If You Were A Sheep During Covid, Admit You Were Wrong And Do Better Next Time

“The ramifications of the Covid response will be felt for decades. If we learned anything from the WEF’s “Great Reset,” it’s that Covid is no one-off. Now that our leaders have watched the majority of the population relinquish their liberties for a virus comparable for many in the general population to the seasonal flu, they’re going to whip out the Covid playbook anytime they want to scare the populace into compliance.”

(Evita Duffy-Alfonso – The Federalist) If you were one of those people who always diligently wore an ineffective mask, got the experimental vaccine and boosters, or performatively practiced social distancing, you really owe an apology to those who stood up for civil liberties during Covid and must commit to being smarter and braver in the future. Continue reading

Dems Open Borders to Child Rapists Then Back Light Sentences

“You have to wonder if these Democrats are voted into office by sex traffickers or if they pay them off. California is now a sanctuary, a haven for these monsters. They have political power whether they vote or not. Allowing people like this to come into the country and remain means they will one day govern us, as they do in Mexico and other hellholes.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Democrats have left our borders open, and it has become a broad invitation to child traffickers. It doesn’t stop there—Democrats also support light prison sentences when the monsters are caught. Continue reading

Forbidden questions, denied warrants, witness tipoffs: Agents detail interference in Biden probe

Prosecutors were pressured by the Biden team. Shapley alleged that Hunter Biden attorney Chris Clark threatened prosecutors that if they charged his client, they would be committing “career suicide.”

(John Solomon – Just the News) A retired FBI supervisor’s account to Congress of how the bureau tipped off Joe Biden’s team in December 2020 about plans to conduct a surprise interview of his son Hunter not only corroborates a key allegation from two IRS whistleblowers. it further paints a portrait of unusual meddling into the investigation of the first family’s overseas business dealings and taxes. Continue reading

Popular Worship Artists, Shane & Shane, Have Now Bit the Dust

(The Dissenter) I’m typically not drawn to contemporary Christian music for the very reasons that I’ve written about a dozen times. I simply do not view the industry as God-honoring, rather it is a self-promoting, man-pleasing industry designed to launch the careers of artists whose ultimate goal is to “make it big” in the secular world. Sure, there are some contemporary songs with theologically sound lyrics, but that’s part of the appeal. If they weren’t, their target audience wouldn’t buy their music or go to their concerts. Continue reading

‘Psalm Sing’ Protesters Win $300,000 Settlement Against City Over COVID Arrest at Worship Event

(Protestia) On September 23, 2020, police in Moscow, ID, arrested three members of Christ Church, the church led by Pastor Doug Wilson, because they were singing hymns in public without social distancing in violation of the city’s newly created Emergency Public Health Ordinance No. 20.03. The arrests occurred at a Psalm Sing event where around 150 people, primarily congregants, gathered to sing three acapella hymns and then the doxology at Moscow City Hall in an event organized by the Church. See more background here. Continue reading

Brutal ‘Twilight Zone’ Cartoon Shows Just How Mixed Up The USA Has Become

“Igunnubole argued that these guidelines don’t pay due regard to essential freedoms: “This is the latest misstep in a trend towards guidance which fails to give adequate weight to fundamental freedoms of speech, of conscience, of religion and more.”

(Steve Straub – The Federalist Papers) They say a picture can be worth a thousand words so here in one image is a brutal cartoon that shows just how mixed up our world has become. Continue reading

We Beat Them on Covid and We Will Stop Them on Transgenderism, Says My Son Hunter Star Laurence Fox

(Kurt Zindulka – Breitbart) In an exclusive interview with Breitbart London, Laurence Fox, the star of My Son Hunter and the leader of the anti-woke Reclaim Party, said that he believes that the age of transgenderism will go down in history similar to the McCarthy era and will be seen as a “strange blip” in history.

“We stopped them on COVID. They thought that we’d all have vaccine passports by now but we don’t. And we’ll stop them on the transgender stuff because there’s enough of us that don’t want it to happen,” he said. Continue reading

Grieving the Holy Spirit

8 And He said, “Surely, they are My people, Sons who will not deal falsely.” So He became their Savior. 9 In all their distress He was distressed, And the angel of His presence saved them; In His love and in His mercy He redeemed them, And He lifted them and carried them all the ancient days. 10 But they rebelled And grieved His Holy Spirit; Therefore He turned Himself to become their enemy; He fought against them.Isaiah 63:8-10 (LSB) 

What is this biblical teaching on grieving the Holy Spirit? What is the context? The immediate context is found in Ephesians 4:17-32 within the larger context of a unified Body of Christ and how Christians are to live and interact within that…. Continue reading

Paul’s Prayer … And Ours

Bill Elliff, Graceful Truth

Paul did everything by prayer. Not some things or most things. The secret of his power and usefulness was that he was a man of such clear understanding and humility who knew he must pray without ceasing—prayer with no intermission.

He knew the battle was not against flesh and blood but that it was raging on all sides with every kind of demonic power, powers that can only be overcome by a man clothed in God’s armor and strength and praying at all times in the spirit (Ephesians 6:10-20)…. Continue reading

Witchcraft Sparkle for the Liberal Church

“The outside world needs to know that this is heretical Christianity, and that since the earliest times, the Church has confessed the Apostles’ Creed as the essence of the Christian faith, based on the eye-witness testimony of the original apostles and the teaching of Jesus.” 

(Peter Jones – truthXchange) The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, a conglomeration of Lutheran denominations, had over five million members when it was launched in 1988, joining three independent Lutheran confessions with nearly 10,000 congregations and 65 synods. But now, in spite of the word “Evangelical,” this union is in decline…. Continue reading

Tucker Carlson Destroys Mike Pence, Asa Hutchinson Campaigns. Who Came Out On Top?

“One can only imagine that Trump would have performed well in an interview with Tucker Carlson.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Earlier this week, we reported that Donald Trump was skipping the Family Leadership Summit in Iowa. Six presidential rivals showed up and had varying degrees of success and a lot of fireworks. Tucker Carlson in his first televised event since Fox News was tapped to do the interviews at the Family Leadership Summit which was broadcasted by Blaze Media. So how did the candidates perform? Ranked from worst to best, here they are. Continue reading

Portland ‘Trans’ Surgeon Mutilates Pre-Pubescent Children

“He says his procedures, which include robotics, are experiments, and he’s “figuring out what works.” In five to ten years, he’ll know more.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Daily Mail Online reported a horror story about a pink-haired surgeon in Portland who performs transition surgeries on pre-pubescent children. The doctor from Hell admits they face a lifetime of infertility, incontinence, and sexual dissatisfaction.

He deleted the video describing what viewers see as his evil and Nazi-style experiments. Continue reading

You Won’t (???) Believe What Disney Is Doing to Snow White

(Stephen Green – PJ Media) Disney is making a live-action version of Snow White, because of course they are, and the movie looks even worse and more woke than even my jaded self could have imagined because management has not yet finished relieving itself on the quality content produced in bygone eras.

The corpse of Walt Disney could not be reached for comment due to spinning so hard that it was last seen digging its way deep into the Earth’s mantle. Continue reading

Tucker reveals he took ZERO Covid vaccines…

(Revolver) Tucker Carlson unexpectedly broke major news just moments ago when he revealed he took ZERO experimental Covid gene therapy shots. Tucker is currently grilling GOP presidential candidates at the Family Leadership Conference in Iowa.

Tucker asked former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson how many experimental Covid gene therapy shots he has taken and how he feels about it in retrospect. The clearly uncomfortable Arkansas politician shot back, “How many did you take?” Tucker responded with one simple word: “ZERO.” The entire Iowa crowd cheered at Tucker’s revelation. Continue reading

‘The Chosen’ Director Says Jesus Transfiguration Not Important: ‘What Purpose Would it Serve our Story?’

(Protestia) ‘The Chosen’ Director Dallas Jenkins has responded to fans wanting him to include the transfiguration of Jesus in his hit TV show about the life of Jesus, saying he’s confused why fans would think it would be an important scene to show, particularly because it wouldn’t “serve our story.”

We’ve written about Jenkins in the past, with our posts Dallas Jenkins Says Mormons are Saved : ‘I’m Going to Die on That Hill’, as well as Dallas Jenkins Doubles Down on Controversial Mormon Comments, Straight up Lies and Dallas Jenkins Affirms Mormons are Christians in ‘Definitive, Final’ Video.’ Continue reading

Biden DOJ Deletes Vital Child Sex Trafficking Information From Its Website

“[The] Biden Administration is trying to hide the fact that its open border policies are in direct correlation to the sex trafficking of children.” 

(Sarah Arnold – Townhall) President Joe Biden’s Department of Justice quietly removed significant portions regarding child sex trafficking from its website as officials warn the violent sex crime is getting out of control in the U.S. 

Vital information on “International Sex Trafficking of Minors,” “Domestic Sex Trafficking of Minors,” and “Child Victims of Prostitution” have all been taken down, as well as a section warning that sex trafficking can involve “the cross border transportation of children.” Continue reading

‘That’s a Lie’: Whistleblower Demolishes FBI Director’s Story About Embedded Agents on J6

“I’d look him in the eye and tell him it’s a lie. He would have had to have violated his own procedures going back decades [not to have agents in the crowd].”

(Victoria Taft – PJ Media) An FBI whistleblower says FBI Director Christopher Wray lied in testimony before the Judiciary Committee on Wednesday morning.

George Hill, a supervisory intelligence analyst-turned-whistleblower who already gave statements to the Judiciary Committee and its chairman Jim Jordan, says Wray could not have believed he was telling the truth when he spoke about embedded agents in the crowd on January 6, 2021. Continue reading

Manservants Maidservants and Obedience

46 And Mary said: “My soul magnifies the Lord, 47 And my spirit has rejoiced in God my Savior. 48 For He has looked upon the humble state of His slave, For behold, from this time on, all generations will count me blessed. 49 For the Mighty One has done great things for me, And holy is His name.Luke 1:46-49 (LSB) 

Back in 2010 after John MacArthur published his book Slave, I read it and then wrote and posted several articles about it. In one of those articles, I posted something in which I focused on the Greek word δοῦλος which is translated as “servant” in most modern versions of the New Testament. However, it is best translated as a form of “bondservant” such as “manservant,” “maidservant,” or even as “slave.”… Continue reading

Why Costco Unleashing the ‘Death Star’ on Bud Light Is Even Worse Than You Think

“Costco buyers who never even heard of Bud Light’s marketing fail with He Who Shall Not Be Named will stop buying Bud Light, too, just because it isn’t there — but some other discount light beer is.”

(Stephen Green – PJ Media) It’s the logo that Costco shoppers dread: when the “Death Star” appears next to their favorite item, indicating that the discount retail giant won’t restock once current inventory has sold out…. Continue reading

Defending the Inspiration of the Whole of Scripture Against Modern Skeptics

(The Dissenter) The Word of God stands like a mighty mountain, steadfast amidst the shifting sands of human culture and philosophy. Yet, we see attempts at every turn to chip away at this divine edifice, to cast doubt upon its authenticity and to discredit its authority. Skeptics tirelessly assail its fortifications, seeking to find cracks in the walls, discrepancies in the testimonies, or contradictions in its messages. It’s a relentless endeavor to pit one part of Scripture against another, to create discord where there is harmony, and to cause confusion where there’s divine clarity. Continue reading

Tucker Carlson tells Russell Brand he was fired from Fox News right before revealing Jan 6 riot was ‘filled’ with feds

(Post Millennial) Former Fox News host Tucker Carlson dropped a massive bombshell during his recent guest appearance on the Stay Free podcast, telling show host Russell Brand that the crowd outside of the US Capitol at the time when riots took place on Jan. 6, 2021 was “filled with federal agents.”

American journalist Tim Pool discussed the revelation on Friday’s episode of Timcast IRL, noting that Carlson conducted an interview with former US Capitol Police Steven Sund, who was fired by then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi just after the Capitol riots.  Continue reading

The Story of Us: we preach not Jesus, but ourselves.

“Rather than focusing on Christ’s death, burial and resurrection as testified by a multitude of reliable witnesses and written in advance throughout the Scriptures, many Christians today have chosen to proclaim a different gospel entirely. This new and improved gospel is The Story of Us. This story is one that is perceived to be much more credible and effective than the story of Jesus, because, unlike the story of Jesus, it can’t be refuted. The end result is that we’ve inverted Paul’s statement in 2Cor 4:5—we preach not Jesus, but ourselves.”

(Shane Rosenthal) In her book, Spirituality for Dummies, Sharon Janis writes, “In a nutshell, spirituality relates to your own personal experience and relationship with the divine…Dogma can muddy the waters of a spiritual path.” Similarly, in his book Conversations with God, Neale Donald Walsch writes that “leaders, ministers, books, and even the Bible itself are not authoritative sources.”… Continue reading

Prominent Charismatic Says Famed Prophet Bob Jones Was a Time Traveler

Many Christians lack spiritual discernment; thus, they are unable to properly distinguish between true and false teaching. If you watch the video at the end you will see a wolf in sheep’s clothing telling his congregation a blatant lie because he knows these people will believe anything he says. We know from 1 Corinthians 2:15-16 that those who have spiritual discernment have the ability to distinguish truth from error, as “we have the mind of Christ.” Sadly, the people who attend this man’s church do not have the mind of Christ.

Now to Protestia’s piece:

Bobby Conner is a member of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE) and a member of the Harvest International Ministries apostolic network, chaired by NAR warlord Che Ahn. After 27 years as a Southern Baptist pastor, he founded Eagles View Ministries. Continue reading

Why Full Belief in the Whole Bible is an Essential Doctrine of the Christian Faith

“In light of this, to claim adherence to Christ and simultaneously reject the Bible’s authority in its entirety is a spiritual oxymoron. Christ’s voice is the Bible. It is His words, His teachings, His truths, revealed to mankind. If one believes in Christ, one must, by the same breath, believe and obey His voice—the Bible, in all its immutable fullness.”

(The Dissenter) An unsettling trend of disregard for biblical inerrancy and authority has swept through the modern church, ushering in an era of half-hearted fidelity to the Word of God. Popular false teachers like Andy Stanley, who spends the majority of his time belittling the Scriptures and caving to the demands of the modern pagan culture, have paved the way for the erosion of Scripture’s absolute authority…. Continue reading