Race Everywhere

“As the world becomes ever scarier, Americans must—as Benjamin Franklin once warned—hang together, or most certainly they will soon all hang separately.”

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) Recently an unarmed 29-year-old African American, Tyre Nichols, was brutally beaten to death by five black Memphis police officers. They were charged with murder. All belonged to a special crime unit known as the Scorpions.

Both the victimizers and victim were black. The Memphis police chief is black. The assistant police chief is black. Continue reading

Hitler, Tojo, Putin, and Xi

“The difference now, of course, is nukes. The major powers have the ability to destroy the planet. Thus, armed conflict is exceedingly perilous.”

(Bill O’Reilly) Eighty years ago, the bloodiest battle in human history ended. The German army surrendered to the Soviets at Stalingrad. More than one million human beings were killed in six months of fighting along the Volga River.

The defeat ended Hitler’s totalitarian expansion, and 28 months later, he committed suicide. Continue reading

The Federal Government Is Tracking Unvaccinated People Who Go To The Doctor And To The Hospital Due to CDC-Designed Surveillance Program

(Patrick Howley – National File) The U.S. federal government is tracking people who decided not to get the COVID-19 vaccine injection, according to bombshell federal government records and video exclusively obtained by NATIONAL FILE. According to the shocking video, unvaccinated people are quietly tracked when they go to the doctor’s office or to the hospital due to a quiet new program proposed and implemented by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Government meeting materials make clear that the new program is designed to “track people who are not immunized or only partially immunized.”

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Worldly Wisdom vs God’s Absolute Gospel Truth

1 But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. 2 And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned. 3 And in their greed they will exploit you with false words, their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep.2 Peter 2:1-3 (LSB) 

I worked for many years as a computer programmer and database developer. There are many developers who are team people who are not very creative, but their proficiency at coding makes them very useful in working on very large applications where the work is divided up along functional lines…. Continue reading

‘Little to no difference’: Massive mask meta-study undermines remaining COVID mandates

In the community, mask-wearing “probably makes little to no difference” in either influenza-like or COVID-like illness (0.95) or “laboratory-confirmed” infections of either virus (1.01). While the confirmed-infections finding had a much wider confidence interval, the team called both these results “moderate-certainty evidence.”

(Greg Piper – Just the News) An international research collaboration that reviewed several dozen rigorous studies of “physical interventions” against influenza and COVID-19 through last year failed to find even a modest effect on infection or illness rates from masks of all qualities. Continue reading

Gamers, parents shocked after popular kids video game promotes new transgender ‘top surgery scar’ update

“In May 2022, “The Sims 4” issued an update to the game that allowed players to select “they/them” pronouns for non-binary characters.” 

(Jeffrey Clark – Fox News) A video game series that is marketed to children is coming under attack for its recent update allowing characters to have double mastectomy scars and chest binders.

“The Sims 4,” which calls itself “the ultimate life simulation game” on its website, announced Tuesday that it would allow players to give characters “top scars” that come from breast removal surgery. Continue reading

Medical Watchdog Launches Campaign to Protect Children from ‘Transgender’ Contagion

Photo credit Amazon.com

“The procedures themselves can lead to physical impairment, including a lack of bone strength and brain maturation, and the loss of fertility. Gender transitioning’ prior to maturation can lead to sexual dysfunction, including atrophy and necrosis of genital tissue, chronic pain, incontinence, and the inability to orgasm.”

(Breccan F. Thies – Breitbart) Medical advocacy group Do No Harm is launching a nationwide campaign to “educate policymakers and the public on the disastrous consequences of the unproven and often harmful practice known as ‘gender-affirming care.’” Continue reading

Dr. Jha: ‘The Goal Is to Build a Very Different New Normal with Equity…at the Heart’

“During a ’60 Minutes’ interview in September, Biden said the COVID emergency was over. Biden’s people quickly pulled it back. There is a reason. The goal is a new normal with Marxist equity.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Now that The World Health Organization claims the pandemic is not over, Joe Biden has some sketchy support to continue moving the goalpost, and he has. Biden has a more important goal – to build a very different new normal.

As an aside, AFL sued the Biden administration and HHS for selling out US sovereignty over pandemic responses to the WHO. Continue reading

Christian Media Runs Cover For Andy Stanley

“None of this compromise is new. And while its great that Stanley’s longstanding compromise is getting the coverage it needs, aside from online discernment ministries, it’s not getting the coverage it deserves. Andy Stanley is a false teacher, and Christian news reporting needs to be clear on this.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Every now and then, it’s good to take stock in the victories of discernment ministries. Truth be told, we put Andy Stanley on blast for his views on homosexuality. Andy Stanley would be in a shortlist of most influential pastors in America. Truth be told, I attended a church heavily influenced by Stanley for a couple of years, and as a believer, I always felt that something wasn’t right…. Continue reading

Bethel Pastor Says God Places His Faith in Us, Wants to Fulfill Our Dreams and Desires

“The latest fiction to come from the lips of these charlatans is that for whatever reason they could come up with, God “trusts” the desires of men.” 

(The Dissenter) What you’re about to hear really shouldn’t sound all that crazy, particularly coming from a man who says Jesus barged in on him while he was laying naked in the bathtub and told him what his destiny was going to be. I mean, if you’re that close to God, then it follows that God will do anything for you—including placing his faith you. Continue reading

Pro-Life Activist and Father Raided by FBI Found Not Guilty of Federal Charges

(Catherine Salgado – PJ Media) A 48-year-old father and Catholic pro-life activist who was raided by the FBI and arrested for supposedly assaulting an abortion worker was cleared of federal charges of violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act on Monday. While the FBI continues to ignore Joe Biden’s illicit hoarding of classified documents, it aggressively targeted Mark Houck. Fortunately, in this case, the feds did a big FACEplant. Continue reading

Works righteousness is man’s default religion

13 But go and learn what is the meaning of this; I desire mercy and not sacrifice, for I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners. Matthew 9:13 (translated from the NA28 Greek text)

Works righteousness is man’s default religion. The Jews mostly misunderstood the Old Testament sacrificial system. The point of the sacrifice was the taking away of sin and the pointing to the perfect sacrifice that would come in Christ, but most had turned it into a form of works righteousness. Continue reading

Exposing The Gospel Coalition’s Liberal Bible Commentary On Creation

Usually theological liberals try to argue that there are two creation accounts, that days should be translated as eras, or some sort of God-guided Darwinian evolution. The Gospel Coalition instead argues that the entire seven-day framework is an analogy. They are not answering the question of seven days or seven eras, they are denying them entirely, writing them off as a “literary analogy.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Last month, The Gospel Coalition unveiled an incomplete commentary on the Bible, a work that they were fundraising to complete. Tim Keller, on of the founders of The Gospel Coalition is an avowed theistic evolutionist. We knew there would be problems with this commentary. Unsurprisingly, the problems begin on page one, or Genesis 1. Continue reading

SBC Megachurch Will Require Its Members To Sign Statement Opposing Transgenderism, Homosexuality

“The statement, called the The First Baptist Statement on Biblical Sexuality available on the church’s website—which the church is now requiring every member to sign no later than March 19 for continued membership—reads…”

(The Dissenter) It’s not always that we get to report a positive movement within the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC). As of late, we’ve been reporting a lot on one Florida SBC megachurch that seems to continue to slide closer and closer to fully embracing homosexuality. That church is First Baptist Church Orlando which is pastored by David Uth. Continue reading

‘Transmedicalism’ and the Fracturing of the LGBTQ+++™ ‘Community’

“Someday, when the dust settles and freely investigating and discussing the pathologies of the LGBTQ+++™ “community” is no longer off-limits in academia, sociologists are going to have a field day with the subculture.”

(Ben Bartee – PJ Media) The LGBTQ+++™ “community” appears to be terminally stricken with internal strife. First came the TERFs v. trans flame war, which centered around whether objective biological reality exists at all or “trans women are women” simply because they say so. It got ugly, and the Harry Potter lady (an avowed TERF) basically lost her career over it. Continue reading

EXCLUSIVE: SECOND Hunter Biden Email from Laptop WITH CLASSIFIED INFORMATION Uncovered – Hunter Shared with Ukraine Business Colleagues

“A second email on Hunter’s laptop shows that Hunter Biden had access to classified information and used it to the Biden family’s financial advantage.”

(Joe Hoft – The Gateway Pundit) The Biden crime family made millions in Ukraine performing nefarious and criminal activities including espionage.

TGP reported on Thursday that the Bidens were using classified information to the benefit of the Hunter Biden family business. Continue reading

What does it mean to be alive in Christ?

7 But have nothing to do with worldly fables fit only for old women. On the other hand, discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness; 8 for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but godliness is profitable for all things, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:7-8 (NASB) 

In the passage above (1 Timothy 4:7-8) the Apostle Paul used the Greek noun εὐσέβειαν (eusebeian) in v8, which is translated here as “godliness.” What is godliness? The noun eusebeian in this context is the accusative, singular, feminine case of εὐσέβεια (eusebeia), which describes the condition of devotion and piety toward God…. Continue reading

UN Pushing New Age Spirituality on Schoolchildren With SEL, Neuroscience

Dr. Singh…was also a key speaker at the 12th World Confluence of Humanity, Power, and Spirituality, which claims that its logo, “through its different representations, serves humanity by making them aware that the final aim for all human beings is the path to enlightenment.” Contrast that with the Westminster Catechism’s biblical argument that the chief end of man is to “glorify God and enjoy Him forever.” In an interview, Singh said, “in my mind, the significance of these [global spirituality] conferences is simply this, that we realize the essential unity of all religions.”

(Alex Newman – The New American) Weaponizing public schools for sinister purposes, an obscure United Nations institute is quietly working to transform education worldwide to impose radical political and spiritual values and beliefs on children. It is all happening under the guise of “social-emotional learning,” or SEL, a scheme hatched at a New Age organization whose founder and namesake was a follower of Lucifer Publishing Company chief Alice Bailey.  Continue reading

Pfizer Issues a Doublespeak Non-Denial Denial of Directed Evolution

“Pfizer did not deny Jordan Walker’s statements about possible future research. They did not deny that Walker was their employee. Pfizer didn’t address a single thing he said.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) We covered the Project Veritas story of the Pfizer executive, Jordan Trishton Walker and posted the video of a drunk Walker telling his prostitute date that Pfizer is considering using directed evolution, mutating the COVID virus to develop future vaccines. Pfizer has finally issued a statement of denial that doesn’t deny anything Mr. Walker said. Continue reading

Exclusive! Andy Stanley’s Children’s Ministry Led by Pro-LBGTQ+ Activists

Andy Stanley photo by Protestia

(Protestia) Not only did Andy Stanley participate in a private, shocking Q&A where he offered some heretical hot takes on homosexuality, but for years one of his children’s ministries has been promoting and partnering with pro-LBGTQ+ organizations.

Debbie Causey is a long-tenured pastrix at North Point Community Church and the director of their Care network of ministries. Years ago, after her son came out as gay, she wrote the book The Big Reveal: Loving Your LGBTQ+ Child While Strengthening Your Faith, which details her experiences handling her son’s revelations…. Continue reading

All Scripture is God-breathed

16 All Scripture is God-breathed and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, 17 so that the man of God may be equipped, having been thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 (LSB) 

Over the years that this blog has been online I have received numerous negative comments from people that I have never allowed to be posted. Why? It is because those who made those comments either do not bother to follow the rules clearly posted, which are assiduously enforced, or they have failed to read them…. Continue reading