How to Ensure a Big, Ugly War With Iran

“[Iran views} Joe Biden’s serial appeasement as a force multiplier of these perceptions of American weakness. After entering office, the Biden administration begged for a renewed Iran deal from a preening theocracy….”  (Victor Davis Hanson – Townhall) Iranian-backed militias have attacked … Continue reading 

Six Pro-Life Activists Found Guilty, Face 11 Years in Prison for Peaceful Protest

“This was a peaceful demonstration by entirely peaceable citizens—filled with prayer, hymn-singing, and worship—oriented toward persuading expecting mothers not to abort their babies. Unfortunately, the Biden Department of Justice decided to characterize Paul Vaughn’s peaceful actions as a felony ‘conspiracy … Continue reading 

AG Ken Paxton reveals exactly how Dems stole 2020 election, and it’s so much simpler than you realize…

Watch Tucker’s interview. “It wasn’t some elaborate “Ocean’s 11” scheme; it was rather straightforward. In fact, if we rewind to the 2018 midterms and recall how the Dems initially introduced “ballot harvesting” and managed to “win” in all those red … Continue reading 

‘Transing’ Yourself Is OK if You’re 18 or Older?

“Transgender ideology is a facet of political ideology disguised as a civil rights movement for a mental health struggle. In fact, President Joe Biden is treating transgenderism as a civil rights issue. That political ideology is a toxic mixture of … Continue reading 

Border-Jumpers Are Pushing American Kids Out Of School All Across The Country

“Buses are now pulling up to @JMHSBklyn and dropping off illegals. School is closed tomorrow because illegals will be sleeping in the school’s gym. This is disgraceful! NYC is prioritizing illegals over Americans.” (Joy Pullmann – The Federalist) Democrats’ open … Continue reading 

Our Razor’s Edge

“Many of the loudest and most violent anti-Jewish protestors in the U.S. are immigrants, green card holders, or on student visas. That fact is confusing to Americans. Why would those who have fled despotic regimes in the Middle East to … Continue reading 

Civilization Versus the New Nihilists

Nihilism: the rejection of all religious and moral principles, in the belief that life is meaningless. (Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) Nihilism is the religion of the Left. Anarchy is now at the core of the new Democratic Party. … Continue reading 

Pro-Palestinian Radicals Target Symbols of Christianity

(Joel B. Pollak – Breitbart) Radical pro-Palestinian demonstrations appear to have developed a new tactic: they are targeting Christmas tree lightings across the country, and other Christian symbols, in addition to symbols of Israel and Jewish institutions. The latest example was … Continue reading 

CNN Notices the ‘Ridiculous’ Number of Illegal Immigrants Entering the U.S.

(Spencer Brown – Townhall) Townhall’s loyal readers know that the U.S.-Mexico border has been a full-blown crisis on multiple fronts since President Joe Biden’s open-border policies were implemented. It’s a border crisis, a public health crisis, a national security crisis, … Continue reading 

Pope Francis Fires Popular ‘Protestant Priest’ for Criticizing Him All the Time

“While there is no such thing as a ‘good’ pope, since they are the head of an evil and wicked heterodox church, Francis has been particularly noxious and vexatious, doing things like affirming the faith of Joe Biden and saying he … Continue reading 

Obama Weighs In On Israel’s Response to Hamas – Do Nothing?

“[Biden] is sending $100 billion in so-called “humanitarian” aid to Gaza, which he knows will be given to Hamas. Hamas is the government. They get the money. He could airlift food and other essentials, but instead, he gives taxpayer money … Continue reading 

CRN Headline News 10/9-10/13

Need to read articles you may have missed this week. Plus, Most Popular, Past Popular and a Truth quote. MONDAY 10/9 CDC repeatedly misrepresents mask research, mask mandates worsen depression ‘Trans Women’ Taking Hormones Are More Likely to Suffer ‘Severe’ … Continue reading 

Even Now, Democrats Are Having a Hard Time Breaking Up With Their Terrorist Pals

“Team Joe Biden’s Brain is still refusing to find anything wrong with giving Iran $6 billion and hasn’t announced any plans to refreeze assets.”  (Stephen Kruiser – PJ Media)  Yesterday, we focused on just a couple of Democrat ne’er-do-wells who have … Continue reading 

Missed intel on Hamas attack, explosion of suspected terrorists at border raise alarm inside U.S. (Repost)

Reposted do to an error (Nicholas Ballsay – Just the News) The failure of American and Israeli intelligence to detect the Hamas attack on Israel coupled with the rising number of suspected terrorists at the U.S. border are raising national … Continue reading 

Our Establishment’s Alternate Realities

“The more our officials, in gaslighting style, claim such alarm is all in our collective heads, the more they themselves are attacked by the very criminals their policies empowered.” (Victor Davis Hanson – American Greatness) One common denominator that explains … Continue reading 

Mayorkas Does 180 on Border, Declares Wall Is Needed in Texas and He Wants It Done Fast

“The Department of Homeland Security so desperately wants to build a border wall to deflect an immediate crisis along the southern border in Texas that Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has waived 26 separate environmental laws to get it erected … Continue reading 

Musk Can’t Take It Anymore, Declares He’s Going to the Border: We ‘Need a Wall’

“Musk did not say exactly when he was set to visit the border, but many jumped onto his posts to agree wholeheartedly with the X CEO’s ideas on the border debacle.” (Warner Todd Huston – The Western Journal) Tech entrepreneur Elon … Continue reading 

The Destruction of the United States Is Intentional. Here’s What Will Happen Next.

(Kevin Downey JR. – PJ Media) For just over two and a half years, Joe Biden and/or his puppet masters (see Barack Obama, Susan Price, Klaus Schwab, etc.) have been successfully driving the United States to destruction. The plan took … Continue reading 

Hunting Hunter

“If President Biden has nothing to hide, he should release said records and reinforce CNN’s posture that there’s no evidence linking Joe to Hunter’s grifting.” (Bill O’Reilly) Kimberly Strassel of The Wall Street Journal is an excellent columnist. On Friday, … Continue reading