblical worldview…. Continue reading

California Passes Law to Lure, Keep, and Mutilate Children

“If an adult with an agenda absconds with your child to California, or if your teen runs away and winds up there, not only will you not be able to get your kid back, but he or she can be maimed and brainwashed and you won’t be able to do anything to stop it.” 

(Athena Thorne – PJ Media) California, the sickest state in the nation, has just taken it upon itself to entice unhappy American children to within its borders to be brainwashed, sterilized, and mutilated. Gov. Gavin Newsom signed SB-107 into law on Thursday, setting up California as a sanctuary state for minors seeking medical and psychological assistance in their delusional quest to become a member of the opposite sex…. Continue reading

By Every Benchmark, The World Feminism Created Is The Opposite Of What Makes Women Happy

“With children or without, married or unmarried, single or divorced, young or old, across all ethnicities, job types, and income levels. Women are unhappy and they’re getting unhappier.”

(Zachary Porcu – The Federalist) When Blake Masters, the Republican nominee for Arizona’s U.S. Senate seat, declared that Americans “ought to be able to raise a family on one single income,” he turned a few heads. “Most families,” he added, “would prefer to have one breadwinner and one parent stay at home with the kids,” a phrase that strongly invokes the image of traditional gender roles in the minds of most listeners. Continue reading

Peter Strzok’s Searing Termination Letter Was Released

“Your sustained pattern of bad judgment in the use of an FBI device has called into question for many of the decisions made during both the Clinton e-mail investigation and the initial states of the Russian Collusion investigation. In short, your repeated selfishness has called into question the credibility of the entire FBI.”

Former FBI official Peter Strzok was fired in disgrace for exchanges over the Internet plotting the overturning of a presidency.

With the utmost Chutzpah, he is suing, claiming that his privacy was violated and alleging wrongful termination. Continue reading