Rick Warren Delivers Final Sermon As Pastor of Saddleback Church

“Well as you know, today is my last message to you as your senior pastor for 43 years,” he said. “It’s been my privilege to love you, pray for you, serve you, encourage you, stand by you…” These words, however, ring hollow as a church that boasts nearly 24 thousand members, it’s unlikely that more than a tiny fraction has ever spoken a word face to face with the man they call their shepherd. — The Dissenter

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) On Sunday, Rick Warren would preach his last sermon as senior pastor of Saddleback Church, concluding an era of church growth pragmatism. Earlier this year, it was announced that Andy Wood would take Warren’s place. The rather tumultuous transition process including multiple allegations against Wood and criticism over him interviewing Mark Driscoll is finally over. Continue reading

Revoice Leader and SBC Seminary Grad Calls on Christians to Repent for Signing Statement on Biblical Sexual Ethics

Professing Christian Nate Collins is an interesting fellow. He once described himself as a “gay man in a mixed-orientation marriage” and bragged that he enjoys “gay art.” Collins did his dissertation on “Gender Identities” at conservative Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and argued that “virgin” is a secondary gender identity in the scriptures. The president of SBTS is none other than highly regarded evangelical leader Dr. Albert Mohler.

With this background in mind, here’s The Dissenter’s piece: Continue reading

Antifa Packing AR-15s Guards ‘Family Friendly’ Texas Drag Show

(Eric Mack- Newsmax) Armed antifa members guarded a drag show targeting families in deep-red Texas, raising eyebrows in a conservative district and among conservatives on social media.

“A ‘kid-friendly’ drag show in Texas was guarded by masked ANTIFA guards armed with AR-15s,” Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., tweeted Monday. “Remember, they only want YOUR guns. They want to use theirs to protect their depravity.” Continue reading

For Those Looking to Reset Their Bodies After Vaccinations

“The media refused to cover the hacking story as the globalist elites were caught with their pants down.  For them to deny the website’s contents would draw more attention to the hackers, their website, and vaccine-related injuries and deaths.”

(Mark Schwendau) My recent article, “‘Unknown Cause’ is the Top Cause of Death in Canada!” received the most reads of any article I have yet to write in my hobby of conservative news writing, and I was most humbled. It also made me profoundly sad. Continue reading

World Vision Goes Woke, Says All White Christians are ‘Racist’ who have ‘White Gaze’

(Protestia) Last year World Vision created an online course designed to equip churches and pastors to understand “racial justice.” In reality, it was a hotbed of Critical Race Theory and unbiblical syncretism, infecting the organization and resulting in the wokefication of World Vision and a denial of some core tenets of the Christian Faith. These articles expose the extent that CRT and pagan syncretism – the fusion of different systems of religious beliefs with Christianity – has compromised the mission of the famed NGO. Continue reading

The Strangest Thing About ‘Semi-Fascist’ Trump

Did Trump’s FBI, in the predawn hours, burst into the homes of New York Times reporters—in James O’Keefe -style—and march them outside in their underwear, all for the possible “crime” of receiving a stolen draft of the Supreme Court early draft of the Dobbs decision? Which is the greater “crime”—trafficking in clearly stolen confidential Supreme Court papers or looking at the abandoned, lost, and lurid diary of a wayward presidential daughter?” 

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) For the Left, Donald Trump is synonymous with “fascism” (or “semi-fascism,” as Joe Biden put it the other day). And for Liz Cheney and most of the NeverTrumpers, he remains an existential threat to democracy. Continue reading

Dr. Malone: This Is Who Runs the Government and the Globalist Movement

“[Dr. Malone goes] into the three companies controlling the money and the families that own them — Vanguard, Black Rock, and State Street. They control the corporations. When you see that, you see the harmonization of government, Big Tech, finance, media. They own all the banks. They are all divisions of one large company.”

(Mary Dowling – Independent Sentinel) We hear the term Deep State used often, but Deep State is nothing more than the administrative state, also known as the SES or the Senior Executive Service. They are the executive bureaucrats in civil service. Continue reading

Democrat Leaders Increasingly Demonize Republican Voters — Not Just Politicians

“The political danger of the Democrats’ hateful rhetoric ought not be underestimated. Republican voters are already feeling threatened — by “cancel culture” in the workplace, for example, and by the sense that there is a double standard of justice, allowing left-wing activists to riot while imprisoning ardent Trump supporters for trespassing at the Capitol.”

(Joel Pollack – Breitbart) President Joe Biden plans to host a “Unity Summit” at the White House last month, after telling Democratic donors last week that Republicans who support Donald Trump were guilty of “semi-fascism.” Continue reading

Suffering for Righteousness Sake

18 “If the world hates you, you know that it has hated Me before it hated you. 19 If you were of the world, the world would love its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you. 20 Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A slave is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you; if they kept My word, they will keep yours also. John 15:18-20 (NASB)

This post is based primarily from Job 11. At first it seems as if it is a repeat of the previous chapters where Job’s friends accused him of egregious sin, which brought about his suffering via God’s law of retaliation. But we know that that is not the case and so does Job.

However, the spiritual attack on him is heavy as is his physical suffering. The waves of suffering are like cruel blows from a huge and talented boxer. They come one at a time or grouped together for maximum effect. Job is reeling. Continue reading

How Doug Wilson and Co. Are Wailin’ on the Culture War

(Protestia) There is a growing concern over The Federal Vision (FV) again in North American Reformed Churches, here is why and here’s how to stop it:

  1. Very few (at least initially) are attracted to its theological positions. Most people aren’t interested in Baptismal Regeneration, Padeocommunion, and a questionable view of Justification. They aren’t being drawn by the Romanizing Tendency of FV. It’s something else.
  2. The major draw is what they are saying in the areas of gender roles, politics, culture, and issues within the church. Doug Wilson is addressing these issues at a rapid pace. He responds to issues in real time. Continue reading

Will the Republicans Really Win Back the Congress?

(Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) The late spring scenario of a massive GOP win—in historic proportions analogous to 1938, 1994, or 2010—is said now to be “iffy.”

The Left boasts that it now has a chance at keeping the House, with even better odds for maintaining control over the Senate.

Polls are all over the place. Now they show generic Republican leads, now Democratic. Continue reading

Silenced healthcare workers speak out publicly for the first time

Here’s what silenced healthcare workers from all over the world want you to know and why they aren’t able to speak out directly.

(Steve Kirsch) I created a form to ask healthcare workers to speak anonymously about what they are seeing.

Here’s what they said in their own words.

Here is a quick summary of some of the things they said: Continue reading

The Archdiocese of Omaha Has Issued Gender Policies for Its Schools, and Not Everyone Is Happy About It

According to the Omaha World-Herald, some people are fine with the new policy while others understand that, for lack of a better phrase, “it is what it is.” 

(Lincoln Brown – PJ Media) As of January 1, 2023, Omaha, Nebraska, schools that are under the jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Omaha will have a firm set of rules regarding gender. You can read the policy issued by the diocese on this page, but here is a summary: Continue reading

Biden’s Student Loan ‘Forgiveness’ Is an Unjust, Cynical Abuse of Power

“Biden is compelling American taxpayers to foot the bill for graduate degrees.”

(David Harsanyi – Townhall) “No Money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Consequence of Appropriations made by Law.” That’s what it says right there in the Constitution. And yet, without any legislation, President Joe Biden now promises to “cancel” up to $10,000 in student loans per borrower ($20,000 for Pell Grant borrowers), limited to those with annual incomes of less than $125,000. Continue reading

Southern Baptist Leaders Join Leftists Signing Pro-Vax Statement Calling Francis Collins a Faith Healing Minister

“It’s already come to light in recent months that these vaccines are useless and have ultimately caused more harm than good. Evidence is mounting that these vaccines are the cause of unforeseen illnesses, heart issues, and other serious medical problems including autoimmune disorders. Yet, the people who signed this statement want us to believe that it is a miracle of science, and that Francis Collins is the number one Apostle.”

(The Dissenter) Biologos, the pro-evolution “science” wing of professing Christendom of which Tim Keller has been a major contributor over the years, has released a pro-vaccine statement with over 8 thousand signatures which include original signers like Southeastern Baptist Seminary professor, Ken Heathley. Continue reading

Lawsuit Sheds Light on CDC’s Collusion with Big Tech to Censor Americans

“It now appears that the CDC was actively feeding disapproved viewpoints to these companies, including a list of tweets that the CDC regarded as misinformation.”

(Allum Bokhari – Breitbart) A federal lawsuit filed against the Biden administration alleging public-private collusion that violated the First Amendment rights of American citizens during the coronavirus pandemic is shedding new light on how deeply Big Tech coordinated with the Biden administration to censor public dissent about official pandemic policies. Continue reading

FBI officials slow-walked Hunter Biden laptop investigation until after 2020 election: whistleblowers

“These new allegations provide even more evidence of FBI corruption and renew calls for you to take immediate steps to investigate the FBI’s actions regarding the laptop.” 

(Timothy Nerozzi – Fox News) FBI officials told agents not to investigate Hunter Biden’s so-called “laptop from hell” for months due to concerns about influencing the 2020 presidential election, whistleblowers told Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis.

According to Johnson, “individuals with knowledge” of the Hunter Biden case told his office that the investigation was intentionally slowed on orders from “local FBI leadership.” Continue reading

Mennonites Go Gay, Pass Resolution Allowing LGBTQ Weddings and ‘Repents’ for Excluding LGBTQ People

“The pastor of Portland (Oregon) Mennonite Church and representing the “Inclusive Mennonite Pastors” said, “This resolution is not punitive. It does not punish pastors, members or congregations who refuse full participation of queer people in their churches.”

(The Dissenter) Similar to the Amish, the Mennonite Church was formed out of the Anabaptist movement and, like the Amish, in many ways has become synonymous with a simple lifestyle apart from modern luxuries…. Continue reading

House Republicans Want to Know Why the TSA Is Allowing Illegal Immigrants on Planes with ARREST WARRANTS for ID

(Robert Spencer – PJ Media) Could the Biden administration all be some huge joke? A parody or some crazy dark comedy in which a career political hack with rapidly advancing dementia somehow becomes president and bumbles around as his radical handlers begin implementing a dizzying number of measures to weaken America and endanger Americans? Is there anything the Biden administration is doing that would make it clear that this is not actually what’s happening here? Continue reading

Might, Maybe, Possibly

“At this point in history, it is Garland, not Trump, who has the most to lose. The pressure is on him to justify the raid. So far, he has failed to do that. His initial public briefing was shaky. The man looked frightened.”

(Bill O’Reilly) No American industry is more troubled than journalism/media. It is now rife with incompetence and corruption, a largely destructive force that has betrayed its obligation to accurately inform Americans about events of importance. Continue reading

Pedophiles Are Proliferating in Our Schools

“Eric Burgess, a high school English teacher in Rosemead, CA was found to have repeatedly groomed students for sex, and had sexual relationships with female students over a 20-year period. Infuriatingly, he was allowed to resign without admitting to any wrongdoing and continued to receive his salary for another six months.” 

(Larry Sand – Frontpage Mag) In the social hierarchy of prison inmates, mob bosses, bank robbers, and cop killers tend to get respect. But “short eyes,” those convicts who have committed crimes against children, especially sexual abuse, are hated, harassed, and abused. In schools, however, this group of detestable perverts rates a “meh.” Continue reading