Responding to the Leaven of Revoice

“Why should Christians be concerned that the Nashville Statement is under attack by a major Revoice leader? You may think Revoice is a distant concern or that the Nashville Statement is not the best or most robust response to the issues facing the church in the 21st century. But let’s not miss the forest for the trees—there is something sinister at work here that Christians need to see.”

(M.D. Perkins) On August 29, 2022, Nate Collins, the founder and president of Revoice, decided to attack the Nashville Statement. His Twitter thread, posted on the five-year anniversary of the Statement’s release, called on all evangelical leaders who signed it to repent for having done so…. Continue reading

The recipe for a Democrat October surprise

A year ago, I would have thought this scenario impossibly absurd.  I also never thought an ex–U.S. president’s home could be raided by the FBI, or a current president could make such a hateful, incendiary, and shall I say “semi-fascist” speech.

(Andrew Thomas – American Thinker) Start with one divisive presidential speech accusing 74 million voters of being enemies of the state.  Add two Marine guards against a blood-red background for flavor.  Whip up the base.  Stir in a large pool of resentment and bring to a boil.  Sprinkle in a large contingent of FBI operatives to mix with low-intellect stoned bloggers living in repair shop basements and calling for civil war. Continue reading

Yes, the Devil is Real

(Jared C. Wilson – For the Church) A couple of years ago, when I was doing a round of interviews for my book The Gospel According to Satan, one question I repeatedly encountered took be aback: “Do you really believe in the devil?”

In our post-Christian, largely irreligious age, it certainly doesn’t go without saying. Plenty of people do believe there’s such a thing as evil, that there are indeed actions that are morally wrong, but fewer and fewer believe there’s any kind of personality behind this evil…. Continue reading

‘LGBTQ History Month’ CANCELLED after parental backlash in Miami-Dade

“Students are required to learn about “The history of the United States, including the period of discovery, early colonies, the War for Independence, the Civil War, the expansion of the United States to its present boundaries, the world wars, and the civil rights movement to the present.”

(Hannah Nightengale – The Post Millennial) A school board in Florida has rejected a measure that would have designated the month of October as LGBTQ History Month following backlash from parents. Continue reading

Anti-White Hatred Laid Bare With Elizabeth II’s Death

“At the end of her reign, Britain has been totally transformed. Its former Christian decency, which the queen represented so well, has been lost. What little remains cannot last while Britain lacks the self-respect to defend its (actually good and rather impressive) history.”

(Matthew Boose – American Greatness) Queen Elizabeth II never ventured into politics, but in death, almost inevitably, it seems, she has been dragged into the undeclared racial hostilities of our time. Souls warped by grievance and envy are ghoulishly dancing on her grave and mocking the “white tears” of her people. Continue reading

Biden’s 9/11 Speech Was an Ominous Socialist Dogwhistle

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) Old Joe Biden’s 9/11 speech at the Pentagon Sunday was a predictable mélange of false piety, feigned emotion, and paper resolve. The world will little note nor long remember what he said there, and deservedly so. And to his or her credit, the ostensible president’s speechwriter resisted the temptation to go even lower than usual and liken supporters of Donald Trump to the 9/11 hijackers. This was not, however, due to some sudden restoration of patriotism and fair play in the Biden White House; a decision was apparently made to cloak the attack on half the nation in more subtle tones than those Joe employed in his disgraceful black-and-red speech of September 1. But the attack was unmistakably reiterated. Continue reading

Charismatic ‘Prophetess’ Desperately Trying to Hang On as Major ‘Prophecy’ About to Be Proven Wrong

In February of 2022, Julie Green released a prophecy stating that Prince Charles would be stripped of his power and would never receive the crown. Her words, exactly…

(The Dissenter) Julie Green is one of many charismatic so-called “prophets” who believe they stand in for God speaking His very words to the masses on His behalf. Yet, there is not a single so-called “prophet” alive today who actually fits the biblical definition and qualifications of the office of prophet. In fact, the most important qualification a prophet must meet is a flawless and perfect tract record—God Himself has said so. Continue reading

The Big Bang is in Big Trouble: It Never Happened

“Astronomer Alison Patrick said, “Right now I find myself lying awake at three in the morning and wondering if everything I’ve done is wrong.” Since the stars being discovered are thought to be older than the Big Bang, maybe the BBT should be renamed the Big Bust Theory or the Big Fizzle.”

(Don Boys) With apologies to Kierkegaard, there are two ways to be deceived. One is to believe what isn’t true; the other is to refuse to believe what is true. I prefer always to assume the Bible is right, while atheists always assume the scientists are right. Both positions are based on faith. Evolutionists have done a good job convincing people the theory of evolution has scientific merit; however, it is a wrong assumption and not a winning argument. Continue reading


“In my opinion, President Biden is not smart enough to understand what’s really going on, but that does not excuse his deception. The American people are being harmed by his incompetence, yet he continues to deny what’s happening.”

(Bill O’Reilly) President Biden’s contention that “MAGA” people and Donald Trump are attacking democracy did not bother me. That’s because many, including your humble correspondent, believe the progressive left is harming freedom in America. So. Good. Goose. Gander. Continue reading

Doctors, Scientists and Professionals from More than 34 Countries Declare ‘International Medical Crisis’ due to Diseases and Deaths Caused by COVID-19 Vaccines

(Jim Hoft – The Gateway Pundit) Around 403 doctors, scientists, and professionals from more than 34 countries declared that there is an international medical crisis due to the diseases and deaths following the administration of products known as “COVID-19 vaccines,” according to  Substack.

“We are currently witnessing an excess in mortality in those countries where the majority of the population has received the so-called “COVID-19 vaccines,” according to the news release. “To date, this excess mortality has neither been sufficiently investigated nor studied by national and international health institutions.” Continue reading

A Royal Unlike Those of Today

The death of a dignified British monarch marks the official end of a bygone royal era.

(Douglas Andrews – The Patriot Post) At the risk of reaffirming Yankee boorishness, we’ll note that the last time we Americans paid much attention to the British crown was when we threw it off back on July 4, 1776. Having said that, Queen Elizabeth II passed away yesterday, and in so doing ended the British Royal Age.

No, not officially. Her eldest son, the former Prince Charles, is now King Charles III. But Charles III is no Elizabeth II — not even close…. Continue reading

Biden’s Monkeypox Response Coordinator Digs Bondage Outfits & Satanism

Demetre Daskalakis – screenshot

“The Baphomet Pentagram is the official, copyrighted symbol of the Church of Satan,” Johnson wrote about the tattoos sported by Daskalakis, and noted that Satanism “encourages believers to embrace physical wants and desires.”

(Mark Pellin, Headline USA) The Biden administration’s monkeypox deputy czar was already receiving heavy criticism for posing in BDSM garb, and the negative reviews intensified this week after it was revealed he also has a fond fetish for Satanism and the occult. Continue reading

White Horse Inn Tells Pastors They’re Causing Homosexuals to Commit Suicide by Preaching Truth

“Social Religion is eating away the Body of Christ. Even the best theologians, like Michael Horton, are completely abandoning the Gospel-commitment they’ve fought their entire careers for, in exchange for sitting at the cool kids’ table of wokeness.” – Pulpit & Pen

(The Dissenter) Michael Horton, a well-known theologian in Reformed-ish Evangelical circles and host of the popular podcast, White Horse Inn, in 2020, denounced support for Donald Trump as “The Cult of Christian Trumpism” in a piece at The Gospel Coalition. Continue reading

The World Economic Forum Has a King

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Queen Elizabeth was a remarkable person and a symbol of a people who fought for freedom and helped defeat totalitarian regimes. She was a patriot who worked as a machinist during World War II.

Unfortunately, like their father, her son and grandsons circumvent the rule of never engaging in political battles. They’ve embraced the worst one of all. It’s the one Queen Elizabeth fought. Continue reading

Democrats Are Hoping We Forget They Brought Us Record Levels of Murders, Overdose Deaths, and Teen Suicides

Remember to bring up these hard, ugly facts when your liberal sister-in-law shows up to borrow money while wearing her “Vote Blue in 2022” t-shirt.

(Kevin Downey JR. – PJ Media) Democrats have this foolish belief that arresting Steve Bannon, tossing Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home, and ostracizing people in MAGA hats will make voters forget about the carnage the commies have wrought upon our country when We the People step into a voting booth in 60 days, 10 hours, 14 minutes and 12 seconds. I’m here to make sure that doesn’t happen. Continue reading

Is Queen Elizabeth Resting In Peace?

(The Dissenter) Yesterday, one of the most remarkable monarchs in modern Western history passed away. Queen Elizabeth of England was said to pass peacefully at 96 years old.

Elizabeth has been heralded by her defenders as one of the kindest and most beloved queens ever to hold the throne but also denounced by her detractors as a serial colonialist who hid and harbored rapists and murderers. We’re not going to get into that here as whatever the truth is, it’s irrelevant to one thing: the state of her soul. Continue reading

Prominent historians jump into political arena, advising Biden, attacking MAGA movement

“There is an ultra-right MAGA contingent in this country that wants to overthrow the U.S. government,” said historian Douglas Brinkley. Another historian, Michael Beschloss, made a historical error in one of his diatribes.

(Aaron Kliegman – Just the News) Some of the nation’s most high-profile historians have gone beyond the role of student of history to engage in partisan politics, advising President Biden on his agenda and potential legacy while attacking Donald Trump and supporters of the Make America Great Again movement aligned with him as threats to the country. Continue reading

Check Out This Rank Heresy Study Bible that LifeWay is Releasing

“The work by Henry Blackaby known as “Experiencing God” was a gateway to the modern “God told me” language that is so common within our evangelical culture today. We must be honest, that method of discerning the will of God assaults the sufficiency of Scripture and it has a charismatic foundation.”

(The Dissenter) LifeWay, the publishing arm of the Southern Baptist Convention, is no stranger to compromise, false teachings, and even rank heresy over the years. After all, they’ve sold materials ranking from “gay Christianity” proponents like Matthew Vines to anti-Trinitarian heretics like T.D. Jakes and have published materials from the likes of experiential hyper-charismatics like Priscilla Shirer. Continue reading

The World Wants No Part of Woke, But It’s Glad We Do

“Woke means that Americans have less money, labor, and time to hone their military readiness. They will produce less competitive energy, but more pseudo-science, non-meritocratic advancement, and unsound investment — all reasons why America will no longer dominate the world.”

(Victor Davis Hanson- American Greatness) The United States obsesses over whether biological men can compete in women’s sports as transgendered males.

Crime is spiking at levels not seen in 40 years. But it is considered racist to suggest that arrests, indictments, convictions, and incarcerations deter crime. Continue reading

Stunning CDC Vaccine Data for Children from Dr. Malone

Dr. Robert Malone, writing on his substack, reported the new CDC data on the vaccine for children. It strongly indicates that the vaccine for children not at high risk is a very bad idea. His original theory predicting this is why he was de-platformed.

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) Dr. Malone pleaded with parents in December 2021 not to vaccinate their children. He was correct.

With the re-engineered “booster” shots for Wuhan and BA.4/5, Dr. Malone decided to do a Pubmed search for the new data…. Continue reading

Biden’s New Green Energy Adviser Has Ties To Chinese Communist Party Front Group

Podesta sits on the “U.S.-China 2022 Steering Committee” for Tung’s China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), according to the group’s website.

(Philip Lenczycki – Daily Caller) President Joe Biden’s new senior adviser has maintained ties with a Chinese government influence operative for over 10 years, the Daily Caller News Foundation found. Continue reading

Judge Not Part 1 – The Mind of Christ

11 For who among men knows the depths of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so the depths of God no one knows except the Spirit of God. 12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may know the depths graciously given to us by God, 13 of which depths we also speak, not in words taught by human wisdom, but in those taught by the Spirit, combining spiritual depths with spiritual words. 14 But a natural man does not accept the depths of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually examined. 15 But he who is spiritual examines all things, yet he himself is examined by no one. 16 For WHO HAS KNOWN THE MIND OF THE LORD, THAT HE WILL DIRECT HIM? But we have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:11-16 (LSB) 

I have been a Christian since 1986. From the day of my salvation to the present, I am sure I have heard dozens of teachings on “The Mind of Christ.” Along with those teachings, I have also heard many confusing references to Jesus’ statement from Matthew 7 and Luke 6 where He commanded His disciples to “Judge Not…” In my own experience, more often than not, the command to “Judge Not” came from someone wishing to protect some malefactor against people demanding his or her scalp in response to some heinous act…. Continue reading

Embalmers Are Making Shocking Discoveries in the Blood of the Dead

“If it’s not the vaccine, fine! What is it? Let’s figure it out because something is causing it and it can’t be healthy.” 

(Kevin Downey JR. – PJ Media) It sounds like a bad horror movie script from the 1960s, but it isn’t.

The Epoch Times is reporting that embalmers from around the nation are speaking out about strange blood clots they have been finding in the bodies of the deceased since around 2020 or 2021. Continue reading

Exposing Revoice: Scott Sauls, The Tim Keller of Nashville

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) Last week, Woke Preacher Clips posted a video of PCA pastor Scott Sauls asking Christians to compare their marriages to homosexual relationships. On a podcast with Jeff Norris, a pastor at Perimeter Church, Scott Sauls said the following:

Is your heterosexual marriage as committed as some some gay marriages? Some gay marriages are deeply committed, as out of step with scripture as they are. Your marriage commitment needs to be at least on the same level…to have some sort of credibility.

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