Andy Stanley, Referring to Himself as ‘Theologically Conservative,’ Defends Rick Warren Against the SBC

“Trying to make it sound like the only reason Rick Warren ordained women to the pastorate was for “tax benefits,” he then goes on to start his diatribe against Southern Baptists and defense of Warren…” (The Dissenter) As we’ve reported … Continue reading 

Rick Warren Says: ‘Your #1 Purpose in Life is to Let God Love You’

(Protestia) As braggart Rick Warren adjusts to the post-2023 SBC general meeting, where Saddleback church was disfellowshipped for allowing women preachers, he spends much of his days whittling away on Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), that bastion for spiritual scoundrels and … Continue reading 

Is Rick Warren A False Teacher?

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Horse) Richard Duane Warren, commonly known as Rick Warren, is an American Evangelical pastor, author, and speaker. Born on January 28, 1954, in San Jose, California, he is widely recognized for his influential contributions to … Continue reading 

Breaking! Rick Warren Loses Vote. Saddleback Church Is Officially Disfellowshipped from the SBC

(Protestia) It’s official. Despite Rick Warren making a 3-minute appeal to the convention before the final votes were cast- a nasty and tragically problematic speech that resulted in him getting cut off when he went over his time, nearly 12,000 … Continue reading 

Rick Warren Can’t Stop Insulting Southern Baptist Laity: ‘Angry Fundamentalist,’ ‘Legalist Showmen’ ‘Angry Fighters’

(Protestia) As braggart Rick Warren faces the gallows at this week’s 2023 SBC Annual Meeting- his church set to be defeated and personally disfellowshipped for possessing multiple lady impastors in contravention to the BFM2000- he continues to take potshots at … Continue reading 

Rick Warren Publishes Open Letter in Gay-Affirming Publication Pushing Women Pastors in SBC

“That Rick Warren or other Southern Baptists would dare to brush off such a clear biblical mandate is to flirt dangerously with apostasy, to willfully cast aside God’s revealed will for His Church.”  (The Dissenter) In an unsurprising display of … Continue reading 

Rick Warren Casually Lies About John MacArthur in Russell Moore Interview

“Warren is a liar, and his deceit should surprise no one.” (Protestia) It doesn’t take much to remind ourselves how catastrophically bad a preacher and teacher Rick Warren is. Famous for peddling to the church the poison and spiritual strychnine that … Continue reading 

False Teacher, Rick Warren Becomes First ‘Honorary Chancellor’ of Spurgeon’s College

“Rick Warren’s Purpose-Driven philosophy is a subtle yet insidious danger to biblical Christianity. It replaces Christ-centered living with self-focused purpose-finding, a move that not only deviates from but directly opposes the teachings of Spurgeon. This is not a mere divergence … Continue reading 

Rick Warren Says Denying Women the Pastorate is Racist and Saddleback Will Appeal Disfellowship to Fight the ‘Inquisition’

“Rick Warren is just fine teaching people things under the authority of scripture that he is not confident are actually correct. One wonders which of Warren’s teachings he is okay being uncertain about – could he be wrong about the … Continue reading 

Rick Warren Tells Russell Moore There are Hundreds of Interpretations of ‘Women Pastors’ Passages

“…putting women in the pulpit is a gross violation of a clearly laid out command in multiple places in Scripture and to argue that women can be pastors is just as rebellious as arguing that homosexuals can be Christians.”  (The … Continue reading 

Southern Baptist Convention Boots Rick Warren’s Saddleback Church for Ordaining Women to the Pastorate

(The Dissenter) Last year, Saddleback Church, a Southern Baptist megachurch formerly pastored by Rick Warren, made headlines after Warren ordained three women to the pastorate at his church. Warren justified his actions by pointing to Acts 2:17-18 which has nothing at all to … Continue reading 

Rick Warren, Francis Chan, and the Kansas City False Prophets to Join Asbury ‘Revival’

“And these are all the people who are headed to Asbury University next week to conduct a huge false prophet festival.”  (The Dissenter) If the Asbury revival we’ve been covering wasn’t a false movement before, there is no doubt that … Continue reading 

Rick Warren Suggests He Did Better Than Jesus, Brags He Baptized 57 Thousand People

(The Dissenter) Upon perusing a recent discourse with the “highly-esteemed” former pastor of Saddleback Church, Rick Warren, I was struck with a sense of familiarity, as if I were listening to none other than the notorious and boastful Donald Trump … Continue reading 

Rick Warren Delivers Final Sermon As Pastor of Saddleback Church

“Well as you know, today is my last message to you as your senior pastor for 43 years,” he said. “It’s been my privilege to love you, pray for you, serve you, encourage you, stand by you…” These words, however, … Continue reading 

Rick Warren Rebukes the SBC for Daring to Remove his Church over Ordaining Women

Watch the video. Check out the tweets. (Protestia) Rick Warren made a surprise appearance and the SBC 2022 convention and spoke for several minutes, uninterrupted, using his time to list all his accomplishments as the largest Southern Baptist church in … Continue reading 

Meet Rick Warren’s Replacement—He Sounds Like JD Greear and Ed Litton on Homosexuality

“Rick Warren is a complete and total apostate false teacher with absolutely no qualifications to teach or preach the Scriptures.” (The Dissenter) In 2019 and in 2020, both former Southern Baptist Convention presidents, Ed Litton and JD Greear made headlines … Continue reading 

Irony: Rick Warren decries hypocrisy, commercialized faith

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Perhaps the most influential pastor in the last thirty years is Rick Warren. This is not because of Rick Warren’s theology or teaching. Rather, Rick Warren is a church growth guru and his Purpose … Continue reading 

Rick Warren promoted churches to fight a pandemic at World Economic Forum in 2008

(Capstone Report) Southern Baptist pastor Rick Warren told the globalists of the World Economic Forum (WEF) how to use the church as a partner during a pandemic or similar emergency. Warren promoted the use of free church volunteers and as a … Continue reading 

Woke Author Tells Rick Warren’s Wife: Make ‘Racial Justice’ Part Of Your Church Membership Process

“If we’re talking about a congregational level, your church has to vocally, publicly, and in a sustained way pursue justice.” (Protestia) It seems that ever since Ibram X. Kendi, author of the NYT bestseller How to be an Anti-racist, tapped … Continue reading 

Rick Warren Suggests Pastors Who Open Their Churches are Egotistical, Wearing Masks is ‘Loving Your Neighbor’

“The Bible says ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The most practical way right now you can love your neighbor as yourself, wear a mask. Okay? And to not wear one basically says, ‘I don’t care about you, or I don’t … Continue reading 

Rick Warren’s ‘Purpose Driven’ theology is built upon a false gospel

Warren also affirms the pope. Bible-believing Christians understand without controversy that the pope of the Roman Catholic Church is a deceiver, a liar, and an enemy of God. Yet, leave it to Rick Warren to refer to him as “Holy … Continue reading 

Shortly After Ordaining Women Pastors, Rick Warren Announces His Retirement

“The problem with a man-centered church like Saddleback is that the church is bound together by a celebrity pastor rather than by the blood of Christ. This is why Warren’s church would have fallen apart; because the church is devoid … Continue reading 

Rick Warren, Bad Theology, and the Evangelical Dance with Quid Pro Quo

“But there is another Latin expression you should know. It’s one that you have likely never heard before. But it is an important one: Si igitur hoc, quod. It means, if this, then that.” (Ed Dingess – Reformation Charlotte) The … Continue reading 

In Historic First, Rick Warren’s SBC Megachurch Ordains ‘Women Pastors’

(Protestia)  The second-largest Southern Baptist Church in the world has proudly announced that they have chosen to ordain their first three women pastors, ending 40 years of having only men as elders and repudiating their former convictions that the office … Continue reading