About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

Rosaria Butterfield Blasts Tribalistic ‘Gay Christians’ + ‘Side B’ Revoicers

“Tribalism is infectious and poisonous, and it leaves a wake of division in its path. It destroys the peace and purity of the church and produces false professions of faith as well as unstable Christians held captive to destructive sin patterns. Tribalism falsifies the blood of Christ.”

(Protestia) Rosaria Butterfield is the author of The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert and The Gospel Comes With a House Key. She’s one of the main go-to people for Christian leaders to point to as an example of the power of the gospel on account of being a lesbian Women’s Studies professor who was saved and having her sexuality redeemed. She ultimately married a man, had a family and turned aside from her wayward ways- being a shining success story in an ocean littered with failures. Continue reading

Yale Professor Emeritus on the Biggest Pandemic Lie – Treatment

“The officials rejected all treatment options, claiming only a vaccine could save us.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Steve Deace, a Blaze TV show host, asked Dr. Harvey Risch about the biggest COVID lie in the past 29 months. He immediately went to treatment for the disease and one medication in particular.

Dr. Harvey Risch said the biggest lie is the FDA page on Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). It has been up for two years. “It’s a fraud,” he said. Continue reading

Behind Closed Doors: American School Counselor Association Conference Exposed

“The conference, ironically named “No Limits,” put a heavy focus on the controversial gender theory that is leading to the mutilation of healthy kids by money-hungry surgeons. Many of these kids are left with a lifetime of suffering from botched procedures and the crippling effects of puberty blockers, like bone deterioration and stunted growth….”

(Megan Fox – PJ Media) The group Courage is a Habit is making waves. Alvin Lui, founder of the movement to educate parents on the threats to children from woke cultists, bought a ticket to the American School Counselor Association conference this year and recorded the whole thing. And it’s a good thing he did. Continue reading

Disney and NBC Team Up to Promote Pro-Abortion Films

“Stacy Smith, founder of the AII, said the overturning of Roe v. Wade  prompted them to create the new grant.”

(Micaiah Bilger – LifeNews) Walt Disney World, a company founded to bring joy and entertainment to children, now openly supports the killing unborn children in abortions.

Townhall reports Disney, NBC Universal, Google and other companies have partnered with the University of Southern California Annenberg Inclusion Initiative (AII) to encourage college students to create films promoting abortions. Continue reading

Albert Mohler Says That Christians who Vote for Democrats are being ‘Unfaithful’ + ‘Voting Wrongly’

(Protestia) Albert Mohler has gone off on Christians who choose to vote for Democrats in the coming election, or do not vote at all, calling anyone who does so ‘unfaithful; and ‘voting wrongly’. He made these comments at the 2022 ‘Pray, Vote, Stand Summit’ this past week, setting off a firestorm of critiques from the usual suspects.

“Every single election matters. But every single election is followed by the next one. And faithfulness now is absolutely necessary and frankly, just given the temporality of life, we’ve got to give primary attention to faithfulness right now. 2022 in the United States means votes matter…. Continue reading

More FBI Agents Assigned to Hunt White Supremacists Than They Can Find

“The FBI administrators come up with a profile of who they think a white supremacist might be, and then they tell agents to go investigate them without evidence of a crime. For example, if they fly a Gadsen flag, have lots of guns, and home-school their children, they might be a white supremacists.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Current and former FBI agents spoke to The Washington Times, telling them that the threat of White supremacists is overblown. The administration pressures the FBI agents to create domestic terrorist cases out of whole cloth. They have to meet internal metrics. Agents are given a profile of what the higher-ups think a white supremacist might be and then tell the agents to investigate them. Continue reading

Beth Moore Heads Preaching Conference at Gay-Affirming ‘Christian’ University

Baylor launched a website on sexuality last week which appears to take a softening stance on homosexuality. The website states that it is “committed to providing a caring, loving and supportive community for students in all aspects of their lives, including the development of their sexuality.

Beth Moore is one of Evangelicalism’s foremost progressive activists who has used her platform to advance some of the most godless ideologies in the Church which are contrary to the doctrines taught in Scripture…. Continue reading

Tim Keller Peddles ‘Biblical Critical Theory’

“The real question that Watkin and Keller should be asking is, “Why should Christians be engaged in the practice of syncretizing a Biblical worldview with the many godless ideologies of the world.” Believers have a duty to answer the world’s questions through the sufficient words of scripture, but Christians should never expect that scripture will satisfy the carnal desires of a fallen world that is bent against God.” 

(Paul Brown) Flip-floppers went from pedaling social justice-aligned books like Jamar Tisby’s The Color of Compromise to denying that Critical Race Theory was actually being used in churches and seminaries to indoctrinate Christians into Marxist ideologies that contradict the gospel…. Continue reading

‘The Truth About Ivermectin’: The Motives Behind the War on Life-saving Medicine

“For the first time in my entire career, I was not able to be a doctor,” Dr. Paul Marik, the most published intensive care specialist in the world, testified in the U.S. Senate. “I had to stand by idly … watching these people [my patients] die.” Continue reading

Greg Abbott Sends Two Busloads of Immigrants to Kamala Harris’s Home

More than likely, the move will be written off by the media, social, and political elites as a stunt. But DeSantis and Abbott are not staging stunts. They are staging demonstrations. Not demonstrations as in “Let’s burn down this convenience store in the name of social justice,” but demonstrations as in “Do you see what other people in the nation are dealing with because of your policies and positions?”

(Lincoln Brown – PJ Media) Texas Gov. Greg Abbott just made Kamala Harris’s job easier. As you may know, Joe Biden made Harris his immigration czar. And Harris has done very little beyond touching down for a brief whistle stop in El Paso and assuring the nation that the southern border is secure. Continue reading

CDC Did Not Monitor Safety of the Vax in 2021 As Claimed

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Rochelle Walensky, the Director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), acknowledged publicly that the agency gave false information about its COVID-19 vaccine safety monitoring.

She admitted that her agency claimed it was robustly monitoring safety in 2021 but only began to do so from March 2022.

The Epoch Times first reported the story.

Continue reading

Wake Up Church! If This Doesn’t Tick You Off, Nothing Will. Youngest ‘Transgender’ Model Ever

You must watch the short video to the end so you will see this child’s parents.

(The Dissenter) Judgment begins in the house of God. The Church has been largely silent on the transgender movement plaguing the nations. Spearheaded by leftists like Russell Moore and David French (who says that abnormal sexual behavior is a “blessing of liberty”), aberrant sexuality is consuming our children, our nation, and our world. Continue reading

They Knew Extremists Were Coming to DC on J6

“The Cheney Jan. 6 committee went on a witch hunt and ignored all of this evidence that showed serious intelligence failures under Nancy Pelosi’s watch. Pelosi is responsible for Capitol security.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel} As early as December, there were multiple warnings of radical groups planning to riot at the Capitol building on Jan. 6. The warnings were ignored completely. Continue reading

New Durham bombshell: FBI paid Russian accused of lying as a confidential informant against Trump

“The revelation means that the FBI first fired former MI6 agent Christopher Steele, the author of the Hillary Clinton-funded dossier, as a human source in November 2016 for having unauthorized contacts with the news media. And it then turned around a few months later and hired Steele’s primary informer to work with the bureau even after determining some of Danchenko’s statements in the Steele dossier were uncorroborated or exaggerated.”

(John Solomon – Just the News) In a bombshell revelation, Special Prosecutor John Durham revealed Tuesday in court filings that the FBI paid a Russian businessman as a confidential human source in the investigation of Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign even though it had prior concerns that businessman was tied to Moscow’s intelligence services. Continue reading

What We Are Witnessing is Sodom and Gomorrah on a Worldwide Scale

“Sexual immorality was the last and final, and clearly the most egregious form of rebellion against God, that served not only as the catalyst to God’s judgment but as part of the judgment itself. To summarize the judgment presented in Romans 1, rebellion against God begins to manifest in seemingly insignificant ways, namely, the refusal to honor and acknowledge Him.”

(The Dissenter) In Genesis 19, God sent two angels to the city of Sodom where they were greeted by Lot and urged to take shelter at his home rather than in the midst of the city. The two angels, who were sent in the form of men, decided to stay with Lot. Later that evening, the militant LGBTQ community of Sodom surrounded Lot’s home and held a Pride festival, demanding that Lot and his household not only tolerate them but celebrate and participate in their movement. Continue reading

Responding to the Leaven of Revoice

“Why should Christians be concerned that the Nashville Statement is under attack by a major Revoice leader? You may think Revoice is a distant concern or that the Nashville Statement is not the best or most robust response to the issues facing the church in the 21st century. But let’s not miss the forest for the trees—there is something sinister at work here that Christians need to see.”

(M.D. Perkins) On August 29, 2022, Nate Collins, the founder and president of Revoice, decided to attack the Nashville Statement. His Twitter thread, posted on the five-year anniversary of the Statement’s release, called on all evangelical leaders who signed it to repent for having done so…. Continue reading

The recipe for a Democrat October surprise

A year ago, I would have thought this scenario impossibly absurd.  I also never thought an ex–U.S. president’s home could be raided by the FBI, or a current president could make such a hateful, incendiary, and shall I say “semi-fascist” speech.

(Andrew Thomas – American Thinker) Start with one divisive presidential speech accusing 74 million voters of being enemies of the state.  Add two Marine guards against a blood-red background for flavor.  Whip up the base.  Stir in a large pool of resentment and bring to a boil.  Sprinkle in a large contingent of FBI operatives to mix with low-intellect stoned bloggers living in repair shop basements and calling for civil war. Continue reading

Yes, the Devil is Real

(Jared C. Wilson – For the Church) A couple of years ago, when I was doing a round of interviews for my book The Gospel According to Satan, one question I repeatedly encountered took be aback: “Do you really believe in the devil?”

In our post-Christian, largely irreligious age, it certainly doesn’t go without saying. Plenty of people do believe there’s such a thing as evil, that there are indeed actions that are morally wrong, but fewer and fewer believe there’s any kind of personality behind this evil…. Continue reading

‘LGBTQ History Month’ CANCELLED after parental backlash in Miami-Dade

“Students are required to learn about “The history of the United States, including the period of discovery, early colonies, the War for Independence, the Civil War, the expansion of the United States to its present boundaries, the world wars, and the civil rights movement to the present.”

(Hannah Nightengale – The Post Millennial) A school board in Florida has rejected a measure that would have designated the month of October as LGBTQ History Month following backlash from parents. Continue reading

Anti-White Hatred Laid Bare With Elizabeth II’s Death

“At the end of her reign, Britain has been totally transformed. Its former Christian decency, which the queen represented so well, has been lost. What little remains cannot last while Britain lacks the self-respect to defend its (actually good and rather impressive) history.”

(Matthew Boose – American Greatness) Queen Elizabeth II never ventured into politics, but in death, almost inevitably, it seems, she has been dragged into the undeclared racial hostilities of our time. Souls warped by grievance and envy are ghoulishly dancing on her grave and mocking the “white tears” of her people. Continue reading

Biden’s 9/11 Speech Was an Ominous Socialist Dogwhistle

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) Old Joe Biden’s 9/11 speech at the Pentagon Sunday was a predictable mélange of false piety, feigned emotion, and paper resolve. The world will little note nor long remember what he said there, and deservedly so. And to his or her credit, the ostensible president’s speechwriter resisted the temptation to go even lower than usual and liken supporters of Donald Trump to the 9/11 hijackers. This was not, however, due to some sudden restoration of patriotism and fair play in the Biden White House; a decision was apparently made to cloak the attack on half the nation in more subtle tones than those Joe employed in his disgraceful black-and-red speech of September 1. But the attack was unmistakably reiterated. Continue reading