About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

Supreme Court strikes down Biden’s multibillion dollar student loan forgiveness plan

(Charlotte Hazard – Just the News) In a landmark ruling with implications for the 2024 election, the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 on Friday that the Biden administration does not have the authority to unilaterally cancel hundreds of billions in student loan debt.

The ruling was a major rebuke of President Joe Biden’s political efforts to court young voters with large college debts, and sets a fresh battle ahead of the next presidential election. It also was the latest of several major court rulings that chided the administration for trying to impose regulatory powers that Congress did not give the executive branch. Continue reading

They finally debated RFK Jr. on vaccines and it did NOT go well for ‘the science’…

(Revolver) RFK Jr. made a powerful appearance at a News Nation town hall recently where he went head-to-head with the so-called vaccine “science.” By the time he was done, the “science” was in pieces. And the real kicker was his approach — RFK Jr. was both smart and persuasive, likely hitting home with more everyday people than the media would dare to admit. The 13-minute video is a must watch.

News Nation:

RFK Jr.: ‘Anti-vaccine’ moniker is ‘way of silencing me’

The Democratic hopeful pushed back against claims that he’s anti-vaccine and said labeling him as such is just a way of “silencing” him. Continue reading

Tucker Carlson Makes Chilling Prediction About 2024

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) In the latest episode of Tucker on Twitter, former Fox News host Tucker Carlson made a rather bold prediction about the 2024 election.

Carlson pointed out that the recently released WhatsApp messages from Hunter Biden to his Chinese business partner proved that Joe Biden was involved in (or at the very least knew about) Hunter Biden’s influence-peddling schemes. He called the messages a “smoking gun” that “would have been enough to cripple a normal president, would have been more than enough to keep a normal president from running for office again,” yet they had “virtually no effect on Joe Biden.” Why? Continue reading

Good News: The Disney Death Spiral

“What is actually the issue, however, is that Disney decided to use its position of trust as a beloved film company primarily targeting children to push an ideological agenda that is anti-family. Parents simply aren’t going to pay for trashy indoctrination.”

(Emmy Griffin – The Patriot Post) The last few movies that Disney has released have lost the company close to a billion dollars. With the new Indiana Jones movie coming out on Friday, it is anticipated the deficit will only rise. Continue reading

Google Withdraws Sponsorship from Drag Show Starring ‘Peaches Christ’ Following Petition by Christian Employees

(Lucas Nolan – Breitbart) The New York Post reports that woke tech giant Google has withdrawn its backing from a drag show in San Francisco, a decision that came in the wake of a petition signed by hundreds of its employees who claimed the event was a “direct affront to the religious beliefs and sensitivities of Christians.”

Google, known for its support of LGBT events, found itself in a tricky situation when it decided to remove the “Pride and Drag Show” from its yearly lineup of LGBT Pride events. This move was prompted by Christian employees who were unhappy with the main performer, drag artist “Peaches Christ.” Continue reading

Supreme Court rules against affirmative action, in favor of religious liberty

(John Solomon – Just the News) The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday issued multiple major decisions, including a ruling against using affirmative action in the college admissions process and another unanimous ruling in favor of a Christian whose beliefs prevented him from delivering packages on Sundays.

The Students for Fair Admissions filed two cases dealing with affirmative action against the University of North Carolina and Harvard. Continue reading

Butchered Children of ‘Gender-Affirming Care’

Father injecting his trans child with hormones.

“They will be on pills for life as well. Detransitioning often leaves children scarred, infertile irreversibly, and with something worse than dysphoria, a deformed body.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Biden’s administration has condemned depriving children of puberty blockers and transition surgeries. Biden calls it “immoral,” and both he and KJP call the children of the nation “our children.” If so, when will they support my children, and can I set up play dates with Joe? Continue reading

Preston Sprinkle Tells Tim Keller That Jesus Didn’t Use Theology, He Just ‘Loved’ Homosexuals Into the Kingdom

(The Dissenter) Everybody knows the theological argument that homosexuals and their allies use to justify their sinful behaviors and to rebuke those who believe that homosexuality is incompatible with Christianity. Essentially, the argument goes like this: Jesus ate with sinners.

Yep, that’s it. That’s the argument, and whether they like theology or not, it’s a theological argument—albeit, a terrible one.

We would expect, however, a theologian as seasoned as the late Tim Keller to know better though, and when presented with such a terrible argument, we should expect him to at least offer some pushback…. Continue reading

NBC News says LGBT activists chanting ‘we’re coming for your children’ is ‘taken out of context.’ Come peek at the brutal fact checks and replies.

“They’re happy knowing that what they are doing, performing their drag schtick and sexual fetish in public, is grooming kids to be more open to sex. This allows predators to more easily access their prey.”

(Harris Rigby – Not the Bee) NBC News says LGBT activists chanting “we’re coming for your children” is “taken out of context.” Come peek at the brutal fact checks and replies.

The “coming for your children” chant has been used for years at Pride events, according to longtime march attendees and gay rights activists, who said it’s one of many provocative expressions used to regain control of slurs against LGBTQ people. Continue reading

They’re Not Victims

“You, Mr. and Ms. drug user, contribute nothing to this country. You cause pain by committing crimes and ignoring your responsibility as productive human beings.”

(Bill O’Reilly) The United States has lost its way. But you knew that. We are living in a time where personal responsibility means little. And a vivid example of that is people who consume hard drugs.

How dare you? Your behavior has led to millions of deaths. You, yourself, are at grave risk and, depending on your addiction level, are worthless to society. Continue reading

House Oversight Committee Just Went Nuclear on ‘the Bidens’

Richard Nixon said in the early days of Watergate that “People have got to know whether or not their president is a crook.” Little did Americans know when they voted for him that Biden was being paid by the other team. They deserved to know then and deserve to know now “if their president is a crook.”

(Victoria Taft – PJ Media) Hear that? It’s the sound of a nuclear information bomb being dropped on the Biden family. It’s so loud that even the mainstream media can’t ignore it. Continue reading

How Evangelical Leaders Have Co-opted ‘Loving Your Neighbor’ to Distort the Gospel

“Biblical love doesn’t avoid uncomfortable truths but instead, confronts them with grace, always seeking to lead individuals towards repentance and salvation.”

(The Dissenter) The biblical commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself” is a cornerstone of biblical Christian ethics and teaching since the beginning of time. It is an instruction that, according to Jesus Himself, encompasses and summarizes a vast array of the other commandments. In essence, loving our neighbor demonstrates a heart that is close to God and, leads us to a path of selflessness, service, and sacrifice. Continue reading

The Importance of Training Children in Biblical Apologetics From a Young Age

“Apologetics is not merely a supplemental aspect of our children’s Christian education, but an integral part of it. It enables them to engage with the world confidently, standing firm in their convictions even when they are challenged. It equips them to be not just passive consumers of their faith, but active defenders and ambassadors of it.”

The nature of faith, and specifically Christian faith, is such that it is not simply an accessory to life, casually picked up or set aside as one’s whims dictate. It is a fundamental structure, a foundation upon which life’s decisions, choices, and worldviews are established. Yet, our children are growing up in a world that is increasingly secular, a world where faith, particularly Christian faith, is confronted by relentless challenges and lured by alluring, yet damning ideologies—from evolution to radical feminism to the LGBTQ movement. Continue reading

CISA, Big Tech, Others Conspire to Censor Americans

CISA must be reined in, as must the Biden Administration’s “whole-of-government” approach to social media censorship. Every American has the right to express his or her opinion online, and to receive information from others. Government classifications of opinions as “misinformation” or “disinformation” do not nullify the First Amendment’s guarantees.

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) CISA, Big Tech, and government third parties  conspired to censor Americans. It’s against the law for the government to censor the people. The report confirms Just the News and the Twitter Files reporting. Continue reading

The Big Money Donors Behind the Attacks on Conservative Supreme Court Justices

“The same Sandler Foundation that ‘made ProPublica possible’ with an astounding $40 million also gave $500,000 to Demand Justice, a ‘dark money’ court packing group that spearheaded smear campaigns against Justices Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett.”

(Rick Moran – PJ Media) The coordinated and sophisticated attacks on conservative Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas are no accident. This is a deliberate campaign to tarnish the reputation of justices and delegitimize their decisions in the eyes of citizens. Continue reading

Disney’s Star Wars Hires Transgender YouTuber for Major Role in Upcoming Series

Disney “cast transgender ‘non-binary’ actress Zoe Terakes in a key supporting role in the Marvel series Ironheart just days after the show also cast drag queen Shea Couleé, an alumnus of RuPaul’s Drag Race.”

(Cassandra MacDonald – Gateway Pundit) Abigail Thorn, a biological male who identifies as a woman, has been cast in the new series The Acolyte as Ensign Eurus.

“Non-binary” actress Amanda Steinberg has been cast as the lead role…. Continue reading

Michael O’Fallon Removed From G3 Ministries Board

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) G3 Ministries has been under a lot of pressure as a result of their vehement opposition to Christian Nationalism. In much of their argument against Christian Nationalism, they relied on arguments from James Lindsay, a Christian-hating atheist to oppose brothers in Christ and employing woke tactics such as labeling Stephen Wolfe racist for complimenting white Evangelicals. As it would turn out, amidst the controversy surrounding Christian Nationalism, G3 Ministries would quietly remove Michael O’Fallon from their board of directors. Michael O’Fallon is the founder of Sovereign Nations and New Discourses, the latter of which spreads woke views on gender. Continue reading

Should We Ever Assume Mormons are Saved?

(The Dissenter) In an age of information overload and media consumption, the influence of popular culture on our perspectives and beliefs cannot be overstated. It’s not uncommon for prominent figures within the public sphere to shape or even reshape our understanding of faith and theology, subtly or overtly. Consider the charismatic television personality and political commentator, Glenn Beck, a known Mormon, whose engaging persona and conservative viewpoints have won him a considerable following. He often weaves his religious beliefs into his rhetoric, thus subtly introducing Mormon theology to the broader conservative audience. Continue reading

With new evidence, Congress unmasks a multi-year government plot to protect Biden, sully Trump

“There were investigations open that should not have been opened. There were Americans being spied on, officials of a political campaign for president were being spied on, just based on political preferences of those in charge. And we cannot have a system where political bias gets in the way of what the head of the FBI or with the leaders of the FBI, are directing or deciding.”

(John Solomon – Just the News) When the Justice Department discovered from journalists a storage locker containing evidence against ex-Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort, a search was executed immediately.

But when IRS agents found a similar storage area containing evidence in the Hunter Biden criminal tax probe, they were denied the right to search despite meeting the probable cause standard, then Biden’s lawyers were tipped off, according to new congressional testimony. Continue reading

Confirmed: Intel Top Dogs Knowingly Lied When They Said Hunter’s Laptop Was Russian Disinformation

“Also signing the letter were three more of the heaviest hitters in Washington’s intelligence establishment: Michael Hayden, former Director of the CIA, as well as of the NSA; another former CIA director, Leon Panetta, who also served as Secretary of Defense during the Obama administration; and a third former CIA director, John Brennan, who also served as White House Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Advisor and Director of the Terrorism Threat Integration Center.”

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) It was bad enough that 51 of the nation’s top intelligence officials declared in Oct. 2020, at the height of the presidential campaign, that Hunter Biden’s laptop “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.” But now the flagrant dishonesty of the whole affair has gotten exponentially worse, for any lingering doubt that these officials had access to adequate information when they published their assessment has been put to rest…. Continue reading

A Biblical Perspective in the Preeminence of Scripture in Christian Politics

“The preeminence of Scripture in the life of a Christian, including in the political sphere, cannot be overstated. As Paul declares in 2 Corinthians 10:5 (ESV), “We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.” This is our mantle, this is the standard we uphold, and this is the course we must faithfully tread as believers navigating the complex arenas of politics and social policy.”

(The Dissenter) As we traverse the complex pathways of modern politics, we encounter an ever-changing terrain of ideas, values, and movements, each vying for prominence in our socio-political landscape. Emblematic of this dynamic is the growing popularity of progressive thought which finds its place on issues as diverse as economic policy, civil rights, and bioethics…. Continue reading

Vanguard Church Dares SBC to Disfellowship

“There is no scientific basis to Meyers Briggs or Enneagram, nor should they be employed within the church for any reason. Moreover, they are employed by Ivy League universities as tools of discrimination (see Harvard). And Spiritual Gifts Test are equally unscientific.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) The passage of the Mike Law amendment at the SBC 2023 convention, paired with the disfellowshipping of Fern Creek and Saddleback (or Brokeback) Church has sent a warning shot across the denomination to the egalitarians within…. Continue reading

Kevin McCarthy Supports Efforts to Expunge Donald Trump’s Impeachments

“I’m proud to work with Chairwoman Elise Stefanik on our joint resolutions to correct the record and clear President Trump’s good name,” Green said.

(Jordan Dixon-Hamilton -Breitbart) House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) announced his support of House Republicans’ efforts to expunge both of former President Donald Trump’s impeachments.

“Yeah, because, look, I voted against both impeachments,” McCarthy told reporters on Friday when asked if he supports expunging both of Trump’s impeachments. Continue reading

PCA Passes Overture Condeming Sex-Changes For Children by 58% to 42% Vote

“Though that sounds very close, many Presbyterians opposed it not because they supported sex changes for children, but because they disagreed that it was the church’s role to petition the government over matters of public policy.”

(Protestia) The theologically conservative Presbyterian Church in America had its General Assembly last week where they passed Overture 12: Petition Government to End Sex-change Procedures for Minors. The script calls for the denomination to petition the Biden administration to “renounce the sin” of encouraging and entrenching ‘gender-affirming care’ like puberty blockers and surgical intervention in minors. Continue reading

Science v. Ideology: 36 Climate Models Overestimated Warming in U.S. Corn Belt

“Climate change alarmism has been a convenient fraud for governments to increase their power and control, even while their demands hurt the economy, create power grid crises…and seem likely to make people poorer. It’s all about control, not about science. “Science” is just the propaganda cudgel used to shut down any debate.”

(Catherine Salgado – PJ Media) Facts don’t care about your fear-mongering. In an outcome completely foreseeable after 50+ years of failed climate predictions, it seems that a whopping 36 climate models overestimated warming in America’s Corn Belt — by a lot. Continue reading