CRN articles about Students
- Does Teaching Bible in Schools Make Kids More Moral and Mentally Healthy?
- Judge Jeanine Destroys Leftist Jessica Tarlov in Epic Takedown Over the Dems Failure to Educate Public School Children
- Trump Setting Stage to Suspend or Even Ban COVID Vax
- This Race Is Close Only Because the Public Education Indoctrination Mill Has Succeeded
- Palestinian Thugs at UCLA Shut Down My Scheduled Speech. Now, YAF Is Suing.
- The Ten Commandments Should Be Taught In Classrooms, Not Just Hung On The Wall
- World’s largest children’s books publisher releases radical ‘LGBTQIA+’ guide targeting K-12 children
- Federal Appeals Judge Rules Parents Can’t Opt Children Out of Sexualized LGBTQ Propaganda in Public Schools
- Victor Davis Hanson on the Bud Lighting of the Elite Colleges
- U.K. Orders Schools Not to Teach ‘Gender Identity’
- Donors, Parents, and Taxpayers Can Fight College Social Activism
- Victor Davis Hanson and the Dumb Kids in Ivy Leagues
- Columbia Students Will Reap the Consequences
- What the pro-Palestinian protests are really about
- Frat Boys Launch Their Own Intifada Against Pro-Hamas Radicals on Their Campuses
- We Surrendered Higher Education to the Left
- Of the 300 Pro-Hamas Agitators Arrested at Columbia, Most Weren’t Students
- WATCH: War at UCLA as Pro-Israel Vigilantes Storm Palestine ‘Encampment’ Overnight
- The Treachery Behind the Protests
- ‘Coming to a Theatre Near You:’ Dershowitz Warns Columbia University Protesters ‘Will Become Terrorists’
- Yeah, They Might Wanna Rethink This: Columbia University Protesters Proclaim ‘We Are Hamas’
- Gen N: The Narcissist Generation
- ‘Trans’ Student With ‘Hit List’ Sends Student to Hospital
- Pinch Me, I’m Dreaming: Florida to Communism-Proof Schoolchildren
- Government-Funded Database Labels Pro-Life Organization As ‘Terrorist Group’
- Marxism: It’s Why We Can’t Have Nice Things — Like an Education
- It Needs To Stop
- I’ll Vote for Anyone Who Promises to Nuke the Dept. of Education
- What Happened To The Asbury Revival?
- Wheaton College Fires Back After Fox News Accuses Them of Being Woke, But Were They Right?
- Haters Hosting After School Satan Clubs Say They Aren’t About Satan. Don’t You Believe It.
- Border-Jumpers Are Pushing American Kids Out Of School All Across The Country
- California’s Goal: Trans Every Child
- Has Hitler Won On The Left?
- Our Razor’s Edge
- Direct Action Campaign Calls Out Pro-Hamas Campus Hate Groups
- CRT, Genocide, and the Importance of Christian Universities
- The Rot on American Campuses Stinks More Every Day
- Here’s the Real Reason Why So Many American University Students Hate Israel
- For True Evil, Look Not to Israel or America but to Communism