Trudeau Revokes Emergencies Act

(Chris Queen – PJ Media) Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has revoked his use of the Emergencies Act, the quirk in Canadian law that allowed his cabinet to have the power to freeze the bank accounts of Freedom Convoy protesters and use tyrannical police power to break up the vaccine freedom protest.

Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland said that the unfreezing of bank accounts has already begun.

The move came ahead of the upcoming Senate vote on extending the power of the Emergencies Act for 30 days (or longer). Continue reading

Trust in the Lord with All Your Heart

1 My son, do not forget my teaching, But let your heart keep my commandments; 2 For length of days and years of life And peace they will add to you. Proverbs 3:1-2 (NASB) 

The Protestant Reformation was not a reforming of Christianity, but a rediscovery of God’s Truth that had been covered up, squandered, perverted, and misrepresented by the Roman Catholic Church for several centuries. Christianity has once again reached a point of contention where there are those who claim that the Protestant Reformation went astray and we need another reformation…. Continue reading

Does the Church Need LGBTQ People?

(Protestia) Co-founder of pro-LGBTQ Revoice conference, author, and false teacher Preston Sprinkle wants you to know that your church needs the advice of the world. By world, he specifically means individuals who are unregenerate and given over to a debased mind to the extent that they openly embrace sexual deviancy.

In a speech titled “Why The Church Needs LGBTQ People” that Sprinkle gave for the Revoice conference and reproduced for episode #920 of his Theology in the Raw Podcast, Sprinkle describes the otherworldly anti-Biblical concept of allowing sodomites and transexual folk to disciple the church, enlightening the body of Christ with what could only be described as homo-gnosticism (an idea that closely parallels the ethnic-gnosticism that is advocated by proponents of Critical Race Theory). Continue reading

65.7% of Dems Support Trudeau’s Tyrannical Response to Truckers

Freedom Convoy organizer Tamara Lich denied bail by judge who ran as a Liberal candidate.

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Democrats support tyranny or they are ill-informed based on the latest polling results from The Trafalgar Group. Nearly 66% of Democrats support Trudeau’s tyrannical response to truckers peacefully protesting.

This poll isn’t an outlier. Democrats have been leaning hard left in the last few polls, even a recent Gallup poll. Continue reading

The Gathering Storm in the West

“We can almost reduce the divide to the embarrassing optics of a pouty-face pajama-boy prime minister, with a pompadour coiffure, issuing threats to calm, but beefy and calloused workers. Each time Trudeau speaks to his nation, the visual message is that any of the truckers could do a better job than he in both setting and explaining policy, while he would become a helpless weeping child if placed behind the wheel of a big rig.” 

(Victor Davis  Hanson – American Greatness) Canada is now governed by absurdism, and it is symptomatic of an ailing Western elite.

Liberal Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau last week invoked martial law to arrest and financially destroy truckers on the charge that their largely peaceful protests are “dismantling the Canadian economy” that had already been dismantled for two years under some of the most draconian lockdowns in the world…. Continue reading

CHILLING: The American Bar Association Just Mandated ‘Wokeness’

“In front of our very eyes, we are watching another pillar of civic life become another interchangeable cog of the ideology that treats “racism” as America’s chief concern and ordinary white, Christian, heritage Americans as the country’s greatest villains.”

(Revolver News) Anybody hoping to become a lawyer in the United States will now have to meekly submit to several rounds of political propaganda, thanks to a new decree from the American Bar Association. Continue reading

It’s All About Me

3 “ Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. 5 “Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth. 6 “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied. 7 “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. 8 “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. 9 “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God. Matthew 5:3-16 (NASB) Read verses 10-16 on the site.

I have often written on this blog and elsewhere about the spiritual awakening that God took me through in 2004. I remember vividly, however, being very confused about some things as I went through that. Several years earlier, I had been deeply involved in several men’s studies at a former church that were built around the teachings of Henry Blackaby…. Continue reading

Words as Weapons: Why We Must Stand Our Ground Over Pronouns

“Words are everything. Words shape how we understand and perceive reality. Trans activists trying to transform our society understand that, and we should too. “Pronoun courtesy” is nothing more than a public surrender to a poisonous ideology—and that is precisely how it looks to those demanding our verbal submission.” 

(Jonathan Van Maren – European Conservative) In the autumn of 2016, trans activists targeted Dr. Jordan B. Peterson, at the time a relatively obscure psychologist based at the University of Toronto. Peterson had released a video explaining why he opposed proposed Canadian legislation, Bill C-16, an amendment to the Canadian Human Rights Act regulating speech regarding gender identity…. Continue reading

Christians in Canada, you no longer owe submission to your government

“If government stops fulfilling its function and becomes an oppressor of the people, then as Rev. West rightly explains, it ceases being God’s servant and becomes a pest. It is the duty of the people to resist such pests to the commonwealth.”

(Capstone Report) Kings and their governments are created for the benefit of the people and not people for the benefit of their rulers. Or, to put it into the exact words of the author of Vindiciae Contra Tyrannos, “Kings were instituted on account of the people. You cannot say that all men together as a whole [universi*] were created for the sake of more or less a hundred simple men.” Continue reading

Funeral Directors and Embalmers Alarmed By Freakishly Large Blood Clots Clogging Veins in Vaccinated Bodies

“Hirschman…shared photos and videos of the strange fibrous clots that were extracted from people who reportedly died of heart attacks, strokes, and aneurysms.”

(Deborah Heine – American Greatness) Board-certified funeral directors and embalmers are coming forward to tell tales of horror featuring vaccinated bodies with veins and arteries clogged with strange, rubbery, worm-like clots. Continue reading

The Fall of Canada, The Danger in the U.S.

Justin Trudeau may well be guilty of an act of treason, which is defined in Canadian law as preparing to levy war against Canada, which is what I personally see in the Ottawa livestreams; and treason in Canadian law is also defined in other broad ways, including this: “(a) uses force or violence for the purpose of overthrowing the government of Canada or a province.”

(Naomi Wolf – Frontpage Magazine) The world has watched, in pain, as images of police violence from Ottawa, and of a bid for Canadian tyranny (that I would ever write those words!) are flashed around the world. Continue reading

Effectual Calling and Conversion

3 To him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear his voice, and he calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. 4 When he puts forth all his own, he goes ahead of them, and the sheep follow him because they know his voice. John 10:3-4 (NASB) 


Of Effectual Calling

All those whom God hath predestinated unto life, and those only, He is pleased, in His appointed time, effectually to call, by His Word and Spirit out of that state of sin and death, in which they are by nature to grace and salvation, by Jesus Christ; enlightening their minds spiritually and savingly to understand the things of God, taking away their heart of stone, and giving unto them an heart of flesh; renewing their wills, and, by His almighty power, determining them to that which is good, and effectually drawing them to Jesus Christ: yet so, as they come most freely, being made willing by His grace.

Continue reading

CDC Officials Admit Agency Has Withheld Critical Covid Information From the Public, Including Data About Breakthrough Infections, Over Fears of ‘Vaccine Hesitancy’

(Julian Conradson – Gateway Pundit) Throughout the pandemic, the CDC has diligently maintained a running tally of Covid-19 cases, hospitalizations, and deaths for the public to view – you know, all of the numbers that make up the majority of virus fear porn.

But that information amounts to just a fraction of the data that has been collected by the agency. According to a new report by the New York Times, the CDC has also been collecting much more detailed data about Covid infections that breaks down by age, race, and vaccination status…. Continue reading

JD Hall, pastor and publisher of popular conservative site ‘Protestia’ sued for libel by transgender lobbyist

Transgender lobbyist Adrian Jawort – Facebook photo

Salty language warning.

The thing that has saddened Pastor Hall the most…is the number of conservative Christian pastors who have shied away from publicly supporting him. It’s not that they think he’s wrong. They privately admit that they are “afraid” of the LGBT movement and the power of the state. As one pastor told him, “I just can’t have them picketing my church.”

(Mass Resistance) A conservative pastor who is the publisher of Montana’s largest and most influential conservative news site is being sued for “libel” by a bizarre transgender lobbyist. The leftist judge assigned to the case is also threatening the pastor with fines and a gag order even before the trial takes place. Continue reading

Requiem for a Nation

“Perhaps one day the country may recover democratic governance. Perhaps one day the Charter of Rights and Freedoms will once again become an honored and effective document, though at present it is nothing but an irrelevant scrap of parchment.” 

(David Solway – PJ Media) It may seem hard to believe that America’s neighbor to the north is now a full-fledged, up-and-running police state. Heavily-armed police are arresting and, in some cases, roughing up, severely beating, and trampling with horses members of the truckers’ Freedom Convoy in Ottawa as well as bystanders. The country has gone off the rails. Continue reading

Every Tongue Shall Confess

23 “I have sworn by Myself, The word has gone forth from My mouth in righteousness And will not turn back, That to Me every knee will bow, every tongue will swear allegiance. 24 “They will say of Me, ‘Only in the LORD are righteousness and strength.’  Men will come to Him, And all who were angry at Him will be put to shame. Isaiah 45:23-24 (NASB) 


Several years ago a friend contacted me with an issue she was having on her blog dealing with one of her readers who said that Romans 14:11 was a proof text for Christian Universalism. Continue reading

A New and Different Person

7 Do not be amazed that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ John 3:7 (NASB) 

Much of the controversy in the Church these days centers around the New Birth and what actually happens to those who believe. Some teach that a simple prayer of faith and baptism are all it takes. Some teach that all we have to do is let Jesus come into our lives and we are saved. However, the Bible is very clear that no one sees the Kingdom of God unless they are Born Again. Also, it is this “regeneration” that is the New Birth that changes a person from a Natural Man into a genuine Christian…. Continue reading

‘Remember This Image. Remember What Trudeau Did To Canada.’ Police Treatment Of Freedom Convoy Shocks The World.

(Tom Meades – Daily Wire) On Friday evening, local and federal authorities in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada used tear-gas and horses to break up the ongoing Freedom Convoy, a massive demonstration against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s COVID-19 mandates and restrictions.

In doing so, authorities appeared to trample one elderly woman using a walker as well as running over other protesters with horses. Numerous others were tear-gassed. Around the world, individuals reacted with disgust to the “tyranny” on display in the Western nation. Continue reading

What makes your moral boundaries more loving than mine?

“That Brinton is one of many deceived people futilely looking for fulfillment and a sense of belonging in sexual idolatry is actually of less cultural consequence than the growing number of well-intentioned individuals who feel decency and love require defending depravity.”

(Peter Heck – Not the Bee) I first read the news on PJ Media. Sam Brinton publicly announced he was accepting an offer from the Biden administration to become the “Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition in the Office of Nuclear Energy for the Department of Energy.” Continue reading

Federal Appeals Court: United Airlines Vaccine Mandate ‘Coerced’ Employees to ‘Violate Religious Convictions’

(Katherine Hamilton – Breitbart) A federal appeals court on Thursday ordered further review of United Airlines’ coronavirus vaccine mandate, calling it “coercive” and reversing a lower court ruling.

A three-judge panel in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit ruled 2-1 to return the issue to District Judge Mark Pittman, who previously rejected employees’ request for a preliminary junction. In his opinion, Pittman was sympathetic to employees but said he was bound by court precedent, and he declined the request because employees could not prove “irreparable harm,” one of four variables which need to be satisfied in court in order for a judge to issue an injunction and preserve the “status quo” during litigation…. Continue reading

The Necessity of Sound Doctrine

“So that we may no longer be children, tossed to and from by the waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine, by human cunning, by craftiness in deceitful schemes.” Eph 4:14

In Ephesians 4, the Apostle Paul is principally concerned with unity in the body of Christ—how the church functions as one unit for the mission and purpose to which she has been called. Paul identifies this “one body” (Eph. 4:4) as those who: Continue reading