About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

A Reality Better Than a Wish List

“In our sin and sorrow, we default to wishlist thinking, but Jesus never did. We question our Father’s character and work—but Jesus trusted his Father unto death. We are weak, but Jesus obeyed in perfect strength. And those who look to him in faith are united with him in his righteousness. This is good news!…”

(Amy Tyson) I love Christmas. Glowing tree lights illuminate sentimental ornaments, candlelight glints on red berries—everything gauche and shiny and celebratory. Christmas books adorn the coffee table. My long-suffering family endures endless repetitions of “Carols from St. Paul’s Cathedral.” There’s meal planning, card sending, and gifts. Continue reading

Are Universities Doomed?

“Eventually, even elite schools will lose their current veneer of prestige. Their costly cattle brands will be synonymous with equality-of-result, overpriced indoctrination echo chambers, where therapy replaced singular rigor and their tarnished degrees become irrelevant.” 

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) In a famous exchange in the The Sun Also Rises, Ernest Hemingway wrote: “How did you go bankrupt?” Bill asked. “Two ways,” Mike said. “Gradually, then suddenly.”

“Gradually” and “suddenly” applies to higher education’s implosion. Continue reading

Expert in Kari Lake election suit: ‘No doubt’ she would have won without Maricopa Election Day chaos

(Natalia Mittelstadt – Just the News) Election modeling expert Richard Baris said Thursday in the Kari Lake election lawsuit that his projections showed as many as 40,000 voters were disenfranchised over Election Day chaos in Arizona’s Maricopa County, causing him to “have no doubt” that she would’ve won the gubernatorial election had there been no problems at polling centers.

Baris is the final witness for Lake in the scheduled two-day trial for her election lawsuit. Continue reading

ABC News Journalist Breaks Her Silence, Reveals She Developed Heart Condition Due to Covid Vaccine

“Even ABC reporters are now risking being labelled “anti-vax” by speaking the truth. Of course, the ABC itself is wilfully ignoring it, even when one of its own staff is a victim.”

(Jim Hoft – Gateway Pundit) A reporter for ABC News Australia has broken her silence after suffering a heart condition following receiving the COVID vaccination.

Eleni Roussos, a journalist in the Darwin ABC newsroom and also the presenter of ABC’s flagship 7 PM News in the Northern Territory revealed that she developed pericarditis after receiving her first dose of Pfizer Covid vaccine, describing it as “a living hell.” Continue reading

Federalist Editor Goes Scorched Earth on Mitch McConnell

“So long as Mitch McConnell is the top elected Republican in D.C., eagerly trashing Republican voters, vociferously advocating for Democrat policy goals, pushing $1.7 trillion Democrat spending packages, and weakly fighting for whatever Republican goals he can be bothered to pursue, Republicans have a major problem. This is beyond obvious,” 

(Matt Vespa – Townhall) Federalist Editor-in-Chief Mollie Hemingway has had enough of Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY). She is not alone—McConnell’s antics during the 2022 midterms are cause enough for new blood in the leadership…. Continue reading

Franklin Graham Gives Christian Music Star Amy Grant a Reality Check Straight from the Bible After Her Gay Wedding Announcement

She implied that “those afflicted with homosexual urges should not feel any kind of conviction to repent and turn from their sin so long as they believe that they are ‘loved.’”

(Jared Miller – The Western Journal) God’s Word admonishes us many times that one cannot serve both God and man.

James 4:4 states, “You adulterous people! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Therefore whoever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.” Continue reading

Walking on the Emmaus Road At Christmas

(C. R. Carmichael – The Sacred Sandwich) Would you walk with me as we travel through this holiday landscape towards Christmas just as two disciples once found themselves on the road to Emmaus?

Perhaps, like those like-minded travelers, we are a little dazed and confused by the events of the season where Jesus Christ has been removed from much of the social scene and replaced with non-offensive symbols, empty traditions and generic spirituality. Oh, sure, Jesus is still remembered from time to time, but the figure of Christ that the world puts before our eyes is often so distorted that we do not even recognize Him anymore. Continue reading

TRAITORS: Meet the Senate Republicans Who Voted to Advance Massive Omnibus

“The Republican senators who betrayed their own party include…”

(Todd Starnes) Twenty-one Republican senators voted with Democrats to advance a massive omnibus spending bill without reading a single page of the 4,000+ page legislation.

American taxpayers will be forced to cover the $1.7 trillion spending bill that includes billions of dollars in money for Ukraine and millions of dollars to build a walking trail named after Michelle Obama in Georgia. Continue reading

Any Unchecked Sin Is Ruinous

(Justin Huffman) I was thinking this past week about cases where a person who has been a professed believer, maybe even a well-known Christian leader, falls into public sin or even apostasy, walking away from the Christian faith. Sadly, there have been many such cases in the news lately.

We often think, and maybe even say, afterward that in hind sight there were some tendencies we could see in that person’s life that led to their eventual demise: Continue reading

The Rise of the Tribes

“After extensive historical analysis, here’s my conclusion: the country is changing fast, spurred on by personal division. We are back to the 1850s; there are two Americas now.”

(Bill O’Reilly) In the run-up to the Civil War, Americans divided themselves into two tribes: the first, championed by Abraham Lincoln, swore fidelity to the Constitution, believing the federal government and Supreme Court had the ultimate say in how we, the people, were governed. Continue reading

Most Americans Don’t Know How Bad the Border Crisis Is

“…just as extraordinary has been the decision by many major media organizations that what is happening on the border is no big deal. In particular, major television news networks, with the notable exception of Fox News, have virtually pretended that the crisis was not happening.” 

(Byron York – Townhall) This week could mark the most consequential development on the U.S.-Mexico border since January 2021, when President Joe Biden essentially opened the nation’s doors to millions of illegal border crossers…. Continue reading

Amy Grant And The Pitfall Of Being Liked By The World

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) The story about Amy Grant and her plans to host a homosexual wedding are a grave warning to believers. Amy Grant achieved both fame and esteem in the world through contemporary Christian music (CCM). Yet she also became spiritually compromised during the process. This is an all too common phenomenon among Christian celebrities.

It can be discouraging to believers to see celebrities they thought shared their faith go down a dark path. And perhaps we are in need of some edification for when we see these events happen. Continue reading

12 Woke Earmarks in Omnibus Spending Bill….that will infuriate you

House Appropriations Chairwoman Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn.,  bragged that the omnibus “fulfills 98% of Democratic member requests in the House, with $5.4 billion for 3,213 Democratic projects.”

(Matthew Dickerson – Daily Signal) Congressional leadership released a massive $1.85 trillion “omnibus” spending bill early Tuesday. This 4,155-page bill is filled with woke policies to advance the Left’s extreme agenda to remake America using your tax dollars. Continue reading

Feds lost track of 150k migrants due to Biden’s ‘no processing’ policy, training video shows

“Customs and Border Patrol reported encountering a record number of 2.4 million migrants last fiscal year.”

(Madeleine Hubbard – Just the News) Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials lost track of 150,000 migrants that entered the United States due to the Biden administration’s “no processing” immigration policy, a training video from the federal agency shows. Continue reading

Maricopa County Judge Allows Two of Kari Lake’s Complaints to Proceed to Trial

(Athena Thorn – PJ Media) Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Peter Thompson ruled Monday night that two of Arizona Republican gubernatorial contender Kari Lake’s election complaints will proceed to trial.

Kari Lake tweeted: BREAKING: Our Election Case is going to trial. Katie Hobbs attempt to have our case thrown out FAILED. She will have to take the stand & testify. Buckle up, America. This is far from over. Continue reading

An Open Letter to Christian Parents About Protecting Children from the Public School Indoctrination Camps

“The public school system has been overtaken by and is used by progressive activists as a platform to promote liberal ideologies and viewpoints, which conflict with the values and beliefs we should be teaching our children at home.”

(The Dissenter) Dear Christian Parents: I am writing to urge you to consider removing your children from the public school system. I understand that this can be a difficult decision, but it has become one that is necessary in order to protect your children from the harmful and aberrant sexual propaganda, as well as the liberal indoctrination, that is becoming increasingly prevalent in public schools. Continue reading

Florida Panhandle Deputies Seize Enough Fentanyl to Kill 800K

“Fentanyl overdoses in Escambia County increased by 80% in 2021, killing nearly 300 people.”

(Charlie McCarthy – NewsMax) Sheriff deputies in the Florida Panhandle recently seized enough fentanyl to kill 800,000 people, a local TV station reported.

Five warrants at five Escambia County homes uncovered 1,600 grams of fentanyl — enough to kill everyone in northwest Florida, WEAR reported. Continue reading

FDA Links Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine to Blood Clots, But…

(Matt Margolis – PJ Media) The mainstream media certainly won’t want to talk about this, but according to the FDA, Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine has been linked to blood clots in older people.

After analyzing data from a database of senior citizens in the United States, FDA experts determined that pulmonary embolism (lung blood clot) satisfied the initial threshold for a statistical signal and maintained that status after further analysis, reports The Epoch Times. Continue reading

SBC Megachurch Worship Service Features Willy Wonka, Flying Santa, Lyrics About Vodka, and No Jesus Christ

(The Dissenter) As many times as we’ve written about this circus in South Florida that calls itself a church for its lavish displays of secular paganism, nothing should surprise us anymore. But the fact that this entertainment venue continues to associate with the Southern Baptist Convention and the Southern Baptist Convention continues to fellowship with them, it’s worth pointing out that they are continuing to decline into absolute apostasy. Continue reading

Vatican kicks pro-life activist priest out of clergy, alleges ‘blasphemous communications’

(Anders Hangstrom – Fox News) Father Frank Pavone, a firebrand pro-life activist who has stirred controversy over the issue within the Church, was removed from the Roman Catholic priesthood this fall.

Pavone was officially removed from the clergy on November 9 following receipt of a letter from Pope Francis’ representative in the U.S., according to the New York Times. The letter ordered that Pavone was to be removed with no possibility of appeal. Continue reading

Amy Grant Plans To Host a Gay Wedding

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Amy Grant is the queen of contemporary Christian music and known for hits like “Baby Baby,” “Breath of Heaven,” and “Find A Way.” She is also known for being one of many CCM artists who is seriously compromised Spiritually. Her position on the issue of homosexuality and transgenderism has been well documented as not biblical, but recently she dialed this up to eleven.

Earlier this week, Amy Grant was receiving honors from the Kennedy Center who declared her the queen of Christian music in an award ceremony…. Continue reading