Fear of Rejection in the Bible

“[Jesus] did not take a poll of what was popular before he began to teach; instead, he spoke truth that was often unpopular but could penetrate the heart. “I do not receive glory from people,” he said ( John 5:41). Even his opponents could see this: “Teacher, we know that you are true and teach the way of God truthfully, and you do not care about anyone’s opinion, for you are not swayed by appearances” (Matt. 22:16).”

(Edward T. Walsh) It might be encouraging to know that fear of rejection has been a problem for a number of illustrious people throughout history. For example, Moses warned the leaders and judges of Israel about this very thing (Deut. 1:17). He knew that people reverence the opinions of others, show favoritism, and honor some people above others because they fear rejection from those whom they consider important. Continue reading

Pastor at Center of ‘Regrown Toes Miracle’ Announces He’s Stepping Down

(Protestia) Two weeks ago, a woman attending James River Church’s faced scrutiny and worldwide skepticism after releasing a video claiming that three of her toes that were previously amputated were miraculously regrown during a healing service Bill Johnson was speaking at. Lead pastor John Lindell co-signed the miracle, recounting, “As the ladies prayed for Krissy over the next 30 minutes, all three toes grew, and by that point, were longer than her pinky toe. Within an hour, nails began to grow on all the toes.” Continue reading

Rosaria Butterfield Publicly Repents of Using Preferred Pronouns, Urges Others to do the Same

“Butterfield…had previously advocated for the use of such pronouns, but now acknowledges that it was sinful. In a statement, she said that using transgender pronouns was a sin against the ninth commandment, the creation ordinance, and image-bearing. She also stated that it discouraged progressive sanctification, falsified the gospel, cheapened redemption, and failed to love her neighbor.”

(The Dissenter) Rosaria Butterfield has been a vocal voice over the years in Evangelicalism as she, a former practicing lesbian, has been outspoken in Christian circles about biblical sexual ethics. Butterfield made a name for herself with her book, The Gospel Comes With a House Key, which advanced the idea of inviting sinners into your home to share the gospel with them. Continue reading

Laying It On Thick: Trump to Be Charged With 34 Felonies

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has apparently decided that as long as he is going to drive us into banana republic territory, he might as well put the pedal to the metal: he is reportedly planning to charge Donald Trump with not one, but 34, felonies. He has the flimsiest of cases, but it’s clear that the Leftist elites are not buying the widespread claims that this bogus arrest will hand the White House to Trump on a platter in 2024, and have opted to go all-out. Continue reading

Trump’s Legal Team Makes Its Move Following ‘Politically Motivated’ Indictment

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) Joe Tacopina, the attorney representing former President Trump, is set to announce a major development in response to Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg’s “politically motivated” indictment against his client.

Specifically, it was reported that Tacopina planned to file a motion to dismiss all charges against Trump on Sunday.

During an interview on CNN, Joe Tacopina stated that his legal team would thoroughly examine the indictment, scrutinizing every possible issue that can be challenged. Continue reading

Guilty of Christian Nationalism?

“In America, pagan nationalism shows up in the politicization of anti-biblical morals. Common moral binaries of the past, like normative heterosexual marriage and male-female distinctions, are denied. Instead of biblical morals influencing the policies of the nation, it is anti-biblical morality that is imposed on all, as is evidenced in the coming project of the [sexual] Equality Act, that will punish all who do not adopt the LGBT agenda.”

(Peter Jones – truthxchange) The latest critics of the Christian faith accuse Christians of being selfish, out-of-date, non-constitutional “Christian nationalists” who would impose all the Christian rules on everyone around them. Think Ku Klux Klanners parading through Washington, DC in the 1920s to defend “Protestant America.”…. Continue reading

Bud Light partners with trans activist Dylan Mulvaney for March Madness: ‘This isn’t a parody’

“The announcement was met with backlash with Twitter users describing the ad campaign as another attempt to push gender propaganda.”

(Fox News) Trans TikTok star Dylan Mulvaney was announced as the latest spokesperson for Bud Light in a pair of videos that were attacked on social media. The trans activist revealed on Saturday that the beer company sent packs of Bud Light featuring the influencer’s face as a way to celebrate the “365 Days of Girlhood” milestone Mulvaney recently reached. Continue reading

The Sex Cult of Dionysus Is Taking Over the Nation, and Most of the Church is Silent

The recent event at the Minnesota State Capitol building, where a drag show was held for Transgender Day of Visibility, has caused outrage and controversy.

(The Dissenter) The cult of Dionysus was a Greek mystery religion centered around the worship of the god of wine, fertility, and ecstasy. This cult involved frenzied dancing, music, and sexual rituals, particularly including homosexual practices among male worshippers…. Continue reading

Humility is the key to the Spirit-led walk

10 Listen, O daughter, give attention and incline your ear: Forget your people and your father’s house; Psalms 45:10 (LSB) 

As we become Spirit-led the Lord will enable us to do many good works. We will become much more adept at prayer than we used to be. We will be able to read the Bible and be able to see truths that used to go right over our heads. We will be able to help others see the truth. We will be able to obey our Lord and do wonderful things for His glory. However, there is a danger lurking for each of us as our faith is grown and deepened. Continue reading

Walking in Truth

1 How blessed are those whose way is blameless, Who walk in the law of Yahweh.2 How blessed are those who observe His testimonies, They seek Him with all their heart. 3 They also do not work unrighteousness; They walk in His ways.4 You have commanded us, To keep Your precepts diligently. Psalms 119:1-8 (LSB) Read verses 5-8 on the site.

Several years ago, before I retired and before I started working from home, I had a discussion at work with a co-worker about the upcoming publication of my book Walking the Walk by Faith and the contract I just received from my publisher for my 2nd book Possessing the Treasure…. Continue reading

Okay, I’m Done, End Tolerance of Child Abusing Freaks

“Stop this disgusting behavior of psycho freaks towards children.” Watch the videos!

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) The movement to seduce children sexually at a young age is very real and clearly observable. No more excuses. It’s psychotic, and supporting this in the name of tolerance is as extreme as it gets. The Left is corrupting young children. They’re taking the innocence of childhood and destroying it. More than that, they want to mutilate their bodies and put them on powerful medications. Continue reading

Hillsong Church All Laughter and Applause as Financial Scandals Addressed

7.  Large cash payment or gifts to false teachers under the guise of honorariums. TD Jakes and Joyce Meyers are the most notorious of the recipients, each receiving hundreds of thousands. Other false teachers associated with this scheme include Pricilla Shirer, Loui Giglio, and Carl Lentz.

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Hillsong Church has faced innumerable mounting scandals from their years of excess finally coming to account. The empire built by the Houston brand is crumbling as these scandals mount. Continue reading

Feds give pass to Stanford, Harvard Med for racial discrimination favoring blacks

The bigger problem is “race-based discrimination and sex-based discrimination are so widespread and systemic in higher education that new discriminatory programs, events, scholarships, quotas … are being introduced all the time,” meaning few realize they are illegal or even consider getting “legal clearance” from campus authorities.

(Greg Piper – Just the News) Much like Stanford Law School’s refusal to sanction or even identify students who knowingly and repeatedly violated its policies against disruption of guest speakers, the federal government shrugged in response to Stanford taking no action against a student government that violated the university’s funding conditions. Continue reading

Trump Supporter Found Guilty, Faces Ten Years in Prison for 2016 Anti-Hillary Meme

Mackey’s “conspiracy” was really quite simple. While the language the Department Formerly Associated with Justice used sounds quite weighty and conjures up images of Mackey meeting in dark rooms with other sinister figures to plot ways to sabotage voting machines or prevent people from being able to enter polling places, what they’re really talking about is a meme.

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) Donald Trump has been indicted, essentially for the crime of being Donald Trump and opposing the Left’s total hegemony over everything. But as Trump himself has often warned, they’re not really after him, they’re after us, and he is just in the way…. Continue reading

Faithfulness in the Fires of Tribulation

33 Who will bring a charge against God’s elect? God is the one who justifies; 34 who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us. 35 Who will separate us from the love of Christ? Will affliction, or turmoil, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? Romans 8:33-39 (LSB) Read Romans 36-39 on the site.

Many years ago, probably over 30 years ago, I was serving as a deacon in our church and my wife and me were hosting a small group in our home on Sunday evenings. I have fond memories of that time. One of the couples in that group was a husband and wife who were probably about 10 to 15 years older than my wife and me…. Continue reading

How to ‘contend for the faith’ while we take care of ourselves and others in this fight

“We should correct them once and twice, but if they persist in ungodliness and unbelief, we should have nothing more to do with them (Titus 3:10–11). We must separate from these unbelievers and not be in their midst (2 Thes 6:14–7:1). We should mark who they are and consciously avoid them (Rom 16:17–182 Tim 3:5). We should neither let them into our houses nor wish them well on their way (2 John 10–11). If they persist in their false teaching, we should even pray that God would righteously curse them forever (Gal 1:8–9).” 

(David Huffstutler) Jude’s purpose for his letter his clear: “I found it necessary to write appealing to you to contend for the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints” (Jude 3).

What is “the faith that was once for all delivered to the saints,” what does it mean to “contend” for it, and why do we need to do so? Continue reading

‘Trans Day of Vengeance’ Canceled

“It is a cult. One that has massive social capital and resources. It is a cult based on a social contagion targeting the emotionally vulnerable with techniques and psychological tools that actively foster depressive mental patterns. It is a cult that makes a public suicide pact. They destroy their bodies in the pursuit of becoming the opposite gender. They change their names and pronouns and claim that if you use their given name — the one their parents gave them at birth — you are “deadnaming” them…”

(Emmy Griffin – The Patriot Post) Saturday, April 1, was intended to be April Fools’ Day the “Trans Day of Vengeance,” but the “it’ll be peaceful we swear” protests in DC were called off by the organizers due to what they claim were “credible threats” against the community. Continue reading

Rainbow Jihad Declared on Christians, Conservatives

(Protestia) In the wake of a demonic trans girl murdering six people at the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee, what some are calling a Rainbow Jihad against Christians has been discovered. Prominent LGBTQ groups and even powerful liberal politicians have been calling for violence against anyone who opposes their disgusting agenda. Just hours after the shooting, a high-ranking staffer in Arizona Governor Katie Hobb’s administration named Josselyn Berry tweeted a GIF of an actress holding two revolvers with the caption, “Us when we see transphobes.” Continue reading

Will You Be Next?

Constitutional scholar Jonathan Turley argued that the case against Trump is so weak it “would be easily dismissed outside of a jurisdiction like New York, where Bragg can count on highly motivated judges and jurors.”

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) It finally happened. On Thursday, Soros-funded Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg got the indictment that so many on the political left have been pining for ever since Donald Trump ran for president in 2016. Since then, Trump has had a target on his back, with unhinged leftists desperately trying to find a crime to pin on him. Continue reading

Jan. 6 rioter ‘QAnon Shaman’ Jacob Chansley secures early release from prison to halfway house

“Footage from the Capitol obtained by Fox News host Tucker Carlson shows Chansley being escorted around the building by Capitol Police officers. At one point, at least nine police officers were seen close to Chansley, and none of them slowed him down.”

(Chris Pandolfo – Fox News) Jacob Chansley, the Navy veteran and Jan. 6, 2021 rioter dubbed the “QAnon Shaman” for his infamous horned costume, has been released from prison to a halfway house, according to his lawyer. Continue reading

O’Keefe’s First Video Uncovers Massive Money Laundering Scheme Into Political Campaigns

“You’re listed as someone who’s given over 31,000 individual contributions to various causes for a total of $230,000, using your name and this address,” O’Keefe said, questioning him. “No, that’s not us,” said Mr. Riggs.

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) In James O’Keefe ‘s first video with O’Keefe Media Group (OMG), he exposes what appears to be a Democrat (Act Blue) money laundering scheme of campaign funds. He went door-to-door as himself with one of his assistants. The scheme uses the names and addresses of elderly people. Continue reading

Poll: Support for Traditional American Values, Patriotism Declines

(Katherine Hamilton – Breitbart) The percentage of Americans who say patriotism, religious faith, family, and other traditional American values are “very important” is on the decline, a Wall Street Journal-NORC poll found.

Support for every traditional American value included in the poll has receded since 1998 besides “money,” which has grown in importance. The data also shows young people and Democrats tend not to highly rank traditional American values as much as older adults and Republicans. Continue reading

‘The Chosen’ Sets Former DreamWorks Exec Mark Sourian As President Of Production, Will Serve As Foundation For Bible-Based Entertainment Universe

“Right away, I could tell that there was a real emotional connection that Dallas [Jenkins] had to the material. And the more that I got to know Dallas and the more that he talked rather secularly, frankly, about the show, referencing shows like The Wire and West Wing, that really intrigued me in terms of making me feel like, ‘Wow. Really, truly, this is a guy who has a vision, and this is a show that is an elevated show, and a show that isn’t trying to proselytize, and is something different than what’s been out there before.” 

(Mark Sourian – Deadline) The largest fan-supported entertainment project of all time, Dallas Jenkins’ The Chosen is an episodic drama series about the life of Jesus Christ (Jonathan Roumie) and the calling of his initial disciples. The crowdfunded show available via Angel Studios’ website and app, as well as its own dedicated app, has been translated into more than 50 languages, garnering over 510M views across 175 countries…. Continue reading

Julie Roys Promotes Transgenderism, Apologizes For ‘Mislabeling’ Nashville Shooter

“There is no such thing as a transgender man, as transgender is not a category of man. Nor is transgender a category of woman. Interestingly enough, many in conservative media accurately improved their reporting by stating that Audrey Hale was “a woman who identified as transgender.” Yet this consistency ought to be maintained.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) No issue quite reveals the inadequacy of modern journalism quite like that of transgenderism. Despite the logical inconsistencies of the ideology. You can tell how reliable an outlet is based on this issue. And very few major outlets outside the mainstream media are good on this issue…. Continue reading

Serving Jesus Christ in the midst of apostasy

1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, 3 and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you heard was coming and now is in the world already. 1 John 4:1-6 (LSB) Read verses 4-6 on the site.

It is one thing to confess Christ or profess to be a Christian and quite another to live and walk before the face of God within that confession or profession in obedience to God and His Word. There are so many in our time who claim to be Christians, but whose lives are marked by them speaking and living according to the world and its ways…. Continue reading