God’s Impending Judgment on the False Churches of the Modern World

(The Dissenter) In the sprawling panorama of modern Evangelicalism, where the bright marquees of celebrated figures like Andy Stanley and Rick Warren frequently shine, a troubling trend stands out prominently. While historically, the church stood as a pillar of truth against the changing tides of culture, today’s landscape often tells a different story. Many church leaders, swayed more by societal currents than the unchanging Word of God, have morphed into spiritual chameleons, adjusting their hue to match the prevailing tones of popular sentiment. True devotion and fidelity to God’s commandments are now frequently sacrificed at the altar of cultural relevance, resulting in a false gospel tailored more for itching ears than for changed hearts. Continue reading

Cocaine found in White House belonged to someone in ‘Biden family orbit’ and Joe knows who it is

(Harris Rigby – Not the Bee) The New York Post is keeping us up to date on cocaine-gate at the White House and, according to the latest inside info, the identity of the coke owner is known, it’s someone in the Biden family orbit, and Joe knows who it is.

Soldier of Fortune publisher Susan Katz Keating made the shocking claim, citing three security sources, in a report published Sunday — even texting a number linked to President Biden in a bid to sniff out the culprit…  Continue reading

The Biden Family Bank Statements Have Landed

(Katie Pavlich – Townhall) House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer released new information Wednesday morning detailing transactions and deposits from a number of foreign oligarchs into a series of Hunter Biden bank accounts when Joe Biden was vice president.

“During Joe Biden’s vice presidency, Hunter Biden sold him as ‘the brand’ to reap millions from oligarchs in Kazakhstan, Russia, and Ukraine. It appears no real services were provided other than access to the Biden network, including Joe Biden himself. And Hunter Biden seems to have delivered…. Continue reading

TGC Says Barbie Movie Matters Because 10 Percent of Women Leave Church Over Misogyny

“People may stop professing to be Christians, and people may stop going to a building they call “church.” But people don’t depart the faith because of interpersonal disputes or perceived societal wrongs. Rather they leave these institutions because they were never genuinely rooted in Christ, to begin with.” 

(The Dissenter) The Gospel Coalition has made quite the proposition suggesting that a novel source of enlightenment awaits the Church in the most unlikely of places: Barbie. Their article confidently boasts, “Why ‘Barbie’ Matters for the Church.” Indeed, amidst centuries of church history, doctrinal councils, and rigorous biblical exegesis, it seems we’ve inadvertently overlooked the profound spiritual insights that might be gleaned from Hollywood’s take on our favorite plastic protagonist. A remarkable oversight, truly. How did Augustine or Luther, the Apostle Paul, or even Jesus Himself, miss that? Continue reading

‘I Literally Look Like Minnie Mouse!’: Disney Partners With Crossdressing TikTok Star to Push Girls’ Apparel

“For those who might be in shock at the level of degeneracy unfolding in our current culture, this is a dude who dresses like a lady telling young children how to dress up like a fictional female mouse. If you look up “insanity” in the dictionary, there should be a link to this video. No other explanation is needed.”

(Michael Cantrell – PJ Media) Just when you think the world cannot get any wackier, Disney says, “Hold my Bud Light” and totally proves you wrong. According to a new report from Breitbart News, the Walt Disney Company has followed in the footsteps of what was once the most popular beer brand in the world by creating a partnership with a crossdressing TikTok influencer to help promote apparel for girls, specifically Minnie Mouse-themed clothing featuring a red dress, yellow pumps, and a red hair bow.

Anyone else want to get off this ride now? I’m ready to jump ship; how about you? Continue reading

Deborah Birx Promotes Pro Abortion AIDS Relief at Christianity Today

“PEPFAR is nothing but another perpetual government waste program, so why should a generation of Americans Christians be rallied to the cause, especially one that was sold through hyperbolic alarmism?”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Horse) Covid brought many vile characters within the government bureaucracy into the limelight. So-called public health experts that only occasionally became newsworthy figures became household names. Trump’s Covid task force included several of these dark figures, including Anthony Fauci, Robert Redfield, and Deborah Birx, who was most known for bedazzling her masks after previously dissuading their use. Continue reading

Pfizer buckles under pressure during heated hearing, admits the unthinkable about the jab…

(Revolver) There is so much controversy, coverup, and conspiracy surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine. So much that sometimes it’s hard to keep up with what’s fact or fiction. But one hearing that was recently held down under in Australia might be the key to unlocking many of the mysteries about the jab. We’re learning that many elites took a different “jab” than the rest of us. That’s the bombshell that came out of a heated hearing where Aussie senators grilled Pfizer employees who eventually admitted that they took a “special” batch of the vaccine that was not available to the rest of the public.

How diabolical. Continue reading

Nancy Mace is the symptom of a sleeping American church

“Nancy Mace is part of the problem: she was one of several Republicans to vote last year for the Respect for Marriage Act, a law which codifies Obergefell into federal law, and is one of the most liberal voices in the Republican caucus on abortion.”

(Matt Brock – The Sentinel) By now you have likely heard about the remarks made by Representative Nancy Mace, a Republican from South Carolina, regarding the events that preceded her arrival at the prayer breakfast hosted by Republican Senator Tim Scott. Continue reading

Silk Road Paved with Cash: Court records confirm millions flowed to Biden family from China

“Prosecutor’s evidence trail in Hunter Biden case directly contradicts claims made by President for years.”

(Steven Richards & John Solomon – Just the News) n the end, there really was a silk road of money that flowed from China to the Biden family’s coffers, despite Joe Biden’s insistence to the contrary.

The U.S. Attorney’s office in Delaware — which charged Hunter Biden with tax and gun crimes last month — released to a federal court last week a now-scuttled plea deal that affirmed the presidential son got millions himself from Chinese sources in 2017-18 alone. That included money from a Chinese energy firm as well as legal payments from a Chinese executive convicted of bribery. Continue reading

Redeeming the Time

12 So teach us to number our days, That we may present to You a heart of wisdom. Psalms 90:12 (LSB) 

It seemed that the moment I posted Are You Walking Circumspectly? last year that the pressure came to bear upon me from nearly every direction in an effort to distract me from doing that very thing. To walk circumspectly is to walk in light of the gifts of wisdom and discernment from God…. Continue reading

Why We Must Confront False Teachers No Matter How Outlandish and Absurd They Are

“…we recall the compelling example of Elijah’s encounter with the prophets of Baal. With righteous indignation and confident trust in the God of Israel, Elijah could have ignored them and left them to their own devices. Instead, he mocked these false prophets. He did not ignore them, he engaged and confronted them. His stand against this evil is a clear illustration of how these modern-day Pharisees—false teachers, progressive Christians, social justice activists—must be faced. Their mouths must be stopped…”

(The Dissenter) In a world feverishly engaged in an unrestrained pursuit of “progress,” the demarcation line between secular culture and shallow, cultural Christianity is not merely fading—it is being intentionally obliterated. To be clear, the line between the pagan culture and true, biblical Christianity, will always be clear and the world will continue to push those who hold to the unchangeable truths of God’s word further away. Even as the world continues to shun us, we must acknowledge that we’re not entirely immune to the wave of deception that’s assaulting us from every direction. We have to fight. Continue reading

Mark Levin to Trump’s Legal Team: ‘Seek an Emergency Hearing Before the Supreme Court’


These indictments are not only suspiciously timed to counter and suppress any negative Biden news — such as the testimony of numerous government whistleblowers and Hunter Biden’s former best friend and business partner, Devon Archer — but they also come at a time during the 2024 campaign to have “maximum influence on the election” even though there is “no possibility the statute of limitations would run on any of them.” 

(Gwendolyn Sims – PJ Media) Hours after PJ Media’s Paula Bolyard reported that “former President Donald Trump entered a not-guilty plea on federal charges that he conspired to remain in power after the 2020 election,” constitutional legal expert Mark Levin released an X statement detailing what he believes the Trump legal team should do next. Continue reading

Jesus’s View on Biblical Sexual Ethics Has Not Shifted

(Robert A. J. Gagnon) A FB friend has notified me that he is no longer in “the same theological space or belief” on the issue of homosexual practice. This is what I have written to him:

You identify yourself as “gay” (presumably self-affirming) in the Tik Tok video linked to on your FB page. There you mourn the breakup of your family that presumably resulted from this self-identification. Your self-identifier on your FB page uses the hashtag “faithfully lgbtq.” You are doubtlessly faithful to that cause, but you cannot be simultaneously faithful to Jesus.

An assured result of historical study of Jesus is that Jesus based a limitation of two persons to a marriage (and thus of any sexual union) on the God-ordained male-female binary, which he viewed as foundational for all sexual ethics. For Jesus (and for the writers of Scripture generally) God intentionally designed two, and only two, sexes to be sexual counterparts or complements. Continue reading

COVID Wars: Shoddy Science and Medical Malpractice

“Increasingly we are being vindicated. Barely a day goes by when we do not learn even more about just how wrong so much of the ‘science’ was, how dictatorial and totalitarian our governments were, and how much medical fascism was allowed to take place.”

(Bill Muehlenberg – Culture Watch) Medicine and science have been massively abused over the past few years:

Some of us were quite skeptical of what was being done to us in the name of Covid from very early on in the piece. Things did not seem to add up, and the hysterical media alarmism, coupled with Statist overkill via lockdowns and all the rest certainly made us wonder. Continue reading

Oregon Clinic Drops Woman Battling Breast Cancer Over ‘Transphobia’

“The most chilling facet of this situation is that the clinic is more than willing to hand Barbera a potential death sentence over a difference of opinion. The second-most chilling facet is that this situation was not created as a result of a law, policy, or practice of a federal, state, or municipal agency. This was done at the discretion of the Oregon Health Science University, which did not like Barbera’s views on gender.”

(Lincoln Brown – PJ Media) Marlene Barbera is an Oregon resident who is fighting breast cancer. Until recently, she was a patient at the Richmond Family Medicine Clinic in Portland and was scheduled for a mastectomy. She will now be forced to seek treatment elsewhere—if that is even an option for her. Continue reading

Dr. Ben Carson: US Becoming ‘Totalitarian’

(Newsmax) Former Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson told Newsmax Wednesday that the United States is becoming “totalitarian” in the wake of a third criminal indictment of former President Donald Trump.

“Where are we going? Where is this leading? What is going to happen to your children and your grandchildren?” Carson said during his appearance Wednesday on “The Chris Salcedo Show.” “What kind of environment are they going to grow up in if we have a situation in which we weaponize the Justice Department against our political enemies? Continue reading

IRS Whistleblower: Additional Potential Witnesses Against the Bidens Are Being Pressured Into Silence

“When Biden-appointed U.S. attorneys in the District of Columbia and the Central District of California declined the case after only a brief review, and refused to allow Mr. Shapley or me to brief them on our findings, I knew I had to blow the whistle.”

(Guy Benson – Townhall) I realize much of political commentary flying around this week is of the ‘all Trump, all the time’ variety — and I’ve offered a few of my own baseline thoughts about the latest indictment, while deferring to legal experts I trust on the matter…. Continue reading

Devon Archer to Tucker Carlson: Biden Brand Is ‘Abuse of Soft Power’

(Breitbart) The Biden brand is an “abuse of soft power,” Devon Archer told Tucker Carlson during an interview released Wednesday on Twitter.

Archer was Hunter Biden’s best friend in business. Together they sat on Burisma Holding’s board and co-founded BHR Partners, a Chinese state-backed investment fund.

“Obviously, the brand of Biden, you know, adds a lot of power when your dad’s vice president,” Archer told Carlson.

Watch the video of the interview on the site. Continue reading

Walking Wisely Through Trials

“To fear the Lord means to walk in His ways, love Him, serve Him wholeheartedly, and obey Him (Deut. 10:12-13). But apart from Christ this is impossible.” 

(Sarah Ivill – Place for Truth) Suffering is incredibly difficult, but all the more so when we don’t understand its purpose and we’ve lost our hope in the midst of it. It’s important, then, that in the midst of suffering we take time to reorient our perspective by turning to Scripture. The book of Job is particularly helpful to walk wisely through trials. It teaches us to fear the Lord, find hope in our friendship with God, and recognize our true foes. Continue reading

Chris Hodges: God Does Not Damn Anyone, Satan Does!

Chris Hodges makes the mistake of being nicer than God, and this is reflected in his professed statement that “God is a blesser” and that “God doesn’t damn anything.”

(Ray Fava – Evangelical Dark Web) For Alabama megachurch pastor Chris Hodges, July brought an abundance of headlines featuring his name. Church of The Highlands (COTH) is one of the largest megachurches in America, with over 20 locations throughout Alabama. COTH’s pastoral restoration center, called The Lodge, garnered recent scrutiny over whether sexually deviant pastors were being “restored” at the church’s facility, which is located on one of their campuses…. Continue reading

‘It was worth it’: Young street preacher arrested at Wisconsin drag event

“I’d do it all over again if it gives me an opportunity to share the good news and rescue innocent children being sexualized by their parents. God will use it for good. We will stand for truth even if we stand alone.”

(Ben Zeisloft – The Sentinel) Police arrested and detained several young people in Watertown, Wisconsin, on Saturday while they were preaching the gospel at a public drag queen event targeted toward children. Continue reading