About Marsha West

Marsha West is the owner and managing editor of Christian Research Network, Apprising Ministries (the late Ken Silva’s blog) and On Solid Rock Resources. She is also co-founder of Berean Research. For two decades Marsha was the owner and managing editor of Email Brigade website as well as the EMB News Report, a bi-weekly email report for conservative people of faith. For many years Marsha was a regular contributor to several blogs including CRN, RenewAmerica, News With Views and Web Commantary as well as popular websites she no longer endorses: American Family Association, Worldview Weekend, Stand Up For The Truth, The Christian Post and Christian Headlines. Although Marsha still blogs, her primary focus is CRN. Marsha also writes Research Papers (White Papers) on various topics that are published on CRN, Berean Research and On Solid Rock Resources. Visit Marsha’s other sites: On Solid Rock Resources https://www.onsolidrockresources.com/ Apprising Ministries http://apprising.org Marsha’s RenewAmerica Column http://renewamerica.com/columns/mwest Marsha’s Facebook Page http://facebook.com/marsha.west.77

Barna Survey: Only 4% of Executive Pastors have Biblical Worldview+ Why This Is

(Protestia) In a new nationwide survey released by George Barna for the Arizona Christian University, it’s revealed the majority of Christian pastors do not have a biblical worldview, with the Executive Pastor having the lowest that is on par with the culture at large.

Barna defines “biblical worldview” as believing that absolute moral truth exists; the Bible is totally accurate in all of the principles it teaches; Satan is considered to be a real being or force, not merely symbolic; a person cannot earn their way into Heaven by trying to be good or do good works; Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth; and God is the all-knowing, all-powerful creator of the world who still rules the universe today. They explain: Continue reading

Re-Colonizing America

“There can be no doubt that something wicked this way comes and that it is coming soon. It seems that Paul Revere must ride again at electoral midnight or the Republic is lost to the militant aggression of the Democrats and their enablers…”

(David Solway – PJ Media) So through the night rode Paul Revere; And so through the night went his cry of alarm To every Middlesex village and farm,— A cry of defiance, and not of fear…  Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

First, we had the Spygate scandal, the Russia collusion hoax, the counterfeit impeachments, a rigged election (as no sentient and honest person can doubt), an open border to ensure a future Democrat voting bloc, and a Soviet-style show-trial resulting from a so-called “insurrection.” Next, the former president’s home was raided by the FBI on patently false pretenses, presaging a possible indictment. Now we learn that Joe Biden will supplement the IRS with 87,000 additional armed agents. Continue reading

‘Toxicity’: U.K. stops recommending COVID vax for pregnant women

“…the documents show that by August 2021, Pfizer and the FDA knew the vaccines were not safe and effective but rolled them out anyway.”

(Art Moore – WND) Amid the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s slow-rolling of data on the risks of the COVID-19 vaccines, the British government is recommending against pregnant and breastfeeding women receiving the shots. Continue reading

Project Veritas Exposes More Left-wing Indoctrination in Education at Prestigious NYC Private School

“I don’t hide how I feel, but I can’t pretend I’m [not] promoting an agenda even though I clearly am with all the stuff I’m doing.” 

(James Murphy – The New American) Project Veritas, the watchdog organization specializing in undercover videos exposing nefarious actors in politics and culture, dropped the second video this week exposing left-wing indoctrination in education. On Thursday, the prestigious Trinity School NYC and its director of student activities, Jennifer Norris, were targeted as Norris was caught on camera bragging about peddling her left-wing activism to students in the name of “education.” Continue reading

‘Uncle Tom II’ uses neglected cell phone video to expose violent side of BLM media ignored

“It’s a great time to be a filmmaker who wants to work outside of Hollywood,” he says, citing emerging platforms like SalemNOW, which is distributing his film, along with features from The Daily Wire and, most recently, Breitbart News via the Sept. 7 release of “My Son Hunter.” The latter is a seriocomic look at Hunter Biden’s brazen behavior.

(Christian Toto – Just the News) Director Justin Malone wasn’t sure his indie 2020 hit “Uncle Tom” merited a sequel.

Less than two years later, Malone’s team had four-plus hours’ worth of material for a second installment. Continue reading

Biden and the Dems Are Skipping Straight to the Final Stage of Socialism

“Now that Joe Biden is out in the open about criminalizing his opposition and brooking no dissent, we can skip here in the United States right to the final stage of socialism. We have the entrenched deep-state bureaucracy, and we have the dementia-ridden septuagenarian puppet in charge, so we’re all set.”

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) In Marxist theory, the final stage of socialism is true communism, when everyone shares of his or her resources equally, the state withers away, and true justice finally dawns upon the earth. We never have seen that stage and never will, because Marxism is rancid pseudo-religious hogwash that runs directly contrary to human nature…. Continue reading

David Platt’s Church Holds Class With Book Written By Pro-Abortion Obama Staffer

McLean Bible Church will be offering a class based on this book which Platt’s church says will help them “understand civic and cultural engagement as a way to obey Christ’s call to love our neighbor, but to do so with both love and trust-compassion and conviction.”

(The Dissenter) A prominent Obama campaign staffer tied to Russell Moore, the ERLC, and The Gospel Coalition, has proposed a federal law legalizing abortion up to 15 weeks. Who is Michael Wear? Continue reading

Ivermectin: 100% Rate Reductions in Hospitalization & 92% in Mortality from COVID-19

Ivermectin was mocked by the media, even politicians and doctors, for its use with horses.

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) A peer-reviewed study first posted in mid-July shows that regular use of ivermectin as a preventative works against COVID-19. Ivermectin costs $.50 a tablet.

The authors of the study determined that regular use of ivermectin led to a 100% reduction in hospitalization rate. It showed a 92% reduction in mortality rate, and an 86% reduction in the risk of dying from COVID-19 when compared to non-users. Continue reading

Biden Echoes Sentiments of Southern Baptist Leader Who Called MAGA Republicans “Whores”

“This is where we’re at—not only as a nation, but as the Church. When our church leaders sound identical to the wicked leaders of our nation, how do we respond as the Church? Why do we continue to allow these men to blaspheme God and disparage His bride?…”

(The Dissenter) In case you missed it, United States dictator, Joe Biden, with an ominous red Hitler-like background, announced that the “greatest threat” to this nation as “MAGA Republicans” and vowed to fight them. Continue reading

Christian Leaders Repudiate Branch Covidianism With Frankfurt Declaration

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) It can be easily said that over the last two and a half years, the church has failed miserably in its response to lockdowns. Instead of telling the truth, the church capitulated to, if not, enthusiastically promoted the lies. It has unfortunately been the less theologically robust camps that defied government tyranny. John MacArthur would invoke the doctrine of lesser magistrates a little over two years ago, and James Coates would go to jail for over fifty days in Canada. Yet a plethora of theologically robust leaders, many of whom were faithful the last two years, and they have crafted a statement condemning the government’s actions and created a theological framework so that it never happens again. Continue reading

Biden Breaks Promise to ‘Never Politicize’ Troops After Delivering Partisan Speech Flanked by Marines

(Kristina Wong – Breitbart) President Joe Biden broke his promise to “never politicize” the United States military after delivering a highly partisan prime time speech Thursday night, attacking Republicans with two Marines sentries clearly flanking him in the background.

Biden had promised during his first visit to the Pentagon as president, “I will never dishonor you. I will never disrespect you. I will never politicize the work you do.” Continue reading

Bed Bath & Beyond Goes Broke: Retailer to Shutter Stores, Cut Staff After Cancelling MyPillow Last Year

“They wanted us to believe that the timing — when Lindell was defending Trump after the Capitol protests and questionable election results — was merely coincidental and not related to the decision to cancel Lindell’s successful product line. Got it.”

(Ryan Ledendecker – PJ Media) Go woke, go broke” is the slogan that keeps on giving. The latest installment of woke, politically active retailers now facing financial ruin in the form of shuttering stores and mass layoffs is none other than conservative-hating Bed Bath & Beyond. Continue reading

Checkbooks, Bank Cards and Bank Statements Reveal Pastor Priorities: Pastor James MacDonald and the Ethics of Gift Giving

“It has been said, ‘Show me a person’s checkbook and I can tell you what he cares about.’” – Social Action, 1964

(Barry Bowen – Trinity Foundation) James MacDonald, the controversial former pastor of Harvest Bible Chapel (HBC), is attempting to restore his reputation.   In July, MacDonald posted on his website copies of checks as proof that he reimbursed (HBC) for personal expenses incurred during his time as pastor. One reimbursement check, dated December 28, 2018, was for $27,172.39! Continue reading

How Matt Chandler’s Elders Violated Scripture

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) The announcement that Matt Chandler would be taking a leave of absence following allegedly inappropriate DMs came with little information opening the door to much speculation as to whether or not The Village Church is covering up a deep sin or whether Matt Chandler even sinned at all. However, what is far more clear is that the elders at Village Church were derelict in their duty, and that is while we still do not know whether they are covering up sin or adding to the law of God. And while this is to be mildly expected from a church helmed by a wolf, the precedent that this is expanding upon is quite detrimental to the church. Continue reading

Biden blasted for mocking ‘brave’ Second Amendment defenders: ‘You need an F-15’ to fight America, not a gun

(Lindsay Kornick – Fox News) President Biden took another swipe at supporters of the Second Amendment during his speech in Pennsylvania on Wednesday.

Biden appeared in the battleground state to tout his latest “Safer America” agenda to promote efforts to support law enforcement and deter crime. Although his speech was primarily focused on his policies, Biden later turned his attention towards his political opponents, attacking Republicans for opposing actions on gun control. Continue reading

Trump Says the Same FBI Agent ‘Escorted Out’ Friday for Hiding Hunter Biden’s Laptop Was Involved in Mar-a-Lago Raid

(Victoria Taft – PJ Media) The Washington, D.C.-based FBI assistant special agent accused by a whistleblower of being the man who scuttled the Hunter Biden laptop investigation and who allegedly hid evidence favoring former President Trump, appears to be out of a job. It’s a start. And from what former President Trump is declaring on his Truth Social account, Assistant Special Agent Tim Thibault also had a hand in the Mar-a-Lago raid. Continue reading

Rick Warren Delivers Final Sermon As Pastor of Saddleback Church

“Well as you know, today is my last message to you as your senior pastor for 43 years,” he said. “It’s been my privilege to love you, pray for you, serve you, encourage you, stand by you…” These words, however, ring hollow as a church that boasts nearly 24 thousand members, it’s unlikely that more than a tiny fraction has ever spoken a word face to face with the man they call their shepherd. — The Dissenter

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) On Sunday, Rick Warren would preach his last sermon as senior pastor of Saddleback Church, concluding an era of church growth pragmatism. Earlier this year, it was announced that Andy Wood would take Warren’s place. The rather tumultuous transition process including multiple allegations against Wood and criticism over him interviewing Mark Driscoll is finally over. Continue reading

Revoice Leader and SBC Seminary Grad Calls on Christians to Repent for Signing Statement on Biblical Sexual Ethics

Professing Christian Nate Collins is an interesting fellow. He once described himself as a “gay man in a mixed-orientation marriage” and bragged that he enjoys “gay art.” Collins did his dissertation on “Gender Identities” at conservative Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and argued that “virgin” is a secondary gender identity in the scriptures. The president of SBTS is none other than highly regarded evangelical leader Dr. Albert Mohler.

With this background in mind, here’s The Dissenter’s piece: Continue reading

Antifa Packing AR-15s Guards ‘Family Friendly’ Texas Drag Show

(Eric Mack- Newsmax) Armed antifa members guarded a drag show targeting families in deep-red Texas, raising eyebrows in a conservative district and among conservatives on social media.

“A ‘kid-friendly’ drag show in Texas was guarded by masked ANTIFA guards armed with AR-15s,” Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., tweeted Monday. “Remember, they only want YOUR guns. They want to use theirs to protect their depravity.” Continue reading

For Those Looking to Reset Their Bodies After Vaccinations

“The media refused to cover the hacking story as the globalist elites were caught with their pants down.  For them to deny the website’s contents would draw more attention to the hackers, their website, and vaccine-related injuries and deaths.”

(Mark Schwendau) My recent article, “‘Unknown Cause’ is the Top Cause of Death in Canada!” received the most reads of any article I have yet to write in my hobby of conservative news writing, and I was most humbled. It also made me profoundly sad. Continue reading

World Vision Goes Woke, Says All White Christians are ‘Racist’ who have ‘White Gaze’

(Protestia) Last year World Vision created an online course designed to equip churches and pastors to understand “racial justice.” In reality, it was a hotbed of Critical Race Theory and unbiblical syncretism, infecting the organization and resulting in the wokefication of World Vision and a denial of some core tenets of the Christian Faith. These articles expose the extent that CRT and pagan syncretism – the fusion of different systems of religious beliefs with Christianity – has compromised the mission of the famed NGO. Continue reading

The Strangest Thing About ‘Semi-Fascist’ Trump

Did Trump’s FBI, in the predawn hours, burst into the homes of New York Times reporters—in James O’Keefe -style—and march them outside in their underwear, all for the possible “crime” of receiving a stolen draft of the Supreme Court early draft of the Dobbs decision? Which is the greater “crime”—trafficking in clearly stolen confidential Supreme Court papers or looking at the abandoned, lost, and lurid diary of a wayward presidential daughter?” 

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) For the Left, Donald Trump is synonymous with “fascism” (or “semi-fascism,” as Joe Biden put it the other day). And for Liz Cheney and most of the NeverTrumpers, he remains an existential threat to democracy. Continue reading

Dr. Malone: This Is Who Runs the Government and the Globalist Movement

“[Dr. Malone goes] into the three companies controlling the money and the families that own them — Vanguard, Black Rock, and State Street. They control the corporations. When you see that, you see the harmonization of government, Big Tech, finance, media. They own all the banks. They are all divisions of one large company.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) We hear the term Deep State used often, but Deep State is nothing more than the administrative state, also known as the SES or the Senior Executive Service. They are the executive bureaucrats in civil service. Continue reading